Canadian Minerologist Vol.28, pp. 181-184(1990) BOOKREVIEWS Monteregian Treasur*, the Minerals of Mont Saint- systems.Appendix B givesX-ray powdo-diffragtion Hilaire, Quebec. By J. A. Mandarino and V. data in two separatesections: as an alphabetical spe- Anderson. Cambridge University Press,New York, cies list with the six strongest reflections, and as a 1989,281 pages,U.S.$ search index patterned after the Hanawalt method In less than thirty years Mont Saint-Hilaire, of JCPDS. Appendix C tabulates the species Quebec has emerged as one of the world's most accordingto tle ten geologicalenvironments outlined imFortant mineral localities. Over 2Z) confirmed spe- in Part one, Appendix D is a Dana classification of cies have been found to date, 15 of which are new the observed species,and Appendix E contains an to science,and a long list of unknowns still awaits exhaustivecompilation of chemicalanalyses of Mont further investigation. The majority of theseminerals Saint-Hilaire minerals presented in 4l tables occur in well-developed crystals and are eagerly according to chemical class.A comprehensivelist of sought by collectors from the amateur and profes- referencesis given in Part four. sional communitis alike. Large, high-quality crystals The text is clearly written throughout and can be ofsuch exotic speciesas leifite, carletonite, serand- read with easeby both professionals and educated ite, catapleiite,petarasite, and numerousothers have amateurs. Though not intended to be a comprehen- not been found elsewhere. sive petrological treatise, the sestion on the geology Monteregj an Treasuresis the first comprehensive ofthe occurrenceis disappointingly brief. There are work to deal with the mineralogy of Mont Saint- no geologicalor location maps given for the localiry. Hilaire. The text is divided into four parts. Part one $imilarly, the parageneticorganization of species presentsan abbreviated history of the evolution of according to their modes of ocqurence is both Mont Saint-Hilaire as a significant mineral locality desirableand instructive, but could have beenmuch and cratefully acknowledgestle role of the amateur more informative if developed further. A number in its development.A brief discussionof the geology of pageshave noticeable blank spaces,which some and petrology of the ocsurrence identifies ten geo- readersmay find objectionable, though others will logical environments of mineralogical interest: peg- probably welcomethis spaceto add their own notes matites, altered pegmatites,sodalite syenite, silicate- and new information as it becomesavailable. Simi- dominant cavities in nepheline syenite, carbonate- larly, opinions will probably be divided on the deci- dominant cavities in nepheline syenite, igneous sion to use only photomicrographs to illustrate breccia cavities, hornfels, marble xenoliths, sodalite specimensknown to exist plentifully as much larger xenoliths and rock-forming minslals. The distribu- specimens;but neither is that of seriousconsequence, tions of minerals among shemical classes,of chem- as Violet Anderson has done an admirable job in ical classesamong envirornents and of chemicalele- accurately rendering each speciesphotographed' an ments among environments also are considered. extremely difficult task consldering the subject size Part two constitutes the bulk of the text and pro- and technical limitations imposed by photomicrog- vides descriptiveand illustrative information for 221 raphy. Lastly, it would have been helpful to those species.Individual descriptionsare presentedalpha- readerswho may lack a firm understanding of crys- betically by speciesor group and include introduc- talloeraphy if the forms describedin the figure cap- tory remarks, notes on app€arance,physical proper- tions were also labeled on the crystal drawings. ties, occurrence and associated minerals, optical Regardless of any minor shortcomings, Mon- properties, chemical data, crystallography, distin- teregian Treasuresis a comprehensive, up-to-date gurshing features and other data. Computer- descriptive mineralogical text that successfully generatedcrystal drawings, photomicrographs(both bridgesthe gap betweenthe amateurand professional color and black and white) by Violet Anderson and minssal6gisl, and is certain to remain the definitive sketchesby Robert Fisher and Garry Glenn provide work on this classicminelnl locality for a long time a pleasing visual impast and illustrate well the spe- to come. Though moderately expensiveat U.S. cies they depict. $85.00, it wil be worth every p€nny to all serious Part tlree consistsof five useful appendicesthat collectors and professionals interestedin the miner- will be invaluable to those who routinely work with alogy of Mont Saint-Hilaire or alkali syenite com- Mont Saint-Hilaire minerals. Appendix