1 MIERCUREA CIUC MIERCUREA CIUC TOWN HALL LOCAL AGENDA 21 – LOCAL PLAN FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT OF MIERCUREA CIUC MUNICIPALITY MIERCUREA CIUC 2002 2 MUNICIPALITY UNDP Project ROM 98/012 Copyright © 2002 Miercurea Ciuc City Hall 1 Pi ata Cetatii , Mi recurea Ci uc, 4100 Tel . +40266 17 11 37 Fax: +40266 17 11 65 © 2002 Nati onal Centre for Sustainable Devel opment 15 Alexandru Philippide Street, Bucharest 2, Tel . 201 1410, Fax 201 1402 E-mail : [email protected] Vi ews expressed in the document belong to the authors, and do not necessari ly reflect the UNDP views. Document issued with the financial support of the United Nations Development Programme, Capacity 21 Programme and the Envi romental Partnership Foundation. Technical experti se provided by the National Centre for Sustainable Development – Romania. Special thanks addressed to the Earth Council Organization – Costa Rica for the technical support provided to the Project “Local Agenda 21”. P rin ted & De sign ed b y EX CL US srl. 3 MIERCUREA CIUC LOCAL STEERING COMMITTEE PAPP ELŐD, Vice-Mayor of Miercurea Ciuc – President of LSC CSEDŐ CSABA ISTVÁN, Mayor of Miercurea Ciuc POTOZKY LÁSZLÓ, Envi ronmental Partnershi p Foundati on - Di rector ANTAL ŞTEFAN, Police of Miercurea Ciuc – Head of Local Police BOGOS ZSOLT , Chamber of Commerce and Industry - President B OKO R MÁ RTO N, Ha rghi ta Cou nt y Ho spi tal - Di re ct o r BURUS-SIKLÓDI BOTOND, Teacher’s Resources Center “Apáczai Csere János” - Director GYÖRGY PIROSKA, Head of Tourinfo Office HECSER ZOLTÁN, Hargita Népe dail y newspaper – Responsible Edi tor KOLUMBÁN GÁBOR, Sapientia University M ICU IOAN, Forestry Departm ent - Di rector SIMON MIHÁLY, Pro Democracy Association SOMAY PÉTER, Environmental Protection Inspectorate– Chief Inspector SZATMÁRI LÁSZLÓ, Town Hall of Miercurea Ciuc – Head of Cul tural Offi ce NCSD CO-ORDINATORS Căli n Georgescu – Project Manager George Romanca – Local Area Manager for Giurgiu, Baia Mare, Târgu Mureş, Ploieşti and Miercurea Ciuc pilot cities Radu Vădi neanu – Local Area Manager for Iaşi , Oradea, Râmnicu Vâl cea and Gal aţi pilot cities Valentin Ionescu – Legal Advi sor, Strategy & Planning Coordinator Tani a Mi hu – SDNP Consul tant, Program & Project Coordinator Dan Apostol – Edi torial, Publi shing and Encyclopaedi c Consul tant Carmen Năstase – Envi ronmental Economi cs Special i st Adrian Voinea – IT Specialist UNDP ROMANIA CO-ORDINATORS Peter Newton – UNDP Deputy Resident Representative Geneve Mantri – UNDP press Officer LOCAL AGENDA 21 OFFICE MARA GYÖNGYVÉR, ecologist FARKAS KINGA, geographer ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION WORKGROUP DÓSA ESZTER, engi neer MAKFALVI ZOLTÁN, geol ogi st 4 MUNICIPALITY ECONOMIC RESOURCES WORKGROUP KASSAY JÁNOS, geographer-economi st BUZOGÁNY CSABA, economi st. DEMOGRAPHY AND HUMAN RESOURCES WORKGROUP BÁCS BÉLA JÁNOS, soci al -pedagogue DEMETER GYÖNGYVÉR, sociologist CULTURE AND EDUCATION WORKGROUP ANTAL ATTILA, psychologi st KÁNYA JÓZSEF, historian FERENCZ ANGÉLA, ethnographer The team of the Local Strategy would like to express its gratefulness to everybody who have helped us with the necessary data for the development plan, fi rst of all the members of the Local Steering Committee and the foll owing persons and institutions: BARTHA ÉVA – County Department for Child’s Rights Protection BUSTYA ATTILA – Publ ic Heal th Di rectorate GHINESCU GHEORGHE – Harghita County Agency for Labour Force’s Occupancy COL. FERŢU GELU – Penitentiary of Miercurea Ciuc FIKÓ CSABA – County Department for Di sabled Peopl e HARALAMBIE TRANDAFIR – County Direction of Statistics KÁLMÁN UNGVÁRI ZSÓFIA – Harghita County School Inspectorate 5 MIERCUREA CIUC CONTENTS I.5 .1. Education and learning ..................................................34 Foreword by UNDP Resident Representative in Romania..................... 7 I.5 .2. Culture and art...................................................................37 I.5.2.1. Culture institutions of the city ............................................38 I.5.2.2. Buildi ngs housing culture institutions ...............................39 Foreword by the Mayor of Miercurea Ciuc I.5.2.3. Fine art and galleries ..........................................................39 Municipality............................................ 9 I.5.2.4. Music .....................................................................................39 I.5.2.5. Publishing Hous es ..............................................................39 I. THE STRATEGY FOR SUSTAINABLE I.5.2.6. Media.....................................................................................39 I.5.2.7. Foundations, c ultural associations ...................................40 DEVELOPMENT.................................... 11 I.5. 