Type Specimens at Botanical Survey of India, Central National Herbarium, Howrah (CAL) Monocot Type Specimens

Type Specimens at Botanical Survey of India, Central National Herbarium, Howrah (CAL) Monocot Type Specimens

Type specimens at Botanical Survey of India, Central National Herbarium, Howrah (CAL) Monocot Type specimens Name of the Taxon Name of the Place of Collection Date of Collector Coll . No. Type Herbarium Family Collection Status Acronym Hedychium margin atum C.B. Clarke Zingiberaceae India, Nagaland, 18 -10 -1885 C.B. Clarke 42094 A Type CAL Piffima, Naga Hills Hedychium marginatum C.B. Clarke Zingiberaceae India, Nagaland, 19 -10 -1885 C.B. Clarke 40926 Type CAL Piffima, Naga Hills Hedychium eelatum R. B r. Zingiberaceae India, Nepal Wallich Type CAL Hedychium gracilli mum A.S. Rao & Zingiberaceae India, Meghalaya, 01 -07 -1967 D.M. Verma 35650 Type CAL D.M. Verma Khasia & Jantia Hills, Woodland Hedychium marginatum C.B. Clarke Zingiberaceae India, Na galand, 03 -11 -1883 C.B. Clarke 41513 C Type CAL Kohima Hedychium paludosum Hend. Zingiberaceae Malaysia, Singapore, 01 -04 -1930 M.R. Henderson 23280 Type CAL Pahang, Commonis Highland Hedychium venustum Wight Zingiberaceae India, Peninsula Indiae Wight 2802 Type CAL Orientalis Hedychium venustum Wight Zingiberaceae Wight 2803 Type CAL Hedychium venustum Wight Zingiberaceae India, Peninsula Indiae Wight 2803 Type CAL Orientalis Hedychium venustum Wight Zingiberaceae Wight 2802 Type CAL Hedychium greenii W.W. Sm. Zingiberaceae Bhutan 07 -1908 H.F. Green Type CAL Hedychium greenii W.W. Sm. Zingiberaceae Bhutan 07 -1908 H.F. Green Type CAL Hedychium coccineum Ham. e x Smith Zingiberaceae India, West Ben gal, 15 -08 -1869 C.B. Clarke 8619 Type CAL var. squarrosum (Buch.-Ham. ex Darjeeling, Rungbee Wall.) Baker Hedychium dekianum A.S. Rao & D.M. Zingiberaceae India, Meghalaya, 15 -07 -1966 G.K. Deka 35605 A Holo type CAL Verma Jowai, Khasia & Jantia Hills, Woodland Hedychium calcaratum A.S. Rao & Zingiberaceae India, Meghalaya, 22 -07 -1957 G.K. Deka 10134 A Holo type CAL D.M. Verma Shillong, Khasia & Jantia Hills, Jowai Badarpur Road, 60 mil Hedychium longipedunculatum Sastry Zingiberaceae India, Assam, Konoma 19 -05 -1895 Collected by the 11609 Para type CAL & D.M. Verma Hills reporter on economic products to the Govt.of India. (G.Watt) Hedychium longipedunculatum Sastry Zingiberaceae India, Assam, Konoma 19 -05 -1895 G. Watt 11609 Para type CAL & D.M. Verma Hills Hedychium longipedunculatum Sastry Zingiberaceae India, Nagalan d, Naga 02 -1844 Para type CAL & D.M. Verma Hills Hedychium longipedunculatum Sastry Zingiberaceae India, Arunchal Pradesh, 22 -05 -1966 A.R.K . Sastry 45509 A Holo type CAL & D.M. Verma Subansiri, Subansiri District Anjee vicinity Hedychium rubrum A.S. Rao & D.M. Zingiberaceae India, Meghalaya, K.