-- ---- -- -- ---- -- ------ --- --- - -- - -- --- -- -- - -- --- - -- EUROP~ ITIES Apwentl i ce$ Tale. ~ar.iQ~St .Information 1i1i:J ies /imd lnhovation COM(87) 290 .final (1G XI I I ~ussels , 30 June 'd~87 , D (Green Paper on the Development of the Common Market .for Telecomrnunic:atidhs services and equipment) 1 : THE REGULATORY TRENDS IN MEMBER STATES AND THE UNI 2 : SATELLITE SERVICES CURRENT TRENDS 3 : THE EUROPEAN TELECOMMUN MECHAN I SMS AND APPENDIX 4: INTERNA T IONAL TELECOMMUN ICAT.TONS (ITU) : IMPACT ON THE REGULATClJRY OF THE COMMUNITY GLOSSARY OF TECHNICAL TERMS........................ ........................................... ABLE o~. CONTI~;N~rS APPENDIX 1: THE REGULATORY TRENDS IN THE MEMBER ........... 1 STATES AND THE UNITED S'l'ATES AND JAPAN REGULATORY DEVELOPMENTS IN THE COMMUNITY.................. 1 OVERVIEW : Present Telecommunications Market Structures in the European Communi ties Per Country REGULATORY BODY II. TELECOMMUNICATIONS OPERATOR Ill. THE CURRENT SITUATION WITH REGARD TO SERVICES AND EQUIPMENT IV. CURRENT NATIONAL TRENDS AND DISCUSSIONS ON REGULATORY ISSUES Belgium............................................... Denmark............................................... France................................................ Germany............................................... Greece................................................ - Ireland.,...............................,................. Italy................................................. - Luxembourg................................................ Netherlands........................................... - Spain........, - Portugal.................................,............. - United Kingdom........................................... 49 :................................................ .. ." . ... .. .. ... ... .... .. ..... ... .. .. .... REGULATORY DEVELOPMENTS OUTSIDE THE COMMUNITY... UNITED STATES :........................................... 58 HISTORY............................................. 58 II. CURRENT SITUATION.................................. 60 ILL Regulatory Bodies.......................... 60 I1.2. Telecommunications Operators............... 62 I1.3. standardisation............................Increase of resources for 11. 4. Service definition problems. A . A . A . " A . " II . Effects on tariffs......................... 65 II.6. Interconnection issues..................... 65 I1. 7. International repercussions................ 66 III. COMPUTER II I / COMPARABLY EFFICIENT INTERCONNECTION (CEI) / OPEN NETWORK ARCHITECTURE (ONA)................................. 67 II 1. 1. Computer III /FCC objectives for the enhanced services market............... 67 III.2. Comparably Efficient Interconnection (CEI). 67 1. Pr inciples of CEI..................... 68 2. Related Competitive Safeguards........ 69 III. 3. Open Network Architecture (ONA)............. 69 1. DNA objectives according to Computer III......................... 69 2. ONA Planning........................... 70 IV. RECENT DEVELOPMENTS............................... 71 JAPAN. HISTORY............................................ 73 II. THE NEW TELECOMMUNICATIONS LAWS................... 73 ILL Type I operator-s........................... 74 II. 2. International Type I operators............. 75 II. 3. Type II operatorsA" " A II 1. ROLE OF THE MPT.................................... 77 IV. RESULTS OF THE NEW LAWS........ EFFECT OF THE NEW LAWS ON NTT..................... 78 .............................: - . - . - .- .. .- .. .. .. .. .. APPENDIX 2: SATELLITE SERVICES IN EUROPE cURHRNT TRENDS J . EUROPE.....................................................SA'I'KLL"PJ'; COMf\1UNICA'I'IONS SYS'rEMS COVERING 1..1. The E:U'PELSA'I' system .............................. 1. 2. The INTELSAT system .............................. 1. 3. The INMARSAT system REGULATORY ENVIRONMENT OF SATELLITE COMMUNICATIONS IN EUROPE................................................ Regulator-y elements of satellite systems ......... 89 1.1. The uplink.......................................... 89 1. 2. The space segment................................. 89 1.3. The downlink....................................... 90 Regulatory situation r-egarding satellite communications in Member- States.................... 91 Belgium............................................. 91 Denmar-k.............................................Fr-ance............................................. 91 Gr-eece.............................................Ger-many .......................................... Ireland ........................................... Italy.............................................. 94 Luxembourg........................................ 95 Netherlands....................................... 