• • aCllC ewsstand. 25e citize11 (75c PoslpaJd) Established 1929 • National Publication of the Japanese American Citizens League #2,568 / Vol. 110, No. 12 ' ISSN: 0030-8579 941 East 3rd St. Suite 200, Los Angeles, CA 90013 (213) 626-6936 .Friday. March 30.1990 Telephone Companies Drop Controversial Japan-Bashing Ad \ HINGTO - recem adverti - w th autom bile industry. I our rei - ment that appeared in the Washington communication industr) ne t"?'" Post has drawn national criticism for maller photograph of a group finn, marking a new 10\ in Japan-bashing. p urnably Japan men in uitl. lu­ Commented ewsweek magazme, tered around a globe with one pia ing 'The onJy thing they left out w Pearl hi hand on it. furth r emph ized the Harbor." impenali ti imngery of impendmg In- The ad featured a menacing arnurai pane domination . Th ad" pan warrior, over v hom was written: "Erst a campaign by all even f the Bab) it was con umer electroni . Then it Bell teleph n mpani t pre ure Cont:: to relax current anti-tru t In\\ , hi h ex lude th m from em ring tele- Volunteer Award ommunication bu in u h electroni yellow pag . Th impJi it Nominations Open m ge ' that if the American Baby Bell companie are nOt allowed to e:-.- SAN FRANCISCO - Applications for pand, the Japan might mo in and the Kay Okamoto olunteer A, '"ard are dominate et another .. market. now available, the an Franci oJACL ln alenertothePost,J CL nri nal Photo courtesy Goil Nomura Photo courtesy Toshizo ond A my Iwoto has announced . Director Bill Yo hin pro ted the PRESERVING HISTORY- A mong the photogrophs Japanese ta settle in Oregon, and her adopted "This will be the chapter' second blatant e ploitation of alread) of Issei in the Jopanese American Notional M useum daughter Tama Nitobe (male unknown; co. 1886) year honoring ou tanding volunteeri m heightened fears of Japane e on mi photo archive are ones of (left) M IYo Iwakoshi, first and of Kazuo Iwata in Son Francisco (1915). whi h rv the Japane e American e pan ion paired with Japan cultural (Story on page 2.) community in the Bay Area," said Lucy and hi tori al imag . \ rote hin : Ki hiue, chapter president. "Even though the Japan The endowmem fund was tab- i an itizen Leagu h n iuon Ii hed by the family of the late Kay on the law bemg propo ed, \ e do object Panel Wi ll Discuss U.S.-Japan Trade OkamOto in hono~ of her.more than 30 mo t ngl to an effo to exploit years of commumty ervlce. ~kamoto or increase racial antngom m on an By YO ' H TAMURA computers and atellite as well as the the needed reforms-the retail di tri­ erve,d as v~lunteer c~rdinator at , i ue. e behe e thi ad has that effect. hree month remam before the fu ture fighter plane, F X, agreement bution y tem, rice imports , and foreign Harrulton eruor Center m an Fran- W be ' I 0 ci co. .. e remem r a rnne near T &cheduled panel di cu· Ion on in the e areas may nOl come easily. participallon in public con truction -Japan relation (June 19) will take Some level of agreeement would be work. The elected indi idual \ ill recei e years ago, a time when the nlled a 1,000 award to be d ignated to a tat w at war with Japan and the place at the JACL 'ational ConventIon expected on wood products as well More Importantly, forme r Prune nonprofit organizallon of h' or h r expl Ol taUon f racial hatred led t th ' 10 an DIego lime sllll for mlere ted on-going negollalJon on telecommunt­ MInt ter ak.asone, 10 October 19 5, JACL member.- and fnend to Ihmk catIon equipment and con truction appointed a committee headed by the choice. The annou ncement of the wi n- tragi rem val from the e t Coat nnd about the I sues of U.S.-Japan con­ ervlces. late Haruo Maekawa to look into ner will take place in July at Hamilton the internment of 120, . Cllllcn enior Center' ann i ersary eJebra- and re identl. of Japane e an e try cerns needed economIC tructuraJ adju t­ CONVENTION tion . Tod . a imllar e pi ilaU n in an ments. The committee of 17 members , economic come. t hru. contribut d t a So what arc the i uc!