INDEX,VOLUME 59* Absorption coefficients Albite, continued attapulgite 1113 1ow-, comparison with ussingite 347 clay ninerals 11r3 nelting in nultispecies fluid 598 dickite 274 Alexandrite, chrorniumIII centers in 159 hal loysite 274 hectorite I 113 ALLAN, DAVID illite 1113 with V. Brown, and J. Stark, Rocke kaolinite 274 and Minez,als of Califowi,a; reviewed metabentonite 1113 by J. Murdoch 387 nontronite 1113 Allemontite, see stibarsen 1331 srnectite 1113 ALLMAN,MICHAEL Absorption spectra with D.F. Lawrence, Geological alexandrite, synthetic 159 Labonatony Techni.ques reviewed apophyllite 62I ; by F.H. Manley and W.R. Powers IL42 garnet 565 olivine 244 A1lophane rhodonite.. shocked t77 dehydration, DTA, infrared spectra 1094 Acmite, Ti-, phase relations of 536 Almandine Actinolite overgrowth by grossularite- spessartine 558 coexisting with hoinblende 529 in netamorphic rocks, optical Arnerican Crystallographic Association, properties 22 abstracts, Spring neeting,1974 1L27 Activity coefficients Amphiboles of coexisting pyroxenes 204 actinolite 2? 529 Al -Ca-anphibole ADMS, HERBERTG. 22 compositions 22 with L.H. Cohen, and W. Klenent, Jr.; coordination polyhedra M High-low quartz inversion : Thermal of site atons in I 083 analysis studies to 7 kbar I 099 hornblende L, 22, 529, 604 ADAMS,JOHN W. magnesioarfvedsonite (authigenic) 830 with T. Botinelly, W.N. Sharp, and refraction indices 22 K. Robinson; Murataite, a new richterite, Mg-Fe- 518 conplex oxide from E1 Paso County, AMSTUTZ,G.C. Colorado L72 with A.J. Bernard, Eds., )nes in Errata 640 Sediments; reviewed by P.B. Barton 881 Aenigmatite ANDERSEN,C.A. in volcanic conplex, composition, and X-ray data Micz,opnobeAnalysis; reviewed by A.E. Bence 1334 MRENS, THOI\4ASJ. Andradite with R.V. Gibbons, and G.R. Rossman; stability relations widh quartz 1016 Shock-produced color change in rhodonite t77 Andreineyerite, new nineral (abstr.) 581 AKIMOTO,SYUN-ITI ANGINO,ERNEST E. with T. Yagi, and F. Marumo; review of Marine Evapoz.ites, ed. Structures of spinel polymorphs Kirkland and Evans 880 of Fe2SiOaand Ni2SiOa 486 Angl esi te Albi.te synthesis fron aqueous solution L209 comparison with danburite high-, binary solvi with sanidine lAn. Mineral. 58210091: Errata 640 * Preparedby Wen H. Haung, Department of Geology, University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida 33620; and by Maureen S. Foulds, Department of Geological Sciences,Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg,Virginia 24061. Anleitung INDEX TO VOLUME 59. 1974 Anleitwg zut Allgemeinen urnd ARMBRUSTIvIACHER,THEODORE J. Polu"Lsations - Mil<?oskopie der with N.G. Banks; Clouded plagioclase Eestkoerpen im DtpehLieit (ninne- in nretadolerite dikes, Southeastern Berek), 3rd. ed. by H. Schunann; Bighorn Mountains, ltryoning 656 reviewed by D.J. Fisher rt42 Arnstrongite, new mineral (abstr.) 208 ANNERSTEN,HANS Arsenates Mdssbauer studies of natural arseniosiderite 48, 640 biotites 143 irhtenite (abstr. ) 209 Annite netalodevite 210 crystal structure fAtn. Mineral. picropharnacolite 807 58:8891: Errata z2L troegerite 763 Anorthite Arsenides comparison with danburite 79 arsenopalladinite (abstr. ) 1330 corrparison with hurlbutite t267 atheneite (abstr. ) I 330 isornertieite (abstr. 1330 Anorthosites, intergrowths 67s ) Antimonides Arseniosiderite optical and X-ray data 48 arsenopalladinite (abstr. r 330 ) conposition 640 atheneite (abstr. ) 1330 isomertieite (abstr. ) I 530 Arsenopalladinite new X-ray and microprobe data Apatite formation (absrr.) L332 electron microscopic study (abstr.) I 136 Atheneite, new mineral (abstr.) 