INSIDE ❘ TEAM LISTS ❘ STAT ATTACK ❘ SCORES AROUND THE COUNTRY SHAUNJOHNSON ❘ TYRONEPEACHEY ❘ PHILLIPSAMI ❘ SHAUNLANE❘ THAIDAYPOSTER+MORE ROUND 22 BIG SAM The iconic Bronco reaches 300 games History MAMA PAPA New Zealand duo’s awaits unique achievement The NRL .. eraforthewomen’sgame KICKING DAVID OFF PIEPERS Ftheyoungerversionofmyselfhadbeen Iaskedtodefine‘womeninleague’25 yearsago,Iwouldprobablyhaveassumed you meant Tina Turner atop the Harbour BridgeandElleMacphersonrunningon the beach with Andrew Ettingshausen. Our game has come a long way since then. This year,WomeninLeagueroundhastakenon even more significance, particularly with theriseinprofileofthewomen’sgame. Afewmonthsago,theWomen’sStateof OrigintookplaceatNorthSydneyOvaland showcasedwhatathrillingandhigh-quality productourfemaleplayershave,andit’s abouttogotoanotherlevelwiththefirst ever Women’s NRL kicking off in just four weeks’ time. The arrival of the tournament isatestamenttotheexponentialstrength of the women’s game, and will also provide the next generation of female league fans across the country with a plethora of heroes. HEREareplentyofwomenwhowork Trelentlessly in the rugby league media,butnotallofthemareonscreens andradiosorsocialmediastars–and assuchtheydon’talwaysgetthecredit Gould looks to they deserve. In my four years at Big League Ihaveonlyeverworkedunder female editors, and they’ve been some of themostpassionateandknowledgable Panthers’ future experts and supporters of our game that I’ve ever met. Fiona Bollen, Maria Tsialis ENRITHbossPhilGouldisadamant things that are wrong internally at andPamelaWhaleyhaveeachgivenan thedecisiontosackcoachAnthony theclubandasateam,”Gouldsaid. immense amount of their time to ensure PGriffinfourweeksoutfromthe “We haven’t been playing well at that this magazine comes to you each and finalsispurelybasedonalong-term themomenteventhoughwe’vewon everyweek,andaswedrawclosertoour plan,ratherthanaquickfixtowinthe acoupleofgames.Alotofthatis 100thyearofexistenceasapublication, competitionthisyear. the distraction and confusion around it’sworthnotingthatwewouldnever ThePantherssitequalfourthonthe the coaching.” havegotthisfarifnotfortheseamazing ladder–twowinsfromthetop–but DespiteGouldstressingthatwinning women fighting every step of the way. Gouldsaidthefutureoftheclubismore By MICHAEL the premiership this year isn’t vital, Thank you, to each and every one of them. importantthanjustthisseason’sresults. BLOK StateofOriginrepresentativeTyrone “I’mnotworriedaboutwinning @michaelblok26 Peachey said the players have the apremiership;inthiswholeprocess confidenceofgoingallthewayin2018 it’saboutdevelopingyoungtalentand andhavethegoaloffinishinghighontheladder. bringingthrougharosterthatishome- “Itwouldbemassiveifwefinishedinthetop grown, have come to us at an early age and four,” he told Big League.“We’veneverbeen wanttostayforalongtime,”Gouldsaid. there since I’ve been here. We’re going to try FEATURES “Withayounggroupthatwewanttodevelop to put ourselves in that position.” 10 NATHAN HINDMARSH furtherwefeltweneededachangeincoaching WhenPeacheyplaysontheGoldCoastthis 16-17 DRAGONS WOMEN philosophy moving forward. Sometimes things week, not only will he be attempting to help 18 LIFEOFAPHYSIO justaren’tworkingoutandweneedtolookout thePantherstoanotherwin,he’llbeauditioning 20-21 PAPALI’I FAMILY for the club. The club always comes first, it’s forthefullbackroleathisfutureclub. 22-23 SAM THAIDAY bigger than me and that’s what we decided as Signed with the Titans for the next three 24 PHILLIP SAMI a group that next year we’ll have a change in seasons, Peachey has expressed his desire to coaching philosophy. weartheNo.1jerseynextyear–despiteonly “Tobefairto[Griffin],wewantedtolethim playingatthebacktwiceinhistop-gradecareer. UPFRONT 3-15 know straight away and sometimes when you “I’d love to play there next year, but wherever CLUB NEWS 26-29 make that decision the best thing is to part they need me I’ll play,” he said. LITTLE LEAGUE 30-31 company straight away.” Peachey has been impressive at fullback over ManybelieveGriffinwasharddoneby, thepasttwoweeks,andevengrabbedadouble NRL TEAMS 36-51 consideringhewasonthevergeofleading against Canberra on Sunday afternoon. OTHER COMPS 52-56 theclubtotheirthird-straightfinalsseriesfor “I’menjoyingtherole–I’vehadalotofhelp RESULTS 56-57 thefirsttimesince1991.However,Gouldsaid fromthecoachingstaff,”hesaid.