Wtinitp Cripoir DECEMBER 10, 2002 VOL. CI NO. 11 PUBLISHED BY THE STUDENTS OF TRINITY COLLEGE SINCE 1904 SGA Polls Students Walking in a Winter Wonderland Opinions on Hersh, College Progression feelings would have upon their EILEEN FLYNN ______ willingness to be active alumni. NEWS EDITOR The survey consisted of six The Student Government questions, all of which were char- Association (SGA) conducted a acterized as "very abstract" in the telephone survey of on-campus release by Jake Schneider '04, students to gauge their opinion of chair of the ERC. The questions the College, its administration were all true-false answers, which and their possible future involve- allows for easier statistical analy- ment with the College. Further, sis, but does not leave room for %•- ; >k, i- the survey compared the respons- explanations of what the respon- es to the areas above to the will- dent was thinking when he ingness of those polled to pro- answered the question. For mote the school to prospective instance, in Question #2, "I am students. The Elections, confident that our administrators are looking out for our best inter- Recruitment and ests," the definition of adminis- trators is not made clear. Therefore, a student, when responding to the above question, ABI MOLDOVCR could be referring to Sharon Snow blankets Trinity in preparation for exam week. Herzberger, or to Darrell Claiborne, and his answer could vary depending upon whom he was referring to. The results are subject to a seven percent variance due to the number of students polled. Three Trinity Community Observes hundred students were randomly selected through a computer pro- Q3:1 support President gram. However, only one hun- Hersh and his initiatives. dred forty-four students were World AIDS Day on Tuesday Communications (ERC) commit- actually reached, but since all the &n help EILEE! those who are dealing with it in interpreted the poll. the sampling of the campus prepared by SUSHI. This infor- NEWS EDITOR their lives. The main concern of those remains as accurate. mation was also available at the The focus of this year's conducting the poll was the nega- The third question relates On Tuesday, December 3, the table in Mather. The numbers are World AIDS Day was the stigma tive feelings on campus that stu- specifically to President Hersh Trinity community became aware staggering: forty million people attached to those with AIDS, or dents spoke about. SGA wished and student reaction to his initia- of a global epidemic that takes the live with HIV/AIDS. Ninety-five who are HIV positive. Across the to discover if this was the prevail- tives. The reaction was over- lives of 8200 people each day: percent of them live in develop- world AIDS education came to ing sentiment on campus or mere- whelmingly negative, but as Acquired Immune Deficiency ing countries. Of these only ten the forefront, making it an issue ly that of the more vocal students. Schneider pointed out in his Syndrome (AIDS). Through the percent are able to get access to that governments are forced to SGA was especially interested in report "During the period polled, combined efforts of the Women's antiretroviral life extending deal with. the effect the student's negative see SGA on page 5 Center, Students Uniting drugs. Scientific and Humanitarian Focusing more on the local Jason Gallant of SUSHI said, Interests (SUSHI) and Trinity's war with AIDS, the number of "Each AIDS day- gets bigger and Chapter of the American Medical Hartford residents living with more in your face, and people are Rumors Abound About experiencing the same thing Student Association (AMSA) AIDS has doubled since 1992. worldwide that we experienced at Trinity had the opportunity to This is in contrast to the declining Trinity: people care and people learn more about this world-wide pattern of new AIDS cases report- are ready to listen. The Federal Gas Leak and Murder concern. ed nationally in the past two Government came the closest it AIDS is the terms applied to years. has come in years to passing leg- straight. the most advanced stage of a World AIDS Day works to CHRIS BAKER islation that would really commit Last Monday Trinity students inform the public about an issue NEWS EDITOR Human Immunodeficiency Virus the United States to actually mak- were shocked and concerned that is often viewed as incurable (HIV) infection. HIV infections ing a difference, and it's aware- about reports of a woman being and unstoppable. The AIDS epi- Any community as small as are transferred through unprotect- ness raising and some good old- demic can be stalled by greater Trinity is bound to have an active murdered on Zion St., virtually a ed