Queensland Parliamentary Debates [Hansard] Legislative Assembly THURSDAY, 26 APRIL 1979 Electronic reproduction of original hardcopy Special Adjournment (26 APRIL 1979] Questions Upon Notice 4255 THURSDAY, 26 APRIL 1979 Mr. SPEAKER (Hon. J. E. H. Houghton, Redcliffe) read prayers and took the chair at 11 a.m. PETITION PREVENTION OF CRUELTY TO ANIMALS TRANSPORTED BY QUEENSLAND RAILWAYS AND ROAD TRANSPORT Mr. BURNS (Lytton) presented a petition from 784 electors of Queensland praying that the Parliament of Queensland will take the necessary steps to amend the relevant legislation to ensure that animals transported by Queensland Railways and by road trans­ port are not forced to suffer intolerable pain and suffering due to neglect, lack of water and lack of concern. Petition read and received. PARLIAMENTARY COMMI'ITEE TRANSITIONAL BILL INITIATION Hon. J. BJELKE-PETERSEN (Barambah­ Premier): I move- "That the House will, at its present sitting, resolve itself into a Committee of the Whole to consider introducing a Bill to provide for the continuance of the Select Committee on Education beyond the prorogation of the Legislative Assembly; to preserve the operation of the resolution of 4 April 1978 by which that committee was appointed; and to provide for the completion of unfinished business of that committee." Motion agreed to. PIRE BRIGADES ACT AND AN011HER IACT AMENDMENT BILL INmATION Hon. R. E. CAMM (Whitsunday-Minister for Mines, Energy and Police): I move- "That the House will, at its present sitting, resolve itself into a Committee of the Whole to consider introducing a Bill to amend the Fire Brigades Act 1964- 1977 and the Fire Safety Act 1974-1976 each in certain paPticulars." Motion agreed to. QUESTIONS UPON NOTICE 1. FooD MARKETING CosTS Mr. Burns, pursuant to notice, asked the Minister for Primary Industries- (!) In the light of a growing consumer backlash against soaring meat prices, has the Queensland Government, which claims to represent rural interests, investigated the cost of marketing food after it leaves the farm? 4256 Questions Upon Notice [26 APRIL 1979] Questions Upon Notice (2) As a U.S. report indicated that 74c As indicated to the Party Whips, the in every consumer dollar is spent on auction sale will be held on 3 May 1979. marketing, has the Liberal-National Party in this State carried out detailed investiga­ tions into marketing, labour, packaging, 3. NATIONAL PARTY PETROL PRICE transportation, taxes, levies, charges, depre­ POLICY ciation, rents, advertising, interest, profit, etc., and what percentage does each Mr. D'Arcy, pursuant to notice, asked the represent of the consumer dollar spent on Premier- farm products? As motoring associations throughout Answer:- Australia have expressed grave doubts about the National Country Party plan to (! & 2) An overall study of the market­ increase the retail price of petrol, thus ing margins applying in the food industry reducing consumption, and as overseas has not been undertaken in Queensland. Indeed, such a broad study would not be experts have said that the move towards helpful as the marketing margin applying world parity prices will not relieve the in any one case could, of necessity, be problem of domestic oil supplies, what quite different from the average. action has he, as the National Party Leader in a decentralised State, taken On the other hand, statutory marketing authorities in Queensland are responsible to stop .this National Party plan of higher for the marketing of commodities that prices, which is adding to the high cost represent over half of ·the annual gross of liv.ing in this State? value of rural production. Co-operative associations are responsible for a further Answer:- significant proportion. These organisations take their responsibility seriously to mini­ No-one wants to increase the price of mise their respective marketing margin in petrol, least of all the National Party, order to protect their markets through whose main supporters are in country greater consumer support and also to areas where long distances of travel are improve money returns to their grower required. What I and others in the suppliers. National Party have advocated is greater incentives by way of subsidies and tax In addition, I would refer the honour­ concessions for those prepared to risk funds able member to the recent report by the in the search for more oil fields. Such Prices Justification Tribunal into charges action would, I am sure, provide increased and margins in the beef-marketing chain. oil exploration activities. This report indicated that charges and margins in the beef industry were not excessive. 