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[mJD MILITARY MEN-AT-ARMS SERIES 287 YZ 1 A 1 S 1118- 461 AD IAN I-IEATH ANGUS l\lcBRIDE 1,,,-, I'uhh,h,'tl on t;'~~l IJnwn III 1'1';15 In I)ublisher's IIUle O'q"~I, In "''lmn, ur 11....:,1 ( .."."",,,,r ll/l..h 1.111 Readers m:l~ \\ ish tustud~ this tille in cunjunctioll II ilh l'"lh~", \I"hdon 1lou'-l:,111 1I. ..... d. the fol1011 ing Ospre} publil..";llion,,: lJ>ntl\lll:'l\\ ;1>11.11 ~"d \ucll..lnd. 'ldh"... r,,~. Smr;JIItIf~ J",I'I vrUllru 1\ lAA 89 IJ)'=(IIIIIII<' .lm"t'S 886 IllS .\lJ\f\ I~O Irllllrso/lltrOIlIIIllIHl Tllrb I.WI) 171-1 .\lJ\A 195 1IIIIIxurj'ulldlltr fulllifEustrrn Ellrllpt lOOO I3b8 'II n[l.hb ~HoJ \/,,,,,,lrun'Jn, I... Jl'Jlong for ,he ru'l'U'o" (lj prn Jle "Utll. "....:-JI(·h. (T" ,~"n' or ""It"" J~ I"<'mlUl'oJ und~r Ih., c.'ln",hl,I>'·"ltn. Jnd I'Jr'·RI., -\n. 1<;1)1I..... r.n "llh" p... bl,u,...... m~\ h.. Artisl's nOll' rrp..Jd~n1. ,rornl on J rel",·,.l "'*cm. or r...n>llmrt<! Readers ma~ care 10 note Ihal Ihe original paimings In .nl form or h, .n' nK.n,. d ..... lron......l.... trocal. from II hieh Ihe colour platCS in Ihis boo~ \\ere prc­ .-hmlk~. mnlun....I, "1"....1, ph/l'OCtIfl, IIlJ, r«....tlmJ par("t! arc a\ailablc for pri\ale ..ale. \11 reproduction or uoC"",,,L'-l:. ,,"ho." l!w;- rnor pern,,_ of l!w;­ oop~righl \\hat~\er b~ OlfI,,,,hl " ......r '-""'\lInt> oJIt.oulJ he .ok!......"..,.. 10 'M i.. relainl..-d Ihe publisher. \11 I'ul>ll"Jwr., enquiries should be addrcsS(:d 10: :orpio P.O. IJo, ~j5. Ihilsham, I ,lnl>n In L ....... Iinr.,n h, ....,"11OOb l.rd Pnn'N Ihr_,h \\,,,,""'.,n. , ,tl .llunK "'unJ E. Sussc:\. U:'\2i lSL The publishers regrel Ih:1t Ih('~ I..'an enter il1lo no corrcspondence upon this mallcr. If IOU "uull! h~c III rel"'''"' m"re mf"rm:lI;nll .h"ur ().,I'U') 'hhl.r) h.."h. The O"l're) '1c"M.·lIj:<'r i•• regulJr IWI"leller "hich Clllll:ll11' Hlicle", riC" litle mfi'rmJlI()1l ;l1ld 'I\CU .• 1"Oi:r" Til iuin free "f charl'e pica.,... \I rill' I..: (hpr9 'lililar) Me-,senger. 1'0 lIu~ 5. Rusln1l:I1, \I"..llmn'" NNIU 6YX LA E BYZA TINE ARMIES 1118-1461 INTRODUCTION MILITARY The Byzantine Empire'. disaslrou' dcleM b) the CHRONOLOGY e1juk Turk' at ~Ianzikcn in 1071 cffccti,- ly marked thc end of \I ha is often described as the 111 Death of Icxiu J Komneno , 'middle' period of Byzantin history. Thereafter 1122 rn their la'l inroad into Byzantine territory, urn unded on ,\11 'ides h~ ~ unger, m r \ i r u. he I atzinaks arc defeated at he Battle of nationc, and \I ith ic 0\\ n financial an I lllanpO\' er E. ki Zagra. The umans 'ub equentl) oc­ CllP~ re oun:c progre:ssin:l) dwindling, hc ollee ,1I1-p( \V­ their lands. erful Empire slipped into a steady decline which ­ 112+-26 War with Venice_ lh u'h en 'ountcring () 'casional, sometimc length), 