..; . 1887. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. 597 burg, Va., in favor of the repeal of the internal-revenue taxon tobacco; Mary Lathrop; and to Mrs. Mary Jane Case-to the Committee on In­ and for rebate should said tax be removed-to the Committee on Ways valid Pensions. - · and Means. By Mr. WARD: Resolutions adopted by the Illinois Stat.e board of · By Mr. W. C. P. BRECKINRIDGE: Petition of a chamber of com­ agriculture, relating to the suppression of pleuro-pneumoma-to the merce for appropriation for coast defense-to the Committee on Appro­ Committee on Agriculture. priations. By Mr. A. J. WARNER: Petition of E. B. Beebe, for investigation By Mr. BUNNELL: Petition of 121citizens of theFifteenthdistrict into conspiracy of cert.<tin banks-to the Committee on Banking and of Pennsylvania, in favor of the Blair bill-to the Committee on Edu­ Currency. _ cation. By Mr. A . C. WHITE: Petition of 581 citizens of the twenty-fifth Also, papers to accompany the bill (H. R. 10591) for the relief of the district of Pennsylvania, in favor of the Blair bill-to the Committee heirs of Percival Powell, deceased, late postmast~r at Towanda, Brad­ on Education. ford County, Pennsylvania-to the Committee on Claims. By Mr. WILLIS: Petition of Weissinger & Bate, Finzer & Bro., and By Mr. J. :M. CAMPBELL: Petition of Berry F. Kinsey, for a other tobacco manufacturers, for the repeal of the tobacco tax-to the special-act pension-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. Committee on Ways and Means. By Mr. CLEMENTS: Papers relating to the claim of Cm·tis Bailey, of Floyd County, Georgia-to the Committee on War Claims. By :Mr. CONGER: Petition of citizens of Marion County, Iowa, for the allowance of a suitable pension for ~Irs. Minerva Kuhn, widow of SENATE. Peter Kuhn, late of Company K, Fortieth Iowa Infantry-to the Com­ mittee on Invalid Pensions. THURSDAY, Jan'l.tary 13, 1887. By Mr. DINGLEY: Petition ofWilliam L. Champvey and others, of • P.rayer by the Chaplain, Rev. J. G. BUTLER, D. D. Richmond, Me., for national aid to common schools-to the Commi~e JAMES G. FAIR, a &nator from the State of Nevada, appem·ed in on Education. his seat to-day. · By Mr. EVERHART: Memorial of London Grove Grange, No. 63, The Journal of yesterday's proceedings was read and appro¥ed. of Chester County, Pennsylvania, praying that the oleomargarine law be maintained; also, the tariff on farm products and manufactures, EXECUTIVE C0::\01 UNICATIONS. and in favor of the Reagan interstate-commerce bill, and a department The PRESIDENT pro tempore laid before the Senate a communication of agriculture-to the Committee on Agriculture. f1·om the &cretary of the Treasury, calling attention to the importance By Mr. FREDERICK: Petition of Alfred Poffinberger, ofMarshall of correcting the unhealthful condition of the Treasury building, and Cotmty, Iowa, praying that his war claim be referred to the Court of inclosing severalreports on the subject; which, with the accompanying Claims-to the Committee on War Claims. papers, was referred to the Committee on Public Buildings and Grounds, By Mr. HARMER: Petition of citizens of Philadelphia, Pa.., in favor and ordered to be printed. of a reduction of internal taxes-to the Committee on Ways and Means. He also laid before the Senate a report of the Secretary of War, in Also, petition of Thompson & Campbell, fo.r extension of letters pat­ accordance with the provisions of the river and harbor act of August ent-to the Committee on Patents. 2, 1882, stating the amounts due Charles McCafferty and D. and C. P. By Mr. HERBERT: Papers relating to the claim of Thomas G. Dull, contractors for locks on the Great Kanawha River; which was Vickers, of Montgomery County, Alabama-to the Committee on-War referred to the Committee on Commerce, and ordered to be printed in Claims. the RECORD, as follows: By .Mr. HIESTAND: Petition of J. Hambleton & Son, of Philadel­ phia, for the repeal of internal taxes-to the Committee on Ways and 'VAR DEPARTMENT, Washington City, January 12, 1887. Means. The Secretary of War has the honor to report to the United States Senate, in accordance with the provisions of the river and harbor act of .August 2, 1882, By Mr. JAMES: Petition of Schwing & Gladz and 4 others, whole­ wherein he is directed to settle the claims of Charles 1tfc0a1ferty and of D. and C. sale drug and manufacturing firms, asking for the repeal of internal P. Dull, contractors for locks on the Great Kanawha River, that he has ex­ taxes-to the same committee. · amined the said "claims of Charles McCafferty and D. and 0. P . Dul1, contractors for lpcks numbered 4 and 5 on the Great Kanawha River, under contracts made By ?!Ir. KELLEY: Petition of French, Richards &Co. and of Louis in 1874 and 1875, and subsequently for work done by reason