''l have tht: honour to infonu you that your \etter that in the contt~xt of the deplo)'ment of military observers to dated 21 June 1991 144 conceming the appoinlment of the verify the cease-fire and the cessation ofhostilities in the areas Force Commander of the Military Unit of the United referred to in that letter, he had decided to deploy about one N~c1tiom; Mission for the Rderwdum in Western Sahara hundred additional military obscrvers and the staff necessary h~; been brought t0 the attention of the rnembers of the for command and control functions, logistical support, corn• Sccurity Council and that y,)ur proposai meets with their n,unications, air transport and medical support. appr,)val." In a lettcrdated 17 September 1991,'50 the President of the ln a letter dated 8 July 1991 146 addressed to the President Security Council informed the Secretary-General as follows: c,f the Security Council, the Se,:retary-General reforred to his report of 18 June 1990 to the Security Council on the situation "I have transmitted to the members of the Stècurity 142 149 concerning Western Sahara and stated that in accordance Council y0ur Jettcr of 13 Septembcr 1991 conccming th~ with paragraph 12 of that report, he had addressed identical lJnited Nations plan for the referendum in Western letters on 24 May 1991 to Morocco and the Frente Popular Sahara, para .la liberad6n de Saguia el-Hamra y de Rio de Oro proposing a specific date and hour for the formai cease-fire to "The members of the Council have asked me to thank hegin. In letters dated 11 June 1991 and 10 hme 1991, respect­ you for the information contained in that letter and to ivcly, Morocco and tbe Frente Popular had infonned the mform you that they endorse your action." Secretary-General oftheir acceptance ofhis proposai that the forrnal cease-fire should begin at Ofi(lJ GMT on 6 September At its 3025th meeting, on 31 December 1991, the Council 1991. discussed the item entitled "'lbe situation conceming Western Sahara: report of the Secretary-(]eneral (S/23299)".zo 117 ln a letter dated 3 September 1991 • addressed to the President of the Security Council, the Secretary.. Qeneral, in m::cordance with the United Nations plan for the refierendum in Western Sahara as describcd in his report of 18 June 1990142 Resolution 725 (1991) 143 and amplified in his report of 19 April 1991, and with or 31 Deœmber 1991 rei;olution 690 (1991) of 29 April 1991, transmitted to the President of the Security Council a note regarding the imple­ mentation of the cease-firc. TI1e Secretary-General stated that, The Security Co1mcil, oonœmed at recent developments along the international frontier, he had decided that United Nations efforts should be Reaffinning its resolutions 621 (1988) of 20 September conœntrated, at this stage. in the areas referred to in the note, 1988, 658 (1990) of 22 June 1990 and 690 (1991) of 29 April that is Aguenit, Awsard, Bir Lahlm•• Mahbes, Meharrize, Mijek, 1991, Oum Dreyga, Smara, Tifariti. and Zug. ln this context, be recalled that paragraph 20 of his report of 18 June 1990 Having considered the report of the Secretary-General uf stipulated that the establishment and functioning of the 19 December 1991 on the situation conceming Western obseiver group would be in accordance with the general Sahara,151 princ1ples applicable to United Nations peace .. keeping oper­ ations. Noting with concem the difficulties and delays encountered in the implementation of the settlement plan regarding the Jn a lctter dated 4 September 1991,148 the President of the question of Western Sahara, as adopted by resolutions 658 Security Council infonned the Secretary-General as follows: (1990) and 690 (1991), "l have the honou1 to inform you that I have brought 1. Approves thé efforts of the Secretary-General for the to the attention of the members of the Security Council organization and the supervision, by the United Nations in your letter dated 3 Septernber 1991 147 concerning the cooperation with the Organization of African Unity, of a situation in Western Sahara .. referendum for self-detennination of the people of Western Sahara, and therefore welcomes the report of the Secretary­ "'The members of the Council endorse your action and General of 19 December 1991 on the situation conccrning continue to ~-upport your efforts." Western Sahara:151 - 149 ln a letter