&J. 12 -08 -1965 D.M. Verma 34599 A Holo type CAL Verma Hills Curcuma albiflora Thwaites Zingiberaceae Sri Lanka c.p.2737 Type CAL Curcuma cannanorensis var . lutea R. Zingiberaceae India, Kerala, 22 -06 -1980 R. Ansari 64999 Holo type CAL Ansari, V.J. Nair &. N.C. Nair Cannanore, Kalliasseri Curcuma cannanorensis R. Ansari, V.J. Zingiberaceae India, Kerala, 23 -06 -1980 R. Ansari 67822 Holo type CAL Nair & N.C. Nair Cannanore, Kalliasseri Cur cuma kurzii king ex Baker Zingiberaceae India, Andaman Island, S. Kurz Type CAL South Andaman, Watering cove Curcuma kurzii king ex Baker Zingiberaceae India, Andaman Island, S. Kurz Type CAL South Andaman, Smith Point Curcuma ranadei Prain Zin giberaceae India, Maharastra, 08 -09 -1887 D. Prain Holo type CAL Poona Curcuma sparganifolia Gagnep. Zingiberaceae Kampot , Cambodge Herb . Mus . Paris Type CAL Curcuma gracillima Gagnep. Zingiberaceae Indo China, Kampot , 30 -11 -1874 Herb. Mus . P aris Type CAL Cambodge Curcuma parvula Gage Zingiberaceae Myanmar , Upper 12 -02 -1903 Shaik Mokim Type CAL Myanmar, Minbu, Curcuma sessilis Gage Zingiberaceae Myanmar , Upper 25 -11 -1902 Shaik Mokim Type CAL Myanmar, Minbu, Amomum echinatum Thwaites Zingiber aceae Sri Lanka Thwaites, G.H.K. C.P. Type CAL 3030 Amomum graminifolioum Thwaites Zingiberaceae Sri Lanka Thwaites, G.H.K. C.P. Type 3820 Amomum pulchellum Thwaites Zingiberaceae Sri Lanka c.p. 2736 Type CAL Amomum fenzlii Kurz Zingiberaceae Indi a, Andaman 02 -1875 S. Kurz Type CAL Nicobar Island, Kamarta Amomum fenzlii Kurz Zingiberaceae India, Andaman Nicobar 02 -1875 S. Kurz Type CAL Island, Kamarta Amomum hypoleucum Thwaites Zingiberaceae Sri Lanka c.p.3532 Type CAL Amomum pterocarpu m Thwaites Zingiberaceae Sri Lanka c.p.3021 Type CAL Amomum ghaticum K.G. Bhat Zingiberaceae India, Tamil Nadu, 09 -05 -1986 K.G. Bhat 1971 Holo type CAL Coorg, Sampaje Ghat Amomum loroglossum Gagnep . Zingiberaceae India, Meghalaya, Joseph Da lton Type CAL Khasia Hooker & Thomas Thomson Amomum masticatorium Thwaites Zingiberaceae Sri Lanka c.p. 3701 Type CAL Amomum maingayi Baker Zingiberaceae Malaysia, Malaya A.C. Maingay 1586 Type CAL Amomum stenoglossum Baker Zingiberaceae Malaysia, Pera k, Larut, 06 -1881 Dr. King 1957 Type CAL Amomum stenoglossum Baker Zingiberaceae Malaysia, Perak, Larut, 06 -1881 Dr. King 1957 Type CAL Amomum stenoglossum Baker Zingiberaceae Malaysia, Perak, Larut, 06 -1881 Dr. King 1957 Type CAL Amomum macrostephan um Baker Zingiberaceae Malaysia, Perak, Larut 06 -1881 Dr. King 1905 Type CAL Amomum acuminatum Thwaites Zingiberaceae Sri Lanka c.p. 3466 Type CAL Amomum macrodons Scort. Zingiberaceae Malaysia, Perak, G. 05 -1884 Reved. Father 614 Type CAL Haram Scortechini Amomum macrodons Scort. Zingiberaceae Malaysia, Perak, G. 05 -1884 Reved. Father 614 Type CAL Haram Scortechini Amomum macrodons Scort. Zingiberaceae Malaysia, Perak, G. Reved. Father 614 Type CAL Haram Scortechini Amomum macrodons Scort. Zingi beraceae Malaysia, Perak, G. Reved. Father 614 Type CAL Haram Scortechini Elettaria involucrata Thwaites Zingiberaceae Sri Lanka Thwaites c.p. 3019 Type CAL Elettaria involucrata Thwaites Zingiberaceae Sri Lanka c.p. 3019 Type CAL Elettaria florib unda Thwaites Zingiberaceae Sri Lanka c.p. 3374 Type CAL Elettaria floribunda Thwaites Zingiberaceae Sri Lanka c.p. 3374 Type CAL Elettaria nemoralis Thwaites Zingiberaceae Sri Lanka Thwaites c.p. 3703 Type CAL Elettaria nemoralis Thwaites Zingi beraceae Sri Lanka Thwaites c.p. 3703 Type CAL Renealmia racemosa Poepp. & Endl. Zingiberaceae Bolivia, Cochabamba 1891 Miguel bang 1237 Iso - CAL Lectotype Hemiorchis birmanica Kurz Zingiberaceae Myanmar , Pegu , S. Kurz 392 Type CAL Karway Hemiorc his birmanica Kurz Zingiberaceae Myanmar , Pegu , 09 -05 -1871 S. Kurz 392 Type CAL Karway, low Forest Hemiorchis birmanica Kurz Zingiberaceae Myanmar , Pegu, 04 -05 -1871 S. Kurz 3299 Type CAL Karway Hemiorchis birmanica Kurz Zingiberaceae Myanmar , Karway 04 -05 -1871 S. Kurz 392 Type CAL Phrynium paniculatum N.P. Balakr. Zingiberaceae India, Andaman 17 -06 -1977 N.P. Balakrishnan 5827 Para type CAL Nicobar, South Nicobar, Great Nicobar Island Phrynium paniculatum N.P. Balakr. Zingiberaceae India, Andaman 17 -06 -1977 N.P. Balakrishnan 5858 Para type CAL Nicobar, South Nicobar, Great Nicobar Island Coutleya cathc arti Baker Zingiberaceae Bangladesh, East Bengal Griffith 5674 Type CAL Coutleya cathearti Baker Zingiberaceae India, East Himalaya Griffith 5673 Typ e CAL Paraca utleya bhatii R.M. Sm. Zingiberaceae India, Karnataka, South 01 -07 -1975 Go pal Krishna 204 Iso type CAL kanara, Manipal Near Bhat Medical college Monophrynium simplex Elmer Zingiberaceae Philippines, Luzon Island, 05 -19 07 A.D.E. Elmer 7611 Iso - CAL Tayabas province, Syntype Lucban Monophrynium simplex Elmer Zingiberaceae Philippine s Luzon Island 05 -1907 A.D.E. Elmer 9147 Iso CAL Tayabas province, Syntype Lucban Parakaempferia synantha A.S. Rao & Zingiberaceae India, Assam, N. 22 -05 -1966 D.M. Verma 46585 A Holo type CAL D.M. Verma Lakhimpur. Along Kana River Chaldhowa Mantisia wengeri C.E.C. Fisch. Zingiberaceae India, Mizoram 05 -1929 W.J. Wenger Type CAL (Formerly in Assam), S. Lushai Alpinia manii King ex Baker Zingiberaceae India, Andama n Island 30 -11 -1883 Dr. King Type CAL Herminium orbiculare Hook Zingiberaceae India, Sikkim, Chumbi, 08 -07 -1884 Dr. King 164 Type CAL Kungboo Herminium orbiculare Hook Zingiberaceae India, Sikkim, Chumbi, 08 -07 -1884 Dr. King 164 Type CAL Kungboo Boese nbergia prainiana King Zingiberaceae Malaya Archipelago, 09 -1880 Dr. King 726 Type CAL Goping Gastrochilos minor King Zingiberaceae Malaysia, Larut, Perak 08 -1881 Dr. King 2253 Type CAL Geostachys decurvata (Bak.) Ridley Zingiberaceae Malaysia, Larut, P erak 07 -1884 Dr. King 6310 Type CAL Geostachys decurvata (Bak.) Ridley Zingiberaceae Malaysia, Larut, Perak 07 -1884 Dr. King 6310 Type CAL Geostachys decurvata ( Bak.) Ridley Zingiberaceae Malaysia, Larut, Perak 07 -1884 Dr. King 6310 Type CAL Globba ande rsoni C.B. Clarke ex. Zingiberaceae India, Sikkim, Punkabare 11 -07 -1882 C.B.Clarke 1277 Type CAL Baker Globba pauciflora King ex Baker Zingiberaceae India, Andaman 1884 Dr. King 376 Type CAL Globba pauciflora Baker Zingiberaceae India, Andaman 1884 Dr. King 376 Type CAL Globba hookeri C.B. Clarke ex Baker Zingiberaceae India, Sikkim J.D. H 10 Type CAL Scaphochlamys kunstleri (Baker) Zingiberaceae Malaysia, Larut, Perak 11 -1881 Dr. King 2542 Lecto type CAL Holttum Scaphochlamys kunstleri (Baker) Zingiberaceae Malaysia, Larut, Perak 11 -1881 H. Kunstler 2542 Lecto type CAL Holttum Scaphochlamys kunstleri (Baker) Zingiberaceae Malaysia, Larut, Perak 11 -1881 Dr. King 2542 Lecto type CAL Holttum Scaphochlamys kunstleri (Baker) Zingiberaceae Malaysia, 14 -06 -1882 Dr. King 2542 Lecto type CAL Holttum Hechtia tehuacana B.L. Rob. Bromeliaceae North America, Mexico , 02 -08 -1901 C.G. Pringle 8578 Type CAL State of Puebla, Calcareous Hills near Tehuacan Ophiopogon

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