October, 1926 LIAS CROWE, engineer, east- Six vetcrmrs, zdlz a told of 151 department as section laborer at ern division, was retired from THO'active service on Juiy 29, 1926, wars aird three ~rlo~tths'service, were Garfield, Arkansas. I11 November. i)cixioi~cdnt thc rrtecting of tire Board 1890, he was promoted lo the posi- at the age of 60 years, due to total of Pcrtsiorrs, held Aifgi~~t24, 1926, ill tion of section foreman at Thomp- disability. He was born at Kolla, the ofliccs nt St. I.ortis, Mo. son, Ark. He retnrned to Garfield on No., February 9, March 1, 1892, and on Augus~5, 1300, r- 1866, but received was transferred to Okmulgee, Olila., his education in 10, 1902 he married Mabel Dee at in the same capacity. On Xovember the schools o f Cabool, 1\10. Mr. and BIru. Harrison 5, 1903, he was transferred lo Terl- Dixon, 1\10. His have no children of their own, but ton, Olcla., where he remaincd until father was a have two adopted boys. Thc family his retirement. On October IS, 1583, ronndhouse fore- resides in Koshkonong, 1\10. Coulin- he married Mary R. Willianls and to man. At the age uous service of twenty-iivc years and then1 was born one son, .John A. of thirteen, AIr. one inonth entitles him to a pension Gerstle now living at Tulsa, Olcla. Crowc went to allowance of $27.25 per inonth, ef- Mr. and Xrs. Gerstle residc in Terl- work in a dry fective duly 1, 1926. ton. Okla. Continuous service of zoods store at -- twenty-two years entitle2 him to a Dixon. but not GEORGE ROSBACI-I, engineer, cen- ensi ion allowance of $22.56 a month, findiiig the work tral division, age 60 years, was retired effective from July 1, 1926. to hi8 liking, took from active service on March 5, 1926, TII0M.W CROWE a position as en- due to physical disability. Air. Iios- HENRY SAUL FELDOTT, conduc- ginc wiper with bach was born in Tornoto, Canada, tor, eastern division, age 65 years, was the Frisco at Newbiirg, Aio., May, October 21, 1866. His falher was a retired from active seirice on June 5, 1884. In April, 1887, he was pro- butcher, and the son was erlucaletl 1926, due to per- moted to the position of fireman and in the schools of Toronto. At the inanent disability. on December 24, 1890, made his first age of 34 years he began his railroad Mr. FeIclolt was trip as a freight engineer. He was service on the old Arkansas & Chock- born at Naper- placed in passenger service in 1903. taw, running from Hugo to AIadiil, ville, Ill., April On August 20, 1900, he married Della Oklahoma, in the capacity of engi- 12, 1861. His fa- 3Ieyers of St. Louis and to them neer. He ran on this run in through ther was a farmer was born one son, hIorrill Martin freight service, local freight service and hc received Crowe on August 17, 1901. The fam- and passenger service until AIarch, his education in ily reside at 4665 Dclmar Avenue, 1926. In 1892 he married Biinnie E. the schools near St. Louis. Continuous seivlce of Draper of Chicago, Ill., and to them Wateiloo, Iowa. forty-two years and three mouths en- was born a son, Charles E. Rosbach. At the age of titles him to a pension allowance of Mrs. Rosbach died on hlarch 21, 1926, sevenleen he be- $73.75 a month, effective with August the son resides in Chicago and Mr. gan his railroad 1, 1926. llosbach lives in the Hartwell Apart- career as a ments, Hugo, Okla. Continuous serv- 1-1. S. FELDOTT switchman with FRANK HENRY HARRISOX, agenc- ice of twenty-three years and six the Illino~s Cen- operator, I<oshkonong, hIo., age 52 months entitles him to a pensiou al- tral Railroad. He also woiked in lhe years. was retired on March 10, 1926, iowance of $46.10 per month, cgective capacities of yardmaster alld conduc- due to total dis- May 1, 1926. tor for the AIissouri and the Chicago ability. He mas & Alton, and on April I, 1906, came horn at East St. COSltAD GERS'I'LE, sectioii forc- to lhe Frisco as a conductor out ot Louis, Ill., Jan- nian of Terlton, Olcla., was retired 0x1 Clinton, 310. He also ran bctmeen uary 12, 1574. His June 30, 1920, due to havinz rei~ched Springfield and Kansas City 111 1909 tather was a the age limit. EIe as a passenger conductor aiid as a farmer and ne was born at Al- freight and passenger conduc~crfrom '1 workel 011 the berswiller, Rhine 1914 to June 6, 1926. On Octobor, farm and attend- PfaIz, Gelmany, 1884, he married Caddie Fitscheii of I ed the schools Decenlber 25, Seclalia, 1\10., and to them were born / near Licking and lSS5. His father two girls, both deceased. Mrs. Fel- Cabool, AIo., dur- was a farnler and dott died on Xay 27, 1313. 