1 2 REGION 7 COASTAL CHARTS Stock Number Title Scale = 1: Stock Number Title Scale = 1: 71005 Northwest Sumatera and the Strait of Malacca (OMEGA) 1,000,000 74008 Booby Island to Cape Wessel including Gulf of Carpentaria 1,000,000 71027 Pulau Bintan to Mui Ca Mau including North Coast of Borneo 74009 Cape Arnhem to Cape Fourcroy 956,200 and Adjacent Islands 1,091,700 74012 Cape Fourcroy to Cape Leveque 950,000 71033 Western Part of Java Sea and Southern Passages to China 1,613,850 74015 Melville Island to Dampier Archipelago including the Off-lying 71050 Great Channel 300,000 Islands and Reefs 1,923,630 72000 Java Sea 1,025,000 74018 Bedout Island to Cape Leveque 687,730 (Plan indexed on page 9) 255,370 (Plans indexed on page 13) 72007 Southern Part of Makassar Strait 750,000 74021 Cape Cuvier to Bedout Island 666,860 72014 Sandakan Pelabuhan to Sungai Manhakam including the (Plans indexed on page 13) Northern Portion of Makassar Strait 750,000 74024 Cape Cuvier to Champion Bay including Shark Bay 647,360 72021 Eastern Part of Java Sea including Makassar Strait and 74027 Champion Bay to Cape Naturaliste 620,210 Western Part of Flores Sea 1,600,000 (Plans indexed on page 13) 73000 Laut Maluku to Timor 1,600,000 74030 Cape Bouvard to Doubtful Island Bay 600,000 73002 Flores Sea and Nusa Tenggara 500,000 75000 Doubtful Island Bay to Head of Great Australian Bight 609,900 73008 Kepulauan Macan (Kepulauan Bone Rate) to Selat Peleng 747,750 75010 Head of the Great Australian Bight to Cape Catastrophe 606,900 73014 Islands between Molucca Sea and Mindanao (OMEGA) 745,000 75025 Cape Otway to Gabo Island including Tasmania 1,000,000 73020 Halmahera to Gulf of Carpentaria 1,614,350 75035 Eddystone Point to Port Jackson 1,000,000 73024 Merauke to Tanjung Van Den Bosch 1,000,000 76015 North Island including Cook Strait (New Zealand) 1,000,000 74000 Port Jackson to Cape Byron 553,020 76020 New Caledonia to New Zealand (OMEGA) 1,549,000 74002 Cumberland Islands to Fraser Island 1,000,000 76030 Fiji to New Zealand 1,936,290 74003 Cape Byron to Lady Elliot Island 577,240 76180 South Island including Cook Strait (New Zealand) 1,000,000 74004 Frederick Reef to Cooktown 1,000,000 82005 Bismarck Sea and Solomon Sea 1,000,000 74005 Cape York Peninsula to Gulf of Papua (Papua New Guinea) 1,000,000 82010 Bismarck Archipelago and Solomon Islands 1,090,000 74006 Cape Flattery to Louisiade Archipelago (Papua New Guinea) 1,000,000 82015 Solomon Islands 963,727 74007 Ward Hunt Strait to St Georges Channel including Vitiaz Strait 82020 Solomon Islands to Vanuatu 1,660,000 (Papua New Guinea) 1,000,000 92006 Philippine Islands-Southern Part 1,089,900 3 SUMATERA AND VICINITY (SUMATRA) 4 Stock Number Title Scale = 1: 63400 Andaman Sea-Burma to Sumatera (OMEGA) 1,200,000 71006 Tanjung Jamboaye to Singkil 500,152 71009 Singkil to Padang including Adjacent Islands (OMEGA) 500,000 71012 Padang to Bengkulu including Kepulauan Mentawai (OMEGA) 499,326 71015 Bengkulu to Selat Sunda including Pulau Mega and Pulau Enggano (OMEGA) 498,114 71040 Ko Tachai to Ko Butang 300,000 71042 Approaches to Ko Phuket 50,000 71043 Port of Phuket 10,000 71044 Kantang and Approaches 100,000 Plan: Kantang Harbor 25,000 71045 North Coast of Sumatera 300,000 