KDFW Airport information: Country: United States of America City: DALLAS Coordinates: N 32° 53.8', W 097° 02.2' Elevation: 603 Customs: Customs Fuel: 100LL, Jet A RFF: Index E hours: H24 Runways: Runway 13L Takeoff length: 2743, Landing length: 2553 Runway 13R Takeoff length: 2834, Landing length: 2834 Runway 17C Takeoff length: 4085, Landing length: 4085 Runway 17L Takeoff length: 2590, Landing length: 2590 Runway 17R Takeoff length: 4085, Landing length: 4085 Runway 18L Takeoff length: 4084, Landing length: 4084 Runway 18R Takeoff length: 4084, Landing length: 4084 Runway 31L Takeoff length: 2834, Landing length: 2834 Runway 31R Takeoff length: 2552, Landing length: 2552 Runway 35C Takeoff length: 4085, Landing length: 4085 Runway 35L Takeoff length: 4085, Landing length: 4085 Runway 35R Takeoff length: 2590, Landing length: 2590 Runway 36L Takeoff length: 4084, Landing length: 4084 Runway 36R Takeoff length: 4084, Landing length: 4084 10 - 1 07 MAR 12 USA (TX) - KDFW / DFW AERODROME Fort Worth INTL DALLAS Fort Worth CLR RAMP GND TWR Regional DEP Fort Worth 128.25 129.95 121.65 121.8 E 126.55 127.5 E 124.825 N 118.55 E ATIS DEP (D) 121.85 W 124.15 134.9 W 125.125 S 126.475 W 135.925 AD Elev 607 ARP: N32 53.8 W097 02.3 RFF: Index E AD HR: H24 10 - 1 18R 17C 176° 18L 17R 176° 176° 176° 4E ELEV 562 ELEV 607 ELEV 602 ELEV 553 ELEV 567 Fire station 13L Fire station 131° ELEV 591 13R 135° 9000x200ft2743x61m 17L 13400x200ft 855 4085x61m 176° G West G 2835x46m TWR 9301x150ftG 31R 13401x200ft 311° 4085x61m G East 1 1 799 G 783 TWR 13400x150ft 13401x150ft 4084x46m 4085x46m ELEV 524 G 31L Central ELEV 508 315° TWR 8500x150ft 2591x46m ELEV 577 G Fire station Fire station ELEV 582 ELEV563 ELEV 562 ELEV 575 ELEV 575 Fire station 36L 36R 35C 356° 356° 35L 356° 356° 35R VOR/DME TTT 356° THR Coordinates RWY 13L N32 54.7 W097 01.2 1 Land And Hold Short Operations RWY 31R N32 53.7 W097 00.1 LDA RWY AVBL DIST TO RWY INT RWY 13R N32 54.6 W097 05.0 RWY 31L N32 53.4 W097 03.8 17C 3188m/10460ft TWY B RWY 17C N32 54.9 W097 01.6 18R 3078m/10100ft TWY B RWY 35C N32 52.7 W097 01.6 35C 2758m/9050ft TWY EJ RWY 17R N32 54.9 W097 01.8 36L 3246m/10650ft TWY Z RWY 35L N32 52.7 W097 01.8 RWY 17L N32 53.9 W097 00.6 RWY 35R N32 52.5 W097 00.6 RWY 18L N32 54.9 W097 03.0 RWY 36R N32 52.7 W097 03.1 0 500 1000m RWY 18R N32 54.9 W097 03.3 kdfw01laorg0 RWY 36L N32 52.7 W097 03.3 0 2000 4000ft Navtech - Change: TWY, COM THIS CHART IS A PART OF NAVIGRAPH NDAC AND IS INTENDED FOR FLIGHT SIMULATION USE ONLY 10 - 2 12 JAN 11 USA (TX) - KDFW / DFW AERODROME Fort Worth INTL DALLAS 10 - 2 RWY Slope TORA m/ft LDA m/ft ALS REDL RCLL Additional 13L - 0.5 2743 / 9000 2553 / 8375 - H AVBL P 3° (82), REIL 31R +0.5 2553 / 8375 2553 / 8375 M-I H AVBL P 3° (69) 13R - 0.2 2835 / 9301 2835 / 9301 M-I H AVBL P 3° (71) 31L +0.2 2835 / 9301 2835 / 9301 - H AVBL P 3.1° (72), REIL 17L +0.6 2591 / 8500 2591 / 8500 H-G H AVBL P 3° (77) 35R - 0.6 2591 / 8500 2591 / 8500 H-G H AVBL P 3°R (73) 17C 0 4085 / 13401 4085 / 13401 H-G H AVBL P 