dated 13 September 1991 addressed to the 2. Reiterates its support for further efforts by the Secre­ President of the Security Council, the Secretary-<]eneral tary-General for the organization and the supervision, by the rctcrred to the United Nations plan for the referendum in United Nations in cooperation with the Organization of African Wc~tem Sahara as described in his report of 18 June 1990142 Unity, of a referendum for self-detennination of the people of aml amplified in his report of 19 April 1991 143 and resolution Western Sahara in confonnity with resolutions 658 (1990) and 69() (19'"11) of 29 April 1991, and further 10 bis letter dated 3 690 (1991), by which the Council adopted the settlement plan 47 Scr,tembe,r 1991,1 he infonned the President of the Council for Western Sahara; 36 3. Calls upon the two parties to cooperate fully with the 4. Invites the Secretary-General to submit a further report Secretary-General in the irnplementation of the ~ettlcment plan, to the Security Council as soon as possible, but in any event within which bas been acceptcd by them; two months of the date of passage of this resolution. Adopted unanimously al th~ 3025th tn<t'ling LETIER DATED 17 MAY 1991 FROM THE CHARGE D'AF'FAIRES A.I. OF THE PERMANENT MISSION OF ANGOI.A TO THE UNITED NATIONS ADDRESSED TO THE SECRETARY-GENERAI, REPORT OF THE SECRETARY-GENERAL ON THE UNITED NATIONS ANGOl.A VERIFICATION MISSION Considering the request submittcd to the Secretary-GencraJ Occision by the Minister for Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of Angola in his letter datcd 8 May 1991.m At its 2991st meeting, on 30 May 1991, the Council Having considered the report of the Secretary-GcneraJ of decided to invite the repreSt:ntatiw~s of Angola and Portugal to 20 and 29 May 1991,"4 participate, without voh:, in the dtscus.~ion of the item entitled: Taking into acœun! that the mandate of the United Nations Angola Verification Mission estahlished by Council "Letter dated 17 May 1991 from the Charge d'affaires a.i. resolution 626 (1988) 0f 20 December 1988 expires on 22 July of the Permanent Mission of Angola to the Umted Nations 1991, addressed to the Sccretary-Gencra] (S/22609);' 1. Approves the report of the Secretary-General of 20 15 "Report of the Secrctary-General on the Umted Nat.ioJ1s and 2.9 May 1991 • and the recommendations therein; Angola Verification Mission (S/'22627 and Add.l)",7 2, Decide.v accordingly to entrust a new mandate to the United Nations Angola Verification Mission (henceforth United Resolution 6% (1991) Nations Angola Verification Mission IJ) as proposed by the or 30 May 1991 Secretary-General in line with the Pcac.e Accords for Angola, and requests the Secretary-General t,J take the necessary steps to this effect; The Security Council, 3. Also decides lo establish the United Nations Angola Welcoming the decision of the Govemment of the People's Verifü:ation Mission II for a period of seventcen months from Republic of Angola and the National Union for the Total the date: of adoption of the present resolution in order to Independence of Angola to ronclude the Peace Accords fur accomplish the objectives stated in the report of the Secretary­ Angola, General; Stressing the importance it attaclies to the signing of the 4. RequestJ• the Secretary-General to report to the Peace Accords and to the fulfilment by the parties in good faith Security Council immediately aftcr the signature of the Peace of the obligations contained therein, Accmds and to keep the Council fully infom1ed of further developments. Stressing also the importance of ail States refraining from Adopted unammously al tht :N9hr taking any actions which could undemtine the agreements mttting. mentioned above and contributing to their implementation, as well as rcspecting fully the independenc.e, sovereignty and territorial integrity of Angola. .Oecisions Noting with sutisfaction the decision taken by the Govem­ 155 ment of the People's Republic of Angola and the Govemment ln a lctter dated .13 June 1991 addressed to the President of the Republic of Cuba to complt:te the withdrawal, ahead of of the Security Council for the attention of the members of the schedule, ofall Cuban Lrcops from Angola by 25 May 1991,152 Council, the Secretarv-GeneraJ referred to resolution 696 37 .
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