111 Sep- ing his e a r 1 y he attciided the tember, 1922, he married Auna Marie years. A1 the agc schools near his Stark of Clinton, Mo. Air. and Mrs. of 26 yeais he ac- home. At, rlie age Feldott reside at 605 South 211d St., F. HARRISOS cented a position of fifteen years Clinton, 310. Continuous sei vice of as- clerk lor the he began fa]-ming. twenty years entitled him to a pen- Frisco at Thayer. 110. He worked in His first work in sion allowance of $33.60 a month, ef- this capacity at Thayer and Grandin America was as fective from July 1, 1926. in i\Iissouri aiicl at Portia, Al'li. From a butcher in Red- 1900 to 1903 he was agent and op- ding. Pa., Octo- JOHN GRIFFETH DICKE11SON, op- erator at Kardcll, Ark. I11 1904 he ber 1 Then erator, Springfield, Mo., was retired was stationed at Clarkton, Ark.; from he worked in this capaciij; in Cin- from active service on July 12, 1926. 1904 to 1911 he was stationed at cinnati in 1876 and came lo St. Louis due to having reached the age limit. Hunter, 1\10., and from 1911 to 1926 in 1881. In April, 1882, lie was as- He was born on July 12, 1856, at Fay- at Koshkonong, 310.. acting in the signed to work on the Arkansas di- etteville, Ark., and received his edu- capacity of agent-operator at all the vision of the Frisco al Avoea, and cation in the schools of that city and above named points. On Scytember in June 13, 1887, entered the track at the University of Arkansas. His October, 1926 Page 35 father was a farmer and raised W. A. NETTLETON DIES blooded stock. At the age of 25 he accepted work at Logan, Mo., as Former Superintendent of Motive agent-operator. He also worked at Seneca, Mo., in the same capacity and Power for Frisco Succumbs as clerk to agent at Ft. Smilh, Ark.; GEORGE NATHAN SAMUELS in London operator at Oswego, Kansas and George Nathan Samucls, pen- agent-operator at Pacific, 310. His sioned agent, died at his home in ILLIARI A. NETTLETON, pio- first work with the Frisco was in Spring Hill, Kansas, August 22, 1926. neer railroad executive and 1877 as freight helper at North He was born June 22, 18G3, at Spring- W Frisco superintendent, died on Springfield, 310. He also served in field, Mass., and entered the service August 30 in London, England, while the car department at North Sgring- of the Frisco at Parsons, Kansas, in on a vacation. He was 62 years of age. field and also as locoinolire fireman November, 1884. He served uutil the Mr. Nettleton was the son of the out of Springfield and Peirce City. time of his retirement, January 3, late George H. Nettleton, who built Mr. Dickerson has never married and 1926. as clerk, operator and agent at the Kansas City, Fort Scott & Mem- various points. His retirement was phis Railroad, now a part of the at the present time res~des at 715 Frisco, and was an outstanding figure South Dollison Avenue, Spriugfielcl, due to permanent disability. His pen- sion allowance was $44.91) a month in railroad affairs of the early west- No. Continuous service of cighteen ern days. years, five n~onthsentitles h~mlo a and he was paid, up to the time of his death a total of $179.130. He was born at Hannibal, No., pension allowance of $23.20 a month, October, 1563, and received his edu- effective August 1, 1926. JAMES NEWCOMB cation at Phillips Andover Academy James Newcomb, pensioned section and was a graduate of Yale Univer- NATHAN POTTS, section foreman, foreman died at his home at Clinton, sity in the class of '85. In that same Olathe, Kansas, age sixty-five years, ;\lo., August 19. He wab born near year Jlr. Nettleton entered railroad was retired from active service on Bois d'Arc August 18, 1851, and en- service as a rodman of a surveying May 18, 192G, due to permanent dis- tered the service of the Frisco Rail- gang employed by the Fort Scott line, ability. He was born December 29, road as a section laborer at Osceola, later holding the position of inspec- 1860, at Woodsfield, Ohio, and edu- Mo., in June, 1900. He servcd as sec tor and consulting engineer for sever- cated in the schools near his home. tion laborer and foreman until the al eastern lines. In 1892 he became His father was a farmer and his flrst time of his retirement which was due superintendent of terminals for the work was assisting him on the farm.
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