A^. , QYjtf ) і w^ XJ 1 СВ ОБОДА JLSvOBODA І УКРАЇНСЬКИМ щадінник ^ЯШУ ишвлініАнолич ШPUBLlSHEirainiay BY JHE UKRA1N1AN NATlONAL ASSOClATlOnN 1NC . A WeeFRATERNAL NON-PROF!T ASSOClATlOkN vol. LXXXVIII No. 20 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MAY 17, i98i 25 ceBls Pennsylvania congressman meets with WCFU president visits Nadia Svitlychna, Nina Strokata Ukrainians in Australia TORONTO - Mykola Plawiuk, president of the World Congress of Free Ukrainians, visited the Ukrainians of Australia in April on the invitation of the Association of Ukrainian Organiza– tions of Australia. Among the Ukrainian communities Mr. Plawiuk visited were those in Sydney, Cabramatta, Adelaide, Mel- bourne, Norman Park, Geelong and Canberra. Scheduled visits to Perth and Brisbane had to be cancelled due to an airline strike. During his trip, Mr. Plawiuk met with: the executive board of the AUOA; Bishop Prasko, exarch for Ukrainian Catholics in Australia; the Rev. Proto– Rep. Don Ritter (R-Pa.) is seen above during a meeting with Nadia Svitlychna (left) presbyter Alexander Pihulcwsky, head and Nina Strokata-Karavansky (right) and members of UNWLA Branch 91 of the Consistory of the Ukrainian of Bethlehem, Pa., Marta Fedoriw, Bohdanna Mycbajiiw and Nadia CeKebkyv Autocepnalous Orthodox Church in Australia; Australian political leaders; WASHINGTON - Rep. Don Ritter spoke to the two women, whose words representatives of various Ukrainian (R-Pa.) met with former dissidents were translated for listeners and organizations; representatives of the Nadia Svitlychna and Nina Strokata- reporters by Marta Fedoriw, a member Polish, Rumanian and Baltic communi– Mykola Plawiuk Karavansky here on April 8, and, the of the UNWLA who worked for the ties; editors of the Ukrainian press; work undertaken by the WCFU in the following day, spoke about the meeting freshman congressman during his members of the board of Ukrainian educational sphere. in the House of Representatives. campaign last year. cooperatives; as well as representatives Mrs. Strokata-Karavansky told Rep. in meetings with Ukrainian youth, in his congressional address. Rep. of Ukrainian academic and cultural such topics as assimilation, the need to Ritter also suggested that fellow Ritter that her long battle with Soviet institutions. strengthen spiritual ties with Ukraine, congressmen form ethnic advisory authorities began in 1949 following the Mr. Plawiuk informed the Ukraini– and the need for active participation in groups in their districts to gain new arrest of her husband Sviatoslav, a poet ans of the work undertaken by the Ukrainian community and political life insights into ethnic concerns on and nationalist, who was sentenced to a WCFU, referring to such endeavors as: in Australia constituted the main points domestic and foreign issues. 30-year term for being a member of a the WCFU's participation at the Ma– Ukrainian nationalist association and of the discussion. The meeting was arranged by Branch drid Conference, cooperation with (Continued on page 7) 91 of the Ukrainian National Women's writing samvydav articles. Ukrainian dissidents; the launching of a League of America, and was covered in in 1972 she was charged with "anti- concerted effort to work with other the April 9 issue of The Morning Call, Soviet agitation and propaganda" and nations for decolonization of the Prayers for an Allentown, Pa., daily. sentenced to a four-year term in a labor USSR; the work of the World Council Rep.Ritter, who was recently appoint– camp. Mrs. Strokata-Karavansky told on Social Services; the emigration of the pontiff ed to the congressional Commission the congressman that her arrest was a Ukrainians from the USSR and its direct result of her numerous appeals on Security and Cooperation in Euro– satellites to Australia; the defense of To all clergy and religious of the pe, mixed Russian and English as he (Continued on page 7) Ukrainian political prisoners, and the Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of Stamford from Bishop Basil Losten. 15th National Plast Congress held at Soyuzivka The dastardly and sacrilegious attempt on the life of Pope John Paul by Roman Juzeniw H on Wednesday, May 13, 1981, as KERHONKSON, NY. - Close to he was about to give expression of his 200 delegates representing 3,634 mem– love to the devout pilgrims who had bers of the Plast Ukrainian Youth flocked to his weekly audience at St. Organization in the United States re- Peter's, has shocked the entire elected ihor Sochan chairman of the civilized world. National Plast Council and Eustachia We, Ukrainians, have great reason Hoydysh president of the National to be grateful to God that the holy Plast Command at the 15th National father's life has been spared, for no Plast Congress held May 9-10 here at other Roman pontiff has been as Soyuzivka. concerned for our Church as has he. Coming from the same region as do Also elected to the National Plast many of us, he understands our Council were: Mykola Panchenko, plight and our aspirations, and he Markian Tytla, Myroslaw Labunka has shown his affection for us and for and Stefa Korol, members: Yaroslav our Church in numerous ways. Pryshlak and Yaroslav Kryshtalowych, alternate members. They join Olha І hereby order that on Sunday, Kuzmowycz, Pavlo Dorozynskyj, My– May 17, 1981, all the clergy of the chajlo Belendiuk and Jury Bohachev– Roma Sochan Hadzewycz Stamford Eparchy celebrate their main divine liturgy in humble prayer sky, whose terms carry over until the ^^ members of the newly elected Plast leadership with chief "plastun" Yuriy next congress. Starosolsky. From left are: Maria Motyl, Michael Mochula, Eustachia Hoydysh, (Continued on page 7) (Continued on page 14) Dr. Starosolsky, lryna Kurowyckyj, ihor Sochan and Christine Nawrocky 2^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MAY 17. i98i^^^^^^ ^^„„.