Calendar of Events September 2020 Notes: 1. Published by Tourist Information Center of Japan National Tourism Organization and all rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited. ©2020 Japan National Tourism Organization 2. Dates, times and functions are subject to change without notice. Especially schedule of outdoor events and flower festival may change due to the weather. Be sure to check the latest information in advance. 3. The access shows only major route. Please refer to following URL for alternative transportation from the station where you want to start. http://www.hyperdia.com/en/ 4. Japanese words appearing in the column provide the name of the event, the place and access for you to point out to Japanese passerby when you need help. 5. Please refer to URL (basically in Japanese) for each event. If you have further questions, please call TIC, JNTO at following number. TIC, JNTO Tel : (03)-3201-3331 from overseas +81 3 3201 3331 TanabataObon TsukimiTsuyu お盆梅雨 月見七夕 Tanabata,Obon is a Buddhist Star Festival event is held onin JulyJuly (if7 infollowing most pa therts oflunar Japan or Tsukimi,Tsuyu is themoon rainy viewing season parties in early are summer held on in the Japan. evenin It usuallygs when starts there Augustcalendar) 7 in or some August areas. 13-15. Based Ancestral on a Chinese spirits are folk in legvitedend into in which the isaround a full harvestthe beginning moon inof September.June and ends People in mid-July. set up a table with Glossary︓ Special Remarks: twohome starts to be - Altairhonored. (Cowherd) Bon-Odori and (folkVega dance)(Weaver) are - als lovoe held, each withother SusukiHokkaido, - pampas the northern grass, Sake, part Tsukimi-dangoof Japan, is least - rice affec dumplted byings Tsuyu. and Kagura Shinto dance with music Dates and Times are shown as follows which is common in Japan. butpeople only in allowed Yukata to- summer cross the Kimono, Milky Way dancing to meet in a circleonce .a Many year on this assorted- Tsuyu seasonal literally fruits means and plumvegetables rain. One as offering of the reasons to thes moonis that Matsuri Festival, Event Dates : M/D April 3 ⇒ 4/3 day.people梅雨 take summer vacations during this time and return to their Tsuyuand appreciate occurs when the beautyplums are of theripening. moon. Time : 24 hours system 8:00am ⇒ 8:00 Wisheshometowns are written to visit onfamily long homes. colored strips of paper and hung from a 8:00pm ⇒ 20:00 Ukai 鵜飼 Cormorant fishing, an ancient method of catching Ayu (sweetfish or trout-like fish), handling cormorants. This usually takes place at night under the blazing torches fastened to the prows of fishing boats from May until October. The following events are still to be confirmed. (as of Aug.20) Please check the latest information in advance. Region Dates Pref. City Venue Event Summary Access URL Summary: From Tobu Asakusa One-night performance of local Kabuki (traditional play by male actors) in Sta., take Tobu Isesaki 東武浅草駅より東武伊 the precincts of the shrine, handed down for generations in a rustic village Line to Aizukogen- 勢崎線で野岩鉄道会津 Hinoemata- Hinoemata Kabuki-no http://w Tohoku Fukushima Chinju-jinja Shrine called Hinoemata. Only guests of local accommodations in