Missouri University of Science and Technology Scholars' Mine The Missouri Miner Newspaper Special Collections 11 Jan 1918 The Missouri Miner, January 11, 1918 Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarsmine.mst.edu/missouri_miner These newspapers reflect the attitudes, perspectives, and beliefs of different times. Neither the library nor the university endorses the views expressed in these collections, some of which contain images and language which may be offensive to some readers. Recommended Citation "The Missouri Miner, January 11, 1918" (1918). The Missouri Miner Newspaper. 108. https://scholarsmine.mst.edu/missouri_miner/108 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by Scholars' Mine. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Missouri Miner Newspaper by an authorized administrator of Scholars' Mine. This work is protected by U. S. Copyright Law. Unauthorized use including reproduction for redistribution requires the permission of the copyright holder. For more information, please contact [email protected]. THE M1SSOUf\1 MINER· Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy, Rolla. Mo. Vol. 4, No. 17. Friday, January 11, 1918. Price 5 Cents. 14 WAR AIMS OF U. S. McConnell-Metzgar. The Lass of Limerick Town. DEFINED BY WILSON. Rolla people were surprised to The Junior Class will offer to hear of Coach McConnell's mar­ the Rolla people a cleverly writ­ Approving Lloyd George's De­ riage, as he had always proved ten show by the name of "The claration, President Outlines himself girl-shy here with Rol­ Lass of Limerick Town," some time in the early part of Febru­ Demands. la's 400, but now everyone can readily see t here was a reason. ary. Washington, J an. 8.-In a T. T. McConnell and Miss The cast has been already statement of war aims, approv­ Mary E lizabeth Metzgar were picked, and daily rehearsals are ing the recent declaration of the m&rried at Carrollton, Mo., Sun­ being held in the Auditorium of British Premier, Lloyd George, day, December 30, 1917. After P arker Hall. President Wilson today present­ the ceremony the couple spent a Mrs. W. D. Turner, who will ed to Congress ' and the world a few days in Kansas City before have the leading lady's role, will special declaration of the terms coming back to Rolla. prove to be a hit, as she is well on which it would be possible .to Mrs. McConnell is a pet ite and adapted to her part, whkh calls make peace with the German au­ beantif ul woman of the br unette for many songs. Mrs. Turner is t.ocracy. To remove the provo­ type, and will undoubt edly prove the possessor of a beautiful cation to war, the P resident p ~ e_ the inspiration for many smart voice, and it will be worth the sen ted the following fourteen affairs. Mrs. McConnell comes price of admission just to hear cO!lsider?tions: originaEy from Iowa, but at the her. "Mike" Goldman, who in I.-Open covenants of peace time of her marriage she was previous years has directed the without private understandings employed by the Federal Gov­ annual show, h as answered the between nations. ernment teaching I,Home E co­ fascinating call of the footlights, rsairs. 2.-Abso:ute freedom of the nomics. and will be the leading man. seas in peace or war, except as Coach McConnell needs no in­ The rest of the cast are good. they may be closed by interna­ t roduction, as he h as long since and most of them h ave appeared tional action. shown all of us what kind of a befor e Rolla's Theatre Goers at 3.- Removal of all economic man he is. previous times. barriers, and the establishment The newly married couple are "The Lass of Limerick Town" of equality of i 1':10e conditions making their home with Mr. and is a two-act rom antic comic op­ mnong t he natirlns consenting to Mrs. F. E . Tay:or. era, which w s written by I-'e ace, and ass urances for the The Miner extends t he h earti­ The exact date has not as yet 17, maintemmce of ef]l1 ~! li ty. est cong 'atulations to Mr. and been decided, as well as the sale • 4.-Gua 'ant ee'3 for the reduc­ Mrs. McConnell, and may happi­ of tickets, but will be before long. tiO'1 of natio'1al armaments to ;socia- ness reign supreme forever. the lowest point consistent with H. A. Buehler Gets a New Ap­ domestic safety. pointment. Burg-Davis. 5. .