^:NQ-20 Rudenko play reaches West Chicago Tribune reports: HELS1NK1, Finland - A manu– months after its premiere in Kiev, the Soviets use U.S. technology script of a play by Mykola Rudenko, play was forbidden. political prisoner and founder of the "What the authorities permitted to bi– Ukrainian Helsinki Group, has reached related in prose (i.e., Alexander Solzhe– to strengthen own military the West and will soon be published by nitsyn's "One Day in the Life of ivan the Smoloskyp Publishers in the United Denysovytch"), they did not dare give WASHINGTON - The soviet operations of profit-minded en'trepre– States.'– greater exposure to on the stage. Soon, Union is making free use of vital U.S. neurs who carelessly sell sensitive sThejplay, titled "Na DniMorskomu" such commentary as the one which technology, often obtained legally technology to the Soviets, and place ("On the Sea's Bottom"), deals with appeared in Mystetstvo ("The State and during scientific exchange programs, to some restraints on the ready availability events before and during World War H Development of the Soviet Ukrainian increase its military strength, according of certain technological information. iryURraine; the prologue and epilogue Theater", Kiev, 1970. p. 211), represen– to an April 22 editorial in the Chicago One good suggestion, noted the ape set in the post-war Stalin era. There ted the official line: Tribune, excerpts from which were Tribune, is Utah Sen. Jake Garn's arc'.spenes depicting the supplanting of reprinted in the May 1 edition of the suggestion that the government esta– the NKvD by the Gestapo, of the " 'Certain Soviet writers have fallen CSCE Digest. blish an independent Office of Strategic uffiquitous portrait of Stalin by that of' under the influence of bourgeois Referring to a series of reports by Trade to oversee the traffic in high Hitler. ideology... Even Ukrainian directors Tribune reporter James Coates, the technology. Xhe three-act play was first staged in have succumbed to this plague and, as a editorial mentioned several cases where a censored version in Kiev in 1962 by the result, theaters of the republic, specifi– the Soviet Union was able to purchase Another measure would be to impose ivan Franko Academy Theater. cally, the ivan Franko Theater in Kiev high-technology machinery with mili– t(Jugh new controls on the activities of in the foreword to the play, Rudenko staged Mykola Rudenko's "On the tary applications, or to obtain vital visiting Soviet scientists and engineers says: "Many theaters in the Soviet Sea's Bottom" - a play which technology via business visits and to prevent them from "moving with Union have begun working on the negates the historical victories scored exchange programs. extraordinary freedom through sensitive staging of the play. During the staging by our nation in the years of the five- Pointing to this country's free-market U.S. plants" where they can legally of the play in Briansk however, there year plans and the great war for the system and open society, the editorial obtain detailed information on U.S. was a demonstration — and so, two fatherland.' " noted that at least part of this techno– technology. logy drain is unavoidable. But the Tribune added that the U.S. govern– The Tribune also described the stu– Poet reports demise of Ukrainian song ment should take a closer look at the dent exchange program as "outrageous– ly manipulated by the Soviets," who HELS1NK1, Finland — A samvydav thereafter. send mid-level scientists to study ad– article dealing with the progressive He was rearrested in 1972 and forced Georgians protest vanced technology, while Americans in demise of spirituality in Ukraine as to undergo "psychiatric" treatment. the Soviet Union study mostly non- evidenced by the fate of the Ukrainian Shortly thereafter, a recantation al– technical subjects. folk song has recently reached the West legedly signed by Mr. Kholodny ap– Russification policy according to the Smoloskyp Ukrainian peared. WASH1NGTON - Thousands of information Service. The article, titled Soviet Georgians recently took to the USSR, Czecho-Slovakia "About the Soul in the Song and the Mr. Kholodny's works first streets in Tbilisi, the republic's capital, Song in the Soul," was penned by started to be published in 1960.
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