COMPANY PROFILE Profile information about ARABUILCO UPDATED JANUARY 2014 TAble OF Contents 01. COMPANY HISTORY 02. FIELDS OF EXPERTISE 03. PROJECT SCHEDULING & COST CONTROL 04. QUALITY ASSURANCE/CONTROL 05. HEALTH, SAFETY & ENVIRONMENT [HSE] 06. OUR VALUES 07. OUR CODE OF ETHICS 08. OUR ORGANIZATION STRUCTURE 09. THE DRIVING FORCE 10. VEHICLES, PLANT & EQUIPMENT 11. PROJECTS 12. FINANCIALS 13. TRADE LICENSES [DUBAI & ABU DHABI ] 01. COMPANY ARABUILCO COMPANY PROFILE | 2014 HISTORY HOUsING ON ITs RICH EXPERIENCE IN THE MIDDLE EAsT, 1. COMPANY ARAbUILCO HAs EMbARKED UPON EXTENDING ITs AbILITIEs As A LEADING COMPANY TO THE UNITED ARAb EMIRATEs, HISTORY OFFERING ITs KNOW-HOW, EFFICIENT WOR Ks METHODOL- OGY, AND ITs EXPERTIsE IN REsPECT OF EARTHWORKs, ROAD WORKs, AsPHALTING, As WELL As TO THE INFRAsTRUCTURE CONTRACTING INDUsTRY IN THE U.A.E, HENCE aCCOMMODATING AND ACCOUNTING FOR THE PUbLIC NEEDs. Arab building Construction, “ARAbUILCO”, is an integral part of the Lebanese based “sOLITRANs” a company specialized as well in Earthworks, Asphalting and Infrastructure construction with a rich collection of iconic and challenging projects with hands on earthworks and site grading of runways to road works, steel works, and foundation works. Today, sOLITRANs has been integrated into ARAbUILCO and operates under this latter’s Management and patronage. Ibrahim Al-Arab, Owner and General Manager of ARAbUILCO, established the company in 2005 in Dubai - United Arab Emirates. He has been actively involved in all aspects of execution of the works ensuring quality in execution, cost effectiveness and accurate timely delivery of project works. ARAbUILCO caters for and contributes in shaping major areas in the U.A.E. As you come to observe and access the Company’s achievements in earthworks, road works and asphalting, infrastructure, and civil works, it reflects a well- tailored functional outcome of our achievements. Depicted as such, all projects rendered, whether on a small or large scale, stand as testaments to our unique expertise in modeling the ARAbUILCO has forged lasting relationships with clients, region. All such projects are influenced and have entailed developers, general contractors, and subcontractors throughout superior qualities in performance, management, know- the United Arab Emirates. Whatever our role demands - how, innovation, all with an with an unfailing commitment to whether as main contractor or as division of a larger team excellence. A dedication to safety is explicitly second to none. (subcontractor) - we foster a spirit of cooperation and mutual Those qualities underlie each cubic meter of earth we haul respect toward the common goal of quality and commitment. and cart, every square meter of asphalt we lay, and every pipe and cable we erect. Our record contemplates a history of proper planning, management, safety and on-time delivery along with retaining a safe and At ARAbUILCO we acquire the required experience, skill, and clean environment. Our axiom at ARAbUILCO is to build a resources in tackling and carrying out the most challenging name, durable relationships, similar to its projects, so as to errands in earthworks, site grading, infrastructure, and road last and prevail. works under the most demanding schedule. ARABUILCO COMPANY PROFILE | 2014 3 ARAbUILCO HAs ALsO MADE TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT AN INDIsPENsAbLE AND REQUIsITE CODE OF PRACTICE sINCE 1995 (I.E. sINCE sOLITRANs EsTAbLIsHMENT). VALUING THE sOCIETY AbOVE ALL OTHER REsOURCEs, OUR WORKFORCE HAs AT ALL TIMEs bEEN WARRANTED TO MAKE DECIsIONs, sEIZE THE REsPONsIbILITY FOR CUsTOMER sATIsFACTION, AND GROW PERsONALLY AND PROFESSIONALLY.EFFICIENT WORK METHODs, TIMELINESS, AND QUALITY FUEL ARAbUILCO’s TRI UMPH. COLLAbORATING WITH CLIENTs/OWNERs, GOVERNMENTAL AUTHORITIEs, CONTRACTORs, AND sUbCONTRACTORs, WE CONsIsTENTLY DEVIsE NEW WAYs TO REDUCE COsTs, sPEED UP COMPLETION, AND IMPROVE QUALITY.ARAbUILCO HAs EARNED A REPUTATION OF HIGH EsTEEM IN THE INDUsTRY bY CONTRIbUTING TO OUR PEOPLE, THE COMMUNITIEs WE WORK IN, THE ENVIRONMENT, AND AbOVE ALL, OUR CLIENTs. 