CORNELL UNIVERSITY LIBRARY BOUGHT WITH THE INCOME OF THE SAGE ENDOWMENT FUND GIVEN IN 1891 BY HENRY WILLIAMS SAGE Cornell University Library PA 3935.E5A3 1884 Anabasis of Alexander: or. The history o 3 1924 026 460 752 The original of tliis book is in tine Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. http://www.archive.org/details/cu31924026460752 THE ANABASIS OF ALEXANDER. THE ANABASIS OF ALEXANDER; OR, i^e Pislorg of tl^e ffiars anir Cottqnjcsts of '^hxmhtx tl^t (irtat. LITERALLY TRANSLATED, WITH A COMMENTARY, FROM THE GREEK OF ARRIAN THE NICOMEDIAN, BY E. J. CHINNOCK, M.A., LL.B., L0ND9N, Rector of Dumfries Academy. HODDER AND STOUGHTON, 27, PATERNOSTER ROW. MDCCCLXXXIV. "g 5~ /\ . 5"b r. f ^5- A3 Butler & Tanner. The Selwood Fiintiug Works, Frome, and London. PREFACE. When I began this Translation^ more than two years ago, I had no intention of publishing it; but as the work progressed, it occurred to me that Arrian is an Author deserving of more attention from the English- speaking races than he has yet received. No edition of his works has, so far as I am aware, ever appeared in England, though on the Continent many have been pub- lished. In the following Translation I have tried to give as literal a rendering of the Greek text as I could with- out transgressing the idioms of our own language. My theory of the duty of a Translator is, to give the ipsissima verba of his Author as nearly as possible, and not put into his mouth words which he never used, under the mistaken notion of improving his diction or his way of stating his case. It is a comparatively easy thing to give a paraphrase of a foreign work, presenting the general drift of the original ; but no one, unless he has himself tried it, can understand the difficulty of trans- lating a classical Author correctly without omission or mutilation. In the Commentary which I have compiled, continual ]?eference has been made to the other extant authorities on the history of Alexander, such as Diodorus, Plutarch, Curtius, Justin, and Aelian ; so that I think I may safely vi Preface. assert that, taking the Translation and the Notes to- gether, the book forms a complete history of Alexander's reign. Much geogi'aphical and other material has also been gathered from Herodotus, Strabo, Pliny, and Ammi- anus; and the allusions to the places which are also mentioned in the Old Testament are given from the Hebrew. As Arrian lived in the second century of the present era, and nearly five hundred years after Demosthenes, it is not to be expected that he wrote classical Greek. There are, however, at least a dozen valuable Greek authors of this century whose works are still extant, and of these it is a safe statement to make, that Arrian is the best of them all, with the single exception of Lucian. I have noticed as many of his deviations from Attic Greek constructions as I thought suitable to a work of this kind. A complete index of Proper Names has been added, and the quantities of the vowels marked for the aid of the English Reader. In the multiplicity of references which I have put into the Notes, I should be sanguine if I imagined that no errors will be found; but if such occur, I must plead as an excuse the pressure of work which a teacher in a large school experiences, leaving him very little energy for literary-labour. E. J. C. Dumfries, December, 1883. CONTENTS. Si.a3 Life and Writings of Arrian 1 Arrian's Preface ... BOOK I. CHAP. I. Death of Philip and Accession of Alexander.—His "Wars with the Thracians 8 II. Battle with the TribalUans 12 III. Alexander at the Danube and in the Country of the Getae 14 IV. Alexander destroys the City of the Getae.—The Am- bassadors of the Celts 16 V. Eevolt of Clitns and Glaucias 18 VI. Defeat of Clitus and Glaucias 22 VII. Eevolt of Thebes (September, e.g. 335) . 25 / VIII. FaU of Thebes .... ... 28 1 IX. Destruction of Thebes ... .31 X. Alexander's DeaUngs with Athens 34 XI. Alexander crosses the Hellespont and visits Troy . 36 XII. Alexander at the Tomb of Achilles.—Memnon's advice Rejected by the Persian Generals .... 38 XIII. Battle of the Granicus (B.C. 384) 41 XIV. Arrangement of the Hostile Armies .... 43 XV. Description of the Battle of the Granicus ... 45 XVI. Defeat of the Persians.—Loss on Both Sides . 47 XVII. Alexander in Sardis and Ephesus .... 50 XVIII. Alexander marches to Miletus and Occupies the Island of Lade 52 XIX. Siege and Capture of Miletus 65 JXX. Siege of HaHoarnassus.—Abortive Attack on Myndus 58 \XXI. Siege of Halicamassus 61 viii Contents. XXII. *Siege of Halicamassus ^^ XXIII. Destruction of Halicamassus.—Ada, Queen of Caria 64 XXIV. Alexander in Lycia and Pamphylia "° 68 XXV. Treason of Alexander, Son of Aeropua ... XXVI. Alexander in Pamphylia.