FANZINE INDEX Whole Number One ________________a - Conto__________________ December 1952 This is the first of an anticipated series of issues of this index, which is intended to present data on fanzines of all times for any purpose the fanzine-inclined fan may find useful0 As information currently exists, this is not a complete indexo (A glance at page 2 will show that even such an important fanzine as ”Ah! Sweet Idiocy’” has been omittedo) Any fan with a general collection of three or more feet of fanzines could probably supply some information that is lacking hereo The more fans that do supply this information, the more complete subsequent swings around the alphabet will be0 Regardless of the gaps, however, this is by far the most complete index of fanzines ever pub­ lished, and we only hope that it will be of some interest and possibly even of benefit to the fan editor, collector, or historiano The basic information for this indez comes from Ro Do Swisher, who, between approximately 193$ and 19^6, did the terrific task of compiling information on fanzines from the beginnings to mid-19^6o Information subsequent to this has been added by Bill Evans and Bob Pavlat, with invaluable assistance from various fans far top numerous to mention,, However, Bob Silverberg did provide assistance above and beyond the call of duty, wading thru this fanzine collection at our request for information; and Walter Ao Coslet’s index of fanzines distributed thru the aegis of the Spectator Amateur Press Society has also been of great assistance0 In years past the work of Bob Tucker, Julius Unger,, and ^sj Ackerman seem to have been particularly helpfulo Many other fans have helped, currently, and in the past, help without which this index would be even more incomplete than it is nowl A few words about the symbols and organization of material used in this index seems to be required., Generally speaking, the informa­ tion is arranged as follows: lo Fanzine title, and, if appropriate, author0 2o Editor(s)0 Jo Volume and issue number, and whole numbero h-o Date0 5o Page size, considering an x 11 page as unityo 6o Number of pages in the issueo 7o Reproduction method usedo The above information varies, depending upon the method that ° seemed best at the time of typing, but the presentation is, we believe, clean enough if the reader exerts himself just a trifleo The fanzine title used is that which seems most likely to be looked under foi’ in­ formation, with frequent use of cross-indexing when it appeared that a fanzine might be looked for under two or more titles□ Speaking broadly, the author is listed when the creative work in the publication is the work of one man, the editorial and publishing work that of another., Usually, the numbering system of the editor is used, regardless of the sense that it may or may not make., Wien an obvious error is made by the editor, the correct number is shwon with a footnote to show in­ formation that actually appeared on the magazine□ The same has been done with regard to dating systerns□ In the case where no number and/or date appeared on the magazine, an estimated date or number has been shown in .parentheseso (The use of parentheses may also Indicate that the information shown came from sources other than the fanzine itself\ such as a:fanzine review column.) ' ■ The following symbols are used: bw—bound with, indicating that two distinct magazines have been stapled or otherwise fastened togethero ■ ’ cWH~comhined with, meaning-a merger of two fanzines. (This distinction is rather a recent one, and may not always hold true—cw and bw-used to be relatively synonomousD) '' ' ' pc —post card0 p—printed. o—offset- (eog., p1anograph, lithograph.) ' mu or multi—multilith. h—hecto, ■ including, both jelly and spirit duplicationo c—carbon dr typed copies. hand—.writ by .hand. ad—-addre s s ogr aph . rs—rubber stamp, A number in parentheses following the title of a fanzine means that it is merely one-of several fanzines bearing the same titleo These numbers are assigned by the date the editors of this index became aware of the duplication of titles, not the date of publication of the fanzine. The editors, will be glad to answer any further questions at any time and by any method except collect0 They will also deeply appreciate any corrections or additions to information contained herein0 This in­ dex takes too much time to acknowledge