·/ ).1 ,i Crew Gels ,I :I f Vol. XLII, No. 14, GEORGETOWN UNIVERSITY, WASHINGTON, D. C. Thursday, .January 19, 1961 Senior Gift To Provide FederalAssistancej Strains On Tuition Fr. Bunn Reports Crew With Shell, Oars Reviewed At Meet The Class of 1961's 'Senior Gift Committee', under the The ever-important topic of Expansion Plans by Dave Kleiler direction of Paul Kenney, has announced plans to buy the the need for scholarships and just recognized Georgetown crew team a much needed shell the ability of an institution and thirty oars for approximately $2900. The name of this to bestow them was discussed first shell will appropriately be 'The Spirit of '61'. Wednesday and Thursday, The Senior Class has about $2400 in Gift funds pres- January 11 and 12, during the ently and should collect the regional meeting of the College remaining five hundred dol- Scholarship Board. lars at semester registrations Main speakers at this event were next week. Each member of two representatives of the Federal government: The Hon. Peter H. B. the class has donated twenty- Frelinghuysen, Jr., member of the five dollars towards their class Committee on Education and La­ gift over the past two years. Any- bor, who spoke on "Federal Assist­ thing collected by the committee ance to Students," and Dr. Homer that exceeds the $2900 will also D. Babbidge, Jr., Commissioner and be given to the crew team towards Director of the Division of Higher the future purchase of a second, or Education, U. S. Office of Educa-'_i possibly a third, shell, each of c which is quite needed. Some of the tion, who spoke on "Federal In­ other suggestions which were con- terests in Able Students". VERY REVEREND EDWARD B. BUNN, S.J. sidered by the Class' committee in- Throughout the course of both "What has already been done is the fulfillment of a long eluded new bells for Healy Tower, of these men's speeches one thing squash courts, a golf room, an ath- was evident: despite the cry for term plan," explained the Very Rev. Edward B. Bunn, S.J., letic bus, and a new floor for Mc- federal aid to schools, there is Iit- University President, when approached concerning George- Donough Gymnasium. tIe or no demand that federal schol- town's current plans for building projects and future expan- philosophyChairman major Paul Kenney,from the a Bostonsenior arships be given. ~ion. Then, the .President, whose administration has brought suburb of Needham, has partici- An Alternate Plan to completion such buildings as the Edmund A. Walsh GIFT-BEARERS .•. Dave Meek­ pated in the Boston Club, intra': In an interview, Fr. Joseph M. School of Foreign Service and er and Paul Kenney. mural sports, the Senior Smoker, Moffitt, S.J., Director of Admis- Money Maze the New South and Kober- Rat Race, and Senior Week Com-· t G t . t d t Slons a eorge own, pOln e ou Cogan dormitories, outlined Meeker's Men mittees. The other members of the that this is due in part to the fact 'Senior Gift Committee' include that those persons who did not Financial Support his future program. John Armentano, Fred Bingham, have a Son or daughter in or en- Work is well under way on Junior Gifts Ideas Bob Devine, Phil Limpert, Bob t' II ld t t N d d f P Markee, Joe Masterson, Pat Nu- sucheru).g actions.co ege wouHowever, no supporthis is ee e or rom the new science building, to Cover Wide Area gent, Dave Raycroft, Bob Remuzzi, not the entire picture. An apathy "The Junior Prom Week- be completed as planned in 1962. Work on the Junior Class' Bob Rizzo, Ed Shugrue, Bob Spain, is apparent among parents, stu- This building, to house all the sci- Gene Sullivan, and Bill Wallace. dents, and alumni groups toward end will be unparalled," states ences except astronomy, will de- "Senior Gift" is progressing Much of the success of the Class of support of this project. Committee Chairman Brian vote 40-50% of its space to re- well. The committee, under 1961's Gift Committee is due to the search and graduate studies, and efforts of Senior Class President A more logical plan, one that Dwyer, "but it absolutely provide the latest in scientific the chairmanship of Dave Charlie Matthews who formerly would be recognized by both groups, needs the full support of all equipment. This is a prime factor Meeker, began its work at served as chairman of the group. (Continued on Page 5) the classes and the backing in attracting such a scientist as Thanksgiving, and to date -------------------------------- l'n physicist William J. Thaler to has concentrated on the choice of • deN R· d of the Junior Class parents Georgetown's faculty. All but one the gift. The more simple but dif­ .II' 00 osl 01 alse; order to break even." million dollars of the total amount ficult task of collecting the funds The chief difficulty cited by needed has been collected. lies ahead. ·o" Ea·I.