A G E N D A CITY OF CORONADO CULTURAL ARTS COMMISSION City Hall Council Chambers 1825 Strand Way Coronado, California 92118 Thursday, March 5, 2020 REGULAR MEETING – 4:30 P.M. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), if you need special assistance to participate in a City meeting or other services offered by this City, please contact the City Clerk’s office, (619) 522-7320. Assisted listening devices are available at this meeting. Ask the City Clerk if you desire to use this device. Upon request, the agenda and documents in the agenda packet can be made available in appropriate alternative formats to persons with a disability. Notification of at least 48 hours prior to the meeting or time when services are needed will assist the City staff in assuring that reasonable arrangements can be made to provide accessibility to the meeting or service. A. CALL TO ORDER / ROLL CALL B. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE C. 2019 GOALS OF THE CULTURAL ARTS COMMISSION (Enclosure page 3) D. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF THE FEBRUARY 6, 2020 REGULAR MEETING (Enclosure pages 4-6) E. COMMUNICATIONS – ORAL. Each person wishing to speak before the Cultural Arts Commission on any matter shall approach the podium, give their name, and limit their presentation to 3 minutes. State law generally precludes the Cultural Arts Commission from discussing or acting upon any topic initially presented during oral communication. Such information may be received, placed on the next agenda, or referred to the appropriate working team. 1. Public Oral Communications 2. Commission Members Oral Communications 3. Arts Administrators Report – AA Kelly Purvis i. Announcements and Events (Enclosure page 7) F. NEW BUSINESS: 1. FINALIZE COMMENTS TO THE CITY COUNCIL ON THE PROPOSED FY20-21 COMMUNITY GRANT PROGRAM – Commissioner Helen Kupka (Enclosure pages 8) 03/05/2020 AS A COURTESY TO OTHERS, PLEASE SILENCE CELL PHONES 2. REVIEW AND APPROVE A LETTER FROM THE COMMISSION TO THE CITY COUNCIL REGARDING ACTION TAKEN AT MID-YEAR REVIEW ON UPGRADES TO THE CUSD PERFORMING ARTS CENTER – Commissioner Helen Kupka (Enclosure pages 9-10) 3. REVIEW AND ACCEPT THE 2020 PUBLIC ART MASTER PLAN FOR COMMUNITY OUTREACH – Commissioner Brad Willis (Enclosure pages 11-36) 4. REVIEW AND ACCEPT THE JURY RECOMMENDATIONS FOR THE 2020 “CELEBRATE CORONADO ARTISTS” ORANGE AVENUE BANNERS – Commissioner Maryellen McMahon (Enclosures pages 37-38) 5. RECEIVE FINAL COMMENTS TO DESIGN REVIEW COMMISSION ON THE WELLS FARGO BANK EXTERIOR MURAL – AA Kelly Purvis (Enclosure page 39) 6. FEBRUARY REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE REPORT – AA Kelly Purvis (Enclosures pages 40-49) 7. FINAL REVIEW AND ADOPTION OF 2019 ACCOMPLISHMENTS AND GOALS FOR 2020 WORK PLAN – AA Kelly Purvis (Enclosure pages 50-56) G. PROGRAM AREAS: 1. ARTS EDUCATION & MUSICAL ARTS – Commissioner Mariah Gillespie 2. ARTS PARTNERS & ADVOCACY – Commissioner Helen Kupka (Enclosure page 57-58) 3. COMMUNICATIONS: PR & MEDIA – Commissioner Sherril Altstadt (Enclosure page 59) 4. DEVELOPMENT– Commissioner Bill Lowman (Enclosure page 60) 5. FACILITIES (LITERARY ARTS) – Commissioner Lei Udell (Enclosure pages 61-62) 6. PUBLIC ART – Commissioner Brad Willis (Enclosures pages 63-65) 7. PROGRAMMING– Commissioner Maryellen McMahon (Enclosure pages 66-67) H. NEXT REGULAR MEETING DATE IS APRIL 2, 2020. All agenda items and enclosures are due on MARCH 26, 2020 I. ADJOURNMENT A COPY OF THE AGENDA WITH THE BACKGROUND MATERIAL IS AVAILABLE FOR PUBLIC INSPECTION AT THE CITY CLERK’S OFFICE, THE PUBLIC LIBRARY OR ON OUR WEBSITE AT www.coronado.ca.us Writings and documents regarding an agenda item on an open session meeting received after official posting and distributed to the Commission for consideration, will be made available for public viewing at the City Clerk’s Office at City Hall, 1825 Strand Way, during normal business hours. Materials submitted for consideration should be forwarded to the City Clerk’s Office at [email protected]. CULTURAL ARTS COMMISSION 03/05/2020 AS A COURTESY TO OTHERS, PLEASE SILENCE CELL PHONES 2 CULTURAL ARTS COMMISION 2019 - 2020 Cultural Arts Commission Goals a) Continue to work on funding strategies to support the Commission activities includ ing contractual staff/consultants. (Development, Public Art) b) Explore and recommend a Coronado Foundation Model. (Development) c) Evaluate, design and finalize Commission Program Area roles/descriptions utilizing Coronado CREATES recommendations. Incorporate Music, Dance and Theatre. (All) d) Investigate and apply for California Cultural Arts District designation. (Arts Partners, Public Art, Development, Facilities) e) Assume role in the City of Coronado Community Grant Program for Arts and Culture applicants per City Council direction. Review 2019 City of Coronado Community Grant Arts and Culture Applications and make recommendations to the City Council.