each item individually, but thanks, all of you, for making this publication possible. EDITORS: Bob Pavlat Bill Evans 6001 ^^rd Avenue 3263 Queenstown Drive Hyattsville,’ Md. Mt. Rainier, Md. Price of ’’Fanzine Index”: $0.20 per issue, with a free issue thrown in .now and then if we become feelthy reecho We will try to go from Conto to Futus next time (mid 53b aren’t promising. The issue after might see us half through the alphabet.. ”0 frabjous dayJ Calloohl CallayP’ .oooooobut maybe it’s a boojum! Acky Journal a_ The RD & FN Swisher ¥e~e ^The Nucleus Fan85 1 Jan 40;l;10;h 2 Jan 45;1; 8;m Acolyte, The 3 Jul 8;m “ FrancfTTo Laney & Duane Wo Himel ? Jan %;l;10;m I 1 Fal 42 l;28;h 5 Jul 46;1; 6;m # 2 Win m 3 Spr ^3 30 A(l) ' 5 Sum 32 ~ Chauvenet ■II 15 Fal . , 3^ I 1 17 Nov 39;4; 4;c 2 Spr 44 30 3 7 Sum A(II) 4 I Fal Jack Speer III 1 9 Win 45 I 1 10 Dec 39;l/42;4;h 2 10 Spr 34 . II 1 .1 Dec m # 3 11 Sum 32 < T2 Fal AAaAaAaAAa0 0 o (A(times infinity)) IV 1 13 Win 46 “TilnibSrg : =' -■====== === 2 W Spr 34 1 (Nov 39);l;l;m # Edited by Laney only AAAAA. Arguy-Y, The ' Samuel Do Russell Joined editorial c=^=WFTD§§Or=^“ ' . staff ■ I 1 (may)39;4;4;o # mn III 2 AAAAA Plus Across the River and Into the Trees “HfaitaF'Ao Coslet ■ ^^Go rWHTT=Wack^ (1) Dec 5O;l;6;h ™ (Mar 52) J&lt; 3»m Aaanthor Argus Ad Astra “"^yriT^K o rnSluth, Donald Ao Woll- = ffeinsberg, Meyer . heim, Richard Wilson I 1 May 39 1;18-28;m I 1 Spr 39;4;4;h . 2 Jul 3 Sep"' Aagh 4 Nov Schwartz 5 Jan 4o 1 ? l;12;m «■ . 6 ■" 2 Spr 44; 24 2 (Jan ^5) ;i; 8 # Two.pages of this unfinished issue appeared in Midwest Marky0 Abed and Bored ' Al Ashley Ad Infinitum ? l;2;m “~Wei hs t ein 1 May W- Ackermaniac Presents Hoffmania 2 Oct 25; m ‘ Forrest Jo Ackerman . , J Jan U5 28 (NOV 41,);l;g;m 4 Apr 24 One. more issue in 1945 Ack On His Back LASFS Ad Interim ■ — (1945) i;5;m c==~Wil imc z’yk; (1) (Spr 46) 1; 5;h;m ■ - (2) (Sum ) 10;h ■1 Ad Lib a-j—M. -a Alchemist, The (see The Denventioneer) Redd Boggs Charles Ford Hansen. Lew Martin. & I 1 Dec ^7 1;^;(?);m Roy Hunt " I 1 Feb 4o t;28°h Adogine • 2 Mar 48;h;m “HOJTButts 3 Sum ^2-72;m I 1 • Feb 50 J; fm 4 Dec More issues publishedpdata unknown 5 Feb 41 II 1 Aug 46 4i ' Adulu^ Beskan Donald Ao Wollheim Alden Press« The 1 194j ~T?orFiiTtr=Ekerman 1 19^3 3“ 1 19W 1 Adgin® Alembic N C Norman Ashfield (Nov 48) 1^10;® No data on hand #BW Editors Efforts Aleph-Null OTTTWnable • Afriganaa ' I 1 Aug 5C 1 s° 26 ° m Ron Maddox 2 ? ■ ? ? ? I 1 (Fal ^7) l;l;m Allen Culture After Armageddon —by Fywert Kings Jim Leary ~'===Astra~Pubs==lJ oquel) I 1 Jan 49 ? °go°m (19^1) i;2U»m 2 Apr ? ? 3 J Jul 1;2U After Ten Years — A Tribute To Stanley ~WT~feinbaum ° - Al la Baboom “ Gerry de la Ree ““ ILTax’Te as le r Nov h-5 1; 30°m 1; 6^m 13 Afterthought . 3 (Feb 52) 12 “TdbfFOTT Lownd es 2 May 10 ■ J (data lacking) S Sep 45 1°4°® All Aboard for the Bufflocon ===TOTj=Tr^?iIT£^SF=7rr Agenbite of°'Ihwit ™ (Mar 50) i;4°m Robert Wo Lowndes 1 (1'941-4 g Allegory ■ Su®. 4 j 10 ====Tac£=i° Speer Fal . (1945) l;14°h Spr 44 IS J Sum 7 Fal 10 ‘aker Win 18 1 Sum 44 l;i4°h II 1 (8) Mar 45 6 Alpha and Omega Further Issues appeared in WA MegToHns’ no information on hando. (continued) ■2- Alpha and Omega (cont) Amen Gaulin ? I 1 (Jul 50) lp!3»m ? 6 JanM ? ? ? 2 Oct U Jun ^6 ? ? ? (Jan 51) 16 I Apr 11 # Joe Kennedy editor? (5) Oct 8 Amoeba Altair Norman Eo Hartman ' Ed Cox (I) (1) (Jun 50) 4p6»p I 1 1 Feb 50 1; 23;m 2 (Jan 51) Amateur Correspondent # Amtorian Corw^Ln Fo S'tickney Wallace Shore ■ II 1 May-Jun 37 3O;p I 1 ? ' ? ? ? 2 Sep-oct . 2 3 Nov-Dec Amusing Stories ^Formerly ’’Science Fantasy Corres­ '=™=Terry== pondent,, ” Amateur Fantasy Writer’s Guide And oo o — DonaldAlToHKeTm ~ ““’Ge’orge Fox 1 1 Aug 36 l;2;m 1 (Fal ^7) lA;m rs Amateur Science Fiction Journalist oooand follow slowly McPhail ~TtTBbard “” (I) (1) Mar 39 |;8p°m * 1 (Feb 50) l;8;h Amateur Science Stories * bw ’’Masque” 5° “ DTWTFo Hayer ' Il Oct 37 1;10-18;m And So — Forward —by Donald Ao 2 y Dec Wollheim 3 Mar 38 ? ' — (1939) 4;5;m Amazing Story, An —by Robert W Lowndes “TCPASF Announcement —- Apr 39 4;6;m see~WFdcard” Amazing Wonder Tales Announcing Another Poll “Wunta^ “ ’ ~ Kreuger I 1 Aug 38 l;J2s-h 1 (19W) l;l;m Amaros ia Antlpo§tmailerg The Ptenry wo Chabot Forrest Jo Ackerman 1 (Jul 50) 1; 5;m ? ? l;2;m American Fantasy Magazine ■ Aonla ~ITames~ Taurasi .
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