3° (74) 35C 0 4085 / 13401 4085 / 13401 H-G H AVBL P 3° (76) 17R 0 4085 / 13401 4085 / 13401 M-I H AVBL P 3° (68) 35L 0 4085 / 13401 4085 / 13401 M-I H AVBL P 3° (63) 18L - 0.2 4084 / 13400 4084 / 13400 M-I H AVBL P 3° (70) 36R +0.2 4084 / 13400 4084 / 13400 M-I H AVBL P 3° (66) 18R - 0.2 4084 / 13400 4084 / 13400 H-G H AVBL P 3° (74) 36L +0.2 4084 / 13400 4084 / 13400 M-I H AVBL P 3° (72) TERPS TAKE OFF MINIMA RVR/VIS RWY Facilities 2 ENG 3-4 ENG HREDL + RCLL + Multiple RVR 500ft RCLL or HREDL + RCL + Multiple RVR 1000ft All a HREDL or RCLL or RCL + Multiple RVR TDZ 1200ftRollout 1000 ft HREDL or RCLL or RCL 1600ft / ¼sm Adequate Vis Ref ¼sm Standard minima 5000ft /1sm 2400 ft / ½sm a 35R: 200ft /1 ¼ sm with MNM climb of 221ft/nm to 800 or standard with MNM climb of 200ft/nm where take-off occurs no later than 1700ft prior to DER. kdfw02laorg0 Navtech - Change: New print. THIS CHART IS A PART OF NAVIGRAPH NDAC AND IS INTENDED FOR FLIGHT SIMULATION USE ONLY Navtech - kdfw03gaorg0 GROUND WEST Change: Fort Worth CLR RAMP GND TWR Regional DEP Fort Worth 128.25 129.95 121.65 121.8 E 126.55 127.5 E 124.825 N 118.55 E ATIS DEP (D) 121.85 W 124.15 134.9 W 125.125 S 126.475 W 135.925 COM, intersection TORA 105 = Apron entrance/exit points Be alert to RWY crossing clearances. Readback of all RWY holding instructions is required. UPS 18R 18L Northwest Parking 176° 176° Hold Pad Apron entrance/exit point 124 closed to ACFT with XX 10 -3 WG wingspan 61m (200ft) or greater. WG WF WF Apron entrance/exit points 105, 107, 122, closed to WG WG WH WH 07 MAR12 Overview THIS CHARTIS APART OFNAVIGRAPH NDACAND ISINTENDED FORFLIGHT SIMULATION USEONLY ACFT with wingspan 38m (125ft) or greater. Terminal B apron taxilane between taxilane 110 and Fire 115 wingspan 36m (118ft) or greater. Station E F GH C 2 Y. 13R Y. 135° Y Y Y Y A C Z. HY AA Z. Z Z Z Z 105 107 A 106 West FG Air Freight E G5 C5 110 West 111 ACFT push-back 113 or power-back on TWR WJ WJ B A1 114 Terminal B apron 115 have right of way. C E1 F1 G6 G 2835x46mA2 / WK WK WK 122 A 124 E2 131 9301x150ft 4084x46m / E 4084x61m / F2 132 E3 G7 133 A3 134 C9 D G8 G8 135 F G 13400x150ft 136 West C 13400x200ft G9 137 A4 Cargo E4 F3 Central TWR 138 142 WL WL WL A B 144 E5 F4 C E6 F5 G10 A5 A6 B Intersection TORA WM WM WM 31L A RWY 18L 315° WG 3987m / 13080ft E G11 C WH 3906m / 12814ft B E7 F G Y 3458m / 11345ft B. Central Terminal D F6 Z 3344m / 10971ft Area Fort WorthINTL B B. A A. Fire Station 4 B B RWY 18R HA A A. WG 3987m / 13082ft A A Y 3458m / 11345ft TWY A5 closed to ACFT with wingspan 52m (171ft) or greater. USA (TX)-KDFW/DFW Z 3344m / 10971ft C RWY 36L FG H1 A 3349m / 10986ft RESTRICTIONS FOR TWY G11 HS B 3222m / 10572ft TWY G11 east of TWY G is closed to Southwest DALLAS ACFT with wingspan 38m (125ft) or greater. WP RWY 36R WQ WP Hold Pad WP 3906m / 12815ft WQ Code F (65-80m wingspan) WQ 3987m / 13082ft Frequent ground support equipment WR WR ACFT require advance A 3410m / 11189ft under escort crossing TWYs A and B 36L 36R notice and follow