Asbury Theological Seminary ePLACE: preserving, learning, and creative exchange Bulletin Newsletters 1999 Wesleyan Holiness Studies Center bulletin 7:2 (Summer 1999) Wesleyan Holiness Studies Center Follow this and additional works at: http://place.asburyseminary.edu/revitalizationbulletin Part of the Christian Denominations and Sects Commons, Christianity Commons, and the Religious Thought, Theology and Philosophy of Religion Commons Recommended Citation Wesleyan Holiness Studies Center, "Wesleyan Holiness Studies Center bulletin 7:2 (Summer 1999)" (1999). Bulletin. 6. http://place.asburyseminary.edu/revitalizationbulletin/6 This Periodical/Journal is brought to you for free and open access by the Newsletters at ePLACE: preserving, learning, and creative exchange. It has been accepted for inclusion in Bulletin by an authorized administrator of ePLACE: preserving, learning, and creative exchange. For more information, please contact [email protected]. WI N TER, 1 999 • V O L UME 7, No.2 Wesleyan/Holiness Studies Center \! \ '. I·: \ I ( ), , . ~'i '- Ii· "! " Bulletin David E. Harrell Comments at the Opening of the John Carver Collection ubject to public ridicule including charismatics, are Manila. The pentecostal claim The first dramatic spark for and harassment for often exaggerations. At best, that their movement is now postwar revival came from a Smuch of the twentieth popular estimates of the num­ the largest Protestant family seri es of healing revivals con­ century, pentecostals, by the bers of pentecostals/ charis­ of churches in the world, ducted largely among end of the millennium, had matics stretch the meaning of based on the monumental Oneness Pentecostal earned the begrudging atten­ theological categori es beyond World Christian Encyclopedia Churches by an unconven­ tion, sometimes even the recognition. At worst, the edited by David Barrett, is less tional and mystical indepen­ admiration, of their more numbers are pure boosterism. triumphal breast-beating than dent Baptist preacher from staid religious neighbors. No Nonetheless, from time-to­ proven fact. No one can Jeffersonvi ll e, Indiana, who one could have predicted time, any casual observer in doubt that the Holy Spirit is had embraced the supernatu­ such a transformation in the the United States will pass a moving powerfully in devel­ ralism of pentecostalism, I 920s. In the early twentieth new multi-million dollar, oping countries in Asia, South William Marrion Branham. In century, those religious space-age sanctuary housing a America, and Africa. It is clear an electrifying series of heal­ observers who were aware bulging pentecostal or inde­ that the growth of pente­ ing meetings in St. Louis and that pentecostals existed pendent charismatic congre­ costal! charismatic churches Arkansas in 1946, thousands labeled them "holy rollers; gation. Outside the United around the world is a phe­ of people came to witness pictured them as faintly States, the pentecostal stirring nomenon that demands study Branham lay hands on the berserk, and presumed that sick and reputedly raise the their bizarre rituals would dead. By the spring of 1947 remain confined to the oak Branham had attracted the thickets of the outback and Hlho would have believed that these "holy attention and support of sev­ sl um missions in the cities. eral veteran pentecostal pro­ Who would have believed rollers" would be the grandparents oj sophis­ moters and managers, includ­ that these "holy rollers" would ing Gordon Lindsay, subse­ be the grandparents of sophis­ ticated charismatics, and that tongues speak­ quently the editor of the ticated charismatics and that Voice of Healing magazine tongues speaking (upgraded, ing would reverberate through the ballrooms ( I 948) and head of Christ for to be sure, to glossolalia) the Nations, and the postwar would reverberate through ojHilton Hotels? healing reviva l began to take the ballrooms of Hilton form. The word of Branham's hotels? extraordinary gifts spread like Of course, history is filled wildfire through the pente­ with ironies. It is the calling of costal world, and by I 947 the historians to explain how it is changing the religious and explanation. healing revival had momen­ came to pass that the curious demography of the Christian There was nothing sub­ tarily broken the bitterest the­ became commonplace and world. A recent li sting of the stantially new about the inde­ ological barrier separating the meek inherited the earth. twenty-five largest Protestant pendent healing revival that pentecostal denominations- a The growth of pentecostal churches in the world includ­ broke out in the pentecostal contentious debate on the churches, and even more ed twelve pentecostal congre­ subculture in 1947. The post­ Trinity. striking, the spread of pente­ gations in South Korea. The war evangeli sts knew about William Branham was an costal theology is probably largest Protestant church in and borrowed from an earlier enigmatic, almost surreal per­ the most important Protestant the world is Pastor Paul Y. generation of healing evange­ sonality and in earl y 1948, to story of the twentieth century. Cho's Yoido Full Gospel li sts that included Aimee the astonishment of his han­ Counting religious heads is a Church in Seoul. In the top Semple McPherson, Smith dl ers, Branham announced tricky business, and the most ten were two other churches Wigglesworth, and Charles that he was withdrawing from exuberant numerical claims of in Seoul; one in Inchon, and Price. The demand of the the revival scene because of all religious communities, the Jesus Is Lord Fellowship in hour was new gifted leaders. exhaustion. Although Cont. on page 3 Recent Articles on Wesleyan/Holiness Themes Bendroth, Margaret. "Rum, Romanism Davis, Morris L. "From Gospel Circuit Lecleric, Dianne. 