sex, sharing needles, and blood fashioned advocacy that is going AIDS education and an under- and thriving rumor mill, as many stone's throw from the campus transfusions. The danger for K h *lp that these people a person walking home at 5 in the quad, 21-year-old Elizabeth infected persons is in being •>t ndnu o tin- Jiv. is \ 'i^ morning is bound to have found Garcia was strangled to death in exposed to opportunistic infec- out. her apartment. tions, such as pneumonia, which Early last1 week saw the Police have said that this was can have fatal consequences. beginning of a rumor about a a domestic situation and that there As a part of the effort to raise murder that took place on Zion was little danger to the general awareness students could have St., while only this morning stu- public, although they have not their picture taken in Mather to be dents began hearing about a gas arrested anyone in connection assembled in the shape of an leak in Mather hall. Have no fear, with the crime. AIDS ribbon and placed on a the Tripod is here to set the record see MATHER on page 5 quilt panel in Washington, DC in April 2003. Hanging above the table was INSIDE THIS WEEK'S a visual display consisting of 8200 hand-made AIDS ribbons, one for each death from AIDS Having sex with your parents Psi U Winter Formal, is it a use- that day. The Women's Center and Nate Baker takes on the less, drunken meat market, or a sponsored a speaker for AIDS Writing Center this week in totally worthwhile one? Find Project Hartford to give a talk Opinions P- 3 out in Features P- 13 entitled "All the questions about HIV/AIDS you wanted to know For reviews of Guns 'n Roses News but were afraid to ask." and their opening acts, a John Opinions Over fifteen faculty members 13 Mayer concert, an inside view Features. worked with SUSHI to coordi- of Trinity's Lessons and Carols, Aits nate mini teach-ins. Five minutes JONATHAN CHeSNeV and the directing projects, see Announcements page 17 a e2 were taken from class time to Arts P-8 Sports P « ° have a discussion about the AIDS Member of SUSHI pose before the AIDS ribbons. PAGE 2 OPINIONS THE TRINITY TRIPOD - DECEMBER 10, 2002 TO) TMIE B&G Nice Guys, McCook Kittens Saved To the Editor: apology to the Buildings and Grounds workers, whom I called During my four-hour stake- kitten-killers. out three weeks ago, in an unsuc- Only some of the B&G work- cessful attempt to capture and ers advocate killing kittens, and Kristin B. Powell '03 Edna D. Gucrrasio '05 save the kittens living outside of the others from the department EDITOR-IN-CHIEF MANAGING EDITOR McCook, I encountered two men are actually quite nice. I am truly from Buildings and Grounds and sorry for my overgeneralization. realized that my previous article And on a happier note, an NEWS EDITORS OPINIONS EDITORS in the Tripod had been too harsh employee of Trinity College is in Christopher Baker '03 Eileen Flynn '05 Alexander Gordon '05 Rebecca Fowler '05 and biased. the process of rescuing the kittens These two men from B&G and taking them into her home. were actually quite understanding So the kitties are saved, after all. FEATURES EDITORS ARTS EDITORS and helpful, and wished me luck Happy Holidays! Eliza Sayward '05 Joe Stramondo '04 Brian P. Nanos 'OS Pat Marinaro '03 with my quest to save the kitties. So I felt compelled to write an Lisa Castignetti '06 SPORTS EDITOR ANNOUNCEMENT EDITOR Eamonn Brown '05 Shane Early '03 Daniel Scollan '05 Destruction of Art Sends a Poor Message To the Editor: waste at the hands of someone PHOTOGRAPHY EDITOR PRODUCTION MANAGER Robert Leitzell '06 coming back from late night. Jonathan Chesney '05 Strewn about the damp We wonder why the adminis- ground on November 24 were tration won't treat us like adults, ONLINE EDITORS fragments of a sculpture recently but when students do stupid and Chris Silvertnan '03, Matt Barison '04, Jim Nadzieja '04, placed in the Elton/Jones court- disrespectful things like smashing Jimmy Sethna '04 yard. other people's artwork, I can only I am distressed to be part of a be thankful for the freedoms we COPY EDITORS community where a piece of art are still allowed. If we want to be Erika Lo '03 cannot last a week out in the open respected as the adults that we before being broken into pieces. I are, the least we can do is show can only imagine how the sculp- respect for our fellow classmates. SENIOR EDITORS tor must feei after putting in many Abigail Thomas '03, Lissy Woodhams '03 hours of work only for it to go to Beth Harris '05 Trinity Papers Showcase Student Works To the Students of Trinity exceed twenty-five double spaced College: pages.
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