— Capture of Aspendus and Side 70 XXVII. Alexander in Phrygia and Pisidia ... 72 XXVIII. Operations in Pisidia 74 XXIX. Alexander in Phrygia .... 76 BOOK II. I. Capture of Mitylene by the Persians.—Death of Memnon 78 II. The Persians capture Tenedus.—^They are Defeated at Sea "... 80 III. Alexander at G-ordium ....... 82 IV. Conquest of Cappadooia.—Alexander's Illness at Tarsus 84 V. Alexander at the Tomb of Sardanapalus.—Proceedings in Cilicia 87 VI. Alexander advances to Myriandrus.—Darius Marches against him 89 VII. Darius at Issus.—Alexander's Speech to his Army 91 VIII. Arrangement of the Hostile Armies ... 94 ^ IX. Alexander changes the Disposition of his Forces . i 97 ,-X. Battle of Issus 99 XI. Defeat and Plight of Darius 101 XII. Kind Treatment of Darius's Family . .104 XIII. Flight of Macedonian Deserters into Egypt.—Pro- ceedings of Agis, King of Sparta.—^Alexander occupies Phoenicia 106 XIV. Darius's Letter, and Alexander's Reply . Ill XV. Alexander's Treatment of the Captured Greek Ambas- sadors.—Submission of Byblus and Sidon . 114 XVI. The Worship of Hercules in Tyre.—The Tyrians re- fuse to admit Alexander 117 XVII. Speech of Alexander to his Officers .... 120 XVIII. Siege of Tyre.—Construction of a Mole from the Mainland to the Island 121 XIX. The Siege of Tyre 123 XX. Tyre Besieged by Sea as well as Land .... 124 XXI. Siege of Tyre 127 Contents. ix CHAP. PAQE XXII. Siege of Tyre.—Naval Defeat of the Tyrians . 129 XXIII. Siege of Tyre 131 XXIV. Capture of Tyre 132 XXV. The Offers of Darius rejected.—Batis, Governor of Gaza, refuses to Submit 134 XXVI. Siege of Gaza ... .... 136 XXVII. Capture of Gaza . 137 BOOK III. I. Conquest of Egypt.—Foundation of Alexandria . 140 II. Fouxidation of Alexandria.—Events in the Aegean . 142 III. Alexander visits the Temple of Ammon . 144 IV. The Oasis of Ammon 147 V. Settlement of the AfEairs of Egypt 148 VI. March into Syria.—Alexander's Kindness to Harpalus and his other early Adherents 150 VII. Passage of the Euphrates and Tigris ... 152 VIII. Description of Darius's Army at Arbela . 154 IX. Alexander's Tactics.—His Speech to the Officers . 157 X. Rejection of Parmenio's Advice 159 XI. Tactics of the Opposing Generals .... 160 XII. Alexander's Tactics ...... 168 XIII. The Battle of Arbela 164 XIV. Battle of Arbela.—Plight of Darius ... 166 XV. Defeat of the Persians and Pursuit of Darius . 168 XVI. Escape of Darius into Media.—March of Alexander to Babylon and Susa 170 XVTI. Subjugation of the Uxians 174 XVIII. Defeat of Ariobarzanes and Capture of Persepolis . 176 XIX. Darius pursued into Media and Parthia . .179 XX. March through the Caspian Gates .... 181 XXI. Darius is Assassinated by Bessus .... 182 XXII. Reflections on the Pate of Darius . 186 XXIII. Expedition into Hyrcania 187 XXIV. Expedition against the Mardians .... 189 XXV. March to Bactra.—Bessus aided by Satibarzanes . 191 XXVI. Philotas and Parmenio put to Death . 193 XXVII. Treatment of Amyntas.—The Ariaspians . 196 XXVIII. Alexander crosses the Hindu-Koosh . 196 X Contents. CHAP. ^^^^ XXIX. Conquest of Bactria, and Pursuit of Bessus across theOxus 199 XXX. Capture of Bessus.—Exploits in Sogdi3,na 201 BOOK IV. I. Rebellion of tiie Sogdianians .... 205 II. Capture of Five Cities in Two Days 206 III. Storming of CyropoUs.—Eevolt of the Scythians 208 IV. Defeat of the Scythians beyond the Tanais . 210 V. Spitamenes destroys a Macedonian Detachment 212 VI. Spitamenes driven into the Desert 214 VII. Treatment of Bessus 216 VTII. The Murder of CUtus . 218 IX. Alexander's grief for Clitus 221 X. Dispute between Callisthenes and Anaxarchus 223 XI. Callisthenes Opposes the Proposal to honour Alexander by Prostration . 225 XII. Callisthenes refuses to Prostrate himself . 228 XIII. Conspiracy of the Pages .... 229 XIV. Execution of Callisthenes and Hermolaus . 231 XV. Alliance with the Scythians and Chorasmians . 233 XVI. Subjugation of Sogdiana.—^Revolt of Spitamenes 235 XVII. Defeat and Death of Spitamenes .... 237 XVIII. Oxyartes Besieged in the Sogdiaji Rock . 239 XIX. Alexander Captures the Rock and Marries Roxana 241 amil XX. Magnanimous Treatment of the F y of Darius . 242 XXI. Capture of the Rock of Chorienes .... 244 XXII. Alexander reaches the River Cabul, and Receives the Homage of Taxiles 246 XXIII. Battles with the Aspasians 248 XXIV. Operations against the Aspasians .... 250 XXV. Defeat of the Aspasians.—The Assaoenians and Guraeans Attacked . .... 252 XXVI. Siege of Massaga 254 XXVTI. Sieges of Massaga and Ora 255 XXVIII. Capture of Bazira.—Advance to the Rock of Aomus 257 Siege of .
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