'Two Women and Evangelicalism: Protestants and to the War Circuit: Bishop Matthew Speaking 'Woman': The Strategic Catholics in Late Nineteenth-Century Simpson and Upwardly Mobile Essentialism of Luce Iriga ray and Boston." Church History 68 Methodism." Methodist History 38 Phoebe Palmer." Wesleyan Theological (September 1999): 627-647. (Apri12000) 199-209. Journal 35 (Spring 2000): 182-199. Bohlman, Rachael E. "Our House Dieter, Melvin E. "Wesleyan/Holiness Oliver, John W. "Emma Brown Malone: Beautiful: The Women's Temple and Churches" In Bill I Leonard, A Mother of Feminism?" Quaker the WCTU Effort to Establish Place Christianity in Appalachia: Profiles in History 88 (Spring 1999): 4-21. and Identity in Downtown Chicago, Regional Pluralism Knoxville: 1887-1898." Journal of Women's University of Tennessee Press, 1999. Parker, Alison M. "Hearts Uplifted and History 11 (Summer 1999): I 10-134. Minds Refreshed: The Woman's Evans, Christopher H. "From Militant Temperance Union and the Pure Borgen, Ole E. "Iohn Wesley and early Methodism to Secular Christianity: Culture in the United States, 1880- Swedish Pietism: Carl Magnus The Social Gospel in American 1930." Journal of Women's History 10 Wrangel and lohan Hinric Liden." Methodist Historical Narratives." (Winter 1999): 135-158. Methodist History 38 (january 2000): Methodist History 38 (April 2000): 82-101. 147-159. Sider, E. Morris. "Lafayette Shoalts: A Modern Caleb." Brethren in Christ Bundy, David. "Pentecostalism as an Evensen, Bruce ,. "It is a Marvel to History and Life 23 (April 2000): 5-56. Ecumenical and Missiological Many People: Dwight Moody, Mass Challenge to the Other Churches: A Media, and the Revival of 1877." Spencer, Carole D. "The American Review Essay Focusing on Latin New England Quarterly 72 (june Holiness Movement: Why Did It America and Italy" Encounter 60 1999): 251-274. Captivate Nineteenth Century (( 999): 307-338. Quakers?" Quaker Religious Thought Hamilton, Barry W. "Preaching the 28 (january 1998): 19-30. Bundy, David. "Song of Ascents: Narrow Way: William B. Godbey's Autobiographical Reflection and the Homiletical Agenda for the Early Strong, Douglas M. "Sanctified Development of the Mission Theory Holiness Movement." Methodist Eccentricity: Continuing Relevance of of E. Stanley lones." Missiology 27 History 38 (October 1999): 40-52. the Nineteenth-Century Holiness (October 1999): 467-473. Paradigm." Wesleyan Theological Hardt, Philip F. "The Evangelistic and Journal 35 (Spring 2000): 9-21. Collins, Kenneth ,. "Recent Trends in Catechetical Role of the Class Wesleyan /Holiness." Wesleyan Meeting in Early New York Warner, Laceye. "Wesley Deaconess­ Theological Journal 35 (Spring 2000): Methodism." Methodist History 38 Evangelists: Exploring Remnants of 67-98. (Includes a response by Randy (October 1999): 14-26. Revivalism in Late Nineteenth Maddox) Century British Methodism." Hardt, Philip F. "Lay Shepherds of the Methodist History 38 (April 2000): Daniel, W. Harrison. 'To Strengthen Flock: The Class Leader in Early New 176-190. the Ties that Bind: lohn L. Nuelson York City Methodism." Methodist and German-American History 38 (january 2000): 104-132. Connectional ism in the Methodist Episcopal Church, 1912-1940." Methodist History 38 (April 2000): 160-175. , A ~-t<'!;.w.~1!e:fl~~Y~M"::l;.P'/·. nitially, funding for the Weslryan Holiness Studies Center Bulletin was provided by the Pew Charitable Trusts. We are sorry to i say that this is no longer the case and it has become necessary for us to begin charging a fee to cover the cost of printing and I. postage For a one year's subscription (two issues), the cost will be $5.00, $10.00 for two years, etc. If you wish to I continue receiving the Bul/etin, please return this portion of the newsletter to: Wesleyan/Holiness Studies Center Bulletin J D. William Faupel, Director I.1 Asbury Theological Seminary· Wilmore, KY 40390-t t 99 Name _____ I Address _____ I, City, State, Zip _____.. __ _ I -, .... "":-'>!kf.!X::~J David E. Harrell, cont. Branham again began holding life ended in controversy, as it who were already backing cess of independent ministries healing revivals six months had been lived in controversy. away from the healing revival after 1970. later, his decision opened the By the end of his life, Allen that they believed had spun The legacy most celebrat­ floodgates for others who had had achieved a degree of completely out of control.
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