1128 Hungarian.. in V'llle the Empire a: far south periods of remission - \\'a~ 10 gradually gather"l ct:d a. Philippopolis (Plovdiv) befor being and, ulrimalcl), to prm e terminal. Howc\'er, the driven back. Empire" dCllli~e \\'a~ anything but peaceful, and, ne 1136-39 John II Komnenos (IllS 3) ha, ing, de­ 1\3) or ,H1other, for much of the last four cenlurics of spite numerous r verse', recovercd a size­ irs cxis encc it was ro find ir..e1f in a stat of virrually able p rrion of "\natolia from rhe Turk~ con tanl liar. during thc prcviou. two dccades, reconquer. ilician . rmcnia amI 'ampaigns in l orth­ c eJiu~ hOf.';cmcn or,ilc Il:lmlt:d. Tlwu~h tilc U,h cenwr., in li[!/l/ mf/jnrilY of.. "juk.o; in ern yria, rccei, ing the allegiancc of the armour curnpri.~ing Hnml1/inc sen'icc II"cre Crusader principalit} of Antioch afrer bc­ Ilurs,~an:fle:n; helmel ,Iml lamd/nr 'ome: lire: sieging the cit) corselet. VOle 1/1>11 rh~' known 10 1m \ e !Jeerr (1137-3,). lonee is \I'idded I \I 0- f/rnloured, 1146 lajor Byzantinc expedition against the: L'eljUJ.. Turks, though . lIt:·c ful. achicH:!> ians at Bartle of emlin (1167) re ul In linJc. recovery 0 Dalmatia, Croatia Bosnia and 1147 .' cond :rusat!c passes through on 'tan­ lrmlum. tinoplc. 1169 Failm of:l joint Byzantine-Latin c:-.p· ition IH7 k )~er II of 'icily at ack again t Damietta. ant! Corinth and 0 'upi' 1171-77 War \\ith \'eni'e folJo\\ing i\fallucl I'. c'\! e1kd. ,Inc t of all \ enetian' within the Empire. 11-t9-52 ,\lanucl I "-omncnos (1143- 0) cru ·hc. \ cnctian~ capwl'C Ragu 'a 1171 and occup. erb rebcllio and d'fealS the Hungarian Chio- 1171-72 until eha 'cd offb) Byzantine ,trill) which eUllles to its aid (1150) b 'fore fleet. Joint Ven rian-Sicilian at ack on By­ attacking Ilung:lI") itself. Renewed conflie zantine protectorate of An 'ona in 117] j. in IIS--5() again end in r lungarian defeat. '11'0 defeated, Fighting 'nels in onclu, i\'cl) 11-2 Punilive c\peditiol1 a~ain.t Cilieian I\rmenia. in J 177, peacc term' not belllg culcd until 1155-- '\Ilempling to recO" I' the Empire' lo.t II 3. Italian pOl>l>el>!>ion. , 13) zaminc. arc \ iClOrioul> 1172 Serbian re i tancc i tcmporaril) crushed. (J\'cr 'i'ilian j 'ormans .It thc Battle of 1176 In a campai~'l1 intended to eliminate the \mlria (1155). [ espite this ant! oth ']" uc­ • ultanatc of Rum, .\ lanucl [ is disastrou!>l~ ec .'es, howc\ er, the 'A\ dition e\ enlLlall) d feated by the 'cljllk. at the Banlc of fails. I.asl BYI.:lntinc troops withdrawn from Myriokcphalon. 'onsiderable raets of Itall in IIS(. " natolia once again slip from Imperi~lll:on­ 115 -61 \ l>eric~ of e:-.pedition: again t the 'eljuk tro1 in conscq uenee, despite sc\"Cral Byzan­ Turks rcsults in a Ireal) fa\'ourable to the tine uece, e' bel'\c 11 117f O. I·:mpire. II 1-83 !