FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF NIGERIA Public Disclosure Authorized FEDERAL ROADS DEVELOPMENT PROJECT (FRDP) ROAD SECTOR DEVELOPMENT TEAM (RSDT) ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT OF AKURE-ILESHA ROAD REHABILITATION PROJECT Public Disclosure Authorized FINAL REPORT Submitted by Public Disclosure Authorized SEEMS NIGERIA LIMITED AUGUST, 2012 Public Disclosure Authorized i TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE Title i Table of Contents ii List of Tables vi List of Figures vii List of Plates viii Abbreviations and Acronyms ix Acknowledgement xii ESIA Report Preparers xiii EXECUTIVE SUMMARY xiv 1.0 Introduction 1 1.1 Background 2 1.2 Project Overview 2 1.3 Regulatory Framework 7 1.3.1 National Legislations 8 1.3.2 Other Environmental Regulations Governing Environmental Protection 9 1.3.3 Statutory Limits/Standards 10 1.3.4 State Legislation 10 1.3.5 International Standards, Treaties and Conventions 11 1.3.6 Health, Safety and Environmental Policies and Guidelines of FMW 11 1.3.7 Organisation and Responsibilities 11 1.3.8 World Bank Policies 13 1.4 Environmental Impact Assessment 15 1.4.1 ESIA Objectives 16 1.4.2 Scope of the ESIA 16 1.4.3 Terms of Reference 17 1.4.4 Methodology 17 1.5 Structure of the Report 18 2.0 Project Justification 20 2.1 Need for the Project 20 2.2 Project Alternatives 20 2.2.1 No Project 20 2.2.2 Using other Travel Modes 21 2.2.3 Alternative Alignments 21 2.2.4 Upgrading the Existing Roads 21 2.3 Project Benefits 21 2.4 Envisaged Substainability 21 2.5 Type of Project 22 2.6 Project Location 22 ii 2.7 Existing conditions of the project Road 22 2.7.1 Shoulders of the Road 23 2.7.2 Pavement 24 2.7.3 Exisitng Alignment 24 2.7.4 Drainage 25 2.7.5 Traffic Volume 25 2.7.6 Road Furniture 25 2.8 Design Standards 26 2.9 Input and Output of Raw Materials and Products 27 2.9.1 Raw Material Supply 27 2.9.2 Process Inputs 27 2.9.3 Sources of Energy Availale of the Project 27 2.10 Project Operation and Maintenance 27 2.11 Project Life cycle 27 2.12 Project Schedule 27 3.0 Description of the Environment 28 3.1 Introduction 28 3.2 Baseline Data Acquisition Methods 28 3.2.1 Sampling Methods & Field Measurement 29 3.2.2 Quality Assurance/Control Procedure 30 3.3 Description of the Baseline Status of the project area 30 3.3.1 Climate/Meteorology 30 3.3.2 Air Temperature 31 3.3.3 Relative Humidity 33 3.3.4 Rainfall 33 3.3.5 Wind Speed & Direction 35 3.3.6 Air Quality 37 3.3.7 Noise 38 3.3.8 Soils 38 Physical Properties 38 Chemical Properties 40 Soil Microbiology 40 Land Use 41 3.3.9 Geology & Hydrogeology 41 Geology of the Project area 41 Geophysical Studies characteristics 42 Hydrogeological Characteristics 42 Geophysical (Geolectric) Characteristics 43 3.3.10 Vegetation 43 3.3.11 Aquatic System 46 Water Quality 46 Water Microbiology 47 Hydrobiology 48 Fish/Fisheris 50 iii Sediment 51 3.3.12 Terrestial Fauna and Wildlife 53 3.3.13 Waste Management 55 3.3.14 Socio Economics 55 The Project Environment 55 Socioeconomic Attributes 56 Community Health status 66 Consultation with Key Stakeholders 67 3.4 Institutional Arrangement 69 3.5 Budget for the Implementation of ESMP 71 4.0 Associated & Potential Environmental Impacts 72 4.1 Impact Prediction Methodology 72 4.2 Impact Appraisal 78 4.2.1 Environmental Issues 78 4.2.2 Environmental Consequences 83 4.3 Significant Positive Impact 83 4.4 Significant Negative Impact 84 4.5 Raw materials Impacts 84 4.6 Process Impact 84 4.7 Project Specific Incremental 84 4.8 Project Specific Cummulative Effects 84 4.9 Project Specific Long/Short term Effects 84 4.10 Project Specific Adverse/Beneficial Effects 84 4.11 Project Specific Direct/Indirect Effects 84 4.12 Project Specific Reversiable/Irreversiable Effects 84 4.13 Project Specific Risk and Hazard Assessment 85 4.13.1 Risk Scenerio 85 5.0 Mitigation of Potential and Associated Environmental Impacts 86 5.1 Best Available Control Technology 86 5.1.1 Site Clearing and Civil Work Construction 86 5.1.2 Highway Operations and Maintenance 87 5.2 Decommissioning Plan 90 6.0 Environmental and Social Management Plan 91 6.1 Introduction 97 6.2 Waste Management Strategies 97 6.3 Waste Management Programme 99 6.4 Waste Management 99 6.5 Monitoring Schedule 100 6.6 Environmental Audit 100 6.6.1 Contingency Planning 100 6.6.2 Project Organisation and Responsibilities 100 6.7 Follow-Up Action Plan 101 iv 6.8 Inter-Agency and Public/NGO 101 7.0 Conclusions and Recommendations 103 References 104 Appendices 106 v LIST OF TABLES PAGES Table 3.1: Summar of Weather condition Recorded at various sampling stations along 34 Akure Ilesha road Table 3.2: Sammpling Coordinates of Air pollutants & Noise Measurements 35 (Wet & Dry season) Table 3.3a: Air Quality Characteristics of theproject area (Wt & Dry Season) 36 Table 3.3b: Regulatory Standards for Ambient Air Quality 37 Table 3.4: Noise Characteristics of the project area (Wet & Dry Season) 37 Table 3.5: Sampling Cordinates for water Quality 38 Table 3.6: Summary of Physico-Chemical Characteristic of Soils of the project area 39 Table 3.7: The Geology Beneath the Proposed Akure-Ilesha Rehabilitation road 41 Table 3.8: VES Station and the GPS Geograghic Co-ordinates 41 Table 3.9: Classification of Soil Resistivity in terms of its Corrosivity 42 Table 3.10: Checklist of Crops plants in farms encountered along the Proposed 45 Rehabilitation road Table 3.11: Checklist of common Economic Plant species along the route 45 Table 3.12: Sampling Coordinate for water Quality 46 Table 3.13: Summary of Physio-Chemical characteristics of water from the 47 Rivers/Streams & Boreholes/Wwells in the study area Table 3.14a: Checklist of Phytoplankton groups 49 Table 3.14b: Distribution of Phytoplankton in the water of the project area 50 Table 3.15a: Checklist of Zooplankton Groups 50 Table 3.15b: Distribution of Zooplankton in the water of the project area 50 Table 3.16: A checklist of the fish species inhaiting the Sampled Rivers during the 50 period of study Table 3.17: Physico-Chemical Characteristics of Sediments of Rivers/Streams in the 52 species in the area Table 3.18: List of Wildlife species sighted or reported around the project area 54 Table 4.19: Major settlements & their Geographical locations relative to the proposed 55 Rehabilitation Akure-Ilesha road Table 3.20: Socioeconomics characteristics of PAPs 56 Table 3.21: Socioeconomics of Charateristics of PAPs 62 Table 3.22: The Summary of the Outcome of the Consultation 68 Table 4.1: Impact Indicators for various Environmental Components 75 Table 4.2: Environmental Impacts o road Construction & Operations 76 (from RAU’s (1990)Method) Table 4.3: Impact Evaluation Matrix or the Akure-Ilesha road development project 77 Table 4.4: Summary of project Actions & Potential Impacts 79 Table 6.1: Summary of Environmental Management Responsiilities for various 92 stages of project Table 6.2: Monitoring Impact Indicators 93 vi Table 6.3a: Environmental Monitoring Programme for the road Development Project 94 Table 6.3b Monitoring Programme of the Project affected people 95 Table 6.4: Environmental Monitoring Programme for the Road Development Project 97 Table 6.5: Environmental and SocialManagement Plan for the road Development project 99 LIST OF FIGURES 1.1 Map of Nigeria showing Ondo State & Osun State Travesed by Akure- 3 Ilesh road(Red line) 1.2 Map of part of Southwestern Nigeria Showing the Akure-Ilesh 4 Travelling Osun & Ondo State 1.3 Osun State Local government areas Traversed by Akure-Ilesha road 5 1.4 Ondo State Local governmntareas Traversed by Akure-Ilesha 6 1.5 Satellite Image showing Akure-Ilesha (A122) road betwwen red arrows 7 3.1 Sampling & location Map of the study area 29 3.2. Temperature regime in the Project area 31 3.3. Relative Humidity Regime inthe study area 32 3.4 Prevailing Wind directions in the study area 34 3.5 Distribution of PAPs by Community 57 3.6 Age Distribution 58 3.7 Marital Status 59 4.8 Education 60 3.9 Primary Occupation 60 3.10 Skills (The PAPs are mostly unskilled workers) 61 3.11 Annual Income 61 3.12 Family Size 63 3.13 Length of stay in the Community 63 3.14 Type of House Lived in 64 3.15 Source of water 65 3.16 Attitude towards the road 65 3.17 Expected Benefits from the Projects 66 vii LIST OF PLATES PLATE 2.1 Akure –Ilesha road at Iwaraja 22 PLATE 2.2 Akure-Ilesha road at Ikere jut in Akure 22 PLATE 2.3 ROW Encroachment y Structires 23 PLATE 2.4 Common view of sholder conditions along Akure-Ilesha road 24 PLATE 2.5 Segm,ents of road pavement failure & Pot holes road 24 PLATE 2.6 Common Alignment on Akure-Ilesha road 25 PLATE 2.7 Some of the few road Signage Infrastructure 26 PLATE 3.1 Fallow/ Bush Regrowth Vegetation stand 44 PLATE 3.2 Fallow/ Bush Regrowth Vegetation stand 44 PLATE 3.3 Consultation meeting with people in Akure 68 PLATE 3.4 Consuktation meeting with people in Erinmo 69 viii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS GENERAL ASL Above sea level BDL Below Detection Limit BOD Biochemical Oxygen Demand DC Double Circuit DO Dissolved Oxygen DPR Department of Petroleum Resources DS Dissolved Solids EC Electrical Conductivity EIA Environmental Impact Assessment HC Hydrocarbon HSE Health, Safety and Environment ITN Insecticide Treated Nets SS Suspended solids TDS Total Dissolved Solids THC Total Hydrocarbon TSP Total Suspended Particulate VES Vertical Electrical Sounding VOC Volatile Organic Compounds ROW Right of Way ESIA Environmental and Social Impact Assessment UNITS OF MEASUREMENT cfu/ml Colony
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