1330 Apatites, lunar 231 Atlas of Sand. Sttrface Terkttes Apophyllite, absorption spectra 62t &,mttz (Krinsley and Doornkanp) ; reviewed ARAKI, TAKAHARU by F.D. Bloss 386 with P.B. Moore; Atonic arrangement Atlae of the Testuval Pattez'rts of of roweite 60 Gz,anite e, Gneis s es, and As soeiated with P.B. Moore; Bjarebyite: _, Roek Types (Augustithis); reviewed Atonic arrangement 567 by R.V. Dietrich 2t7 _, with P.B. Moore; Jahnsite: A novel stereoisonerisn 964 Atonic arrangenent _, with P.B. Moore; Montgomeryite: see crystal structure Its crystal structure and relation Attapulgite, absorption coefficients 1113 to vauxite 843 _, with P. B. Moore; Pinakiolite , Augite warwickite, and wightnanite 98s composition r20, 249 _, with P.B. Moore; Stewartite: Its crystallization and zoning L20 atonic arrangenent r272 titan-, crystal structure and _, with P.B. Moore; Trolleite 974 sector zoning L27 AREM,JOEL E. AUGUSTITHIS,STYLIAI.IOS S. Man-MadeCz,ystaLs; reviewed by AtLas of tLte Teth,ual Pattezms of W.R. Skirmer I337 Granitee, Gneisses, qtd Assoeiated Roek Typesj reviewed by R.V. Dietrich 217 ARISTARATN,LORENZO F. with R.C. Erd and G.D. Eberlein; Baddeleyite Roweite fron Franklin, New Jersey: in gabbroic rocks, composition 249 A restudy 66 Ba-feldspar Aristarainite lunar 231 new nineral fron Argentina 647 synthetic, phase transfornation and Armalcolite hourglass pattern 139 in Apollo 17 breccias, chenical BAHAT, DOV coluposition 681 Phase transfornation and development ortho- and para-, new ninerals of hourglass pattern in synthetic (abstr. ) 632 bariun feldspar 139 1346 INDEX TO VOLUME 59. 1974 Bloss,tr'. Donald BAILEY, EDGARH. BENSON,WILLIA},I E. review of Geology of Leeeh Memorial of Willian Thonas Pecora 420 Lake, J. Suppe tI43 BEREMSEN,PIETER MLAZS, L. with E.E. Foord, and L.O. Storey; with othersl Investigation of Corderoite, first natural the steps of apatite formation occurrence of cr-Hg3S2Cl2 652 by electron nicroscopic nethods BERNARD,A.J. (abstr. ) 1136 with G.C. Anstutz, Eds. )res in BANCROFT,PETER SedLnents; reviewed by P.B. Barton 881 Ile World's Finest Minerals qld Cryetals; reviewed by F.D. Bloss 387 Beryl, electron nicroscopic studies I BANICS,NORI\4AN G. BETHKE,PHILIP M. with T.J. Armbrustnacher; Clouded Report of the Treasurer for I972A plagioclase in metadolerite dikes 656 and L973 I34I BANSAL,G.K. Biabsorption coefficients with A.H. Heuer; Precipitation in neasurenent in pleochroic crystals 559 non- stoichionetric magnesium Bicchulite, 'newnineral (abstr.) 1350 aluninate spinel (abstr. ) tr37 BIDEAUX,RICHARD A. BARBER,D.J. with W.J. Mclean, and R.W. Thomssen; HVTEMstudies of deformed carbonate Yedlinite, new mineral 1157 rocks and crystals (abstr.) 1135 BIGARELLA,.IOTO .IOSE Barite with others, Minenala of Bz.azil; synthesis fron aqueous solution L209 reviewed by E. Ingerson 639 BARKER,W.W. BIGELOW,WILBUR C. with J. Grahan; The crystal chenistry with D.R. Peacor, E.J. Essene, and of conrplex niobiurn and tantal.unr W.B. Sinmons,Jr.; Kellyite, a new oxides: V. Electrostatic energy serpentine, and new data on calculations 1051 grovesite I 153 BARNA,[., and P.B. BARNA Bikitaite with others, Investigation of the conPosition and structure 7t steps of apatite formation by electron microscopic nethods Binary solvi, see