cycling The Great North Way 32 mile cycle route between Potters Bar & Letchworth via Welwyn, Stevenage and Hertfordshire countryside The Great North Way Hertfordshire has some great countryside to explore... and what’s more you don’t need your car to fi nd it. Get in the saddle and ride the Great North Way! This cycle route takes you from town into countryside using quiet lanes and traffi c free sections. The Great North Way is the latest in a succession of transport routes linking London with northern England & Scotland. Riding the route, you will cross above and below these earlier constructed road and rail links: the medieval Great North Road, The A1 and the East Coast Mainline railway. The Great North Way (Route 12) forms part of the National Cycle Network. Conceived by the charity Sustrans, it is one of many safe cycle routes making up part of an ambitious countrywide network. When completed Route 12 will link London with Grimsby via Peterborough. In Hertfordshire it takes you from Potters Bar (Hadley Wood) to Letchworth and Baldock - a 32 mile ride. You may not want to cycle all of the route, but why not ride part of it? You could even cycle one way and take the train back. See the Bike / Rail section on the back cover for more information. The map also contains information on interesting places to visit along the route, with an emphasis on free and less expensive attractions. Take a diversion down one of three old railway line cycle routes, expand your mind in Mill Green or Letchworth Heritage museums, explore woodlands or take a trip around Letchworth on their recently opened Greenway. Refreshments can be found in the pubs and cafes shown. If you live and work along the route, why not use this map to plan a cycle ride to work? Nearby schools are also shown to help fi nd a safe way of cycling in on school days. The Great North Way is surfaced to a good standard throughout so is suitable for cyclists of all ages and abilities. Local Cycling Contacts Public Transport For the North Herts area... The Great North Way is easily accessible by rail at several stations along the route. North Herts District Council - Tel: 01462 474000 www.north-herts.gov.uk Letchworth Heritage Foundation for the Letchworth Greenway - Tel: 01462 476000, www.greenway.org.uk For the Stevenage area... Stevenage Borough Council for Stevenage Cycle Map Tel: 01438 242242, www.stevenage.gov.uk Why not cycle one way and take the train back? The route passes near to several For the Welwyn Hatfi eld area... railway stations and these are clearly Contact Pedal Point at Welwyn Hatfi eld Council for more indicated on the map. maps in this series - Alban Way, The Ayots, Regular trains serve the stations between Cole Green Way & Welwyn Hatfi eld. Hadley Wood and Baldock from London, Tel: 01707 357551, www.welhat.gov.uk/pedalpoint Cambridge & Peterborough. For the Hertsmere area... There are no restrictions at weekends and Hertsmere Borough Council for Watling Chase Greenways bank holidays for taking your bike on the Tel: 020 8207 2277, www.hertsmere.gov.uk train (although tandems are not permitted). For further information, and Other Contacts train times: www.wagn.co.uk Hertfordshire County Council: National Rail Enquiries www.hertsdirect.org.uk/cycleweb Tel: 08457 48 49 50, www.nationalrail.co.uk Sustrans: www.sustrans.org.uk Here are some potential cycle rides that can