me B 3296m / 10812ft at TWY HA. 356° 356° services while taxiing to or from ramps or RWYs. 10 - 3 Fort Worth CLR RAMP GND TWR Regional DEP Fort Worth 128.25 129.95 121.65 121.8 E 126.55 127.5 E 124.825 N 118.55 E ATIS DEP (D) Be alert to RWY crossing clearances. Readback of all RWY holding 121.85 W 124.15 134.9 W 125.125 S 126.475 W 135.925 instructions is required. Federal Northeast Express ACFT exiting via entrance/exit points 42, 42 = Apron entrance/exit points East DALLAS 17C 43 and 44 contact Ground prior to taxiing. Hold Pad 17R Cargo 176° 176° East Apron entrance/exit point 51closed to ACFT EG Apron Air EG with wingspan 41m (135ft) or greater. EF EF Freight EG EH EG Apron entrance/exit points 22, 24 closed to EH ACFT with wingspan 38m (125ft) or greater. 13L Apron entrance/exit points 5,7,42 and 44 closed USA (TX) - KDFW / DFW 1E Apron 131° N to ACFT with wingspan 36m (118ft) or greater. L M 1 J K P ACFT entrance/exit points 52 and 53 closed to N ACFT with wingspan 52m (171ft) or greater. 4 3 2 P ACFT Entrance/Exit point 45 closed 04-14. Fort Worth INTL Y Y Fire ACFT Entrance/Exit points 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, Y Y Y Y Station 3 JY P R 37, 38 and 39 closed to ACFT with wingspan Z Z N Z 41m (135ft) or greater. Z Z Z R1 5 K L 6 Code F (65-80m wingspan) 7 M 2743x61m / P Q R ACFT require advance 07 MAR 12 9 10 K5 notice and follow me 11 services while taxiing to A 13 EJ EJ EJ EJ 9000x200ft or from ramps or RWYs. 10 - 4 14 R2 15 K6 L1 M1 K 22 R 23 EK EK Q 24 M2 4085x61m / Overview L2 4085x46m / 17L 31 M P 176° 32 K7 M3 Q1 33 L Q2 East 34 K8 Q2 C K8 K8 TWR R3 Central 35 13401x200ft TWR 13401x150ft 36 K9 Q3 37 L3 M4 Q R EL EL EL R 31R 42 EL EL 311° 43 44 L4 M5 Q4 2591x46m / 45 K10 L5 M6 46 Intersection TORA GROUND EAST 47 Q E 48 EM EM P RWY 17L 49 Q2 2498m / 8195ft P2 50 K11 8500x150ft RWY 17C M Q5 K EG 3987m / 13080ft 53 52 L6 M7 Y 3456m / 11340ft 51 B B Z 3342m / 10963ft B BBB Q6 Hanger 5 RWY 17R JA A A A AAA EG 3987m / 13080ft Fire Station 1 EH 3906m / 12814ft Air Freight K Q L M Y 3456m / 11340ft Z 3342m / 10963ft K12 P K RWY 35L THIS CHART IS A PART OF NAVIGRAPH NDAC AND IS INTENDED FOR FLIGHT SIMULATION USE ONLY L EP Q7 JS EQ 3988m / 13083ft EQ Southeast EQ EP 3905m / 12811ft EP EQ DALLAS Hold Pad EQ ER ER A 3411m / 11190ft ER Q8 B 3296m / 10814ft Fire 35L 35C Station 5 356° 356° Q9 RWY 35C Q9 A 3411m / 11190ft Q JS M P B 3296m / 10814ft 35R EQ 3988m / 13084ft TWY, COM, intersection TORA 356° RWY 35R Q9 2498m / 8195ft ES ES Change: USA (TX) - KDFW / DFW Fort Worth INTL Navtech - - Navtech 10 - 4 kdfw04gaorg0 10 - 5 07 MAR 12 USA (TX) - KDFW / DFW GROUND Parking, Terminal B Fort Worth INTL DALLAS Fort Worth CLR RAMP GND TWR Regional DEP Fort Worth 128.25 129.95 121.65 121.8 E 126.55 127.5 E 124.825 N 118.55 E ATIS DEP (D) 121.85 W 124.15 134.9 W 125.125 S 126.475 W 135.925 10 - 5 105 106 Apron entrance/exit points 105, 107, 107 122 closed to ACFT with wingspan 38m (125ft) or greater.
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