Banking Directory. [Slater's

Banking Directory. [Slater's

26 BANKING DIRECTORY. [SLATER'S To"'... Fin". a"d R~f. /" LnllrlO" HanA:~I", Town. Firm, and ReI. IQ London Bunker8. LlandV8BUI •.•••••••• Lloyds B"nk. Limited (C'armarthen),8ub-br 62 Longrldge London City & Midland Bank, Limited Llandysml •.•.•.•••• MetropolitanRunk(ot EnglBnd&Woles), 78 (Prt'tltoll), 8uh hranch •••. '" I.' •••••••• 64 Llandy~ml •••••••••• NationalProvincialEank ofEngland,Ltd.agcy ~2 Lon/lside (Aberdeen· Korth of Scotland & Town & County 13allk. Llanelly lJapital & Connties Bank, Lim. branch•••••• 22 shire) •••••••.• "'" Linliten., branch ..... 1.1. I ••••••• 1 •••• 8 1 IO!) Llallelly LJo~,js B'.nk.L:llIi1ed, b'8mh 62 Longsight •••.•.•••• P",rr'R Bank, Limited, branch....••....••.. 82~ Llanelly ••.•...•.... London City & Midland Bank, Ltd. branch.. 64 LODgsight •••••••••• Willlams Deacon's Bank, Limited, branch •. 106­ LlaDell~ •••••.••••. LondllD &. l'rO\1Incial Hank, l.illlit<d.lJr.••t4, 66 Longton (Lancs) •••• London Oity & Midland Bank, Limited Llanelly ••••••..•••• Metropolitan Bank (of England & Wales), (Preston), sub-branch .•••..•••..••••... 64 Limited. branch... 78 Longton (Lancs) •••. Manchester &: Liverpool District Banking L!anercbymedd (An- National Provincial Bank of England, Ltd. Co. Limited (Preston), sub-branch•••••.•. 74~ glest'a) BJ!ency .. P2 Longton (Staffs) •••• Lloyds Bank, Limited, branch •.•....... 62 Ll&.nfair P .G••. , •••• Lloyds Bank, Limited (BaDgor). branch 62 Longton (Staffs) •••• Manchester & Liverpool District 13anking Llanfair Caereinioll •• London City & Midland Bank, Limited, br. 64 Co. Limited, branch.. .... • •..••••..•• 74~ LL.nfltirfe('han .. Lloyds Bank, Limited (Bangor), hUI ch ••.• 62 Longton (Staffs) .... UDlted Counties Bank, Limited, branLh ..106 Uanfyllin . London mty & Midland Bank, Limited, br. 64 Long-town ••••••••.• Carlisle &: Oumberland Banking Co. Lim. br. 93 Llangadock •••••••• Lloyds Bank, Ltd. (Llandovery), sub- branch 62 Longwood(Co.Kildare) Ulster Bank, Ltd. (Trim), Rub-branch•. 63, l~ Llangadcck•••••••.•• N,·tional Provincial Bank of England, Ltd. Lonmay (Aberdeen- North of Scotland &; Town & County Bank, Bgency .." 82 smre) ...•..•••.•• Limited, branch .•............•...••..8, 100 Llangammarch Wells London & Provincial Bank LimitEd (Builth Looe •••••••••••••• •• Capital&Countie~Bank,Ld.(Llskeard),sub-br. 22 Wells). mb·agency 45, 66 Looe.•.•..••••••..•. Barclay & Co. LimIted (Liskeard), Il~enc,.. S Llan!!efni ••.••••... Lloyds Bank, Ltd. IAmlwch), snb-branch .• 62 LO~lIiellloDth •• ••.. KMIIII. 01 Scothmd. brllllCl, .•..••••• .,,7.84 Llangefni •••••••••• London Oity & Midland Bank, LimitEd, br. 64 Lostock HalL ••••••• Lancashire &; Yorkshire Bank, Limited Llanl!efni •••••••••• MenopoiI1llnBank(of Englund&Wales),Ltd.br78 (Preston), sul:-branch 63 l.lanl/efn I •• • ••.• ~ Ittion" I 1'.".in ciIt I Ba •• k of E 11 go lit IHi. I ,n. b I 82 Lostwlthiel •••.••.. Barclay It Co, Limited (Bodrnin), agency.. 8 Llangennech (CaIDD.). London & Provincial Bank, Limited Lostwlthiel •.•.•••. Capital &: CountlesHank,Ltd.(Fowey),sub-br 22 (Llamlly). sub-agency............... 