CENSUS~OF INDIA, 1941 VOLUME X-APPENJ?(X TRANS·BORDER AREAS REPORT AND TABLES by I. D. SCOTT, 1.e.5. Superintendent 01 Censlls' Operations, North.West Frontier &otJIRU- PUBLISHED BY THE MANAGER OF PUBLICATIONS DELHI,, PRINTED BY THE- MANAGER. GOVERNMENT OF INDIA PRESS.. tsIML~, 1942 Price : Ra. 2-12-0 or 4s. Gd. CO. 1. x: A. 41 190 List of Agents in India and Burma from whom Government of India Publications are avali.~ble. ABBOTTABAD-English Book Store. KARACHI- AGRA- Aero Stores. English Book Depot, Taj Road. English Bookstall. Indian .Army Book Depot, Dayll}lbagh. Standard Bookstall. KARACHI (BADAR)-Manager, Sind Government AHMEDABAD-H. L. College of Commerce Co.opera. Book Depot ~nd Record Office. tive St~re, Ltd. LAHORE- , A.TMER-Banth~ya & Co., Ltd., Station Road. , Kansil & Co., Messrs. N. C., 9, Commercial Building13, AKOLA-Bakshi, Mr. M. G. The Mall. Ma1Jlotra & Co., Messrs. U. p'" Post Box No. 94. ALLAHABAD- Minerva Book Shop, Anarkali Street. 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'" Agents for Income-tax, Law and allied Publications only. t'Agents for Puplications on Aviation only. CONTE;NTS PAGE J.tlr:n.ODUCTIO~ •• 2 CHAPTER I-TilE AREAS SELEOTED .. ..• S CHAPTER 2-THE CE~SUi •• - - - is ,CHAPTER 3-THE RESULTS ... .... ~ .. .- 7 CHAPTER 4-THE TABLES ... .. , - 9 I I \ , 0:: I <i I .c) I ...... IH I ,.... --- ...., <i .,. , "'-:,.,-- :~ v\ Z I 1- I a: .... '--... c/), ,." I , I ~ '"\ . I \ ;' \ .... _ ,,, "" . -'\ \ / '"'\ \ ./ 1 " -, I ~ ..... o \ _ z , I j:Q I \ ~ 1 \ ) ( \ \ \_, "- ........ _ " I P-I. / t_ ........ · \ I ;@ t- :'= '" III .s::; __ ___ _ " o·~- " ,_,_ / :;;: a>... ->o Z eo ......... .; ,z c o i.,_ t/) >­., >.. :s en IN'tRODUCTIOl'l The census of the N':-W. F. Province has always Malakand Agency I was fortunate in having th~ hitherto been -c(mfiJ:).ed to the settled districts and the advice and ready assistance of Lt.-Col. G. L. ~allam, only persons in Agencies included in the census have. Political Agent, who had been Census Supermtend­ been civil and military Governme:Q.t servants. In ent of the N.-W. F. Province in 1931. The rulers of the 1901 a partial census of Sherani country was carried three States also gave their willing co:opera~ion, and out and in 1903 'a census of the Kurram tehsil. These the census was in fact carried out III theIr States experiments have never been repeated. entirely thro,?,gh the agency of State servants~ . For the'1941 Cem~us an effort was made to extend Pe!:6:aps in 1951 it will be possible to e~nd thIS census operations to the,Agencies. This attempt was kind of simplified census to the whole of Drr State, p~rtially su?c~ssful, and although I had hop~d for a the Khyber Agency, and some at least of Haza.ra wIder permISSlpn I was eventually allowed'to under­ tribal territory. It may even be that parts of .Wazrr­ take census operations in portions of the Malakand istan will then offer.a fair field for census expetlments. and Kutram Agencies. As the census was a new Since the basis of any frontier policy must be knowl­ undertaking in these..areas, a simplified procedure and edge of the facts, it may be boped that the census questionpaire had to be devised. The 'procedure was can make its modest contribution towards the solu­ similar but not i~entical in the different areas . tion of this most· baffling problem ?f the North-West the questionnaire was the same throuo-hout. In th~ Frontier of India. tc ".- 0 FOREWORD When I came out in the autumn of 1939 one of the .early points referred to me was whether I favoured all attempt to extend the area of enumeration. 'My answer was an· unequivocal yes, for clearly if a, census is to be held at all one should take all opportunities of lllaking it complete. I therefore encouraged Mr. Scott in his endeavours to spread our census net further. 2. I applied in this case the general prinhiple stressed in the rest of India namely that the census should. graft itself on to existing-agencies moving a~ng the people, with the minimum of disturbance or incon­ venj.ence. This is not only economic~l ; it is judicious, and in a case like this trari's-border enumeration parti­ cularly so. 'For the novelty of a census questioning wj.ll be at leas~educed it not removed when it is put through agencies already familiar to the people. - . As in the rest of India, no schedules were used and the trans-bgMe¥ enumeration was carried out on the actual slips which were lat~r u&ed for sorting. A specimen is given below:- --~~-----------------------~~ -----------------------------~ 3. At India's next census the area now held should be retained and the enumeration net spread fur~her. Mr. Scott's report shows that village' lists now exist and the experience of 1940-41 should greatly c,ontribute to a wider success in 1950-51. ' 4:. Although. British India tabulation was severely curtailed and no provincial Teporta were sanctioned I was able to secure the Government of India's consent to the full tabulation for this trans~border venture. ;Even so however its scope has suffered from the Government of Indi,a's decision; for Mr. Scott having had to demit office as Census Superintendent in July, 1941 and go to other duties could not devote the time to the report which otherwise he would have been able to give. T:b,is is a misfortune; but in any case my thanks are due to him for the enthusiasm and ability he has shown in this matter since the very beginning. M. W. M. YEATTS, Census Commissioner for India. CHAPTER i-The Areas Selected . The N.-W. F. Province includes five Agencies. called, not only p.a ve their own language but have not The areas selected for the trans-border census were yet been completely assimilated into the one religion portions of two of these Agencies, which were con­ of Islam which surrounds t~em on all sides. Early sidered to be peaceful'and sophisticated enough not maps of Central Asia show a large, if ill-defined, to be alarmed: at census operations.
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