VIAŢĂ COTIDIANĂ ÎN TÂRGUL DIOSIG ŞI ÎMPREJURIMI ÎNTRE 1658/1660–1703. STUDIU MONOGRAFIC SZABÓ József* DAILY LIFE IN DIOSIG AND NEIGHBOURHOODS BETWEEN 1658/1660-1703. MONOGRAPGHICAL STUDY Abstract History of Ierul Valley (rom.: Valea Ierului, hung.: Érmellék) between 1658-1703 was the most troubled period in the past of this region. The period was marked formerly by the decline of the controversial rule of Rákóczy György the IInd in Transylvania following his desastruous campaing for the polish throne in 1657. History of Oradea and Debrecen(Hu) cities in that periode was largelly studied, but Diosig’s history (although it was the second biggest locality in Bihor county after Debrecen in 1692) with its neighbourhoods was no of search interest. This paper try to draw the importance of Diosig in the very complex military and political happenings from Ierul Valley in that era. We have consistent data regarding ottoman influence in Ierul Valley (especially in Diosig) beginning from the middle of XVIth century: in that period Diosig initially was part of a timar (payment propriety with a value of <20.000 akches), but at the beginnig of XVIIth century it was part of a ziamet (payment propriety with a value between 20-100.000 akches). Ottoman turkish occupation in Bihor county took place between 1660- 1692 (the two siege of Oradea by ottomans and habsburgs), but in the Ierul Valley only until 1686 (the siege of Sâniob by habsburgs). Diosig became the part of Pashaluk Oradea (ottoman turkish: Varat Eyaleti) and Nahie of Bihar in september 1660. In 1660 it was written by turks and added by the sultan to the Köprülü Family Grand Vizier’s haas (payment propriety with a value >100.000 akches) who transformed it as an endowment (waqf/vakif/awkaf) in the interest of ottoman church. When a propriety became a waqf even the sultan couldn’t touch it. After a military reform (in 1670) a significant part of hungarian soldiers serving under austriac flag were sent from habsburgic fortresses off. They called themselves kurucz and became the basis of a very powerfull antihabsburgical military movement. There chief between 1678-1685 was Thököly Imre, chief of Upper Hungary Principality between 1683-1686, too. With the agreement of Grand Vizier, the kurucz soldiers and Thököly Imre had a continuous refuge in Diosig in this periode with all the negative detailed consequences upon Diosig. Based on narrative sources, Diosig was a camp field (how is detailed in this paper) for different armies in 1663, 1680-1692, too. We drew the economical history of Diosig town under habsburgic rule, too. Finally, there are cited a few data regarding to religious life of Diosig in the study periode. In this paper there is drawn daily life in Diosig in the given conditions of second half of XVIIth century (ie. ottoman and transylvanian taxation). Thanking to the special statute as a waqf, and other privileges accorded by transylvanian principles and pashas of Oradea together with the good effects of viticulture on Diosig demography, Diosig survived this periode with a very good demography and economy potential which assured a good start point for the town (hung. mezőváros, rom. târg) of Diosig to develop in the more relaxed conditions of the XVIIIth century. Keywords: Diosig, ottoman occupation, habsburg administration, ottoman taxation, transylvanian taxation, kurucz movements, Appafy Mihály, Thököly Imre, Rákóczy György the IInd, Oradea, Săcueni, Ierul Valley. * Spitalul Municipal dr. Pop Mircea - Marghita, [email protected]. 2 44 Szabó József Introducere1 Pentru istoria Văii Ierului (ung. Érmellék), perioada cuprinsă între 1658–1711 a fost una foarte grea. Ea a fost marcată de începutul decăderii lui Gheorghe Rákóczi al II-lea, după campania catastrofală din 1657 pentru tronul Poloniei. Bihorul şi domeniile sale familiale de aici au reprezentat baza de pornire a campaniei cu toate consecinţele devastatoare materiale şi umane2. A urmat, apoi, dominaţia turcilor3 în Bihor (1660-1692)4 1 Corectarea şi revizuirea materialului s-a efectuat de Mihai Georgiţă şi Ioan Goman. Vreau să le exprim şi pe această cale mulţumirile mele profunde pentru ajutorul acordat. 