---- " ----.. " -,- ----.--- ----,-, - -', .'-- -:, .. .........::..,. , LookIng for. Good Re•• on to tklPPOl't Fast Track Negotiating ~ ........ -- u.&. In tooay's changing global marketplace, fast nack is essential a resounding 20% from 1993-94. Fast track anows us to meet to Ameri ca's food and consumer products manufacturing the international demand for America's brand name products, industry. Under NAFfA alone. U.S. exports of processed and that's good news for our 2.5 million US. employen, pr0- foods and ixverages to Mexico grtW by a total of $2.4 billion, duci ng brand name products for the world's consumers. Cl,arl "" R. Shuo."fll~IC A",oldu ' ~ C. M3111y Mol"", 1',~u.,..daO, Ch"imdn 01 the Ilo.a rd, 1'"",,0.,>1 and j'rHidenl and CEO CPC lntnnillioNllnc. CEO, ~11oaa Com~ny Grocery />.b.nuliKlUr'Cn of AmaW;a Ch~ , rm.n of the brd V~ Q"'tm.1n of the brei Cro=y Manubccu~ 01 AITlI':!'ia C.rt:lttfy M"nt l ~ of Ammo .. ~ fooaIlblJIIIw, 1'IIIIIIl_~K. n:. ...........MI.1I1 ' .." ...111 0UttI & ~ Co., n:. "" -. _ _ E.&J.a.cJ"""-Y...... "'"'- .. .,.... SllnM'!l:nIJN (h MiII.(l~~ '" ~USA,n:. .....hCl:a.o:..eor..,. """'" .. ......... -_.... IiQI) IW;QI Sol n:. n-.... _I'IIW:II FhlIb1iI~ ~ u. roodl h:. .. .. ..._ -"'­ ~~~ -_--""""_ ~ J._-M. ~ c.:.-t' .......... "'-k 1hI,.. &GIn1IIe~ .... -...... .. !hi 0.. 0IIIc:..w. _ .-.--e...:tI~1'I:. ...........'""" "'-­ -_M;Qmr;II & ~ n:. --,.., DImiIor>-WtntooIdI .... _-. --............ -""""'- -~~dc:.w­-..­ --",-, 1111 ,..", (JgfJI ~ ---­ "' .. --.. ...... M:rbl ......... n:. _ "'" ""'".. _......... .....-_.. .. --­..._ ...... geI.QrW~~ Q.Ib fCQIJ. .. & ~ an. re. FIIPIa n:. -_ __UP _...... -- ..... BII..,,&.sn...k. '!hi DIrlol~ n:. --""""-'"'.. _ .. b::tIiI RIII I'IItAtIII. ne. _E -_H. 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COMl..,...prvcIucta .. our ......S ••• _,,-.....-._.com The Ripon Fm:'ullll issue of the RiiX"1 FOnllll offers a wide array of material, from fast track negoti.lting authority to cartoons of AI Gore's RIPON T:controlling legal authority. We take a look at Arizona's new governor and get an update on Great Britain's Tol)' leadership in oppo­ sition. FORUM JUft[. 1969 VOL Y, No. Ii QNEDOilAit The FOnllll begins with a Congressman's thoughts on maintaining Republican Congressional leadership. Delaware Representative When Com puten Hit Congress: Michael Castle has experienced governing from both the legislative and executive perspective. In our Cloakroom section, he shm-es his advice to fellow Republicans on how to maintain a majority while nm­ Systems Politics and the rung a government effectively. The magazine then offers an editorial Checks and Balances against free bro.,dcasl time for candidates. David Walsh is a Professor of Theology at The Catholic University of America in Washington, D.c. His thoughtful essay urges caution to those public servants who would promote the virtues of religion as they would thai of wetlands, civil Dick Lugar: Making it as rights. etc. 8i11 Schneider, CNN political analyst, traces last summer's a GOP Mayor fracas between Governor William Weld and Senator Jesse Helms all the way to its roots, 150 years ago. The Fomm then profiles Ari7..ona's new Governor, Jane Hull. Political cartoonist Jeff MacNeUy exhibits his Plus SENATOR ROBERT P. GRIFFIN ON TliE FORTAS award winning hwnor in a recap of some of his latest cartoons. AffAIR ••• TliE NEW YORK PRIIUJIY ••. JUS- TICE DURING RIOTS ... ABM POlIT1CS •.• NEW President Clinton could not bring his party to support his trade goals, JERSEY TRIUMPH . .. PEACE CORPS PROILEMS ••. AND A REPORT fROM MAHOUT ON SECRET finally pulling fast track legislation rather than watch it be defeated. WHITE HOUSE PLANS! Megan Ivory, Senior Legislative Aide to Minnesota Representative Jim Ramstad, explains why this authority is crucial to our economic devel­ opment and needs to be passed eventually. In Capitol Grille, Republican Nation.ll Committee Chainrum Jim Nicholson sat down with the FOnlm to discuss Republican politics and strategy. Senator Susan Collins likewise shares her thoughts with Ripon Member and freelance journalist, Paul Peter Jesep. Despite Prime Minister Tony Blair's near dominance of the press and Parliament, the Tory Party does still exist in Great Britain (well, England at least). In Foggy Bottom, Andn!w Hicks, Editor of The Bow Group's Crosslmv maga­ zine, updates readers on the Tories and their future. Critic's Comer has been reading up on the nation."ll debt. Christopher Bremer, Legislati ve Aide to Ohio Representative Paul Gillmor, reviews John Steele Gordon's book Hamilton's Blessing; The Extraordinary