A consists plexes in general. of an alphabetical tabulation of speciesby crystal GeorgeW. Robinson system and determinative tables arranged by axial National Museum of Natural Sciences ratios @onnay tables) for each of the six crystal Ottawa 18r r82 THE CANADIAN MINERALOGIST Introduction to Crystal Chemistry gtudent edition). reasonalone, the professionalwould probably prefer By H.W. Jaffe. CambridgeUniversity Press,Cam- to buy the completemonograph volume. bridge, 1988, 161 pages,f,9.00 (soft-bound only). Lee A. Groat This studentedition is Part I (Chapters l-ll: prin- The University of British Columbia ciples of Crystal Chemistry and Refractivity) of a larger two-part monograph volume, Crystal Chemistry and Refractivity (reviewed rn Con. Mineral. 14, 535). Part II of the larger volume is Mineralization and Shear Zones. Edited by J.T. titlercDecriptive Crystal Chemistry. T:hestudent edi- Bursnall. Short CourseVolume 6, GeologicalAssoci- tion is softbound, witl a cover illustration by M.C. ation of Canada, Department of Earth Sciences, Escher ("Stars"). University of Newfoundland, St. John's, Newfound- The book begins with a comprehensivereview of land AIB 3X5, 1988,?29 + rti pages.$25.@ for atomic structure and the periodic table, followed by membersof GAC; $35.00for nonmembers(ISBN a chapter on spectra, ionization potential, elec- 0-9t92t6-39-0\. tronegativity, and chemical bonding. Chapters 3-5 deal wilh Pauling's rules and the chemistry of cova- Owing the economic significance of Archean vein lent and ionic bonds. Chapter 6 looks at external gold deposits,a large number of symposia,confer- (nontranslational) and internal (translational) sym- ences,and short courseshave held over the last few metry. Chapter 7 servesas a short introduction ro years to ex?mine aspects of the geology and crystal-field theory. The next two chapters(8-9) deal geochemistryof thesedeposits. This volume is the with polyhedral distortion, diadochy, and isostruc- product ofone such short course,held in conjunc- tural crystals.Density, volume, unit cellsand packing tion with the 1989GAC-MAC national convention are consideredin Chapter 10. The book concludes and focussingon the structural and geochemicalrela- with an excellent introduction to refractivity and tions of Au mineralizationto shearzones. In view polarizability, in which both tle Lorentz-Lorenz and of the close genetic link between the evolution of Gladstone-Dale relationships are described; these shear zones and the formation of vein mineraliza- topics are rarely mentioned in introductory text- tion, the material dealt with in this volume should books. Each chapter is followed by a summary and be of interdst to geologists from industry, govern- bibliocraphy, and there is a limited appendix of ment and universities,who are involved in the explo- crystal-structure diagrams. ration for or researchon vein lode-gold deposits. The illustrations consist of line drawings and The book basically coverstlree aspectsof the rela- black-and-white photographs of packing models. tions betweenshear zones and lode-gold minerali- Some of the line drawings are confusing; more zation: l) Structural geology of shear zotes, 2) descriptivefigure-captions would help. One diagram Geochemistry of fluids associatedwith shear zones @ig. 1.2) is labeled incorrectly; the d1, arrd d* and gold mineralization, and 3) Application of struc- orbitals should be defined as d4, arid do, respec- tural analysis to the understanding of gold miner- tively. The photographs are generally clear and alization in the Superior Province of Ontario and informative. Quebec. In someareas, this book is not up-to-date. A com- The first four chapters deat with reviews of the prehensivelisting of ionic radii endswith Whittaker principles of structural geology as applied to shear & Muntus (1970); there is no mention of the studies zones, and some of the implications to the genesis by Shannon& Prewitt (1969)and Shannon(1976). of mineralization. Chapter I "Review of Mechan- Zachariasen'searly (1963)paper on bond strengths icat Principles, Deformation Mechanismsand Shear is mentioned,but not Brown,s (1981)study of the Zone Rosks" coversthe basic conceptsofstress and bond-valencenethod. Theseomissions may limit the strain in relation to ttre formation of shearzones and book's usefulnessas a referencehandbook. much of the experimental and theoretical data on Introduction to Crystal Chemistry is an excellent which the concepts are based. In addition, the role introduction to the relationship between mineral of fluids in deformation and the controls on varia- optics and structual crystallography. It is suitable tions in the brittle-ductile behavior of rocks are sum- for advancedundergraduate and beginninggraduate
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