NMHS Progress Report (Period from June 2018 to 31st March, 2019) 1. Project Information: Project Title: Impact of Climate Change on Apple Production and Screening of Climate Resilient Varieties in Kashmir Valley BTA PI and Dr. F. A. Lone, Division of Environmental Sciences ,Faculty of Horticulture Affiliation SKUAST- Kashmir (J&K) (Institution): Name & Dr.M. K. Sharma Division of Fruit Sciences, Faculty of Horticulture, SKUAST-K Address Dr. N. A. Kirmani Division of Soil Sciences, Faculty of Horticulture, SKUAST-K of the Co-PI, if Dr.J. I. A. Bhat Division of Env. Sciences, Faculty of Horticulture, SKUAST-K any: Structured To determine growth response of existing apple varieties, selection of abstract- orchards in two major apple growing districts (Baramulla and Shopain) were detailing the current year done and then selection of the orchards at five different altitudes from each progress selected district were under taken (1600-2100 m). The minimum elevation report (word limit 250) between any 2 consecutive orchards has been kept more than 100 meters. For district Shopian altitude range lies between 1630- 2085 mts while for district Baramulla it lies between 1610-2055 mts. From each selected orchard three apple cultivars viz. Red Delicious, Golden delicious and Royal Delicious were selected and selection of similar type of apple trees from each orchard were made on the basis of tree health, vigour, age etc. After selection of orchards, phenological study, flowering and other fruit set parameters of the selected orchards at different locations has been completed. Further sampling of the leaves for the estimation of photosynthetic pigments (Chl-a, Chl-b, Total cholorphyll) were also completed. Similarly, fruits were collected from selected orchards and analyzed for various fruit 1 physico-chemical characteristics viz; fruit length, fruit breadth, fruit weight, fruit firmness, TSS, Total Sugar Content, TSS/Acidity ratio were performed. For assessment of soil health, depth wise composite soil samples were collected from each selected orchard at three different depths viz. 0-6 inch, 6- 18 inch and 18-30 inch,. The analysis of various parameters viz., pH, EC, OC, available N, P & K and micronutrients have been completed. Project Affiliations Role & Responsibilities partner name Partner 1 Division of Fruit Science, Faculty of Horticulture SKUAST Division of Fruit Science and Soil Science provides essential Kashmir scientific assistance regarding cultivation of fruits at different Partner 2 Division of Soil altitudes and also assists in the estimation of various soil Science , Faculty parameters. of Horticulture SKUAST Kashmir 2. Project Site Details Project Site District Baramulla and District Shopian IHR states covered Jammu and Kashmir Long. & Lat. The geographical location of district Baramulla is 33º 55ʹʹ00ʹN to 73º55ʺ00ʹE & 34º25ʺ05ʹN to 74º40ʺ00ʹE and Shopian is 33º 37ʹʹ54ʹ N to 74º33ʺ50ʹE & 33º49ʺ18ʹ N to 75º04ʺ40ʹE respectively. Site Maps Attached as Annexure-I Site Photographs Attached as Annexure-II 2 3. Project activities chart w.r.t time frame (Gantt or PERT) Project activities WORK UNDERTAKEN Output Year Qtr 1 Qtr 2 Qtr 3 Qtr 4 Growth response NIL Survey Collection of Preliminary The quality model (yield and for fruit samples investigation for parameters viz., quality) of apple selection from selected quality parameters fruit length, varieties at various of apple orchards and of fruits completed fruit breadth, altitudes Orchards analysis for fruit weight, started various fruit firmness, quality parameters TSS, Total started Sugar Content, TSS/Acidity have been completed Database on soil NIL Survey Collection of Analysis for The analysis of health, climate effect for soil samples various soil soil with respect on apple and GHG selection from selected parameters to various will be generated of apple orchards and collected from parameters like Orchards analysis for different locations pH, EC, OC, started various soil has been available N, P & parameters completed. K and started micronutrients have been completed. Manual for NIL NIL Planting Sites Layout and To be started screening of climate for year 2019 planting of from April 2019. resilient apple were different (08) varieties identified apple varieties were planted at four different identified site (In Kulgam District) shall be done with effect from the coming Spring Maps delineating NIL NIL Ground Delineation and LULC map prospective apple truthing with mapping of showing the area growing areas respect to orchards in two under apple apple districts viz., with respect to growing Shopian and two districts of areas in Kashmir valley Baramulla have selected viz, Shopian and districts been completed. Baramulla have (Shopian and been generated. 3 Baramulla) have been completed. 