71050 Great Channel 300,000 71058 Pinang Harbor (Strait of Malacca) 17,500 71059 Northern Approach to Pinang Harbor (Strait of Malacca) 35,000 71061 Approaches to Pinang Harbor 100,000 Plan: South Channel Entrance 35,000 71066 Lumut and Approaches 75,000 Plan: Lumut 25,000 71071 Approach to Belawan (Sumatra-East Coast) 25,000 Plan: Port of Belawan (Not shown on index) 12,500 71074 Pangkalansusu 40,000 Plan: Port of Pangkalansusu (Not shown on index) 10,000 71081 Kruenggeukueh to Tanjung Jamboaye 75,000 Plan: Ports of Kruenggeukueh and Blanglancang 20,000 71091 Northwest Part of Sumatera 106,701 71140 Ujung Katiagan to Tanjung Inderapura 269,500 Plans: A. Teluk Bayur 16,000 B. Teluk Bayur and Teluk Bungus 53,000 71180 Selat Sunda and Approaches 290,480 71210 Southern Reaches to Bangka and Selat Gelasa 300,000 71211 Selat Gelasa 125,000 71220 Selat Bangka Panels: A. Northern Part 150,000 B. Central Part 150,000 C. Southern Part 150,000 Plan: Pelabuhan Muntok (Not shown on index) 25,000 71223 Air Musi-From the mouth to Pulau Karto 50,000 Plan: Plaju Roadstead and Sungaigerong 25,000 71230 Selat Bangka to Selat Durian 300,000 71239 Pelabuhan Sambu 12,500 71241 Selat Durian and Approaches 100,082 71243 Selat Riau and Vicinity 100,000 71244 Selat Bulan (Indonesia) 25,000 Plan: Sekupang 10,000 71247 Singapore Harbour-Eastern Part 15,000 71249 Johor Strait-Approaches to Sembawang Terminal 10,000 Plan: Sembawang Terminal (Not shown on index) 6,000 71251 Johor Strait and Eastern Entrance 25,000 71252 Singapore Strait-Western Part 75,000 71253 Harbor of Singapore-Central Part 15,000 71254 Western Approaches to Main Strait 30,000 71255 Harbor of Singapore-Western Part 15,000 71256 Singapore Strait-Eastern Part 75,000 71261 Selat Bengkalis and Selat Rupat (Sumatra-Northeast Coast) 75,000 Plans: A. Pelabuhan Dumai 37,500 B. Selat Rupat (Southeast Approach) 30,000 71262 Plans of Port Dickson and Melaka A. Port Dickson Entrance 35,000 B. Port Dickson 10,000 C. Melaka Anchorage 35,000 D. Melaka 17,500 71265 Singapore Area 200,000 71271 Approaches to Selat Kelang including One Fathom Bank 75,000 71272 Northern Approaches to Pelabuhan Kelang (North Port) Panels: A. 30,000 B. 15,000 71273 Southern Approaches to Pelabuhan Kelang (South Port) Panels: A. 15,000 B. 30,000 71275 Strait of Malacca-Southeast Part 200,000 71281 Cocos (Keeling) Islands 30,000 Plan: North Keeling Island 30,000 71285 Strait of Malacca-Central Part 200,000 71295 Strait of Malacca-Northwest Part 300,000 71305 Strait of Malacca-Northern Part 300,000 71315 Ko Klang to Pulau Langkawi 200,000 71420 Selat Karimata and Northwest Reaches (OMEGA) 300,000 71425 Pangkalpinang Roadstead 50,000 71430 Southeast Reaches to Singapore Strait 300,000 71440 Singapore Strait to Pulau Tioman including Kepulauan Anambas 300,000 71445 Kepulauan Anambas 125,000 71450 Kepulauan Anambas to Kepulauan Natuna (OMEGA) 300,000 71455 Kepulauan Natuna Besar 150,000 71460 Kayu Ara to Tanjung Api (OMEGA) 300,000 93110 Pulau Tioman to Terengganu 300,000 5 6 BORNEO AND VICINITY Stock Number Title Scale = 1: Stock Number Title Scale = 1: 71036 Selat Karimata 500,000 72130 Pulau Ahus to Pulau Maratua (Borneo-East Coast) 201,270 71212 Pontianak and Tanjungpandan 72131 Plans in