2 Kelemen Brigitta, II. Rákóczi György lengyelországi hadjárata a források alapján (1657) pe site-ul http:// www.egritortenesz.hu/content/ii-rakoczi-gyorgy-lengyelorszagi-hadjarata-forrasok-alapjan-1657 accesat in 22.07.2012; Nagy Rezső, A krími tatár rabok történetéről, Losonc, 1918; Szilágyi Sándor, A két Rákóczy György fejedelem családi levelezése , Budapest, 1875; Enyedi István, II. Rákóczi György fejedelem lengyelországi útjának és háborújának alkalmatossága, in Erdély öröksége. Erdélyi emlékírók Erdélyről, vol V, Apa és fiú (1630-1661), Budapest, 1994; Kemény János II. Rákóczi Györgyhöz és Erdély rendjeihez. A moldvai tatár táborban, 1657. augusztus 6. in, Kemény János és Bethlen Miklós művei, Budapest, 1980; Kemény János, Ruina exercitus Transsylvanici, in Kemény János és Bethlen Miklós művei, Budapest, 1980; Seres István, Újabb források az 1657. évi lengyelországi hadjárat veszteséglistájához, Hadtörténelmi Közlemények, anul 124, 2010, nr 4, p. 799-817. Mai vezi şi pe B. Szabó János, II. Rákóczi György 1658. évi török háborúja, Hadtörténelmi Közlemények, anul 114, 2001, nr 2-3, p. 231-278; dr. Márki Sándor, Várparancs 1658-ból, Hadtörténelmi Közlemények, vol 26, 1925, p. 171-172 – regulamentul soldaţilor cetăţii Oradea din 1658; Gyalokay Jenő, A szászfenesi ütközet, Hadtörténelmi Közlemények, vol 15, 1914, p. 34 –; Jármy József, II. Rákóczy György szász-fenesi csatája, Erdélyi Múzeum, anul 19, 1902, nr 4, p. 169-182; ibidem, Erdélyi Múzeum, anul 19, 1902, nr 5, p. 221-235. Szilágyi Sándor, II. Rákóczi György levelei Rhédey Ferenczhez, Történelmi Tár, anul 15, 1892, p. 96-126. Fekete Lajos, A hódoltsági törökség Magyarországra vonatkozó földrajzi ismeretei, Hadtörténelmi Közlemények, vol 31, 1930, p. 1-17, 134-154. Vezi Nagyváradi Inczédi Pál a maga életében Erdély országában történt közönséges dolgoknak feljegyzései 1660-1697 la Biblioteca Academiei Cluj-Napoca, Manuscrise, mss KS 3, Chartophilarium Transilvanicum, Tom XXXVIII/2, p. 69-80. 3 Despre dominaţia turcilor în Ungaria epocii vezi lucrări de referinţă selectate in extenso pe: ***, A hódoltság kora, szakkönyv- és tanulmánygyüjtemény a törökkor történelméről, CD-ROM, Arcanum Adatbázis kft, Budapesta, aprilie 2005 (ISBN 963 7374 05 1). 4 Pe lângă bibliografia maghiară referitoare, pe care o vom prezenta pe rând şi în subnotele următoare, preocupările istoriografiei bihorene în legătură cu dominaţia otomană în Bihor sunt reprezentate de următoarele lucrări: Borcea Liviu, Satele din Bihor ale lui Gavrilaş Movilă şi Constantin Şerban, în Crisia, vol VII, 1977, Oradea, 1977, p. 97 şi următoarele; idem, Contribuţii la cunoaşterea mişcărilor ţărănimii bihorene în a doua jumătate a secolului al XVII-lea, în Crisia, vol VII, 1977, Oradea, 1977, p 439 şi următoarele; idem, Contribuţii la istoria oraşului Oradea în timpul stăpânirii otomane (1660-1692), în Crisia, vol XI, 1981, Oradea, 1981, p. 197 şi următoarele; idem, Unele aspecte ale stăpânirii Otomane în Bihor şi Nord-vestul României în sec XVII–XVIII, în Crisia, vol IV, 1974, Oradea, 1974, p. 191 şi următoarele; Virgil Maxim, Contribuţii la geografia istorică a comitatului Bihor în a doua jumătate a secolului al XVI.lea, Crisia, vol V, 1975, Oradea, 1975, p. 87-102. Lucrări cu privire generală despre ocupaţia otomană în Ungaria medievală fără pretenţia exhaustivităţii: Hegyi Klára, Török berendezkedés Magyarországon, (seria História Könyvtár) Budapest, 1995; Ágoston Gábor, A hódolt Magyarország, Budapest, 1992; Ágoston Gábor, Fodor Pál, A janicsárok törvényei (seria Török-magyar hadtörténelmi emlékek, vol. I.), MTA Orientalisztikai Munkaközösség, Budapest, 1989; Fodor Pál, Magyarország és a török hódítás, Budapest, 1991; ***, Török hódoltság-korabeli okmánytár a Magyar Királyi Hadilevéltárban, Budapest, 1936; Vanyó Tihamér, A hazai hódoltság vatikáni források tükrében, Vigilia, 1973, nr. 2, passim; Miskei Antal, Török kori magyar városok: a budai szandzsák hászvárosainak gazdasági és társadalmi viszonyai a 16. század második felében, Debrecen, 1998; Zoltai Lajos, Debrecen a török uralom végén, Budapest, 1905; Pércsy András, A nemesség borfogyasztása a török hódoltság idején, Rubicon, vol 14, 2003, nr 1-2: p. 22-31; Hegyi Klára, Kegyes alapítvány a török hódoltságban, História, vol 16, 1994, nr 4, p. 11-13; Borsa Iván, Tóth István György, Benlich Máté belgrádi püspök jelentése a török hódoltság katolikusairól, 1651-1658, Levéltári közlemények, vol 60, 1989, nr 1, p. 83-142. Despre administraţia maghiară pe teritoriile subordonate turcilor vezi: Szakály Ferenc, A magyar nemesség a török hódoltságban, Századok, 1992, nr 5-6, p 562-633; Szakály Ferenc, Nemesi vármegyeszervezet és török hódoltság, Történelmi Szemle, 1991, nr 3-4, p. 137-184; Szakály Ferenc, Parasztvármegyék a XVII.- XVIII. században, Akadémiai Kiadó–Zrínyi Kiadó, Budapest, 1969; Szakály Ferenc, Magyar intézmények a török hódoltságban, Magyar Tudományos Akadémia, Budapest, 1997; Schwáb Mária, Az igazságszolgáltatás fejlődése a török hódoltság idején az alföldi városokban, ? , 1939; Szakály Ferenc, Magyar adóztatás a török hódoltságban, Akadémia, Budapest, 1981; Miskei Antal, op. cit.; Szakály Ferenc, Gazdasági és társadalmi változások a török hódítás árnyékában, Akadémia, Bp, 1994 Despre partea sudică a Bihorului şi Banatului vezi: Káldy-Nagy Gyula, A gyulai szandzsák 1567. és 1579. évi összeírása, Békéscsaba, 1982; Dávid Géza, A
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