4. Am FOR DIABETICS Mr. D'Arcy, pursuant to notice, asked the 2. TIME OF NOTIFICATION OF AUCTION OF Minister for Health- BELLEVUE BUILDING CONTENTS Cl) What facilities are available for diabetics in Queensland? Mr. D'Arcy, pursuant to notice, asked the Premier- (2) Does the Government fund educa­ tion and assessment programmes, as is As the Bellevue Hotel decision was done in other States? only supposedly reached on 18 April, why was the Opposition Whip notified on the (3) Is any action proposed to help morning of 18 April that an auction sale diabetics? of the contents of the hotel was to be conducted on 3 May and that members Answer:- should be notified? (1 to 3) The major hospitals in Brisbane have special clinics for diabetics, staffed Answer:- by specialist endocrinologists. In the larger Subsequent to the vacating of the Belle­ country hospitals, diabetics attend clinics vue by honourable members, action was run by specialist physicians. There is also taken for the removal of furniture, and a Diabetic Association of Queensland to those items that could not be re-used which many "ufferers belong and which is were taken to the Department of Works conducted by diabetics themselves. store at Hamilton for disposal. Individual sufferers receive special educa­ All furniture concerned was originally tion about their complaint at the hospitals provided by the Department of Works and, when they attend for .treatment. Com­ consequently, its removal had no relevance munity health education programmes are in so far as the future of the building conducted by my Department's Division of was concerned. All air-conditioning units Health Education and Info·rmation and were removed long after members vacated various community health centres of the the building. Division of Community Medicine. Questions Upon Notice [26 APRIL 1979) Questions Upon Notice 4257 5. EXTENSION OF APPLICATION OF LOW of accidents occurring during the same AIR FARES periods much greater than at other periods Mr. Powell, pursuant to notice, asked the during the day? Premier- (4) Will he step up the education pro­ (!) Is he aware that the new low gramme conducted by the Road Safety priority, priority-booked air fares only Council, in an attempt to combat this assist those airports fortunate enough to alarming trend? have jet services? (2) Will he make representations to the Answers:- Federal Minister for Transport to have (!) My attention has been drawn to the the Super Apex and Apex fare reductions latest road traffic accidents statistics extended to other routes in Queensland, released by the Australian Bureau of especially those where the major com­ Statistics Queensland Office for the year panies insist on using the outdated Fokker 1977-78. Friendship F27 aircraft? (2) These statistics show fatalities per (3) If Trans-Australia Airlines and thousand vehicles as 0.5 and injuries as 9.5. Ansett Airlines of Australia refuse to This is the lowest recorded rate in the grant the fare reductions to other than period since reliable road accident statistics jet routes, will he then make representa­ have been available in Queensland. tions to have the Federal Government upgrade airports so that F27 aircraft can (3) According to these statistics, this be phased out and F28 or similar aircraft would appear to be the case as compa~ed phased in? with daylight hours, although the per~od from midnight to 4 a.m. has a very hrgh Answer:- incidence also. (! to 3) So far as I am aw<JJre, negotia­ (4) The dangers of drink-driving have tions by the Commonwealth Minister for been an important and continuing part Transport with the two major airlines would cover all airline operations and not of the Queensland Road Safety Council's be restricted to jet services only. Inquiries activities since its formation and will con­ will be made and, if this is not the case, tinue to be so. Subject to the availability strong representations will be made to this of additional funds for these purposes, end. education programmes will continue to be directed towards this important aspect of road safety, as the programmes to date would appear to have had considerable 6. LOWER AIR FARES FOR TOURIST TRAVEL effect in creating a public awareness of WITHIN AusTRALIA the problem of drink-driving. Mr. Powell, pursuant to notice, asked the Minister for Maritime Ser\Oices and Tourism- As Australian airlines have agreed to 8. COMPLIANCE WITH CONDITIONS OF extra low air fares within Australia for AUTHORITIES TO PROSPECT overseas visitors, will he endeavour to Mr. Scassola, pursuant to notice, asked the obtain from the airlines a similar fare Minister for Mines, Energy and Police- structure for tourists travelling within Aus­ tralia to encourage tourism to those areas (!) How many potentially productive oil of Queensland that are at the moment or gas areas south of the Tropic of Capri­ being discriminated against by the two­ corn are currently the subject of authorities airlines agreement? to prospect or other exploration rights for oil or gas, and which of these areas Answer:­ are currently the subject of active exploration? Yes. (2) How many such authorities to pros­ pect or other exploration rights granted 7. ROAD SAFETY; EDUCATION PROGRAMME are liable to forfeiture for failure to AND EFFECT OF ALCOHOL comply with terms and conditions attaching thereto? Mr.
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