February 4, 1977 Issue No. 272 Ualvenlty of MJuoarI·St. Leala Bill allows student curator Bev Pfeifer "In our case, one of the dent communication with the existing nine curators would be Board. " A bill currently before the a student," said Rice. "The In testifying, Rice cited the Missouri Senate would allow a student body organizations from fact that student trustees can be student to be placed on the each four UM campuses would found in all states by Nevada, as University of Missouri Board of submit a list of three names to an indication that student par­ Curators. the governor. From that list, a ticipation on governing boards is .... Senate Bill IS, in oduced by student curator would be ap­ an accepted practice in higher Missouri Senator Harry Wiggins pointed and confirmed by the education. (Dem.-Kansas City), would put a Senate. " "It is hypocritical to tel1 student on the ,governing boards According to the proposed students seeking structural of each state college and univer~ bill, the student curator would changes to work within the sity. It is currently under consid­ begin serving on Jan. I, 1979. system. " • eration by the Senate Education Qualifications include being a Committee. "full-time student, a senior in Similar bills have failed in The bill is a project of the an undergraduate level course of recent legislative sessions and Associated Students of the Uni· study, or a graduate student or a opinion seems to be also divided versity of Missouri (ASUM) an student in a professional school. with the current bill. organization which works for He shall have all the rights, Senator Harriet Woods, Oem.· legislation pertaining to stu­ powers and duties of other District 13, said, "I am in favor dents. curators." of the bill without qualitications. Sue Rice, legislative advocate I feel that students presently of ASUM, testified before the In the UM case, there would enrolled in universities shou Id committee, stating that the ap­ be no increase in the size of the know what the policies are. This pointments of students to gov­ board. For most campus~s, it bill will benefit both the tu­ DIAL A LANGUAGE: Students utiUze the language lab to advance erping boards would help avert a would require an additional re­ dents and the curators." their pronunciation sldUs. The lab Is located on the bottom floor of possible recurrence of disorder gent or trustee to be a student. "It is a special interest bill. ,. Clark HalI (photo by Scott Petersen]. common to campuses in the Rice said the presence of a said Emory Melton, Oem.· 1960's. student trustee encourages stu­ District 29. "A curator should dents to work out their disagree­ not be restricted to being a ments with the administation student at the university. A Heat varies; students complain from within the system, lessen­ curator ought to be picked form ing the possibility that students among the state population .." will resort to the type of anti-es­ ASUM argues that the pre­ Mary Bagley minor one in the old Adminis­ mainly from individual prefer­ tablishment behavior common to sence of a student on the boarc' tration Building. ences. "There are 10,000' people the sixties. will legitimize board decisi ns in Complaints ranging from lack Paul Kohlberg, assistant su­ here. You can't please every­ " We (ASUM) believe it will the eyes of the tudents. "Inter· of heat to too much heat in perintendent of Phyical Plant one," said Kohlberg. improve the function fo the estingly, one undergraduate reo campus buildings have prompted said that the heating and cooling Elsea suggested that students Board of Curators by providing a gent noted that as a student, he four or five calls daily to the systems need constant main­ with complaints about the heat­ student view," said Rice. "Stu­ was automatically oppo ed to Physical Plant staff, according to tenance. ing and cooling system call the dents will have a channel to the See "Student curator," page 5 Paul Elsea, Physical Plant Su­ Kohler said that some rooms Physical Plant on the Hot Line. Board. This would improve stu- perintendent. are cold and others not in the 'Elsea said there have not been same building because of low any extreme malfunctions with bids being accepted on the the heating system, but he equipment. attributes small irregularities to the change in seasons. Ventilation systems designed " We receive most of our by the building's architects are complaints about the ventilating also important. "Some buildings system especially in the fall and are more efficient than others in spring," said Elsea. "In the their heating designs, " said morning, the buildings are cool Kohlberg. so the heat goes on, Later in the Although he said that