Transport for London for cycle routes in London be made between various railway stations: www.tfl .gov.uk/cycling Hadley Wood – Hatfi eld Bedfordshire County Council: www.bedfordshire.gov.uk 10 miles 1hr 10mins Welwyn Garden – Stevenage Cycle Safety 10 miles 1hr 10mins Consider wearing a helmet & bright or fl uorescent clothing Stevenage – Baldock during the day. Wear refl ective clothing and use lights at 7.5 miles 50mins night and in poor visibility. (Estimated times are based on an av. speed of 9mph). On traffi c free sections be considerate to other users, and use a bell to warn them of your approach. Bus timetable information Traveline Tel: 0870 608 2 608, Check our website for more information & news: www.traveline.org.uk www.greatnorthway.org.uk Intalink at www.intalink.org.uk For more copies of the map please phone 01707 357551 or email [email protected] Hertfordshire Rural Transport Partnership The Ordnance Survey mapping data included within this publication is provided by Hertfordshire County Council under licence from the Ordnance Survey in order to fulfi l its public function to provide information relating to its activities, services and plans. Persons viewing this mapping should contact Ordnance Survey copyright for advice should they wish to licence Ordnance Survey mapping for their own use. Such mapping is based upon Ordnance Survey material with the permission of Her Majesty’s Stationery Offi ce © Crown copyright 100019606 2005. Cartography, photography*, leafl et design and lots of cycling by Stephen Wragg - Wragg Art House: www.wah.co.uk *all photos by Stephen Wragg except: Welwyn Roman Baths legionary & Baldock Market - with thanks to Hertfordshire County Council, © WAH 2005 Knebworth Park deer - with thanks to Knebworth House, Stanborough Park sailing - with thanks to Finesse Leisure Partnership. "ALDOCK !RLESEY (IGH3T 3ERVICES 3TOTFOLD 1UEEN3T ! 'REAT.ORTH7AYIS ¤å PLANNEDTOCONTINUE ! THROUGH"EDFORDSHIRETO Located onn the bankss of 3ANDY 3T.EOTS !- Stotfold (UNTINGDON 0ETERBOROUGH the River Ivel, the town is .OR infamous for the Stotfold TON2D Riot of 1830. Today, in quieter The countyy boundaryboun ! times, go up Queen St to visit marksks thet end of the 2ADWELL 'REAT.ORTH2 St Mary’s Church, or further Hertfordshirefor section of . on take a stroll inn Stotfold theth Great North Way.Way ORTON2D Meadowsows adjacentacent to the mill.m The border D Y AR )CKNIELD7AY0ATH D N ExplorEx orere 1700 acres of DSHIRE 'REA OU (ITCHIN2D T .ORTH DSHIRE 7AY .ORTON2 farmlandd with i 70 bird "EDFOR PartsPar of thee Great North Way follow the ERTFOR ( specimens,ecimens,eccimens, mammals,mam #OUNTY" D LetchworthLeetc wort Greenway, this 13.6 mile creepycreeepy crawliecrawliesw e and a 2ADWELL routeroutee circumvents Letchworth passing -EADOWS workingrkingng beehive.bhiWthi WatchW h throughhrooug many local attractions. Parts of ELL2D wildfowldfo in theirthh naturaal thee greenwaygree can be cycled and these !SHW habitatabitat from speciallyy .ORTONBURY pathspath are shown on the map. constructedc t d hides. hid See S aall lll .ORTON2 Letchworth Greenway thet farm animals on thehe D farmm trail and check out theheh .ORTON .ORTON "YGRAVE2D children’s play area.ea 0OND .OR 3TATION2D TON"ALDOCK&# "ALDOCK3TATION ! 