COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT PLAN ABC ONE-HOUR CLEANERS SUPERFUND SITE JACKSONVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA DECEMBER 2017 U. S. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY REGION IV THE U. S. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY’S (EPA) SUPERFUND COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT PROGRAM IS COMMITTED TO PROMOTING COMMUNICATION BETWEEN CITIZENS AND THE AGENCY. ACTIVE PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT IS CRUCIAL TO THE SUCCESS OF ANY PUBLIC PROJECT. EPA’S COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT ACTIVITIES AT THE ABC ONE-HOUR CLEANERS SUPERFUND SITE ARE DESIGNED TO INFORM THE PUBLIC OF THE NATURE OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES ASSOCIATED WITH THE SITE, INVOLVE THE PUBLIC IN THE DECISION-MAKING PROCESS THAT WILL AFFECT THEM, INVOLVE THE PUBLIC IN THE RESPONSES UNDER CONSIDERATION TO REMEDY THESE ISSUES, AND INFORM THE PUBLIC OF THE PROGRESS BEING MADE TO IMPLEMENT THE REMEDY. Contents Section 1.0 – Overview of the Community Involvement Plan .................................................. 4 Section 2.0 – Capsule of the Site Description and History ........................................................ 4 2.1 Site Description ................................................................................................................................................... 4 2.2 Site History and Cleanup Activities ..................................................................................................................... 5 Section 3.0 – Community Background...................................................................................... 12 3.1 Community Profile ............................................................................................................................................ 12 3.2 History of Community Involvement .................................................................................................................. 12 3.3 Key Community Concerns ................................................................................................................................ 13 3.4 Response to Community Concerns .................................................................................................................... 13 3.5 Summary of Communication Needs .................................................................................................................. 14 Section 4.0 – EPA’s Community Involvement Program ......................................................... 14 4.1 The Plan ............................................................................................................................................................. 15 4.2 Time Frame Summary for Community Involvement Activities ........................................................................ 20 ABC One-Hour Cleaners Site Page | 3 November 28, 2017 Section 1.0 – Overview of the Community Involvement Plan EPA developed this Community Involvement Plan to facilitate two-way communication between the community surrounding the ABC One-Hour Cleaners Superfund Site (ABC, the Site) and EPA and to encourage community involvement in site activities. EPA will utilize the community involvement activities outlined in this plan to ensure that residents are continuously informed and provided opportunities to be involved. This Community Involvement Plan (CIP) addresses the Site’s relationship to the community and EPA (Section 2.0), provides a background of the community (Section 3.0), presents EPA’s community involvement program (Section 4.0), and provides a listing of available resources (which are presented in the Appendices). EPA drew upon several information sources to develop this plan, including community interviews and site files. EPA’s Regional Office will oversee the implementation of the community involvement activities outlined in this Plan. Section 2.0 – Capsule of the Site Description and History 2.1 Site Description ABC is located at 2127 Lejeune Boulevard in Jacksonville, North Carolina. Lejeune Boulevard houses a number of small locally-owned and chain businesses. The one-acre Site is located directly north of Tarawa Terrace, a military housing community associated with the Camp Lejeune Marine Corps Base. The properties located to the east and west of the Site are used for general retail and commercial purposes. The parcels located to the north of the Site are residential properties. ABC served as a dry cleaning facility which operated from 1964 to 2005. As a part of its operations, tetrachloroethylene Figure 2.1, Map of Jacksonville, Onslow County, North (PCE) was used as a dry cleaning solvent. Carolina The wastes were improperly disposed of through the Site’s septic tank system. In 2005, ABC served only as a drop-off location until it