H3322 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE June 30, 2021 our Nation’s roads, bridges, rails, and ten from fossil fuels over the course of derlying bill to prohibit using transit water systems, while keeping in mind the last decades and century. funds for artwork and nonfunctional the urgency to fight climate change. But now is the time to change and landscaping. I do not hear from my colleagues prepare for that change—not mind- AMENDMENT OFFERED BY MR. DESAULNIER across the aisle language that speaks lessly. This isn’t a radical proposal. Mr. DESAULNIER. Madam Speaker, I to the future; I hear language instead This is about preparing for the future. have an amendment at the desk. that clings to the past. On this side of In terms of the infrastructure that The SPEAKER pro tempore. The the aisle, we speak about a transition gets those new alternative fuels, hydro- Clerk will report the amendment. to a cleaner, more green future. gen fuel cell cars, battery electric cars, The Clerk read as follows: Madam Speaker, I urge my col- in California, we have acknowledged At the end of the resolution, add the fol- leagues to vote ‘‘yes’’ and invest in our that we need to get these cars to be lowing: communities. available to everyone, including people SEC. 6. Notwithstanding any other provi- Mr. RESCHENTHALER. Madam from disadvantaged communities. That sion of this resolution or House Resolution Speaker, I yield myself the balance of is why we have changed the tax code to 504, the amendment specified in section 7 my time. make it easier for everyone to get an shall be in order as though printed as the last amendment in House Report 117–75 is of- Madam Speaker, once again, Demo- alternative fuel car, not just wealthy fered by Representative Slotkin or a des- crats are bringing a hyperpartisan bill people, and get the benefits of that. ignee. That amendment shall be debatable to the floor. They are blocking Repub- I want to read a quote from Forbes for 10 minutes equally divided and controlled lican efforts to actually improve meas- magazine about infrastructure and by the proponent and an opponent. ures for the Americans who don’t make electric cars: ‘‘These vehicles use a dif- SEC. 7. The amendment referred to in sec- $100,000 a year, who can’t afford a ferent kind of fuel and plug into our tion 6 is as follows: Tesla. electricity system, and the good news Page 722, strike lines 1 through 5 (and re- This is not me saying that. You can about that is there are a number of designate accordingly). look at the numbers. You can follow cost-benefit studies,’’ numerous ones, The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- the money. ‘‘that are showing this can be really tleman from California is recognized. Let’s just look at the numbers. In beneficial to all ratepayers, not just The material previously referred to 2015, when House Republicans were in the drivers of the vehicles.’’ by Mr. RESCHENTHALER is as follows: charge and had another package that The critical mass of changing helps At the end of the resolution, add the fol- was an infrastructure package, 30 per- everybody. It brings down the cost of lowing: cent of the amendments were Demo- energy. So, for those rising costs at the SEC. 6. Immediately upon adoption of this resolution, the House shall proceed to the crat amendments. This time, only 18 pump, there is a bend in the arc that consideration in the House of the bill (H.R. percent of the amendments are Repub- will come sooner rather than later that 751) to prohibit a moratorium on the use of lican amendments. Clearly, this is far will help everyone, as opposed to the hydraulic fracturing. All points of order from a bipartisan bill. opinions by my colleague and some of against consideration of the bill are waived. Follow the money. It is no surprise his other speakers today. The bill shall be considered as read. All that, under this bill, congressional dis- Matt Stanberry, the managing direc- points of order against provisions in the bill tricts in blue States would get almost tor for the advanced transportation are waived. The previous question shall be double the funding for transportation program at the trade group Advanced considered as ordered on the bill and on any amendment thereto to final passage without projects compared to districts in red Energy Economy, says: ‘‘As you in- intervening motion except: (1) one hour of States. crease electricity sales for charging debate equally divided and controlled by the Madam Speaker, while liberals and the vehicles, it has the effect of driving chair and ranking minority member of the progressives push the Green New Deal down rates for all ratepayers because it Committee on Natural Resources; and (2) one fantasy on Americans, and while we do spreads the fixed cost of the system out motion to recommit. things like define art as infrastructure, across a larger volume of sales.’’ SEC. 7. Clause 1(c) of rule XIX shall not House Republicans will continue to Madam Speaker, this is about pre- apply to the consideration of H.R. 751. fight for investment in roads, bridges, paring for this new energy future. Who- Mr. DESAULNIER. Madam Speaker, I and real transportation that will help ever gets there first, as a country, as yield back the balance of my time, and real Americans and drive our economy. always in our history, has a predomi- I move the previous question on the Madam Speaker, I urge my col- nant role in foreign affairs and the amendment and the resolution. leagues to vote ‘‘no’’ on the previous leadership on this globe. The Chinese The SPEAKER pro tempore. The question and vote ‘‘no’’ on the rule, and are trying to beat us to that. We can’t question is on ordering the previous I yield back the balance of my time. let that happen. We talk about global question on the resolution and the Mr. DESAULNIER. Madam Speaker, I competitiveness. We need to get the in- amendment thereto. yield myself the balance of my time. frastructure in. Yes, they need to do a The question was taken; and the I want to thank my friend and col- better job at reducing pollution, tradi- Speaker pro tempore announced that league from Pennsylvania. I do appre- tional pollutants and carbon. the noes appeared to have it. ciate his comments about my personal The Clean Air Act, originally signed Mr. DESAULNIER. Madam Speaker, health and also his collegiality. by Richard Nixon, and then changed on that I demand the yeas and nays. His comments about being bipar- and amended by Ronald Reagan, two The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- tisan, I completely agree with. But Republicans, and the waiver that, un- ant to section 3(s) of House Resolution compromise requires, from my perspec- fortunately, previous administrations 8, the yeas and nays are ordered. tive—and granted, we do have a dif- gave to California through multiple Pursuant to clause 8 of rule XX, fur- ferent perspective about how we get generations, have fueled, pardon the ther proceedings on this question are there and who is giving and how much expression, the benefits we have gotten postponed. is given. in public health and traditional pollut- f I really think this bill is an incred- ants. It is fueling today the States that b 1345 ibly important bill for the future of join California, like Colorado, which America and American workers and in- are pushing this innovation. ESTABLISHING THE SELECT COM- novation. Madam Speaker, this is about the fu- MITTEE TO INVESTIGATE THE As far as changing to renewables and ture of America and America’s excel- JANUARY 6TH ATTACK ON THE alternatives, that electrical system has lence and its energy independence and UNITED STATES CAPITOL to be upgraded. We have seen what has its workforce, staying at home and pro- Mr. MCGOVERN. Madam Speaker, happened because of climate change in viding for this energy independence for pursuant to House Resolution 504, I the Gulf. We see the struggles we have future generations. call up the resolution (H. Res. 503) es- on the West Coast with fires, all be- Madam Speaker, in a moment, I will tablishing the Select Committee to In- cause, as evidence-based research tells offer an amendment to the rule to vestigate the January 6th Attack on us, what we have done with the envi- make in order the amendment offered the United States Capitol, and ask for ronment and the benefits we have got- by Ms. SLOTKIN, which amends the un- its immediate consideration. VerDate Sep 11 2014 08:42 Jul 01, 2021 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K30JN7.022 H30JNPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with HOUSE June 30, 2021 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H3323 The Clerk read the title of the resolu- ligence information regarding planned branches and other instrumentalities of gov- tion. events for January 6, 2021.’’; and ernment; The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Whereas the security leadership of the (B) influencing factors that contributed to ant to House Resolution 504, the resolu- Congress under-prepared for the events of the domestic terrorist attack on the Capitol and how technology, including online plat- tion is considered read. January 6th, with United States Capitol Po- lice Inspector General Michael Bolton testi- forms, financing, and malign foreign influ- The text of the resolution is as fol- ence operations and campaigns may have lows: fying again on June 15, 2021, that— (1) ‘‘USCP did not have adequate policies factored into the motivation, organization, H.
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