2 Standalone Farm D )CKNIELD7AY 3TANDALONE &ARM .ORTON2D #LOTHALL T &OOTBRIDGE 2D 2 (ITCHIN3 (IGH OAD 3TOTFOLD2D 2D Y LACKHORSE 7ILBUR .ORTON " 7EST 3T +NAP#LOSE "EDFORDSHIRE #OMMON ! ENING #OUNTY"OUNDARY ON OP (ERTFORDSHIR 7 E TH "ALDOCK AY OR 7AY LD &IRE3TATION ! IE "YPASS Y. )CKN A 7ORKS2D !- ON7 T OR . Baldock ! 0IXMORE "IRDS(ILL TheThhee marketmamarm ketet totownown of Baldockdoc is onee 3PIRELLA "UILDING .O of thee county’scoountynty’ss oldest settlements,ettl R !VE AY ,ETCHWORTH TON7 atat thethhe intersent rsseectionction of twowo ancient 3TATION "ALDOCK2OAD NIELD7 roadsrroads - theth Icknieldckni Way and the Great )CK AY3OUT ,ETCHWORTH AY NorthN rth Road.R DatingD backbac at least to )CKNIELD7AY H 0ATH Letchworth ORTH7 RomaRoRommamanan times,tim the presentpres town was Built iinn 1903191903 LetchworthLetchwoet hww rth wawasas establishedestaestablishestt by thee KnightsKn Templar 3TOTF ,IBRARY (ERITAGE 'REAT. -USEUM in theth 12th century,ry, Baldockldock was an the fifirst rstt gardengarardeenn city,citycity,y babasedbaseedd ono Y -USEUM OLD2 Ebenezerne HHoward’sowwa d’’s idealsid ls inn his importantmpport maltinging and brewingrewing centre D ROADWA and thrivedhrive ass a coaching town. bookk TomorrowT w:w A PeacefulPeacaceful Pathh tot " OAD ReformRefo publisheeded in 1898.1 988. Utilisingtil ng CK2 LDO 4000 acress of land,lan LetchworthLetchL tchw thh "A now has a popuopuulationat of 33,0003,0000. The visual effeceff ctc of Letchworth’L tchwo h’ss ! planningg iiss seenn in the quuititte 7AY N impressive approproproachroa too itsi cencentretre R 2ADBU along Broadwaywa wiwitithh ititss avenuesav nunues ,ETCHW of linden trees leadingaddingg totoot the TownToT ORTH' ! "ALDOCK,ANE !- SquareS and its attractivettractactivec vee roserosse bedbeds.b A TE ,ETCHWORTH E ! 'OLF#OURSE AN (ILL &IELD CK, "ALDO (A #YCLE'ATEOR"ARRIER T CYCLISTSMAYHAVE 0ARK CH,A TODISMOUNT NE D 7ILLIAN .ATIONAL#YCLE.ETWORK 2 ,ANNO 2ESIDENTIAL IDGE 2OXLE #YCLE2OUTE BR D 7ILLIAN CK(ILL !RBORETUM (IT #AM 7ILLIAN2 Y#T2D CHIN2 3USTRANS-ILEPOST "UILDING D -ANOR Y ORTH7A (ITCHIN Willian Arboretum 7OOD 'REAT. D Picnic here or walk 3UBWAY #HILDRENS0LAY!REA ,AKE 7ESTON throughthro Manoro Wood to NDLEY2 D visitt Willian ArboretumA 7YMO 0UB2ESTAURANT 'REAT.ORTH7AYTRAFFICFREE EN2 with overver 30 differentdif tree " K'RE species. OtOn thehe way youou 3UPERMARKET 'REAT.ORTH7AYONROAD 2OXLEY will seeee a sculpturescu ure of the #OURT $AMAS famousmous LetchworthianLe thi #YCLE3HOP #YCLE2OUTESTRAFFICFREE TelfordTel Morton.Mor #YCLE2OUTES 4OURIST)NFORMATION TRAFFICFREEORONMINORROADS D 2AIL3TATION 3UGGESTED#YCLE2OUTE 2 7ILLIAN (ITCHIN2 #AR0ARK 2IVER D 'REAT 7YMONDLEY 3CHOOLNEARROUTE &OOTPATH 'RAVELE 3PORTS,EISURE#ENTRE 4RACK Y,ANE !- 3WIMMING0OOL -INOR2OAD 7ATERSPORTS -AIN2OAD 3TEVENAGE !RCH2D ANE 2EMAINSOF #HURCH, !RTS#ENTRE 2AILWAY !UGUSTINIAN0RIORY (IGH3T 2D 'RAVELEY -USEUM 2AILINTUNNEL 3TEVE NAGE2D TRUE ,ITTLE 4OILET 7YMONDLEY . &OOTBALL'ROUND #HESFIELD 0ARK " ! (OSPITAL!% 3T)PPOLLITTS " o YMONDLEY"YPASS ,ITTLE7 +EY 2EDCOATS SCALE APPROX ! 3TEVENAGE2D 3AINSBURYS 4ITMORE 4ODDS ,ISTER(OSPITAL 'REEN 'REEN #OREYS-ILL,ANE 2OOKS.EST .ORTH2D (OUSE (ITCHIN2 3T.ICHOLAS !- #HURCH Y,ANE 2ECTOR -ARTINS7AY D ! 6ERIT ,ITTLE AY Y7AY !LMSHOE -ARTINS7 ! D D2 OO SW 1201 accreess ofof beautifulbeautifb autiful 'UNNEL &AIRVIE parp rklklandlan andan an 11 'REA acrecree ssaailingail glg lakela are a W2D T. meccme ca foor wildfowlilddf and OR TH7A /LD4OWN anglerrsr alike.alikee.
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