Borneo, Sulawesi and Muna Panels: A. Pontianak Entrance 50,000 A. Lingkas Road 74,600 B. Pontianak 15,000 B. Teluk Wambololi and Teluk Lasongko 75,000 Plan: C. Tanjungpandan 25,000 C. Teluk Belangbelang (Sulawesi) 20,000 71311 Teluk Labuk to Kuala Kinabatangan Besar 100,075 D. Teluk Pulias (Sulawesi) 50,000 Plan: Pelabuhan Sandakan 18,050 E. Teluk Pagalungian (Sulawesi) 40,000 71312 Marchesa Bay to Toganak Island (Borneo-Northeast Coast) 100,000 F. Raha Roadstead (Sulawesi) 15,000 71313 Selat Banggi Selatan to Teluk Marchesa 100,000 72141 Northern Shore of Sibuko Bay (Borneo-East Coast) 99,840 71314 Marudu Bay (Borneo-North Coast) 72,000 72142 Northwestern Part of Teluk Sibuko (Borneo-East Coast) 99,700 71320 Seria to Balabac Island (OMEGA) 300,000 Plan: Tawau 20,000 71325 Kota Kinabalu Harbor and Approaches (Sabah-Malaysia) 55,000 72143 Darvel Bay (Borneo-East Coast) 100,000 Plan: Kota Kinabalu Harbor 10,000 72150 Taganak Island to Tawitawi Island (Malay Archipelago) 196,000 71330 Tanjung Baram to Tanjung Nosong (Northwest Coast of Borneo) 200,000 72161 Ujungpandang 29,168 71331 Brunei Bay and Approaches 72171 Doda to Pulau Tuguan Panels: A. Approaches to Brunei Bay 150,000 Plans: A. 209,135 B. Brunei Bay 75,000 B. 209,135 71333 Pulau Labuan 35,000 C. Teluk Palu 100,520 Plan: Victoria Harbor 10,000 72173 Makassar Strait-Northern Part 500,000 71335 Muara Harbour and Approaches 35,000 72181 Tanjung Rangasa to Doda 200,000 Plan: Muara Harbour (Not shown on index) 15,000 72186 Pulau Batukalasi to Tanjung Rangasa 100,000 71340 Tanjung Sirik to Tanjung Baram (OMEGA) 300,000 72187 Pulau Kapoposang to Pulau Batukalasi 71343* Approaches to Miri and Batang Baram 50,000 including Northern Approach to Ujungpandang 100,000 71348 Sungai Sarawak-Tanjung Po to Pending (Panels A & B) 25,000 72190 Approaches to Ujungpandang 100,000 71349 Tanjong Bako to Kuching 10,000 73010 Kepulauan Tukangbesi to Kepulauan Sula 500,000 71350 Tanjung Bayung to Tanjong Sirik including 73012 Teluk Tomini and North Coast of Sulawesi 500,000 Kepulauan Natuna Selatan (OMEGA) 300,000 73016 Halmahera and Adjacent Islands 500,000 71400 Tanjung Sambar to Tanjung Berasbasah (Borneo-West Coast) 200,820 73018 Western Part of Pulau Seram with Pulau Buru and Pulau Obi 500,000 71401 Bintulu Port (Borneo-Malaysia) 30,000 73261 Selat Buton 240,682 71402 Approaches to Bintulu (Borneo-Malaysia) 75,000 Plans: A. North Narrows 59,209 71410 Karimata Strait and South East Reaches (OMEGA) 300,000 B. South Narrows 59,782 71455 Kepulauan Natuna Besar 150,000 73271 Tanjung Nederburgh to Selat Wowoni including Selat Salabangka 71460 Kayu Ara to Tanjung Api (OMEGA) 300,000 and Teluk Wawosungu 208,346 71465 Kepulauan Natuna Selatan 150,000 73291 Indo. 311, Banggai Archipel (Oostkust Celebes) 225,000 71470 Tanjung Bila to Tanjung Berasbasah 300,000 Plans: Baai van Banggai en Vaarwater Beoosten to-Oelon 55,000 72040 Tandjung Puting to Tanjung Sambar (Borneo-South Coast) 201,090 Straat Tusschen Groot-en Klein-Saloee 55,000 72050 Tandjung Malatajur to Tandjung Puting (Borneo-South Coast) 200,980 73341 Kepulauan Sangir (Celebes Sea) 72060 Tanjung Selatan to Tanjung Malatayur (Borneo-South Coast) 200,640 Plans: A.
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