ute and TImes of our National Debt. Finally, in Politbabble, Forum editor Mike G ill opills that fast track's demise can only be temporary if the Us. intends on remaining a dominant force in the next century. Autumn 1997 3 The Ripon Society presents its video sale of A Salute to Republican Women Leadership F EATURING: I I Former M n. Former Rep. Fonnfl'Rep. "Fonner Senator Tormer ite{,_ ReprnE'nt.1.tive Spt'olker Maj.Luder Jan ~crs BarbarJoVucanoviCh Nansy K:ISSebeWIL Susan Molinari Na~ Johnson Newt Gingrich Bob Dote The Ripon Society's Salute to Republican Women Leadership video is a 20-minute program honoring the strides made by women in the Republican Party. This video makes it clear, that fov all the rhetoric of the Democrat Party, it is the Republicans who actually have promoted and elected Congressional women to leadership - positions throughout history. r·-··-······-··-··-·-···-·.··----···.········-·--·---· .. ___ .... .:..... ___ .__ ______ .1-_____ •..____ .• __ ..__ .. _ ..••..·········· ········--- ··'1 1 ! YES! Send me a copy of the Ripon Society's ! Video for only $15. j Salute to Republican Womell Leadership ! j i ! ! Address:. ____~ ~~--~------------------~=-----__~ i ! City ::_- ---------State: _ _ Zip: I You may FAX your order 10 (202) 547-6560. Or mail it to TIlt!. Ripon Society, j I 50 1 Cap-ilO l Court NE. Suite 300, Washington. DC 20002 . ! l. .............. 1... ... __ .__ ................... _............ _....... _..... _._ ............................................... _................... ! The Ripon For1Ulltn Autumn 1997 Volume XXXII, No. ] ...~e 1e!l,It"Ntale 01;«1 o!fltJVenvmeH.! (oJ to. (10!M< U CMIINwm,y 0/ /u!Ofrle~ w/'aiewy tAcy IIC(X/lo Aa,116 d()/H(>~ but Cd1t'1lOt (/0 al a/~ OJ' Cll1/ltol:JQ ""eli {Io If»: l/'elllaeiV4?,J, ("II Ihe,'" iWfantle (/ml t'lu!;/udual At Large: 9 Faith as a Matter of Public-Policy In an effort to promote conservative causes, religion has been peddled and promoted fo r its societal benefits. David Walsh points out that by politiz­ ing religion as a civic virtue we may be losing its foundation in faith. 13 The Desert is Blooming Co ...... Art: R.J. :!\1 .. t""" Arizona has its second non-elccted governor in a decade. The Forum takes a look at Former Secretary of State Jane Hull as she assumes the executive office in one of the fastest growing states in the country. A.s Ilu Rrpllbliu" Parly 1'P<llrxs as a gaV<'rn'ng I'IIli/y HI (ongfr55, Iht di5p"'a/~ intrrt5/s ~rr brcamHlg morr pro­ 20 nounad. CmrlruIHlg pjr"'pai,,'s thlll lL't'rl' rrnJrrl'd mool America Must Lead On Trade wr th rath $U{U~jj.,.. Drmocral Irgjsla/url' "OW purporl la The defeat of fast track trading authority was a blow to President Clinton's "" Ihr ,.,1, jdta/alli,~/ battbanr oj Ihl' ""rly_ " IIrrr~ ""r second term agenda and to the United States' influence globally. Megan .dra/ IIral "IIIlrs all factia"s a"d can Iracl' its legaty la Ihr Ivory ex plilins why the U.S. must confront this issue if it is to continue its Parly'S jaunding ar hilS Ih, GOP simply becoIII' " l't'lrjdr jar Imlay's ''''(resl graul'S' leildership in milking world markets consumer friendly. DEPARTMENTS 6 Cloaluoom .......... Maintaining a Majority 29 C'G 11 .. .. ...........Sena tor Susan Collins 8 501 C.p;tol Court .. .. Editorial 31 Fow Bottom ..............U pdate on Britain's Tories 10 11.., Rr..J Scoop ......The Blue and The Gray 35 ('ril;,,'. Corn., ... ....... ...... ... Hamilton's Blessing 18 n,., Fifth E.t.t....... Politi cal Cartoons . • ... ....... Fa voring Free Trade 25 C .. pilol Grill., ........ RNC Chairman Jim Nicholson 1M Ripoll FonIm;, tI ... JO"..,,,d of TN R,PI'" Sadt1y. Com",,,,,,., opi"ion alitaria/s,,,,d Intm to t~ ....go::HlI' shoI./J "" IIlIdfr'$$a/ la Thf R.PI''' F"""m. SOl o.pilol ((IU". N[' S"ilr J(I(I, Wa~illg l"" . D,ClOOO1. Autumn 1997 5 MAINTAINING AND STRENGTHENING A REPUBLICAN MAJORITY e Republicans have a Americans wanted fundamental Sadly, Republicans have been losing lot to be proud of these change - and smaller, more respon­ the public relations war. The media, W days. After two years of sible federal government. They rather than write about Republican learning how to govern effecti vely as wanted a government that balances accomplishments, tends to focus on a majority party, Republicans are its budget and spends their hard­ internal party troubles ra ther than on now winning the policy battle in earned money wisely; but they also a cohesive GOP legislative agenda Washington and across the country. wanted a government that could help and stra tegy.
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