of changes in the Desting and 40 others, citizens of Philadelphia, Pa., praying for there­ contracts and for losses caused by such changes, and by extra work and other peal of internal taxes-to the same committee. losses incurred from such and other causes beyond their control," and having heard their allegations, proofs, and arguments, and examined all evidence avail­ By Mr. McCOMAS: Papers relating to the war claim of the heirs of able and bearing on the questions submitted, he finds that by reason of changes Jonathan Tobey; of Charles R. Gregory, administrator of Theophilus in the contracts, for losses caused by such changes, for extra work, and for other Barnett, ofWashlngtonCounty; ofexecutorsofTobias Johnson; of ex­ losses from causes beyond their control, the amount due said contractors is as ecutors of Joseph R. Lang; of Samuel Gantz; of David Kailon; and of follows, namely: WilliamJames,ofWashingtonCounty,}.laryland-tQtheCommitteeon g~~~c:U:~~n~.~::·.:::·::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ~:g~g ~ War Claims. WM. C. ENDICOTT. Also, petitions for the relief of Jasper 1\I. Jackson; of estate of Louisa Secrefai1J of Wa~·. G. Beall; of Lewis W.: and Sarah E. Williams; ofWilliam S. Wilson; of The PRESIDE;>;T pro tempore United Stales Senate. William Rouzer; of William A. Wroe; of Robert W. Smoot; of Margaret NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES. lti. A. Hickman; ofSamuel T. Magruder; of Stephen Lyddane; of Ben­ The PRESIDENT pro ien~pore laid before the Senate a letter from jamin Duvall; of Benjamin F. Ball; ofWilliam H. Vinson; of William 0. C. Marsh, president of the National Academy of Sciences, tmns­ T. Lewis, executor of John H. Lewis; ofW. S. Offut.t, jr.; of Thomas H. mitting the report of the operations of the National Academy of Sci­ Rabbitt; of Howard Griffith; ofOsborn S. 'Vilson; ofSarah E. Cady; of ences for 1886; which, with the accompaning report, was ordered to Charles A. Duvall; and ofRichard T. West, of Montgomery County; and lie on the table and be printed. ofisaacRenn; ofWilliam W. Wenner, execotorof Joseph Waltman; of Israel Kessler; and ofRobert K. Thrasher, ofFrederick County, Mary­ PETITIONS .AND MEMORIALS. land-to the same committee. Ur. EDMUNDS. I present the petition of George S. Hawley, now By Mr. MORGAN: Papers relating to the claim of Catsworth P. at the Soldiers' Home, in Ohio, but formerly a good Vermont soldier, Thorp, and of R. M. Glover, administrator of James Glover, of Mar­ praying for an increase of his pension, accompanied by a certificate or shall County; of Ira A. Spouse, ofW. B. Coates, ofWright A. Moore, the surgeon of that Soldiers' Home stating his present condition, and and of Moses H. Lack, of Scott County; of James R. Box, of Newton a paper containing the t>roceedings and the report of the committee in County; of Robert T. Wood, of Jefferson County; and of James M. his case in the House of Representatives, at some former session. Patrick, of Tishomingo County, Mississippi-to the same committee. I move that the petition, with the accompaning papers, be referred to By Mr. MORROW: Memorial of Hannah S. Crane, Kate D. Mc­ the Committee on Pensions. Laughlin, and James T. Boyd, to accompany the bill (H. R. 10431)-to The motion was agreed to. the Committee on the Judiciary. M:r. JONES, of Nevada, presented the petition of George W. Quin­ By Mr. NEGLEY: Petition of iron-workers of Pittsburgh, Pa., for tard and George E. Weed, assignees of John Roach, deceased, praying the repeal of internal taxes-to the Committee on Ways and Means. that an appropriation be made for the payment of two balances of ac­ By Mr. REED: Memorial of Samuel Coles, asking for a pension-to count due John Roach before his aSsignment, which account was ap:­ the Committee on Invalid Pensions. proved by the Navy Department.; wbich was referred to the Commit- By Mr. RIGGS: Resolutions of the Dlinois State board of agricult­ tee on Claims. - ure, favoring the pleuro-pneumonia bill-to the Committee on Agri­ Mr. DAWES presented a petition of cit.izens and agriculturists of culture. New Salem, Franklin County, Massachusetts, praying for the passage By Mr. SAWYER: Petition of 398 citizens of the thirty-first dis­ of the so·called Hatch experiment·station bill for the development of trict of New York, in favor of the Blair bill-to the Committee on agriculture; which was ordered to lie on the table. Education. Mr. DAWES. I present the petition of the Grand Lodge of Good By Mr. STAHLNECKER: Memorial of Edward C. Fielder, ofKew Templars of the State of_Massachusetts, represented by its o:ffieel'fl and York city, praying for relief-to the Committee on Foreign Affafrs. containing a membership of 9,000, in favor of the Senate bill which By Mr.
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