(All) f) Conduct a thorough and well executed investigation and analysis of needs, costs, opportunities, potential sites and funding of performing arts venue(s). (Facilities, Development) g) Update and expand our Economic Impact Report (by 2021) (All, Development) h) Develop Volunteer Recruitment and Volunteer Management Strategies. (All) i) Encourage continued natural partnerships/collaboration among City entities. (Arts Partners) j) Continue to expand use of public spaces for public art and venues for art and cultural events. (Visual Arts, Public Art, Arts Education) k) Foster cross-collaboration among Commission Program Areas and Arts Partners. (Arts Partners) l) Update 2013 City of Coronado Public Art Masterplan. (Public Art) m) Investigate future possibilities to make Coronado TV a valuable Community art and culture resource and make an effort to utilize other platforms. (All) n) Support individual artists/creatives. (Visual Arts, Arts Partners, Public Art) o) Continue to encourage and support local arts education opportunities in the local schools and community. (Arts Education, Arts Partners, Development) Adopted 09.05.2019 3 MINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE CITY OF CORONADO CULTURAL ARTS COMMISSION City Council Chambers 1825 Strand Way Coronado, California 92118 Thursday, February 6, 2020 REGULAR BUSINESS MEETING – 4:30 P.M. Chairman Kupka called the regular business meeting to order at 4:30 p.m. Present: Commissioners Sherril Altstadt, Mariah Gillespie, Helen Kupka, Bill Lowman, Maryellen McMahon, Lei Udell and Brad Willis Absent: Also Present: Arts Administrator Kelly Purvis The Commission recited the Pledge of Allegiance. Commissioner Bill Lowman moved to approve the minutes the January 2, 2020 regular meeting. Commissioner Brad Willis seconded the motion. Ayes Altstadt, Gillespie, Kupka, Lowman, McMahon, Udell, Willis Nays Absent Abstain Public oral communications: None Commission member oral communications: None Future Agenda Items: Commissioner Brad Willis requested that a public art piece for Avenida del Sol be placed on a future Cultural Arts Commission agenda item. Arts Administrator Kelly Purvis reported to the Commission. She presented the Community Calendar for February. She reminded the Commission of the upcoming events. There were no actions taken in January by the City Council on Commission projects. New Business REVIEW AND PROVIDE RECOMMENDATIONS TO THE DESIGN REVIEW COMMISSION ON THE ARTISTIC ELEMENTS OF THE WELLS FARGO EXTERIOR PUBLIC ART MURAL PROPOSAL Melanie Tobin from Wells Fargo Mural Program office presented an exterior mural proposal to the Commission for the Coronado Branch of the Wells Fargo Bank located at 829 Orange Avenue. Commissioner Brad Willis moved to recommend the approval of this mural and send comments to the Design Review Commission in support of the design presented. Commissioner Lowman seconded the motion. Ayes Altstadt, Gillespie, Kupka, Lowman, McMahon, Udell, Willis Nays 02/06/2020 1 4 Absent Abstain Commissioner Helen Kupka reviewed the rubric for Arts and Culture Community Grants. Commissioner Kupka moved to draft a letter from the CAC to the City Council with recommendations and rationale for revisions to the Community Grants Program for the Arts and Culture rubric to be reviewed and approved at the March 5, 2020 CAC Meeting. Commissioner Lowman seconded the motion. Ayes Altstadt, Gillespie, Kupka, Lowman, McMahon, Udell, Willis Nays Absent Abstain Commissioner Lowman moved to approve the January revenue and expenditure report. Commissioner Udell seconded the motion. Ayes Altstadt, Gillespie, Kupka, Lowman, McMahon, Udell, Willis Nays Absent Abstain Commissioner Udell moved to approve the proposed 20-21 CAC Budget recommendations as presented. Commissioner Willis seconded the motion. Ayes Altstadt, Gillespie, Kupka, Lowman, McMahon, Udell, Willis Nays Absent Abstain Commissioner Helen Kupka presented a proposed contest to promote public art in the community. No action taken but Commissioner Kupka will bring back a proposal for review and adoption by the CAC for a contest in September 2020. Commissioner Altstadt moved to approve the Arts Education and Musical Arts Working Team application for Svetlana and JJ Gentry. Commissioner Udell seconded the motion. Ayes Altstadt, Gillespie, Kupka, Lowman, McMahon, Udell, Willis Nays Absent Abstain Commissioner Brad Willis presented a Social Media proposal on “The Art of Conversation” and the benefits of Social Media. The Commission final review of the 2019 Accomplishments and Goals for 2020 Work Plan was tabled and will be on the March agenda. This meeting will be the final opportunity to review accomplishments and goals for the Commission. Arts
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