45, 66 l.oullhbo.olll!'h ••••.. "ul'gharn & /"iot'l!"ham.hir.. "kg. Cu LlIl. br. 63 Llangoed National Provincial Bank of England Ltd. Loughborough..... London City &: Midland Bank, Ltd. branch 64 agency ..•••...• I ••••••••••••••••• ,. •••• 82 Loughborough Parr's Bank, limite~, branch 82~ Llanllol1pu.... ~ ... Ricllard. & (0 Old Bank ..... _.. • .... 82 Loughborough Llo~ds Bank, Limited, branch 6~ Llangollen ••••••.. London City & Midland Bank, Limited, br. 64 Loughborough •••••• United Counties Bank, Limited, branch.... 8 Llanhilleth (Mon.) •• London & 1 rovincial Eank, Lim. (EbbW Loughrea Hibernian !lauk, LImited, IJr&lIch 6a Vale), sub-al/ency 45,66 I.olll!hrea "utlollal .Mank, Lirnil.. n, hrallch 79 Llanidloes •••••••••• London City & Mili]and Bank, Limited, br. 64 Longhton London Joint Stock Bank Limited (Wood- Llallldloes •••••••••• I onllon &. Provinc,al Hank, Limit<d. br...45, 66 ford), sub-branch , 63~ Llannou •••••••••••• London &; Provincial Bank, Limited (Aber- Louisburgh(Co.Mayo) Bank of Ireland (Westport), sub-agency •• 534 ayon), sub-branch •••••••••••••••.••..45,66 Louisburgb(Co.Mayo) Ulster Bank, Limited, 8ub-branch.••• 63,10%­ L'annon (Carm.) •••• National Provincial Eank of England, Ltd. Louth (Lines) •••••• Capital &: Counties Banlr, Limited, br....• 2:! agency ••..•.••••••••.••.•••••.•••••••• 82 Louth (Lincs) •••••• Lincoln &: Lindsay Banking Co. Ltd. branch 6i) Llanrbaiadr(Oswestry)London City & Midland Bank, Lim. sub-br•.• 64 Louth (Lines) •••.•. Stamford, Spalding &: lloston Banking Co. Llanrwst •••••••••• London City & Midland Bank, Limited, Lr. 64 Limited, brnnch .....•....... "...•.... S LlanrwJ;t •.•.•.•.•• MelropolitanBank(oIEngland&Wales) 78 Louth (00. Louth) •• Belf!lkt Banking Co. Limited, agency •••.••100 Llantrisant (Glam.)•• Lloyds Bank, Limited (Pontypridd), 8ub-hr. 62 Low Fell. ••••••••••• N orth-Eastem Banking Co. Ltd.(GateslJead), Llantwit Major...... London &; Provincial Bank, Limited (Cow- sub-branch .•••••••••••••••••••••••••• 45- bridge), sub-agency 415, 66 Low Moor (Bradford) Halifax Commercial Banking Co. Lim. br•• 10& Llantwit Major•••••• National Provincial Dank of England, Ltd. Lower Bebington•••• London City &: Midland Bank, Limited (New agency ........••••.. .. •• •••.•.•... •• 82 Ferry) sub-branch 64 Llanwrtyd National Provincial Bank of England, Ltd. Lower Darwen ...... Mancllester &; CountyBank, Ltd.sub-branch 100 -agency ••.•••••••.•......•••••••••••••• 82 Lower Gornal (Staffs) United tJounties Bank. Ltd. sub-branch ....106 Llanwrtyd Wells..... London & Provincial Bank, Lim. (LlBn­ Lowestoft •.•••••••. Barclay & Co Limited, 2 branches,....... .• 8 dovery), sub-egency•••• .. •• .. .• .. .... 45, 66 Lowestoft •.••••••.. Capital & Oounties Hank, Ltd. br ••..• " .•• 22 Llanybyther •••••••• Lloyds Bank, Limited (Lampeter), sub-br••• 62 Lowestoft •••••••••• London &: Provincial Bank, Ltd. branch.•45, 6& Llanybyther •••••••• London & Provincial Bank, Lim. (Lam- LO""lIl11t: .••. l"ntional Prov. Bank of Englaud, Limitt:d. br 112 peter), sub-agency 45, 66 Lucan (co. Dublin) .. Royal Bank of Ireland. Ltd. sub-branch.... 63 Llanybyther •••••••• National Provincial Bauk of Englaud, Ltd. Llldd.-ndenfoot· ..... HalIfax JO,"t SIOl·k Bankmg Co. Limited "8b~llCY •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 82 (Sowerby Bridge), sub-branch. • •• • .... 