the village on the ozeguchi Sta. via Yagan ⻤怒川線経由会津⾼ 9/5 mura Yube ww.oze- 東北 福島県 鎮守神社 night can be invited to the performance this year. Railway Aizu-Kinugawa 原尾瀬⼝駅下⾞、バス 檜枝岐村 檜枝岐歌舞伎の夕べ info.jp/ Line. From there, take で70分檜枝岐中央下 Schedule & Key events: bus to Hinoemata-chuo ⾞ Bus Stop (70 min.) 19:00- ©2020 Japan National Tourism Organization 1/7 Region Dates Pref. City Venue Event Summary Access URL Summary: Cormorant fishing. It will be held every day during the period except on the night of the full moon (10/1 this year) or when the water is excessively JR Tokaido Honsen Line muddy. Fee is 3,200 JPY (Mon. - Fri.) or 3,500 JPY (Sat., Sun. & Holidays) https://w to Gifu Sta. From there, JR東海道本線岐阜駅 Chubu Gifu Gifu Nagara River Nagaragawa Ukai without meal. For reservation, please call 058-262-0104 (Gifu City Ukai ww.ukai- 6/13 〜 10/15 take bus to Nagara- よりバスで15分⻑良橋 中部 岐阜県 岐阜市 ⻑良川 ⻑良川鵜飼 Kanransen Jimusho), or reserve through major travel agencies. gifucity.jp bashi Bus Stop (15 下⾞ /ukai/ min.) Schedule & Key events: ●daily (except 10/1) 19:45-20:30 (Departure time: 18:45, 19:15) Summary: Cormorant fishing. Fee is 3,000JPY without meal. There are also lunch cruise JR Tokaido Shinkansen every Tue., Thu., Sat. and Sun. with 5,000JPY. For reservation, please call Line to Nagoya Sta. JR東海道新幹線名古 0568-61-2727 (Kisogawa Kanko) or reserve through major travel agencies. From there, take https://ki Chubu Aichi Inuyama Kiso River Kisogawa Ukai 屋駅より名鉄犬山線で 6/19 〜 10/15 Meitetsu Inuyama Line sogawa- 中部 愛知県 犬山市 木曽川 木曽川鵜飼 犬山遊園駅下⾞ (東 to Inuyama-Yuen Sta. ukai.jp/ Schedule & Key events: ⼝)、徒歩3分 ●daily 19:00-19:45 (East Exit), and then Lunch Cruise (every Tue., Thu., Sat. & Sun.) walk 3 min. 11:50-13:50 (1) Keifuku Arashiyama Honsen Line to https://ar Summary: Arashiyama Sta., and Ukyo-ku, (1) 京福嵐山本線嵐 ashiyama Cormorant fishing. Fee is 1,800JPY without meal. Tickets are put on sale then walk 10 min. Nishikyo-ku, 山駅より徒歩10分 - from 18:00 on the day. No reservation is necessary unless you charter a (2) Hankyu Arashiyama Kinki Kyoto Kyoto Oi River Arashiyama Ukai (2) 阪急嵐山線嵐山 yakatabu 7/1 〜 9/23 boat for a group. Line to Arashiyama 近畿 京都府 京都市 大堰川 嵐山鵜飼 駅より徒歩15分 ne.com/h Sta., and then walk 15 右京区、 (3) JR嵯峨野線瑳峨 ome/cor min. ⻄京区 Schedule & Key events: 嵐山駅より徒歩15分 morant- (3) JR Sagano Line to ●daily 18:30-, 19:30- fishing Saga-Arashiyama Sta., and then walk 15 min. JR Tokaido Shinkansen Line to Nagoya Sta. From there, take JR東海道新幹線名古 (1) Kintetsu Yamada Ise-jingu Shrine - Summary: 屋駅より http://w Line to Ujiyamada Sta., Naiku, Autumn Festival at the shrine. Various Japanese traditional performing arts (1) 近鉄山田線で宇治 ww.isejin Jingu Aki-no-Kagura- and take bus to Naiku- Kinki Mie Ise Sanshuden Hall are scheduled during the festival period. 山田駅下⾞、バスで10 gu.or.jp/r 9/21 〜 9/23 sai mae Bus Stop (10 近畿 三重県 伊勢市 and others 分内宮前下⾞ itual/ann 神宮秋の神楽祭 min.) 