TK-01-13-850-EN-2 TK-01-13-850-EN-2 TK-01-13-850-EN-2 TK-01-13-850-EN-2 doi:10.2811/62230 doi:10.2811/62230 doi:10.2811/62230 doi:10.2811/62230 DIGNITYDIGNITYDIGNITYDIGNITY FRA FRA FRA FRA HELPINGHELPINGHELPINGHELPING TO TOTO MAKE MAKEMAKE TO MAKE FUNDAMENTAL FUNDAMENTALFUNDAMENTAL FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS RIGHTSRIGHTS RIGHTS A AA REALITY REALITYREALITY A REALITY FOR FORFOR EVERYONE EVERYONEEVERYONE FOR EVERYONE IN ININ THE THETHE IN EUROPEAN EUROPEANEUROPEAN THE EUROPEAN UNION UNIONUNION UNION Violence against women: an EU-wide survey an EU-wide women: against Violence survey an EU-wide women: against Violence survey an EU-wide women: against Violence survey an EU-wide women: against Violence ViolenceViolenceViolenceViolence against againstagainst against women womenwomen women undermines underminesundermines undermines women’s women’swomen’s women’s core corecore fundamental fundamentalfundamental core fundamental rights rightsrights such suchrightssuch as asas such dignity, dignity,dignity, as dignity, access accessaccess to accesstoto justice justicejustice to and justiceandand gender gendergender and gender equality.equality.equality.equality. For ForFor example, example,example, For example, one oneone in inin three onethreethree in women women womenthree women has hashas experienced experiencedexperienced has experienced physical physicalphysical physical and/or and/orand/or sexualand/or sexualsexual violence sexualviolenceviolence violence since sincesince the the thesince age ageage the of ofof 15;age 15;15; one oneofone 15; one ininin five fivefive women inwomenwomen five women has hashas experienced experiencedexperienced has experienced stalking; stalking;stalking; stalking; every everyevery second secondsecondevery secondwoman womanwoman woman has hashas been beenbeen has confronted confronted confrontedbeen confronted with withwith one oneone with or oror moreone moremore or forms forms formsmore of ofofforms sexual sexualsexual of sexual harassment.harassment.harassment.harassment. What WhatWhat emerges emerges emergesWhat emerges is isis a aa picture picturepicture is a ofpicture ofof extensive extensiveextensive of extensive abuse abuseabuse that thatabusethat affects affectsaffects that manyaffects manymany women’s women’s women’smany women’s lives liveslives but butbut lives is isis systematically systematically systematicallybut is systematically under- under-under- under- reportedreportedreportedreported to toto the thethe authorities. toauthorities.authorities. the authorities. The TheThe scale scalescale The of of ofscale violence violenceviolence of violence against againstagainst against women womenwomen women is isis therefore thereforetherefore is therefore not notnot reflected reflectedreflected not reflected by byby official officialofficial by data.official data.data. This This Thisdata. FRA FRAFRA This FRA surveysurveysurvey issurvey isis the thethe first first firstis the of ofof itsfirst itsits kind kindkind of its on onon kind violence violenceviolence on violence against againstagainst against women womenwomen women across acrossacross the theacrossthe 28 2828 Memberthe MemberMember 28 Member States StatesStates of ofStatesof the thethe European EuropeanofEuropean the European Union UnionUnion (EU). (EU).(EU).Union It ItIt is(EU). isis It is basedbasedbased on onbasedon interviews interviewsinterviews on interviews with withwith 42,000 42,00042,000 with 42,000 women womenwomen women across acrossacross the theacrossthe EU, EU,EU, thewho whowho EU, were werewere who asked askedasked were about aboutaboutasked their theirtheirabout experiences experiencesexperiences their experiences of ofof physical, physical,physical, of physical, sexual sexualsexual and andsexualand and psychologicalpsychologicalpsychologicalpsychological violence, violence,violence, violence, including includingincluding including incidents incidentsincidents incidents of ofof intimate intimateintimate of intimate partner partnerpartner partner violence violenceviolence violence (‘domestic (‘domestic(‘domestic (‘domestic violence’). violence’).violence’). violence’). The TheThe survey surveysurvey The alsosurvey alsoalso included includedincluded also included questionsquestionsquestionsquestions on onon