Click here for Full Issue of EIR Volume 4, Number 3, January 18, 1977 one science interacting with another. "pace are less than 1 per cent of the total annual budget To illustrate the magnitude of this risk. I wish to point for the federal government. it. nevertheless. represents out the great potential transfer of technology developed one of our principal investments in the long-term future in our space prosram to the energy field: What we have of this country and mankind. learned and developed in aerospace and R and D can be I believe that within ten years some of us will be meet­ applied to satisfying our nation's future needs for energy ing before the Committee on Rules of the U.S. Senate to self-sufficiency and independence. In addition. many of discuss a proposal that a new committee be formed with the greatest advances in modern biomedical research legislative jurisdiction of the Commerce.' Science and have come about as a consequence of this synergism. be­ Transportation of Space.... cause physicists. chemists. and others have taken their Mr. Chairman. we have seen. in the last two decades, art and their knowledge into the field of biomedicine and the beginning of a revolution in man's thinking and atti­ have contributed to a medical revolution in our country ... tudes toward the environment surrounding his earth. Mr. Chairman. I have one final comment to make That change is reflected in many ways most obviously in about this matter. Realizing that the proposed his analysis and prediction of weather, in his use of committee reorganization represents a snapshot of the satellite communications, and in his intellectual view of needs of the u.s. Senate in the mid 1970s and will require the planet earth, of his view of the moon as a sister planet further modifications. I would submit to you that one to the earth, of the other planets of the solar system in area of potentially great national involvement seems to which we now live, of the sun from which we draw our have been under-emphasized by the Select Committee. I sustaining energy for life and human activity, and of the am referring to space exploration and the use of space. cosmos itself wherein may lie the great intellectual revo­ science. and technology for the benefit of mankind. lutions in science and philosophy for succeeding gener­ At the present time. this great country of ours is em­ ations. barked on developing a space transportation system I can speak with certainty from my recent political which if successful will be the first major step toward campaign and experiences as an astronaut, that the next opening the space environment for use and service to generation of leaders in this country, those young people mankind. including use by commercial enterprises and in the high schools and colleges of America are looking for national security purposes. Even though the present toward a future that will involve many of them in the outlays allocated for the exploration and the utilization of science, commerce and the transportation of space. Mr. Carter's Coca-Cola Connection I�X(�I .. lJSI 'TI� A preliminary investigation by this news service has for Coca-Cola. Furthermore. authoritative sources have uncovered evidence which strongly suggests that the predicted that psychiatrist Peter Bourne. one of Carter's Coca-Cola Co. functions first and foremost as an arm of closest friends. will be named to a top post in the new the Rockefeller family's private intelligence apparatus. Administration, probably in the department of Health, and only secondarily as purveyors of a soft-drink Education and Welfare. The Agency for International beverage. Specifically, Coca-Cola utilizes its vast. world­ Development (AID)-trained Bourne's career as a brain­ wide bottling and distribution network as a vehicle for washer. controller of terrorist groups such as the Maoist various CIA-type covert operations ranging from bribery Vietnam Veterans Against the War, and leading of politicians and government officials up through the proponent of heroin "decriminalization" could never fostering of terrorism, destabilization operations. and have gotten off the ground had.!t not been for tlie largesse coups d'tltat. Chief among Coca-Cola's subversive activi­ of Coca-Cola's Atlanta-based foundations. ties is its probable involvement in a major international The most important connection between Carter and drug-running network spanning several continents. Coca-Cola. however. lies with J. Paul Austin. the including North America. ,company's chairman of the board. Austin, who has It is vitally necessary to publish a preliminary report received scant coverage in the national press despite of these findings because of the intimate connections widespread speculation that Carter had seriously between the Coca-Cola Co. and President-elect Jimmy considered him for secretary of state or treasury, could Carter. As several