S Blessid Union of UM men begin Souls brings pop season ranked sound to Patio in top 25 ACCENT page 8 SPORTS page 6 THE MIAMI HURRICANE Coral Gables, Florida Since 1927 Volume 77, Number 4^ WWW.HURRICANE.MIAMi.EDU Friday, November 12,1999 Roommate The Power of Determination splits high Blood Drive for 'Bl|ck gets support October5 By Ernestoiondono £• dneSiff Write- y from Foote By Chris Sobel Did yo» and your r-fcmmate survive "Black Otober"? { The Department of Residence Halls By the end of the dav Saturday, the sees about 300 to 400 room changes blood drawn Wednesdav trom every yrar because roommates aren't Universitv ot Miami President hlwaul getting along, said Assoc late Director •ote will be used to save someones lames Smart. life. I note was one ot c lose to I (K) donors Wednesday, the The differences thj§ have surfaced HOMECOMING among r<H)mmates Jave led to 40 tirst da) of the annual Homecoming Blood Drive. GUIDE changes last monflh, what Smart Within 72 hours of the donation, a person's blood is referred to as "Black October" already being used in the community, according to OPENING CEREMONIES: "During th&s|astfmonth," he said, Alex Martinez., assistant director of mobile operations Today X Patio. "students have had \o deal stressful immunity Blood Centers of South Honda. 4pm "We consider the UM Hood drive one of our hi issues such as riidterms and honmfa k HUMcCUMVW feelings." blood drives,' Martinez said. "It's a goodexpctM not t >r BALL: November Smart saii mosifc-room changes students to get motivated about donating blood and t ' Eden Roc •sort 10pm fo remit from ~"~on~iiijK; who im-ph- thote sti don't get along dents motivate other students' MISSUM "Roommates whochmt from differ­ Although UM's contribution to the blood supplv u PAGEANT: ent backgnmnds and |re accustomed South Honda is large, it will only last three or tout "~iber 16. to differen' lifestyles often end up hav­ davs, Martinez saul Gusman Concert Hall, 8 pm. ing probl»jns,"he said! The drive collected 4M) pints last year, said senior MR UM PAGEANT: "Diffennces vary," he said. "A night Heather Kellett, administrative assistant for the November 17 the person inight end lip paired up a Homecoming hxecutive (.ommittee kellett was last Rat. 7 30 p m iriorninf person So^watch more TV veai's Blood Drive chair. SPIRIT TREE/ than thtir roommaKs willing to tol­ h rote arrived just after 2 p.m. Wednesdav and went ALMA MATER erate." through the same procedurt is students who donated SINGING CONTEST: The amount of Jme each person November 18, Ashe I'm proud of mv students tor organising the Blood Building 11 40 a m devotes to academic* might also lead Drive and the least I could do is give," he said. ORGANIZED CMBR: to conflict Senior Mike Hicks, Blood Drive co chair, said November 18. UC Sophomoff Juliana Veneziani said lootes participation gives I boost to the Blood Drive Patio. 7pm she didn't jet along jifith her room­ evers year. PARA0E. PEP mate Irom fie beginning. "It sets ,i good example tor the students, showing RALLY, BOAT "Our litistyles were very different," that the administration cares as well," said Hicks NIGHT: November she said."Vhen it began affecting my About half the donors Wednesdav were indepen­ 19. various loca­ grades, I «e- ided it was time to move dent and not donating Ofl behalf ol my organization tions, begins at 7 p.m out" competing in Homecoming, Hicks said "Thefroblem in most cases is that They know that there's a need lor blood It's been studen* simply don't talk to each advertised prettv well,' said Hicks "They anticipate November 21, UC other," aid Aimee Lemond, I resident Blood Drive every year because it's part of Patio, 4pm assistant on Pearson Residential Homecoming." (Clef's fifth floor. RUSSELL WOJTUSIAK / Sophomore Rick I'aisner said he has been giving \lo>t of tht times, RAs only have to OUTLINE BLURB: Former Detroit Lions offensive lineman Mike Utley works out at the blood since high school get roommates lo express what it || Wellness Center Wednesday afternoon. Utley, in a wheelchair since being paralyzed from "It I get hurt, i would need someones blood," he See LIVING "• Page 2 the waist down during a 1991 game, will speak on campus Thursday, November 18 said "1 feel like I should sort ot give mt k Web site under fire for posting notes answers at this particular point." pages that contain lecture notes, Versitvcom UM COURSE University officials NOTES ON As of Wednesday, the UM's investigation ot said the lecture notes contained within the VERSITY.COM investigite Versity.com Vfcmty.com was still ongoing, said Blake Website "are a note taker's interpretation of Allison Gillespie, a computer information what was presented in the la tun ACC 211: Sections By Reynold Rosa B.C. Rushinek; GH systems