E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 111 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 156 WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 2010 No. 154 House of Representatives The House met at 10:30 a.m. and was almost a year. Despite the urgent need both political parties, I believe there is called to order by the Speaker pro tem- to ratify this vital treaty which also a better way. I believe that we can pore (Mr. SALAZAR). reduces unneeded nuclear stockpiles renew American exceptionalism by re- f and builds much-needed confidence turning our national policy to the prin- with Russia, some members in the ciples and practices that made this DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO other body have continued to stall, economy and our economy the freest TEMPORE putting politics ahead of national secu- and most prosperous in the history of The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- rity. the world. I believe if we return to the fore the House the following commu- START has been through 18 hearings, practice of those principles, as I said nication from the Speaker: is endorsed by dozens of foreign policy yesterday in Detroit, that we can re- WASHINGTON, DC, and defense experts, and passed out of store and rebuild our economy. November 30, 2010. committee with a strong bipartisan Fiscal discipline is where it all be- I hereby appoint the Honorable JOHN T. majority. Our colleagues on the other gins, though. We have to put our fiscal SALAZAR to act as Speaker pro tempore on side of the aisle claim to be the strong- house in order, and clearly the Amer- this day. est proponents of national security; ican people on November 2 sent a deaf- NANCY PELOSI, ratification of START is an oppor- ening message to policymakers here in Speaker of the House of Representatives. tunity for them to act on those claims Washington, DC. that they want a gov- f and keep America and our allies safe. ernment that lives within their means MORNING-HOUR DEBATE f again. Fortunately, there is no short- age these days of ideas about putting The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- RENEWING AMERICAN our fiscal house in order: admirable ant to the order of the House of Janu- EXCEPTIONALISM suggestions of the President’s Debt ary 6, 2009, the Chair will now recog- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Commission that we will learn more nize Members from lists submitted by Chair recognizes the gentleman from about this week; the Republicans’ the majority and minority leaders for Indiana (Mr. PENCE) for 5 minutes. Pledge to America; there are thought- morning-hour debate. Mr. PENCE. Mr. Speaker, I rise ful proposals and blueprints by Mem- The Chair will alternate recognition today, the day after I had the privilege bers of Congress in both political par- between the parties, with each party of speaking at one of the storied venues ties, and I commend them all. limited to 30 minutes and each Mem- in American public life. The Detroit On my part, I have coauthored legis- ber, other than the majority and mi- Economic Club for 75 years has been a lation to establish a constitutional nority leaders and the minority whip, place where American leaders of every spending limit amendment. I think it limited to 5 minutes. political persuasion and philosophy is time that we limited Federal spend- f have come to talk about the economy ing to 20 percent of our economy in the of this Nation. I had the real privilege Constitution of the United States of RATIFY START IMMEDIATELY of being able to address that gathering America. We have a saying back in In- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The yesterday, and I want to express my diana, Mr. Speaker, that good fences Chair recognizes the gentleman from appreciation to the organizers and the make good neighbors. I think we ought Illinois (Mr. QUIGLEY) for 1 minute. board for that. But I thought I might to use the Constitution of the United Mr. QUIGLEY. Mr. Speaker, I rise reflect for a few minutes this morning States in the years ahead to put fence today to urge my colleagues in the on my comments because what I lines around spending to give this and Senate to ratify the Strategic Arms sought to do at the Detroit Economic future Congresses a clear guideline of Reduction Treaty or START imme- Club yesterday was really broaden the just how much of the American econ- diately because every day we wait to debate here in Washington, DC. omy this government can consume, and ratify START is one more day that We live in no ordinary times. Our to give them an incentive for growth. Russia’s nuclear arsenal goes economy is struggling in the city and But let me say, fiscal discipline alone uninspected. on the farm. Unemployment is at a will not be enough to bring jobs and When our last nuclear arms treaty heartbreaking 9.6 percent nationally; prosperity back to America. We need with Russia expired last December, so 42 million Americans are on food an agenda for growth, and that is what did our ability to inspect their nuclear stamps; and America has seen better brought me to Detroit yesterday. What sites. This means no Americans have days. After years of runaway Federal I described and sought to describe were inspected Russian nuclear facilities for spending, borrowing and bailouts by the building blocks, the traditional b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H7645 . VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:15 Dec 01, 2010 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A30NO7.000 H30NOPT1 tjames on DSKG8SOYB1PROD with HOUSE H7646 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE November 30, 2010 American building blocks of growth, an Beth Chappell and all the members of the Taxpayer funded bailouts are no substitute incentive-based agenda. I think it is Detroit Economic Club for hosting me. For for economic policies that will create real five-fold. First is sound monetary pol- 75 years, the Detroit Economic Club has been consumer demand. I have no doubt that icy. Second is not only tax relief but a premier venue for leaders interested in say- American automakers and autoworkers can ing something significant about our econ- compete and win in a growing American tax reform. Third is access to all Amer- omy and I am genuinely grateful to be able economy. ican resources in energy. Fourth is reg- to join the ranks of those who had the privi- To restore American exceptionalism, we ulatory relief and reform. And finally, lege to ‘‘say it here.’’ must end all this Keynesian spending and get it is expanded international trade. S-T- And it’s great to be in Detroit—home to back to the practice of free market econom- A-R-T. I believe that it is a prescrip- Motown, the Lions (you know who this Colts ics. The freedom to succeed must include the tion for a fresh start in the American fan was cheering for on Thanksgiving) and freedom to fail. The free market is what economy. And what I expanded on yes- the ‘‘Car Capital of the World.’’ made America’s economy the greatest in the My father ran a chain of gas stations so, world, and we cannot falter in our willing- terday was my belief that if we will in like most Americans, I have had a life long ness to defend it. this next Congress which will gather love affair with the automobile. Try to imag- Even though our economy is struggling just weeks from now, if we from both ine America without the Ford Mustang, the and America seems at a low point, I believe ends of Pennsylvania Avenue will re- Chevrolet Corvette, or the Dodge Charger. we can restore our economy but it will take pair to these ideas and seek to advance Being from Indiana, I am especially proud vision and courage to do it. And everything not the arguments that are happening of the role that Hoosiers have played and starts with putting our fiscal house in order. in Washington even at this very hour continue to play in this unique American in- The good news is there is no shortage of dustry. And it all started here in Detroit. at the White House, do we preserve tax plans for fiscal discipline in Washington America owes a debt to the ingenuity and these days. We have the Pledge to America, rates, do we let some tax rates expire entrepreneurism of this great city. You the president’s Debt Commission, and over and become tax increases, but rather helped define the character of a nation. time we’ve had budgets, blueprints, outlines, how do we really pursue policies that But Detroit and America have seen better and thoughtful proposals from Members of will release the trapped energy in this days and I come to this storied podium to Congress, and blue-ribbon panels. economy. say after years of runaway federal spending, For my part, I believe the answer is a Some experts suggest that there is borrowing and bailouts by both political par- Spending Limit Amendment to the Constitu- more than $2 trillion in profits on the ties, that there is a better way, a way we can tion. Since World War II the federal govern- renew American exceptionalism by returning sidelines in this economy.
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