95 10. Portugal.......................................... 95 11. Spain............................................. 96 12. United Kingdom.................................... 96 Regulation of satellite services in the United States..................................... 97 FUTURE SATELLITE SYSTEMS COVERING EUROPE.................. 99 SATELLITE SERVICES SUITABLE FOR THE EUROPEAN GEOGRAPHY AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS ENVIRONMENT............. 103 TECHNICAL AND MARKET DEVELOPMENT IN SATELLITE COMMUNICATIONS IN EUROPE AND THE UNITED STATES........... 106 ADJUSTMENT OF REGULATORY CONDITIONS TO IMPROVE SATELLITE COMMUNICATIONS IN EUROPE.. 107 ,................................................................:......- . -. .. ... .. APPENDIX 3: THE EUROPEAN CONFERENCE OF POSTAL AND... 111 TELECOMMUNICATIONS ADMINISTRATIONS (CEPT) : MECHANISMS AND CO-OPERATION WITH THE COMMUNITY Structure ................................................. Jl1 Objectives and their accomplishment ....................... 112 Or-ganisation ............................................... 112 Relations between CEPT and the Community.................. 113 APPENDIX 4: INTERNATIONAL TELECOMMUNICATIONS UNION 116 ( ITU) : IMPACT ON THE REGULATORY ENVIRONMENT OF THE COMMUNITY Inter-national Telecommunications Union (ITU) 116 Structure and obj ecti ves Organisation........ .......,. .. 117 Ma in implications of ITU activities for the Communi ty. 119 1 International standardisation 119 2 Frequency Allocation.................................... 121 3 other- Recommendations................................... 122 Accounting r-ates and K-factors...................... 122 Pr-esent Recommendations concerning................. 123 pr-ovision of international circuits. World Administrative Telegraph and Telephone Conference (WATTC - 88) ................................................ 124 GLOSSARY OF TECHNICAL TERMS......... - . 126 APPENDIX 1 CURRENT REGULATORY DEVELOPMENTS Regulatory Developments inside the Community This survey of regulatory trends in the Community was carried out dur- ing the first half of 1987 in conj unction with the Senior Officials Group on Telecommunications (SOG-T). The information was dr-awn from a range of sources available to the Commission , and was confirmed by the SOG-T. For easy reference , tables are reproduced from the Green Paper. Regulatory Developments outside the Community - United States - Japan fig. 1/1 01.06. PRESENT TELECOMMUNICATIONS MARKET STRUCTURES IN THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES (1) COUNTRIES Be 1 9 i urn Denmark France Germany Greece I re land 1. Relations with S (1) PTT (5) PTT postal services 2. Basic Service Network a) Loca 1 GM (PC) OM (5) GM (PC) GM (PC) b) Long-distance GM (PC) GM (PC) GM (PC) c) I nternat iona GM (PC) GM (PC) GM (PC) d) Mobile GM (PC) GM (6) GM (PC) Termina 1 Equipment a) Supply: Main Telephone set M (21) PBX Telex PL (2) RC (LIM) Modem PL (3) L (20) Data Termina 1 Mobi le b) Ma intenance Main Telephone set M (21) PBX Te lex Modem L (20) Data Terminal Mobi Ie 4. Use of leased circuits a) Domestic: Shared use/resa le N (4) N (7) Y (8a) N (4) Interconnection with N (7) Y (ab) N (4) pub I i c network b) International: Shared use/resa le N (4) N (4) N (4) Y (8a) N( 4) N (4) Interconnect i on wi th N (4) N (4) N (4) Y (8c) N (4) N (4) pub Ii c network (1) SOURCES: Member States (SOG-T) Abbreviations: see following page fig. 1/2 PRESENT TELECOMMUNICATIONS MARKET STRUCTURES IN THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES (1) COUNTRIES l!ill Luxembourg The Nether lands Portu a 1 Spain United KingdOm 1. Relations with S/PTT (5) PTT PTT (10) PTT (5) (16) postal services 2. Basi c Serv i ce Network a) Loca 1 GM (PC) GM (11) GM (PC) OM (16) RC (LlM) b) Long-distance (PC) GM (11) GM (PC) OM (16) RC (LIM) c) International GM (PC) (11) GM (PC + OM) (5) OM (16) (LIM) d) Mobile (PC) (11) (16) (LIM) 3. Terminal Equipment a) Supply: Ma in Te 1ephone set M (12) PBX RC (LIB) (19) Telex M (3) Modem M (3) Data Termina. Mobile M (13) b) Maintenance: Main Telephone set PBX Telex Modem Data Termina 1 Mobi 1e M (13) 4. Use of leased circuits a) Domestic: Shared use/resa 1 e N (9) (14) (15) (17) Interconnect ion with N (9) (14) (15) (17) pub 1 i c network b) International: Shared use/resa le N (4) (4) (4) (4) Y (18) Interconnection with N (4) N (4) N (4) (4) (18) pub 1 i c network fl1 SOURCES: Member State~. ISOG- Figure 2. Survey 0" Terminal equipment Regulatory Supply Conditions Upd..t-d 1&:00, .lJ 1~/e7 MOBILE RADIO MOCEMS PHONES PAGERS N-tVv'ork "IIIH.d Supply: Prlv...te Op.r..tor N""tVv'ork Non", . EHolus!v40 Operatorl 5..'ppl:,.- Provl",!""." Prlv...t. 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