- Impersonal adiustment 'of State Geologist H A. Buehler a:l colonial claims based upon 1\1rs. Blanche Trema !:'> Da,';, has been anpointed by Wallace the desires of t he people con­ announces the marrhg'c of her Crossley, the State Fuel Admin­ cerned. daughter, Lois Bach, to Robert istrator, as a member of the S.- Evacuation of all Russian Stanley Burg December 28, lCl17, St ate Fuel Advisory Committee. territory, and an olJportunity for at Can,Jls City, Mo. E verybody is glad of this ap­ Russia's political development. Mr . Burg gr duated from the pointment, because of Mr. Bueh­ 7.- Evacuat ion of Belgium Missouri School of Mines in 1916 ler's square deal ways. without any attempt to limit the He was drafted from Arizona, sovereignty of the state. and sent to Camp Funston, Kan. B. L. Ashdown, '16, former 1, 8.-All French territory to be He was promoted to Regimental Editor of the Miner, visited his freed and restored, and repara­ Instrument Sergeant of the 341 Alma MateJ;' a few days last week iation. tion made for the taking of Al- F. A ., and has just been selected Byron is now engineer for the for the third officers' training J ames Stewart Co., at Newport Cotinued on Page Three. camp. New •. PAGE TWO. THE MISSOURI MINER BASKETBALL. have cinched the guards. In An Abstract of Title, or Bohn, Coach McConnell h as a The 1918 basket ball sEla f: bn Insurance P olicy From good guard, who will keep B. H. RUCKER bids fair to be the best season "Babe:" and "Kid" 'up to lthe Stands for all that is Reliable the Miner s have had since bas­ mark. This lineup is composed and Accurate Cc ketball was revived as a sport in of all-round pla ;rp,' !-:) who can be 1915. The present tentat ive shifted from guard to fonV:1l'd ,---­ace- schedule calls for fifteen games, or from for ward to guard with­ ROLLA 9.­ with a probability of one or two out mate' ially affecting the a'y's J mor e being put on the list later. t eam's offensive and de: en;;; ivc STATE BANK Ji nes Coach McConne!1 expects t o have st rength. 10.- a strong t eam on the floor for the A var sity t eam is rar ely much Capit31 a.nd Surp!us, $100,000. for a' first game of the season, which better t han its second string the pi Prompt and efficient service will probably be next week. men, and in N evedowsky and 1t The first games to be definite­ Montieth, forwards ; Kassel, cen­ and perfect safety. manif ly sch eduled for Rolla are two t er; and Christy and Koskey at Let us handle your banking. with f games with St. Louis Univer­ n:u ard, M. S. M. h s a second and if sity, Jan. 25 and 26. However, t eam t hat fi ght s all t he way. the el there will be a game h ere next Koskey is a freshm3.n. but is pende week, with either McKendree showing up remarkably well, rity 0 College Jan. 18, or with the while Kassel is the understudy MAil'S 12.­ Springfield Y. M. C. A. Jan. 14 of Swaze at center on the varsity MOKE Turki or 15. There is a so a possibility Other good men out for basket­ Empi that Marionville College will stop ball are Salmon, cent er ; N orviJe, ·.HOP der T off for a game. Two games here forward ; and Lottman and Mil­ secUl'i have been agreed upon b-r Drury, ler, guards. Krause, who made FOR YOUR for : and one game with Springfield his letter t wo years ago, says he TheI Normal, but r(o definite dates will repor t for practice as soon Smokes and Candies ogen! have been set. as his knee, which he injured in 13.­ Coach McConnell is planning t he Sophomore-J unior bat tle in1eDE on two trips this year, one of just before Christmas, has h eal­ SOME BLIZZARD and S01VIE SNOW iug tE four games, and the other five ed up. indisp . games. The first t rip will inc!ude AT If the st udents 8'i T ba'3 ketba:l w:th j a game with Central W es l ~yan flufficient support for th e fi rst politic at Warrent on. Feb. 14, and three few games. it is possible that the RoUa' s Theatre encc, games in St. Louis, t wo with St. Athletic Associat ion will permit b. in! Louis University, and one with more games to be scheduled to ~~ riday and Saturday 14.­ E' ith er Washington University or be played at Rolla. So, come out nation with some str ong city team. Five for t h at first game, and bring Bessie Barr iscale mutua games will be played on the trip some one with you. IN indene 'Nest, two with Drury College, tq ~ ' i t~ one with Springfield Normal, and Phillip B.
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