4. Financial and Resource Information Note: A separate bank account has been opened for NMHS Project as per the provision of Direct Beneficiary Account (DBA) as laid out by the Govt. of India and also facilitate the audit of accounts. The interest earned out of the NMHS project funds should be reported clearly in the utilization certificate Total Grant: Rs/- 4346600 Grant Received Date: Rs/- 2177200 (26-04-2018) Project Partner(s) Affiliations/ Institution Budget Allocated to Work Done Partner 1 Partner 2 Project Staff Information S. No. Name Qualification Designation Fellowship/ Remarks Wages paid 1 Syed Sami Ullah Ph.D. JPF 16000+1800 Joined on 06 June, 2018 and resigned on 21st February 2019. 3 Ikhalq A. Mir M.Sc. JPF 16000+1800 Joined on 06 June, 2018 4 Shafia Kounsar Casual 6700 Joined on Labourer 01/12/18 5. Equipment and Asset Information S.N Equipment Name Details Cost Date of Photograp Lowest o. (QTY) Make/Model installation hs of the quotation if equipment not purchased 01 Chlorophyll Meter SPAD 211220 01-10-2018 502Plus 02 UV/VIS Shimadzu 504450 01-10-2018 Spectrophotometer UV1800 Double Beam Annexure 03 Soil Moisture and pH 9027 8142 01-10-2018 -III Meter 04 Rectangular High LabotechTM 44840 08-10-2018 temperature Furnace BDI-73 05 Aerosol Mass Moniter M/S Met 295312.0 25-09-2018 One 4 Instruments, USA 831 06 Digital Benchtop pH Perfit/Perfit 12479.0 27-03-2019 Meter 07 Portable CO2 Rave 51861.0 23-03-2019 Analyszer Innovation CDM - 901 08 Refrigerated Centrifuge Remi 103950.0 27-03-2019 Neya 12 09 pH Meter Wensar 9263.0 16-03-2019 Labman LMPH - 10 10 SPINIX- Vortex Tarsons 8483.0 28-03-2019 Shaker SPINIX (Mc-01) Code-3020 6. Expenditure Statement and Utilization Certificate Please update the annual Expenditure Statement and Utilization Certificate (UC) periodically Expenditure Information: S.No. Financial Funds Expenditure % of Total cost Position/Budget sanctioned Head I Salaries/Manpower 427200/- 327816/- 15.05 cost II Travel 1,00,000/- 100000/- 4.59 III Expendables 175,000/- 175000/- 8.03 &Consumables IV Contingencies 75000/- 75000/- 3.44 V Activities & Other 150000/- 150000/- 6.88 Project cost VI Institutional Nil Nil Nil Charges VII Equipments 1250000/- 1250000/- 57.41 Total 2177200/- 2077816/- 95.40 Interest earned 48710/- Grand Total 2225910/- 5 Period Expenditure Statement Utilization Certificate (UC) Annual [Attached] [Attached] 7. Project Beneficiary Groups: Beneficiary Groups [Capacity Building) Target Achieved No. of Beneficiaries with income generation: No. of stakeholders trained, particularly women: 05 June, 2018 (One day seminar on Beat Plastic Pollution) 08 December, 2018 (One No. of capacity building day workshop) Workshops/ 13-14 March, 2019 trainings: (National Seminar) No. of Awareness & outreach programmes: No. of Research/ Manpower developed: 8. Project Progress Summary (As applicable to project) Description Total (Numeric) Description IHR States Covered Project Site/ Field Stations Developed: .... (attach photos) ... (attach maps) No. of Patents filed (Description): Article/ Review/ Research Paper/ Publication: New Methods/ Modellings Developed (description in 250 words): No. of Trainings (No. of Beneficiaries): Workshop: 05 June, 2018 (One day seminar on Beat Plastic Pollution) 08 December, 2018 (One day workshop) 13-14 March, 2019 (National Seminar) Demonstration Models (Site): .... (attach maps about location & photos) 6 Livelihood Options: Training Manuals: Processing Units: .... (attach photos) Species Collection: Species identified: Database/ Images/ GIS Maps: 09. Project Linkages (with nearby Institutions/ State Agencies) S. No. Institute/ Organization Type of Linkages Brief Description 10. Additional (Publication, recommendations, etc.) Time Period Publications (Research papers, Information material, Policy draft, patents etc) Attach Annual [Year] NIL 08. Project Concluding Remark Kindly update the following Progress Parameters for the Reporting Period: Project objectives Project output Progress made Remarks against each against monitoring objective indicators (specified in Sanction Letter) Determination of growth Collection of fruit Satisfactory Growth and flowering response ( yield, and samples from characters has been quality ) of existing apple selected orchards and completed. Quality varieties at various analysis for various parameters of fruits altitudes quality parameters collected from completed selected locations completed. Screening of different Layout and planting To be started in 2nd 7 exotic climate resilient of different (10) year (Second Year work) apple varieties for apple varieties were Under Supervision cultivation at different planted at four and to be monitored altitudes different identified after April 2019. site during the
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