officially discontinued all operations in 2011. The establishment consisted of three buildings that were joined to form one complex. The back portion of the property is overgrown with vegetation and surrounded by a chain-link fence. The Northeast Creek, which is located less than mile east from the Site, flows in a southwesterly direction towards the New River, which drains into the ABC One-Hour Cleaners Site Page | 4 November 28, 2017 Atlantic Ocean. Figure 2.1, Map of Jacksonville, Onslow County, North Carolina, and Photographs 2.1 and 2.2 present images of the Site that describe the neighboring properties. Photograph 1. Photograph of ABC Cleaners in 2002 Photograph 2. Photograph of ABC Cleaners in 2017 2.2 Site History and Cleanup Activities The EPA Superfund Program’s Cleanup Process, the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA, cleanup process), involves a number of milestones. The cleanup process begins with identifying where the contamination exists and concludes with cleaning the affected media (i.e. soil, groundwater, surface water, etc.). As a part of its initial investigations, contamination was identified in both the soil and groundwater at Site. As cleanup methods are developed based on the affected media, the Site is divided into two operable units (OUs), OU-1 and OU-2. OU-1 focuses on the groundwater contamination and OU-2 addresses soil contamination. The discussions found in this section of the CIP highlight the activities of the Cleanup Process. Figure 2.2, The Superfund Process, presents the milestones associated with the CERCLA Process. Remedial Investigation (RI) By 1994, EPA had completed the OU-1 and OU-2 Remedial Investigations (RIs). The OU-1 RI determined that the groundwater was contaminated as contaminants of concern (COCs) were higher than the Maximum Contaminant Levels (MCLs) and NCDENR thresholds. The COCs include PCE, Trichloroethene (TCE), 1,2-dichloroethene (1,2-DCE), and vinyl chloride (VC). The OU-2 RI determined that the soil contamination resulted from the septic tank system discharge. Identical COCs were identified at levels in the soil that were higher than the EPA and NCDENR thresholds. The RIs further determined the pathway of exposure to be ingestion of soils and groundwater. As a result, the Tarawa Terrace drinking water source was placed on the Holcomb Boulevard Water Supply System because the concentrations of the COCs were higher than the MCLs. The assessment further determined the exposure to Site soils may present a higher potential for cancer for future residents of the Site. ABC One-Hour Cleaners Site Page | 5 November 28, 2017 Figure 2.2, The Superfund Process Feasibility Study (FS) The Feasibility Study (FS) presents the options to clean the groundwater and soil contamination, duration of the cleanup process, and costs associated with each cleanup method. The following table, OU-1 and OU-2 Feasibility Study Options, presents the options that were included in the OU-1 and OU-2 FS. The shaded cells in the table represent the cleanup methods that were selected. Table 2.1, OU-1 and OU-2 Feasibility Study Options Option Description Cost No Action Option to be considered against alternatives $140,000 Institutional Controls Restricts/prevents human exposure $1,283,900 Wells pull groundwater that is treated by air Pump -and-Treat and Monitored stripper and discharged into Northeast Creek $2,262,900 1 Feasibility Feasibility 1 Natural Attenuation (MNA) - following MNA OU Groundwater Recovery/Air Identical as Pump-and-Treat with fewer wells $3,249,600 Stripper/MNA No Action Option to be considered against alternatives $170,000 Institutional Controls Restricts/prevents human exposure $232,500 2 - Capping Asphalt cap of existing buildings cover soil $375,717 OU Soil Vapor Extraction Contaminated soil vapors removed from soil $521,463 Demolition/Excavation/Low Demolish buildings and treat underlying soils $3,372,633 Temperature Thermal Desorption using low temperature thermal desorption. ABC One-Hour Cleaners Site Page | 6 November 28, 2017 Remedy Selection The remedies selected for OU-1 and OU-2 were based on the Remedial Action Objectives (RAOs) and Remedial Goals (RGs). The selected remedies, along with the RAOs and RGs, are presented in the OU-1 and OU-2 Records of Decision (RODs). As the RAOs and RGs are established to protect human health and the environment, they also measure how effective the selected cleanup methods are in addressing the contamination. RAOs are expressed as narratives (e.g. “to prevent migration of groundwater contaminant plumes off-site”) while RGs are expressed numerically (e.g. “arsenic concentrations in groundwater cannot be higher than 2.0 micrograms per liter”). The RAOs and RGs are summarized in the Table 2.2, Remedial Goals and Remedial Action Objectives. Pump-and-Treat was selected as the cleanup method for OU-1.
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