leading newspapers. including the accurately be characterized as Carter's eminence grise Washington Post and the Wall Street Journal, have Austin is the man who lifted Carter out of the obscurity of anxiously noted recently. not only is Coca-Cola's presi­ small-time Georgia politics and assisted him in dent Charles Duncan slated to be Carter's Number Two becoming governor in 1970. Austin introduced Carter to man at the State Department. but two other top Carter his friend, David Rockefeller in the early 1970s and is appointees - Attorney General-designate Griffin Bell now helping install Carter - illegally - in the White ' and Health. Education,and Welfare Secretary-designate House. Joseph Califano - have served as legal representatives Austin is no more an ordinary business executive than 22 NATIONAL © 1977 EIR News Service Inc. All Rights Reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission strictly prohibited. Coca-Cola is an ordinary business. Austin is a charter counsel for the deal was Sullivan and Cromwell, creatol member of David Rockefeller's Trilateral Commission of the Standard Oil-IG Farben cartel, and the law firm of - from whose ranks have come nea·rly the entire Carter Office of Strategic Studies chieftain Allen Dulles who Administration, including Carter himself. He chairs the personally set up a drug ring in southern Europe in the board of the Rand Corporation, where Carter's newly­ immediate period following World War II. named special White House assistant J:ames Schlesinger All through the 1920s and 1930s - long after cocaine developed the doctrine of "limited nuclear war." He had supposedly been removed from the drink - Coke serves as a Public Member of the Hudson Institute, was commonly referred to as "dope." To order a Coke at birthplace of the October 1973 oil embargo scenario. a soda fountain. you would ask for a "dope" or "a shot in Austin is a director of General Electric, Morgan the arm" "Dope carts" made the rounds of factories. Guaranty Trust Co., Continental Oil, Dow Jones, and dispensing Coke to the workers. Students at Atlanta's other major Rockefeller-linked banks and corporations. Emory University (financed almost entirely by Coca­ He is also a trustee of Cal Tech, whose president. Dr. Cola) honored their benefactor by issuing a student Harold Brown, is Carter's choice for Secretary of magazine called the "Dope Fiend." Defense. Beyond these fairly obvious interlocks with the cocaine apparatus. there are several key factors which. taken From Cocaine to Coke together, strongly indicate that Coca-Cola is involved in Coca-Cola has figured as an arm of the Rockefellers' drug-smuggling as well as other CIA-type covert opera­ private intelligence apparat since at least 1919. when a tions. consortium of three banks including Chase (Rocke­ leller). Guaranty Trust (Morgan). and the Trust Co. of The Coca-Cola Empire Georgia - then headed by Atlanta native Ernest Coca-Cola Co .. has a bottling franchise or distribution Woodruff whose son. Robert. presided over the firm until network in every major part of the world, except for the the early 1960s - purchased the company for $25 million. Soviet Union. The Morgan-Rockefeller purchase of the Coca-Cola Co. The pattern of the company's expansion is remarkably coincided with a major campaign by the top Wall Street in step with the development of the drug and terror financial interests to consolidate control of the U.S. drug networks of the CIA. For example,· Coca-Cola purchased industry. part of the Rockefeller emphasis on establish­ Minute Maid. including 30,000 acres of citrus orchards in ing a tight system of social controls following the 1910 Florida, in 1960. not long before the Bay of Pigs fiasco. At Ludlow massacres. In this regard. the Morgans and that time, the Miami area was rapidly becoming the especially the Rockefellers were following the example major East Coast center for the entry of illegal drugs into of the Rothschilds banking family which had been using the U.S., primarily from Caribbean and South American addictive drugs since at least the Chinese Opium Wars of drug-smuggling networks. SimultaneouslY, the CIA was the 1840s to pacify and control populations. making the area into the chief recruiting and training Although by 1919 Coke's original active ingredient. grounds for the various Cuban exile networks employed cocaine - from which the drink's nickname is derived - in the Bay of Pigs and similar destabilization operations. had supposedly been removed as a result of federal legis­ The individuals who run Coca-Cola's operations are lation designating the drug a controlled substance, generally closely tied to U.S. intelligence networks. For rumors persist to this day that Coke still contains example, the head of Coca-Cola's Greek franchise until cocaine. Whether or not this is true.
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