Physical day, the buildings become too Plant is short of help, Kohlberg hot, so the air conditioning is said that the problem is not so turned on." much in the repairing of the " But it is impossible for the heating system, but in getting heating and air conditioning to the parts. be on at the same time as "Some parts are obsolete and students have claimed," he said. there is a long wait for others," Some systems work that way, said Kohlberg. but ours does not. " Kohlberg said the complicated system is damaged by students Except for Clark Hall and the and faculty who try to remedy University Center, each building the problem by adjusting the have its own power plant. Clark thermostats. According to Kohl­ Hall and the' University Center berg, this is what harms the are controlled by the library's system most. plant. There are eight major Both Kohlberg and Elsea a­ PUT TO THE TEST: A student in Math 02 class watches wblle her test Is being graded. Students power plants on campus and a gree that the complaints stem continue to take a test until they pus It [photo by Scott Petersen]. What's Inside p'oor math a growing problem Earl Swift Students scoring 14 or below per-level math course, are avail­ on the Missouri Math Placement able to assist 02 students. Tests Lee tenure goes to Grobman An increasing number of Tests are required to take the must be completed by a certain UMSL freshmen are placed into Math 02 course. date, and taken during the Math 02 and pre-Math 02 "We find that there are student's scheduled class time. \ . page 5 courses each semester, accord­ around 100 students per semes­ Tests are graded immediately, ing to Raymond Balbes, chair­ ter not ready to take Math 02," while the student watches. No hassle with houseplants person of the mathematics de­ said Balbes, "which means that The new format is enjoying partment. they can't add fractions. Many relative success.- During the 1976 page 8 UMSL is one of many major don't know their multiplication school year, 69 per cent of all universities across the country tables." Math 02 students passed with a having to offer remedial math Math 02, which is not offered grade of A, B, or C, enabling Mars photos spark interest courses to its students. for credit, recently underwl"nt a them to go onto higher level " The situation is getting format change adding indepen­ math courses. page 14 worse," said Balbes. ,"Seven dent study to the all-lecture ap­ With the new format, students years ago, we offered only two proach. who went on to Math 3Q made sections of Math 02, and those As a result, a student enrolled three per cent fewer A's, B's, Swimmers give best effort were offered only at night. We in a class may come in '1lt any and C's, than Math 30 students' now have 24 sections during the time of the day to do work. page 16 day, plus four sections of pre­ Teaching fellows, usually under­ See "Poor math" page 4 " Math 02. graduate UMSL students in up- Page 2 February 4,1971 UMSL CURRENT Bill will change CP A licensing ... Eric K. Banks "One change that would be , dustrial workers who deserve the brought about would be the privilege of being recognized as Randy Sanderson, a gradua­ elimination of the experience a C.P.A. without having the ting senior in accounting, testi­ requirement for becoming cer­ opportunity to try to "become fied on Jan. 25 before the tified," Sanderson said. one. Please bear in mind tfiat I Missouri Senate's Appropriation "Licensing, which someone am by no means suggesting the Committee in support of Senate who wanted to start their' own relaxing of the strenuous stan­ Bill 100. This bill would revise practice must have, would right­ dards associated with becoming the law regarding the certifica­ fully come only after fullfilling a C.P.A., " he said. tion and licensing of Certified the experience requirement," he " I only ask that an unduly Public Accountants. said. " segment of the accountng pro­ Many accounting majors de­ " Our law as it presently fession no longer be denied the sire certification because of the exists denies many proficient chance to demonstrate and be extra pay and recognition that accountants the honor and dis­ acknowledged for fheir co m­ usually comes with the accom­ tinction to which they are en­ petC?nce, " Sanderson said. plishment. Presently, a college titled," Sanderson testified. "An graduate with a concentration in accountant might not be able to Sanderson is an officer of the accounting after being deemed or chose not to work for a Minority Student Service Coal­ of good moral character can sit C.P.A. firm upon graduation. ition and volunteerly tutors in for the C.P.A.
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