2.8. Famous cult ural events taki ng place in Miercurea I.1 . EVALUATION OF NATURAL RESOURCES...........11 Ciuc.......................................................................................40 I.5.2.9. Religious celebrati on ..........................................................40 I.1.1. Local geography ...............................................................11 I.5.3. Sport and leisure ..............................................................40 I.1 .2. Natural environmen t........................................................11 GENERAL REMARKS..............................................................41 I.2 . BUILT-IN AREA...................................................................12 I.2 .1. In frastructure ......................................................................12 II. OBJECTIVES..............................................43 I.2 .2. Construction, land ............................................................13 GENERAL OBJECTIVES........................................................43 I.2.3. Green areas .......................................................................14 SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES.........................................................46 I.2 .4. Public sanitation services..............................................15 II.1. NATURAL RESOURCES...............................................46 I.2.5. Environmental components ..........................................16 I.2.5.1. Water – (as of 2000) ...........................................................16 II.1.1 . Natural environment.......................................................46 I.2.5.2. Air – (as of 2000) .................................................................17 II.2. BUILT-IN ENVIRONMENT.............................................46 I.2.5.3. Noise .....................................................................................18 II.2.1 . Infrastructure .....................................................................46 I.3. ASSESSMENT OF ECONOMIC II.2.2 . Construction, land ...........................................................47 RESOURCES.................................................................18 II.2.3 . Green areas ......................................................................47 I.3.1. Economic situation...........................................................18 II.2.4 . Public sanita tion services.............................................47 I.3.2. Main economic activities................................................20 I.3.2.1. Agriculture, forestr y.............................................................20 II.2.5. Environmental components.........................................47 I.3.2.2. Industr y .................................................................................22 II.2.5.1 Water .....................................................................................47 I.3.2.3. Commerce............................................................................23 II.2.5.2. Air .........................................................................................47 I.3.2.4. Ser vices ................................................................................23 II.2.5.3. Noise ....................................................................................48 I.3.3. Analysis of fields of activity by turnover and II.3. ECONOMIC RESOURCES............................................48 profit....................................................................................23 II.3.1. Economic situation .........................................................48 I.3.4. Labour structure................................................................24 II.3.2 Main economic activities................................................48 I.4. ASSESSMENT OF SOCIAL AND HUMAN II.3.2.1. Agriculture, fores try............................................................48 RESOURCES.................................................................26 II.4. HUMAN RESOURCES....................................................49 I.4.1. Demography and public health ...................................26 II.4.1. Demography and public health ..................................49 I.4.1.1. Popul ation.............................................................................26 II.4.2 . Social insti tutions ............................................................49 I.4.1.2. Natural movement of the popul ation ................................26 I.4.1.3. Migration...............................................................................26 II.4.3. Religious Oragnizations................................................49 I.4.1.4. Labour forc e and s ocial protec tion ...................................28 II.4.4 . Civil society .......................................................................49
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