-ng-Oul Dwyer has been the failure of the In conjunction with this is the No Sen. • parents of the members of the To accomplish the first phase of already planned building of a li­ three solutions being proposed, two Junior Class to give backing to the its job, the committee sent a brary for the medical center. The by Student Representatives and one dance. A letter had been sent to questionnaire to the members of site for this has not been finally by the Administration, none of them requesting a donation to the Junior Class, asking for sug­ determined, but it will be in the which could meet the approval of defray a substantial part of the gestions for the nature of the gift, proximity of the medical school. both parties. expenses of the weekend, but so The estimated cost will be one mil­ and perhaps more important, ideas far the response has been very for raising the money. ' The difficulty arose out of the lion dollars, and will be completed fact that only 70% of the possible disappointing. There are almost by 1964, the 175th anniversary of 300 juniors, but only seventy-some ANew 'Tree'? meals are taken by students. Feel­ the University. ing that they were paying for parents have been heard from. "We The class has responded admir­ had counted on real support from The most ambitious project will twenty-one, but only receiving be the complete rebuilding of the ably with imagination and abun­ fourteen, the Facilities Committee the parents of each junior who in­ dance. Ideas for the gift itself tended to attend the weekend," says Georgetown Law Center at 6th asked for a fifteen-meal card. This, and "E" Sts. N.W. This six mil­ ~ange from a chapel for New South Dwyer, "which nt\mber we expected however, ,proved unacceptable to lion dollar project would include a to a tunnel between that building REVEREND T. BYRON to be in the vicinity of 200." If the Administration for two rea­ new classroom building and dormi­ and the -NurSing School. Most of COLLINS, S.J. this support is not given, and the sons: First, the cafeteria adminis­ tories to accomodate 1,000 students. the suggestions revolve around the trators would not know how much Committee Chairman notes that physical plant in New South, in The meal ticket plan for the time is running out, the weekend The present library would be dou­ food to prepare for a given meal bled to hold 300,000 volumes. Re­ which the Junior Class has lived resident student's dining room since they would not know how will not be solvent and it will prove for two years, and which it may a tremendous blow to the treasury search facilities would also be pro­ has finally been solved by the many diners to expect. vided. Father Bunn hopes to launch elect to inhabit next year. In the Second, the Administration only of the Class of 1962. concrete, these suggestions have mutual agreement of both the a fund raising drive as soon as pos­ charges the individual student for The entire weekend will be held included a Student Activities Room Administration and the Stu­ sible in order to have it completed 70% of the possible meals and if off campus this year. The Grand by 1970, the 100th anniversary of for New South, a "Tree" for New dent Council's Campus Facil­ it were to charge him for 100'/0 South, a reception room for parents Ballroom of the Mayflower· Hotel the Law Center. ities Committee: to keep the pres­ then the cost of board woud have will host the formal dance 'on Fri­ and weekend dates, landscaping of These are the projects that are to be raised proportionately. Father day night, February 10 at which the "barren area" on campus, a ent system, but with no addition definitely planned. However, there in cost. This problem, which has T. Byron Collins, S.3'., Vice Pres­ the couples will be treated to donation to the new Science Build­ ident of the University for Busi­ are other plans on the drawing ing, contributions toward a swim­ extended from the end of last year "Music by Devron." The weekend board; a new dorm fo1" under­ when the students requested a fif­ ness Management, then proposed ming pool, a gallery for the paint- will continue on Saturday after­ graduate students, the first two teen-meal ticket plan, had erupted three meal tickets, for fifteen, noon at a cocktail party held at (Continued on Page 4) almost into a total confusion with (Continued on Page 7) the Arlington Towers.
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