1.1 sAFETY Every individual employee has a task towards our core team, OUR co-workers, and Clients, and in particular toward the public to ensure that an accident-free environment is our mode of CORE life regardless of cost. as to last and prevail. ETHICS INTEGRITY We advocate the practices that are the foundation of our ARE organization; respecting individuals, treating people fairly, conducting business in a professional manner, and honoring GUIDED our commitments. BY: PRIDE We take pride in our people, our organization, the quality of our work, and our accomplishments. sTAFF PERsONNEL We recognize that ARAbUILCO’s greatest assets are its incumbent employees. We value each individual, strive to create a gratifying workplace, promote a team environment, and offer opportunities for personal and professional growth for smooth development and administration of projects. ARABUILCO COMPANY PROFILE | 2014 4 02. FIELDS OF ARABUILCO COMPANY PROFILE | 2014 EXPERTISE OUR FIELDs OF sPECIALIZATION AND EXPERTIsE IN DUbAI 2. fields of AND IN AbU DHAbI EXTEND TO THE FOLLOWING DOMAINs expertise As NOMINATED bELOW: Arabuilco undertakes foundation excavations, total site development including, demolition, clearing & grubbing, excavation, trenching, backfilling, berms, and site grading as well as specialty services such as footing excavation, equipment rental and material brokerage. We pride ourselves on our diverse background and experience. Whether the project is large or small, complex or routine, we have a deeper grasp that enables arabuilco to satisfactorily complete all tasks and identify potential problems throughout the execution phases of the numerous projects. Our personnel team of qualified project managers, engineers, surveyors, provide for the future growth of our company. Our field crews have a large quantity surveyors, foremen or gang leaders with our field staff are located fleet of equipment resources and the well built logistics to acquire the in our sheikh zayed head office in as much as the various site offices. The completion of projects on time and within budget. Our communication management team has a diverse background and ample experience in between projects, our corporate office, and our clients allow us to adapt the areas and disciplines of earthwork and site development. Our ability and change to different site requirements, locations, and schedules. We to build trusting relationships and unmatched construction services also take pride in our commitments to safety, and integrity. ARABUILCO COMPANY PROFILE | 2014 6 2.1 EARTH bulk Earthworks. Mass haulage of soil/rock/sand/excavated material for WORKS filling/disposal. & SITE Construction of Embankment in layers including compac- GRADING tion. Landscaping and grading works to required design param- eters. Golf course grading and shaping works. beach sand excavation, spreading and beaut ification works. Marine rocks works, laying placing including land development near sea shore. Deep excavation for building/structural foundation including dewatering and shoring. ARABUILCO COMPANY PROFILE | 2014 7 2.2 ROAD Construction of Roads and Highways WORKS & Construction of Roadway Embankments ASPHALT Construction of Parking ING Paving & Pavement Repairs Construction of Concrete Asphaltic Course Application of bituminous Prime Coat and Tack Coat ARABUILCO COMPANY PROFILE | 2014 8 FOR OVER 15 YEARs, ARAbUILCO HAs bEEN sERVICING GENERAL CONTRACTORs, DEVELOPERs, MUNICIPALITIEs AND COMMERCIAL CLIENTs ON PAVING AND AsPHALTING sITE WORK CONTRACTs. WITH THE MACHINERY, MANPOWER AND EXPERIENCE TO COMPLETE PROJECTs CORRECTLY AND ON- TIME, ARAbUILCO DIFFERENTIATEs ITsELF bY DOING THE JOb RIGHT THE FIRsT TIME AND ALWAYs PUTTING THECUsTOMER FIRsT.ARAbUILCO HANDLEs ALL AsPECTs OF PAVING PROJECTs INCLUDING: PLANNING THE JOb, REFERENCING GRADEs, ORDERING INsPECTIONs, “PROOF ROLLING” THE sITE, COMPLETING THE GRADING, MANUFACTURING THE PRODUCT, COMPACTING AND sTRIPING. THE COMPANY’s HIGHLY sKILLED AND EXPERIENCED PAVING TEAM, INCLUDING FOREMEN THAT ARE ALL CERTIFIED AsPHALT PAVING TECHNOLOGIsTs, PLAN AND HANDLE ALL PROJECT DETAILs WHICH PREVENT FRUsTRATION, MIsCOMMUNICATION AND WAsTED WORKER- HOURs. IN ADDITION, ARAbUILCO MEAsUREs THE PROPOsED JOb AND UTILIZEs THE LATEsT TECHNOLOGY FOR FAsT AND ACCURATE EsTIMATEs INCLUDING ALL COsTs INCURRED TO COMPLETE PROJECTs CORRECTLY THE FIRsT TIME WITH NO UNDERbIDDING OR POsT CONsTRUCTION EXTRAs. THE OVERALL EFFICIENCY AND ATTENTION TO DETAIL sAVEs CUsTOMER DOLLARs AND HAs HELPED bUILD THE COMPANY’s 2.3 EXTENsIVE LIsT OFREPEAT CUsTOMERs. INFRA storm water Drainage STRUC sewerage systems TURE Irrigation Networks Concrete structures, sewerage Treatment Plants, WORKS Civil Works, Underground storage Tanks, etc. Enabling Works – fencing, site development, temporary facilities. ARABUILCO COMPANY PROFILE | 2014 9 2.3 Construction is often described as «the industry and art of building the GENERAL structures that civilization relies on and by which civilization can be judged». Arabuilco sees constructionas comprising all of the facets of CON what we do and most specifically those of technically challenging features, massive, deep underground, large or deep piles, or those situations TRACTING requiring significant support to existing structures and roadways, construction. Our heavy construction efforts include deep foundations CIVIL and ground improvement, massive foundations and deep excavations, pile driving, retaining structures, walls,
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