伊勢神宮(内宮)、 (2) JR快速"みえ"で伊 ual/kagur Schedule & Key events: (2) JR Rapid Train 参集殿ほか 勢市駅下⾞、バスで15 asai.html Details are still to be arranged "Mie" to Ise-shi Sta., 分内宮前下⾞ and take bus to Naiku- mae Bus Stop (15 min.) ©2020 Japan National Tourism Organization 2/7 The following events have been cancelled or postponed. (as of Aug.20) Region Dates Pref. City Venue Event Summary Access URL JR Tohoku Shinkansen Line to Shin-Hanamaki https://w Summary: Sta. From there, JR東北新幹線新花巻 ww.city.h Festival with over a 400-year history, featuring various parades of beautifully (1) take bus to 駅より anamaki.i bedecked 12 floats, over 100 Mikoshi and Shishi Odori (people wearing deer head's Tohoku Iwate Hanamaki Hanamaki Hanamaki Matsuri Hanamaki Ekimae Bus (1) バスで20分花巻駅 wate.jp/k - hoods and dancing with drums, native to Iwate Pref.). 東北 岩手県 花巻市 花巻市 花巻まつり Stop (20 min.), and 前下⾞、徒歩10分 anko/oshi then walk 10 min. (2) JR釜石線で花巻駅 rase/101 Schedule & Key events: (2) take JR Kamaishi 下⾞、徒歩10分 2327.htm cancelled Line to Hanamaki Sta., l and then walk 10 min. Summary: Yachi Hachiman-gu Annual Festival of the shrine, featuring Bugaku with a 1,100-year history, designated http://w JR Yamagata Shrine, as one of the National Important Intangible Folk Cultural Properties. The highlight of ww.town. Shinkansen Line to JR山形新幹線さくらんぼ Tohoku Yamagata Kahoku-cho Donga Hall and Yachi Donga Matsuri this festival is the performance, in which Yakko (retainers) demonstrate their skill of kahoku.y - Sakurambo-Higashine 東根駅よりタクシーで15 東北 山形県 河北町 others 谷地どんが祭り brandishing long spears on the city's main streets. amagata. Sta. From there, take 分 谷地八幡宮、 jp/3771. taxi (15min.) どんがホールほか Schedule & Key events: html cancelled Morioka Hachiman-gu Morioka Hachiman- Summary: Shrine : Morioka Hachiman-gu gu Shrine, Annual Autumn Festival of the shrine featuring gorgeous Dashi (floats) parading in JR Tohoku Shinkansen 盛岡八幡宮 : http://w Reisai & Morioka Aki Tohoku Iwate Morioka Morioka Castle site the city daily. Line to Morioka Sta. JR東北新幹線盛岡駅 ww.odett - Matsuri Dashi 東北 岩手県 盛岡市 and others From there, take bus よりバス茶畑⾏で15分 e.or.jp/?p 盛岡八幡宮例祭と盛岡秋まつ 盛岡八幡宮、 Schedule & Key events: (for Chabatake) to 八幡宮前下⾞ =829 り山⾞ 盛岡城跡ほか cancelled Hachimangu-mae Bus Stop (15 min.) Summary: Festival coinciding with an annual festival of the shrine. The highlight of this festival is JR Tohoku Shinkansen Tonogo Hachiman- https://to Nippon-no-Furusato a parade of local performing arts all native to the Tohoku region such as Shishi-odori Line to Shin-Hanamaki JR東北新幹線新花巻 Tohoku Iwate Tono gu Shrine and nojikan.jp - Tono Matsuri (deer dance) , Kagura , Taiko and folk dancing held by about 60 grouped people. Sta. From there, take 駅よりJR釜石線で遠野 東北 岩手県 遠野市 others /event/0 日本のふるさと遠野まつり JR Kamaishi Line to 駅下⾞ 遠野郷八幡宮ほか 921-1-1/ Schedule & Key events: Tono Sta. cancelled Tsuruga Castle : JR Tohoku Shinkansen Summary: Shinmei-dori Line to Koriyama Sta. 鶴ヶ城 : http://w Aizu Matsuri Festival of the area. The highlight of this festival is Aizu-han-ko Gyoretsu (a Street, From there, take JR JR東北新幹線郡山駅 ww.aizuk Aizu- (Aizu-han-ko procession in honor of a feudal lord of the Aizu domain and his 500 armored Tohoku Fukushima Tsuruga Castle and Ban'etsu Saisen Line to よりJR磐越⻄線で会津 anko.com - Wakamatsu Gyoretsu) warriors). Some more events are scheduled during the festival period. 東北 福島県 others Aizu-Wakamatsu Sta., 若松駅下⾞、バスで15 /kk/festiv 会津若松市 会津祭り 神明通り、 and then take bus to 〜20分鶴ヶ城⼊⼝下 al/aizu- (会津藩公⾏列) Schedule & Key events: 鶴ヶ城ほか Tsuruga-jo Iriguchi Bus ⾞、徒歩5分 matsuri cancelled Stop (15-20 min.), and then walk 5 min.
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