“It’sonlymy DRAW 62 on-field results weren’t the issue. second game there and I still have a lot to fix up. Joel Carrett “Iknowwe’resittinginequalfourthonthe HopefullyIdidn’tstuffuptoomuch[against the COVER PHOTOS: PHIL HILLYARD (DRAGONS); PHIL WALTER/GETTY; PHOTOSPORT (PAPALI’I) ladder, but sometimes winning masks other Raiders] and I can keep playing there.” PHOTO: Round 22 BIG LEAGUE 2018 3 Storm aim to weather a heated Sharks battle By MARTIN GABOR TORM star Cameron Munster sayshissidewon’tbebuying Sinto the rivalry hype when the defending premiers take on theSharksthisSunday. The teams famously clashed inthe2016deciderwhenAndrew Fifitacrashedoverlatetoseal Cronulla’s maiden premiership, andtensionshavebeenatboiling pointeversince. TheSharksclaimedtheir first win at AAMI Park last year in testing conditions, before Felise THE HEAT IS ON: Kaufusi’slateheroicsintheShire Tensions erupt at the squaredtheledgerfortheStorm. end of their Round 4 Theirclashearlierintheseason clash back in March. wasjustaseventful,withCronulla againstSouthSydneyandwe one of our worst performances prevailing in another low-scoring can’t do that against quality sides.” of the year,” Munster said. affair that featured a record TheStormhadtheireight-game “We’reveryclosetothetop 33 penalties. winningstreaksnappedbythe sides, but inconsistency is really “Therearealotofcompetitive Rabbitohs after surrendering hurting us at the moment. We’ve playersinbothteamsandthey a10-pointlead,andMunster shownthisyearwhatwecando justwanttogetthewin,”Munster says they must bounce back whenwebringitalltogether,and told Big League. against a Sharks side that’s still that’sgottobethefocusleading “PaulGallenbeingtheNew fighting for a top-four finish. into the finals. SouthWalescaptainforawhile Despitetheloss,theStorm “TheSharksareagreat and‘Smithy’[CameronSmith] remain in second spot and can side and they’ve been playing being the Queensland captain regain the competition lead if some good footy. We’ve always foragesobviouslymeansthere’s Round22resultsgotheirway. seemedtohaveabitofarivalry somethingspecialbetweenthose However,they’llneedto against them and it’s always two,andthatrivalryhasfiltered fix their ruck defence after a grudge match when they into the clubs as well. they were destroyed through come up against them. “Asmuchaspeoplewantto themiddlebyascintillating “We’ve been going well this talkaboutit,wecan’tworryabout Damien Cook and the three year,butit’llbeinterestingto thatrivalryonSunday.We’vejust Burgess boys. see how good we really are gottoworryaboutourselves, “Thatlosswasarealkick when we take on quality sides because we let ourselves down in the face. It was probably like Cronulla.” McLean puts best foot forward By MARTIN GABOR Thehulkingunitwasexpectedtomisstherestof theseason,butmadehisreturninRound20andis Ewastoutedasoneofthebestsigningsofthe settoplayakeyroleastheclublookstoavoidthe Hoff-season,butCowboyspropJordanMcLean wooden spoon. isjusthappytobeplayingafteraninjury-ravaged “LastyearislastyearsoIcan’treallylookbackat starttohiscareerinNorthQueensland. thattoomuch,butyouneverplanonhavinginjuriesso Comingoffastellaryearthatsawhimwinthe 2018hasjustbeenunlucky,”McLeantoldBig League. premiershipwiththeStormandthentheWorld “Toinjuremyfootearlierintheyearandtobeout CupwiththeKangaroos,bigthingswereexpected forsolongwasfrustrating,butI’mjusthappytobe ofMcLeanwhowasalsotippedtomakehisBlues back playing good football. debut this season. “Itwasalwaysoneofmygoalstotrytogetback Instead, a serious foot injury suffered against andplayafewgamesbeforetheendoftheseason,” NRLPhotos.com: Grant Trouville (Warriors), thePanthersinRound4hassidelinedhimformost he added. “Our physio worked hard and did extra of 2018, with the big man forced to watch his team- work to make sure my foot was right and that effort PHOTOS: Images (Storm) Robb Cox (Raiders); Mark Evans/Getty mates struggle in his absence. is starting to show on the field.” The Cowboys have won five of their past six games against the Broncos at 1300SMILES Stadium. UU Panthers forward 4 BIG LEAGUE 2018 Round 22 ISSN: 0311-175X Editor: David Piepers Subeditor: Bronwyn Thompson Staff Writers: Michael Blok, Martin Gabor, Darcie McDonald Contributors: Fiona Bollen, Will Evans, at BenEverill,NathanHindmarsh,Adam ’s Long, David Middleton, Andrew Voss me Art Director: Craig Loughlin-Smith Designer: Tina Colwell General ManagerRetailand Circulation: Brett Willis National Advertising Manager: Bowie Phillips (02) 8045 4779 Marketing and Circulation Executive: Nick Tsolakis Production Director: Mark Moes Production Manager: Chrissy Fragkakis BIG LEAGUE Level1,2HoltSt, SurryHills,NSW2010 Phone: (02) 9288 3000 Email: bigleague@newslifemedia. com.au Back issues: Digital versions at Zinio: zinio.com/bigleague Facebook: facebook.com/bigleague Twitter/Instagram: @bigleaguemag Subscriptions: magsonline.com.au/ big-league Distributed by Gordon & Gotch Australia Phone: 1300 650 666 BIGLEAGUEispublishedforthe NationalRugbyLeaguebyNewsLifeMedia PtyLtd(ACN088923906),2HoltSt, SurryHills,NSW2010.NewsLifeMediais wholly owned subsidiary of News Limited (ACN007871178).Copyright2013 by NewsLifeMedia Pty
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