solvi (abstr. ) 1136 Biotite BARNES,H.L. composition L43,783 review of GeoeltenrieaLTablee, inclusion in dianond 783 Rdsler and Lange 214 Mg and Fe2+ in coexisting garnet 2Ol MUssbauerspectra 143 BARNES, MILDREDA., and V.E. BARNES X-ray data 783 Tektites; reviewed by D.R. Chapman 2I4 Biringuccite, crystal structure 1005 BARTON,PAUL B., Jr. review of )nes dn Sedimente, ed. BISWAS,T.D. Arnstutz and Bernard 881 with S.K. Mukherjee, Eds. Minenalogy of SoiL Clays and CLay Minerals; MUR, WERNERH. re\riewed by W.D. Keller 7L46 review of Rdntgen-, Elektronen-, ed. Wondratschek 1148 Bj arebyi.te atornic arrangenent 567 BAYLISS,PETER new mineral (abstr.) 873 review of DIA, vol. 2, Applieatione, ed. Mackenzie 386 BLATT, HARVEY review of Stability of Heay Minerale, Bel lingerite FUchtbauer, Lisitzyn, Millinan, and (abstr.) crystal structure 1130 Seibold 1333 BENCE,A.E. BLOSS,F. DONALD review of Mieroprobe AnaLyeis, C.A. Report of the Editor for 1973 441 Andersen L334 _r reView of AtLae of Qunrtz Ieotunee, Krinsley and Doornkanp 386 1347 Bloss,F. Donald INDEX TO VOLAME 59, 1974 BL0SS, F. DONALD,conti.nued BROCK,KENNETH J. review of CrnletaL Struettue Data, Zoned lithium-aluninun nica Pies and Weiss LT42 crystals fron the Pala Pegrnatite L242 -Affairs,, review of Mirpv,als in WorLd District A. 2L8 Sutulov Bronides, see Halides _, review of WorLd DLz,eetoz,yof Minez,al Colleetions, P.C. Zwaan, Bronzite Ed., with others 1149 clino-, zoning and inversion s74 Finest -Minerals,, review of Wov,Ldts BROUSSARD,L. P 56 I . Bancroft with others; Zeolite r|RHOrtand BLOUNT,ALICE M. the SIGMAtransfornation (abstr.) 7L27 The crystal structure of crandallite 4L BROWER,W.S. BLOUNT,CHARLES C. with H.S. Parker and R.S. Roth; Synthesis of barite, celestite, Reexamination of synthetic parkerite anglesite, witherite, and and shandite 296 strontianite fron aqueous BROWN,GORDON E. solutions t209 with A.S. Radtke; Frankdicksonite, BOLSANELLO,AURELIO a new mineral 885 with Minez,als Bz,azil3 others, of BROWN,VINSON E. Ingerson 639 reviewed by with D. Allan and J. Stark, Roeks Book of Minez,als and Minez,aLs of CaLifornia; (Magnus), tr.anslated by D. Wyckoff; reviewed by J. Murdoch 387 Faust 636 reviewed by G.T. BRoWN,W.L. Book Reviews, see Reviews with C. Wil.laime and M.C. Perucaud; Orientation of strain ellipsoids in Borates feldspars 457 aristarainite, new nineral 647 biringuccite 1005 Buetschliite garrelsite (abstr. ) 632 crystal structure, properties, and pinakioL ite 985 synthesis 353 roweite 60, 66 BI.JLAKH,A.G. warwickite 985 Ilw Graphi.cs of Cz'ystaLs (in Russian); wightnanite 985 reviewed by J. Macek and P. Cernf 638 Borovskite, new mineral (abstr.) 873 _, with A.A. Mazalov; Accessory thorianite frorn the massifs of BOTINELLY,THEODORE alkaline rocks and carbonatites of with J.W. Adarns,W.N. Sharp, and the Turja Peninsula (Kola K. Robinson; Murataite, a new Peninsula) 378 conplex oxide L72 Errata 640 BURNMM,CHARLES W. with R.M. Hazen; Crystal stTuctures BMDY, JOHNB. of gillespite I and II 1166 Coexisting actinolite and hornblende -structures, with R.M. Hazen; The crystal from West-Central New Hanpshire 529 of one-layer phlogopite BREGER,IRVING and annlte lAn, MLneraZ. 58:8981: with C. Milton, and B. Ingran; Enrata 22L genic Authi magnesioarfvedsonite BURNS,ROGER G. River Formation 850 fron the Green The polarized spectra of iron in BRETT,ROBIN silicates: 0livine.
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