- of current I:on­ UPDATE mo tly bankers and bu me . leaders, pplicarion may be picked up at cern? ow that the hasllly arranged the folio ing Bay Area location : gro\ 109 trend m an l1- Ian enllment prepared a repon now kn wn the in whi h Ian men an have been ummll (March 2-3) between PreSIdent In additIOn , Trade Representative "Maekawa Plan" in Apnl 19 Thi an Fran lSCo-Hwnilton Senior Center, 6. Klmochl [nc ., Japanese CulturnJ and Commu- Icumized and have become 10 reru.- Buh and Pnmc Mini ter Katfu 10 HIli ha propo ed negotialJon with plan overs blcally the ame areas as CalifornIa I pa t hi tory,enou Japan on ba IC tructural barriers to farr ruty Center of onhern California. ingly vulnerable to th lntoleran e that those of the U . propo ed II . an Mat an MateO JACL Commuruty e i ts ithm ur iet} negotlallon on U. -Japan trade I.ues trade. The report entitled "The Report of ~- are expected 10 the next fI \\ month Palo Alto-Yu a Kw. 'The ad ertl ementh uld ha e Thl econd area of negotJatlOn i the Ad i of)' Group on Economic unnyvale-Tri City FUJ lOkai. taken a more re pon ible approach 10 th o-called tructural lmperuments trucrural dju tment for International San Jose-West alley JACL Center, Yu-Ai I campaign agamst anti-tru t la\ by To prOVIde a background for current Inttiative, or imply, II. In thee on­ Harmony" call for reform in hou ing KaJ. tating the true purpo and mtent di- Issue and negotiatIons, II ~hould be gOlOg negotiation ' the .. I demand­ policle and urban development. pri- Berkeley-Japanese American ervicesofthe rectly and unequivocally. It would n t Ea<.t Bay noted thaI a trade law known a the Ing reform in Japanese land-u e ate consumption, OClal mfrastructure, Walnut reek hm a KaJ. be wrong to Ii t more effe t1ve intema- Omnibu~ 19 8 Trade & Competltive­ poh Ie , the re ·tn tlve retaIl dl tribu- mdu tnal tructure, agricultural Sebastopol-Enman no Torno. tional c mpelitivene one reason to nc Act wa pa~ ed by Congre 10 1J0n y tem, its exclu ionary busin policle , market acce , importation of Application may al 0 be obtained adopt uch change, h wever, it I earl) 1988. enacted after yean, of fru - pmcllc and its pri mg mechanism . In manufactured good • etc. Comm nring by writing to an Franci co J CL, wrong, and potentially danger U ' to our trating negotiatIon between the addition, U.S. I 'eeking large Japane on th l repon, Profe or T uneo lida P.O. Box 22425, an Franci co 94122. iety to ad an e th J ue behmd the and Japan on trade-related I ue Thl pendlOg on public work and m[ms­ di u e in hi e ay enti tled "To Es­ The deadlme for ubmi ion is May pe tre of Japanese inva Ion ." la\ reqUIred the U. trade representa­ tructure, primaril wers, park and cape from U.S. Trade Problems" 15. For more information , contact The Bell t1anl1 ompanle h e tive to make a omprehen lve report to hou mg. The Japane e are not plea ed (Bungel hlllljll, De ember 19 9) i Ki tuue at (41 5) 222-09 O. ancelledthetrplan ·toruntheadagam ongre on the trade barriel f major b} . concern about th e area ; lack of pecwcs on the time chedule . tradlOg partners by Ma) 1989 I e., to be told by foreIgners to hange for impl mentation. It i hi contention IL\ economi andocial tructure They that th l would allow bureaucrats not NEWS BRIEFS ub equently, . Trade Repre en- are fully aware of thee n eded reform tallve aria HIli Idenufied Japan as to take the re pon ibility to carry out and enou debate on the e have been reform wl thm a rea onable ume frame . Chevron Donates Grant for JACL Oratoricals one of three countri a an "unfaIr" on-gomg. U"Jdmg partner, and clled thre Item~ The ba IC problem appears to be that AN DIEGO, CalIf. - Chevron announ cd that II will upport the under uper 301 of the ne\\ trade law Prime Mini ter oboru the U. i eekmg a qui k olution to ational Japane e merican Citizen League thtrd bIennial orat neal ompetltlon The lIem. I' r negotianon: whl h mu~t Take hlta, m hi bool , WOllderful th e trade barriers to help reduce our to be held on June 22. be completed b} thi year areuper­ Japan ' rearing Home Towns. di cu - trade deficit, whereas Japan i re pond­ E plamed Btli Yo hmo, J L national dIrector, 'The omt n 'aJ ontCM W de el ped by the allOnal J CL as a mean to de vel p. en ourage and computcr.-.atellit and wood prod­ , the needed reform in land u e in ing to .. demands 10 term of long- reinforce commuOl uon kill among youth and ansel members of the orgaOl u ·1.
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