professor, said the concept of "They are not a professors lecture notes' Migbo. HI. Collins J. HrtOM mfwrns Yersiiv.iom is a neat idea,and that some ol the said the company's disclaimer about the lee Levine. I Arntota. Some University of Jrfiami professors might services could be helpfi'l to students However. ture notes on its site U. Varona, be surprised to leirn that it they visit it s not a good thing if students attempt to use Still, the notes were posted without her per­ ACC 212: Sections D, Rushinek, J, Vi~rsity.com> Website, they might find notes it as a substitute lot attending class, she said mission, said Gillespie. Varona, 0. S, , based on their lectures posted on the site Vtrsitvsom said its Website otters students "I had no knowledge that the notes were Werner. U, Sere Versity.com hires students on college cam resource- Miih M research tools, personalized posted on the site, she said"I found out trom CHM 111: Sections puses arouid the cpuntrv to take notes in expert QixAv leeturt notes and study forums a colleague that the lecture notes were on the A.Cnss. T Ren: B2, class. Tin company then pass students foi KIM all academic disciplines site" Hare; D, Lewis. EO. Purcetl these notejand uploads them onto its site dillespie said the UN 120 notes, whuh on "I would've liked it if the person who posted It is aivssue that etery college in the U-S.il responded to the section ot the course she my notes on the Internet woukl'vc asked my ~or a aatng of oft* cowan JOHN HARPER / Hcjrrcar* dealing wAh," said Robert Blake, general coun icai hes. were not hers DONOR: University President Edward T Foote donates See NOTES • Page 2 sel for ^e Univers'ily. "There are no eu~ Ihmugh disclaimers at the bottom ot Web blood Wednesday in the UC Ballrooms. • Mind-body psychology professor Michael • Juvenile justice on sexual predator and |uve • Museum holds gram that will include a look • Bash collects jatio Participants art Antoni, who will be the cen­ rule justice issues, marking at both permanent and special to bring clothing to ttw bath center to open ters director, the grant will conference the 100th anniversary of the monthly tours exhibitions wrth curators and clothing and wave it in boxes to be fund tour studies over the next Using a $10 million grant trom The School of Law is sponsor­ juvenile court system in the The Lowe Art Museum will be experts followed by a ques As a part of the Skee-Phi given to ttw Salvation Army lor five years including two on the Nationt) Institutes of ing the Annual Institute on United States Topics will holding gallery tours on the tion and answer session The Ceiebration. the Alpha Kappa Hurricane Irene relief Ttw prostate cancer, one on cervi­ Health. th| University will Law. Psychiatry and include how the law should second Sunday ot each month tours are free with museum Alpha Sorority. Inc is present­ bash is the final event for the cal cancer and one on breast establish 7 a mind-body Psychology Conference, being treat sexual predators and designed, according to the admission but registration is ing the "1st Annual Greek week, which celebrates ttw cancer, helping to determine research cfrter to study how held November 12-13 at the how child witnesses should museum, for the novice who is required Bash Leave your Clothes at oldest tXr<k sorority and fra­ the connection between psy­ attitudes, stress and other Shelborne Beach Resort in be interviewed for the most looking to develop a knowl­ the Door" The event will be ternity chological stress and the tactors ca| affect physical and Miami Beach This year's reliable testimony edge and passion for art The held on Saturday, November immune system mental IMth According to national conference will focus tour is part of a one-hour pro­ 13, from 1-5 pm on the UC Hurricane Productions: The escape to paradise Cultural Arts Committee is looking for creative, outgoing members If Offering students the chance to "Escape to Paradise," Homecoming 1999 officially begins today with you are interested in the opportuni­ Opening Ceremonies at 4 p.m. Various activities offer competing organizations opportunities for points ty to get involved through the arts on campus, call 305 284-6399 for and trophies will be awarded at the closing ceremonies, November 21. to those with the highest total more information AEO, AMSA, MAPS and Micro Club: OPENING CEREMONIES ORGANIZED CHEER AED, AMSA, MAPS and Micro Club invite all pre-health students to sign­ TOOAY As tbe start of Homecoming festivities, a roll NOV 18 With a maximum time of sw mntfes and the up for Wacky Olympics 1999 to be UC PatiO ca" "'" -* taKen 'or Pftrtk-KKtinO organiza- UC PatiO possibility of prop use, organization- wa ang held Saturday.
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