63~ Llwynypia. •••.•••••• London & PlOvinClal Bank, Limited (Ponty- LudgershaIl •••••••• Capital & Countlu .ljank, Ltd. (A.ndover), pridd), sub egency 45, 66 8ub- branch....•.......• ~. rr •••••••••••••• 22 Loanhead ••••.•••.. Britlllh Llllen Cu.tlauK, branch 6, l,j Ludgershall •••••••• London County & Westminllter Bank, Ltd. Lochboisdale (Soutb flub- branch ......•.••.••••••.••••••.... 63A Uist)••••••••••••.. Commercial Bank of Scotland, Ltd. br. •• S2 LndgershaIl •••••••• WiltR & Dorset Banking Co. Ltd. (Saliebury), Lo"hcarron •••••••• Bauk of Scotland 6, 7,34 agency. •.•...•••••••.• .•.. •. ••••.•••.. .• 63 Locbt:e Royll1 Bank of Scotland, bral!ch ..••.•.~, J4. 93 Lndlnw ..••.•••••. Capital &: ( ounties Hank, Limited, branch 22 Lochee .••••..•..•• r"orth 01' 1'icotland Bank, Limited brunch tl,lOO Ludlow •.•••• , ••••• UnIted Counties Bank, Limited 106 Lochgelly (Fife) •••• Commercial Bank of ~cotland, Ltd. branch.. 32 Ludlow ...,... ..... Lloyds Hank, Ltd. branch .... • 62 Lochgeily (Fife) " Union tlank 01 Scotland, Ltd. br •.•••.,'i, 34, 101 Ludlow .••••••••••• London City & Midland Bank, Ltd. branch •• 64 L.ocbgilpheall Unitn Hank of i"cotland, Ltd. br 5.:34, 1nl Lumphanan •••••••• North of Bcotland &: Town & County Bank, Lochgilphelld ••. " Clydesdale Bank, Limited, branch.. ... _. 28 Limited, brf\nch 8,100 Loc',maben ••.••.•••• National Bank "fScotland,Ltd. br 6,S4,45,~1,100 Lnrgan••.••••••••••• Belfast Banlling Co. Limited, branch .•..•.100 Lochmaddy Bank of Scotland, Limited. branch 5,7.34 Lurgan.•.••••••••••• No.thern lIallkllll!' Co. Limited, branch . 4;> Lochwinnoch.. •• N>ttion"I Bank 01 Sootland, Lirn. br.Il,34,46, ~ 1,100 Lurgan lJlstpr Hllnk, Limirell. hrltllch 63 lOO~ Lockerbie Clydt:.dal~ Bank, Limited, branch 24 Luton ••••••••••.••. Harclay & Co. Limited, branch ••••.•••.•.. l:I Lockerbie ••.••••••• Bank of Scotland, branch ••.•.....•..•./), 7, 34 Luton Capital &: Countie.s Bank, Ltd. br.&sub-br.• 22 Lockerble ••••.••••• Commt:rcial B'\Ilk oIScotIBnd.LIW. br ••••.. ;j:! Luton LondonCounty & WestmiusterBank,Ltd.lJr.63A Lockerble • ••••••.. Koyal Bank of Scotland, branch •. .• "';3:i,!la Lutterworth •••••••• Parr's Bqnk. Lirnite<.l, branch ••••••••.... 82~ Lockwood •••••••••• Londou City & Midlan I Bank Ltd.(Hudden- Lutterworth •••••••• United Oounties Bank. Limited, branch ••..63§ field), Buh~branch ....•••••••••••••••• 64 Lybster •••••••••••• North of Scotland &: Town & Oounty Bank, Loddon Barclay &; Co. Limited (Norwich), sub-br... 8 Limited, branch •••. "' •••..........•••8, 631 Loddon ••••••••.••• National Provincial Bank of England, agncy 82 Lybster ComUlo-.c,al Hallk 01 s.:otlltlld.Limtn.lJr 8:! Lllttus North Kastt:rn Bllllking Co. Limllod. br.. -15 Lyud LloydB Bank, Limited (Rye), sub-branch •• 62 !.oftus •••••••••••••• National Proy. Bank of England, Ltd. br •••• "11 Lydney ••.•....••.. ('api,"1 ~ Co"ot;t:" Bank, L,""ted,b.allclI .. 22 Lood"D ••••....•••• See Page 1 of Bankers' List Lydney •••••• , ••.. Lloyds Bank, Limited, hranch. •.•••.••... •• 62 L.ondonderry •••••• )\orthern Hankiu~ Co. Limiled,braocb ••..•• 4,) Lye •••••••••••••••• London City &; Midland Bank, Ltd. branch.

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