stalking, stalking,stalking, on stalking, sexual sexualsexual harassment, harassment,sexualharassment, harassment, and andand the thethe and role rolerole the played playedplayed role byplayed byby new newnew by technologies technologiestechnologies new technologies in inin women’s women’swomen’s in women’s experiences experiencesexperiences experiences of ofof abuse. abuse.abuse. of In abuse.InIn In addition,addition,addition,addition, it itit asked askedasked it about aboutaboutasked their theirtheirabout experiences experiencesexperiences their experiences of ofof violence violenceviolence of violence in inin childhood. childhood.childhood. in childhood. Based BasedBased on onBasedon the thethe detailed ondetaileddetailed the detailed findings, findings,findings, findings, FRA FRAFRA suggests suggestssuggests FRA suggests courses coursescourses courses ofofof action actionactionof in inactionin different differentdifferent in different areas areasareas that that thatareas are areare that touched touchedtouched are touched by byby violence violenceviolence by violence against againstagainst against women womenwomen women and andand go gogo andbeyond beyondbeyond go beyond the thethe narrow narrownarrow the narrow confines confinesconfines confines of ofof criminal criminalcriminal of criminal law,law,law, ranging rangingranginglaw, ranging from fromfrom employment employmentemployment from employment and andand health healthhealth and to tohealthto the thethe medium mediummediumto the medium of ofof new newnew technologies.of technologies.technologies. new technologies. ViolenceViolenceViolenceViolence againstagainstagainst against women:women:women: women: an EU-widean EU-widean EU-widean EU-wide surveysurveysurvey survey MainMainMainMain resultsresultsresults results FRAFRAFRA – – – EUROPEAN EUROPEANEUROPEANFRA – EUROPEAN UNION UNIONUNION AGENCY AGENCYUNIONAGENCY AGENCY FOR FORFOR FUNDAMENTAL FUNDAMENTALFUNDAMENTAL FOR FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS RIGHTSRIGHTS RIGHTS SchwarzenbergplatzSchwarzenbergplatzSchwarzenbergplatzSchwarzenbergplatz 11 1111 – – – 1040 10401040 11 Vienna Vienna–Vienna 1040 –Vienna – – Austria AustriaAustria – Austria Tel.:Tel.:Tel.: +43 +43+43Tel.: 158030-0 158030-0158030-0 +43 158030-0 – – – Fax: Fax:Fax: +43 +43 +43– Fax: 158030-699 158030-699158030-699 +43 158030-699 fra.europa.eufra.europa.eufra.europa.eufra.europa.eu – – – [email protected] [email protected]@fra.europa.eu – [email protected] facebook.com/fundamentalrightsfacebook.com/fundamentalrightsfacebook.com/fundamentalrightsfacebook.com/fundamentalrights linkedin.com/company/eu-fundamental-rights-agencylinkedin.com/company/eu-fundamental-rights-agencylinkedin.com/company/eu-fundamental-rights-agencylinkedin.com/company/eu-fundamental-rights-agency twitter.com/EURightsAgencytwitter.com/EURightsAgencytwitter.com/EURightsAgencytwitter.com/EURightsAgency ISBN:ISBN:ISBN: 978-92-9239-342-7 978-92-9239-342-7978-92-9239-342-7ISBN: 978-92-9239-342-7 AA great great deal deal of of information information on on the the European European Union Union Agency Agency for for Fundamental Fundamental Rights Rights is is available available on on the the Internet. Internet. It It ThisThis reportreport addressesaddresses mattersmatters relatedrelated to,to, inin particular,particular, thethe rightright toto humanhuman dignitydignity (Article(Article 1),1), thethe rightright cancan be be accessed accessed through through the the FRA FRA website website at at fra.europa.eu. fra.europa.eu. toto the the integrity integrity of of the the person person (Article (Article 3), 3), the the principle principle of of non-discrimination, non-discrimination, including including on on the the ground ground of of sex (Article 21),sex (Article 21), the the right right to to equality equality between between women women and and men men (Article (Article 23), 23), the the right right to to an an effective effective remedy remedy andand to to a a fair fair trial trial (Article (Article 47) 47) falling falling under under Titles Titles I I’Dignity’, ’Dignity’, III III ’Equality’ ’Equality’ and and IV IV ’Justice’ ’Justice’ of of the the Charter Charter of of FundamentalFundamental Rights Rights of of the the European European Union. 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