Resource Conservation Partners Arroyo Simi Habitat Restoration and Enhancement CDFG SAA Application January 26, 2012 ATTACHMENT 4 Calleguas Creek Watershed Arundo/Tamarisk Removal Program Arroyo Simi Pilot Project Implementation Plan Prepared for: Ventura County Resource Conservation District P.O. Box 147 Somis, California 93066 Funded By: California State Water Resources Control Board Proposition 50 Integrated Regional Water Management Plan (IRWMP) Grant Program Prepared by: Wildscape Restoration, Inc. 2977 Sexton Canyon Road Ventura, California 93003 www.wildscaperestoration.com August 2009 This page intentionally left blank. Calleguas Creek Watershed Arundo/Tamarisk Removal Program Arroyo Simi Pilot Project Implementation Plan August 2009 Prepared For: Ventura County Resource Conservation District P.O. Box 147 Somis, California 93066 Funded By: State Water Resources Control Board Proposition 50 Integrated Regional Water Management Plan (IRWMP) Grant Program Prepared By: Wildscape Restoration, Inc. 2977 Sexton Canyon Road Ventura, California 93003 Phone: 805-644-6852 www.wildscaperestoration.com This page intentionally left blank. Calleguas Creek Watershed Arundo/Tamarisk Removal Program Page i Arroyo Simi Pilot Project Implementation Plan FUNDING0B Funding for this project has been provided in full or in part through an agreement with the State Water Resources Control Board. The contents of this document do not necessarily reflect the views and policies of the State Water Resources Control Board, nor does mention of trade names or commercial products constitute endorsement or recommendation for use. W:\Projects\_VCRCD\CCARP\PPIP\Plan\CCARP PPIP Final - 20090831 Reduced photos.doc Calleguas Creek Watershed Arundo/Tamarisk Removal Program Page ii Arroyo Simi Pilot Project Implementation Plan This page intentionally left blank. W:\Projects\_VCRCD\CCARP\PPIP\Plan\CCARP PPIP Final - 20090831 Reduced photos.doc Calleguas Creek Watershed Arundo/Tamarisk Removal Program Page iii Arroyo Simi Pilot Project Implementation Plan EXECUTIVE1B SUMMARY The Calleguas Creek Watershed Arundo/Tamarisk Removal Program, Arroyo Simi Pilot Project Implementation Plan (Plan) describes the implementation of an arundo (Arundo donax) and tamarisk (Tamarix spp.) removal project (Pilot Project) along the Calleguas Creek watershed on behalf of the Ventura County Resource Conservation District (VCRCD). The Plan establishes guidelines for removing arundo and tamarisk within a 54.4 acre area in Arroyo Simi on property owned by the Simi Valley Water Quality Control Plant (SVWQCP), the Rancho Simi Recreation and Park District (RSRPD), and Ventura County Watershed Protection District (VCWPD). The amount of arundo and tamarisk removed from this area will be determined based on the current availability of funding for the Pilot Project. In addition, coordination with the City of Simi Valley will be required regarding a proposed bank stabilization project and the associated mitigation to occur within the Pilot Project area. The removal efforts will reduce unnecessary water loss, improve water quality, reduce fire and flood danger, and improve the ecological value of the Pilot Project site. The Pilot Project will also serve as a model for future non-native invasive plant removal efforts as part of the Calleguas Creek Watershed Arundo/Tamarisk Removal Program (CCARP). The Pilot Project and CCARP are funded by the Proposition 50 Integrated Regional Water Management Plan (IRWMP) grant program through the State Water Resources Control Board (State Water Board). This grant is administered by the Watersheds Council of Ventura County (WCVC), an umbrella organization for Ventura County’s IRWMP development process. The Pilot Project will utilize manual and mechanical removal methods, as well as the application of aquatically approved herbicides to control arundo and tamarisk. In addition to the two target species, other non-native invasive plant species will be removed as they are encountered. All Pilot Project personnel will follow Best Management Practices (BMPs) and receive training by a qualified biologist in the identification of any special status plant and wildlife species that may be present on site to minimize impacts to these species. In addition, all initial removal efforts will be conducted outside of the bird breeding season to avoid impacts to the federally endangered least Bell’s vireo (Vireo bellii pusillus). Monitoring of the removal site will occur for the duration of the Pilot Project to achieve sufficient mortality of the target species. Maintenance will occur year-round for two years following the initial removal efforts through the December 2011 to address any resprouting of non-native invasive plants. However, maintenance efforts for arundo are most effective if they are conducted for at least five years after the initial removal efforts are completed. Focused species surveys will be conducted for least Bell’s vireo each year to determine presence or absence. If least Bell’s vireos are present, all monitoring and maintenance activities from March 1 to September 15 will use established BMPs to avoid impacts to this subspecies. Natural recruitment of native riparian habitat after removal efforts are complete will help prevent arundo and tamarisk from re-colonizing the Pilot Project area. If sufficient recolonization of native plant species does not occur, additional funding should be sought for the removal of any remaining arundo and tamarisk at the 54.4 acre site, and for native habitat restoration. W:\Projects\_VCRCD\CCARP\PPIP\Plan\CCARP PPIP Final - 20090831 Reduced photos.doc Calleguas Creek Watershed Arundo/Tamarisk Removal Program Page iv Arroyo Simi Pilot Project Implementation Plan This page intentionally left blank. W:\Projects\_VCRCD\CCARP\PPIP\Plan\CCARP PPIP Final - 20090831 Reduced photos.doc Calleguas Creek Watershed Arundo/Tamarisk Removal Program Page v Arroyo Simi Pilot Project Implementation Plan TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Page FUNDING....................................................................................................................... i EXECUTIVE SUMMARY .................................................................................................iii 1.0 INTRODUCTION................................................................................................. 1 1.1 Objectives...................................................................................................... 2 1.2 Location......................................................................................................... 2 1.3 Ownership and Responsible Parties ................................................................. 2 1.4 Funding ......................................................................................................... 9 1.5 Regulatory Compliance ................................................................................... 9 2.0 PILOT PROJECT SETTING .................................................................................. 9 2.1 Hydrology ...................................................................................................... 9 2.2 Soils .............................................................................................................10 2.3 Existing Vegetation Communities....................................................................10 2.3.1 Arroyo Willow and Red Willow Woodland.........................................10 2.3.2 Arundo ..........................................................................................18 2.3.3 Riparian Scrub ...............................................................................18 2.3.4 Adjacent Upland Communities.........................................................19 3.0 TARGET NON-NATIVE INVASIVE PLANT SPECIES........................................... 19 3.1 Arundo (Arundo donax) .................................................................................19 3.2 Tamarisk (Tamarix spp.)................................................................................21 3.3 Other Non-Native Invasive Plant Species.........................................................22 4.0 POTENTIAL IMPACTS TO NATURAL RESOURCES ............................................ 22 4.1 Positive Impacts............................................................................................22 4.2 Negative Impacts ..........................................................................................24 4.3 Special Status Species ...................................................................................24 4.3.1 Special Status Plants ......................................................................25 4.3.2 Special Status Wildlife ....................................................................27 5.0 IMPLEMENTATION........................................................................................... 30 5.1 Water Quality Monitoring ...............................................................................31 5.2 Pre-construction Surveys................................................................................31 5.3 Personnel Education ......................................................................................31 5.4 Staging Areas................................................................................................32 5.5 Site Access....................................................................................................32 5.6 Signage ........................................................................................................32
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