\ pate of reb 'Ilion fall \\. the death of lltil-ti-t Combined ('urcc" uf Byzantines from ,\1allucll. Cilicia Jnd Latin' from .Ieru ',tlem and II 4 'y pru secedes from the Empire under its \ntiu -h actiu: in .~ ria lIntil defeated b) governor and self-styled Emperor, Isaac ur cd-I in of '\Ieppo at Battle uf nah. Komneno.. 1165-67 \\ ar I' slimes between Ilungary and tbe II 5 icilian j orman s::tl:k Dlirazzo (Dyr- Empire. lJyzantine \'iewr) 0\ cr the llungar- rachion) and ThessaJonika, the Empire s The: Byzantine Empire /l80. Right: Ft'l)nt;cr. o(tllc icacan and [ruin F:mpire·c.1214,;111(/o{tf,c ByzmHine Empire c. /26'; 4 sccond-I:uw: I cil~ but arc 'vcntuall) de­ Trebiz nd. e pite \ ictorie. al the Battles of feated. ,'i 'ilians al '0 a si, t Isaac of 'ypru, ro Poimanenon and i\dram~ trion, ;\n immedi­ defeat a B) zantine expedition sent t recu\ er ate Latin attempt to 0\ en\ helm the Ii 'acan th island. Bpamin fail. II 6 Dulgaria ;lI1d ,'crhia sec Ie fr m the Empire. 1205 Defeat f the Larin b~ the Bulgarian: al the 1191 ~ing Rieh;lrd 1 ofEnglnnd onquer!> ) prus Battlc of . drianople oblige them to rccall amI sell" it Itl !Ill' TempI. rs. their forccs from Asia ;\linol", relic\ ing pre ­ 1202 :\kxius 1\ ,son f dq 0 'ed :mpcr I' l'aae 11 'ure on the icaeans. \ngdus (I U{S-lJ), per uade \\:nctian amI 1211 Baule of. mioch-in-Pi 'idia, .\lIi:lI1ce of Lal­ Lalin InU lering for Ih Fourth rusade I in., . eljuk. and Trapezumin Byzantine:- is a"i ·t him in rccO\ ering throne from usurper defeated b) Theodore 1 La brio f,'i '~H'a •\ Ie '\ ius III (I 195-110'), (120 2_). The depo'cd Emperor \Ic.:xius III 1203 renetialls an I "rusaders la~ on'tamin- i, aptured fighting along ide the :elju~,. ople. laa' II resIor d, \\ilh ,\I'xiu 1\ a 1212 Th dol' La. bri, def< at. David Kom­ c -Emp'ror. nena, independent ruler of Byzantine 120~ Isaac and r\lC\ius aI" d'lhron'd and rc­ J>aphlagonia since 1204, and \ nuns most phll'cd b) \lc'\ius \ l)uub', \\ho fl·c. \\h'n of his lands. \ en '(ians and Cru ad rs I' ta~e Conslantin- 1214 icaeans overrun \\'e!'tcrn porriclll ofEmpir' Dlle in I\pri! and 'stablish Iheir own 'Latin of' Trcbizond, l)avid of Paphlagonia de­ Empire'. Prineipallcrriwrie. I' maining- un- [eated and killed b) •'c1juks, der B~ zaminc rule arc thc Empire of ieaca, 1215 Epirote 13~ zantine' cunq uer mlll:h or \ ta­ Ih' })cspolatc of Epiros, and the Empire of t d nia, __.. _,._ NICAl..... EMPIRE <.l \4 121 Thcodnrc I OULIS of Epiro (12IS-30) 'om­ 12 5 Joint :--lic:l .tn-Bulgarian attack on 'onstan­ mcm:c. :l ,eric, of sue e ful (;( mp,ligns lin pic defeat I b) \'cnetian , ngnin't .he L lin' and Bulgarian thnt ex­ 1238 John III pro\'idc' a contingent of Byzantinc tends 0\ cr rhe next six) car .
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