For All Departments Call RED BANK REGISTER RE 60013 VOLUME LXXVI, NO. 33 RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 11,1954 10c PER COPY SECTION ONE—PAGES 1 TO 16. Wider Powers for Planning Board Plan Dance for Retarded Children's Fund Thackara, GOP's Natural Gas Company Seeks Increase Provided in New Shrewsbury Rule Choice for Mayor Of 7.8%, or $628,000 in Revenue * NEW SHREWSBURY — The Outlines Board's Powers In N. Shrewsbury ASBURY PARK — The New mayor and council last Thursday By and targe, tho extensive meas- Relief to Collect 'ersey Natural Ga3 company this night voted to give the borough ure empowers the planning board Investment Broker, eek filed with the State Board planning board the power of de- to act "In lieu of the governing Scrap Paper Sunday f Public Utility Conimossloncrs In cision in the approval or rejection body" in controlling subdivisions, Gleim Enter Ituec; rcnton an application to Increase of proposed land sub-divisions. enforcing standards of street con- The Itclicf Engine company of .ho company's revenue by 7.8 per Introduced was a long and de- struction, curbing, drainage, plant- Battle Possible the Ilcd Bank fire department will :ent or $628,000. This will cover In >art tho major Increased expense* tailed ordinance, due to be adopted ing and construction in new de- hold a serin paper drive in the after a public hearing Mar, 4, set- velopments, and penalizing those NEW SHREWSBURY—Charles if the company such as the in- ting down requirements for sub- who violate the ordinance. V. Thackara, Hope rd. resident and borough Sunday. Collections will :rease In the cost of gas purchased dividing property and making it A companion to this measure, president of Thackara Grant & start at 1:30 p. m. rom tho pipelines, the recent in- unnecessary for the council to act Co.. Now York city, Philadelphia ircase in wages granted after ne- needed to implement It, was an and Fort Lauderdale, Fla., bond- Charles G. Wilson, nays and gotiations and arbitration with ths on planning board recommenda- amendment to tho planning board moans "'airman of the company tions. ordinance, also introduced for final ing firm, this week received the abor unions, and other major oper- action Mar. 4. This repeats that endorsement of the New Shrews- who is in charge, has asked that iting Increases for which the Provides for Appeals the board will have the authority bury Republican club as candidate all persons who have paper to :ompany Is obligated. The total The measure, following state for mayor. •ovenues asked are for all the ter- to act on plans submitted to it. contribute, bundle it and place it ritory serviced by the company law, however, gives any "aggrieved Mayor Rigby said the sub-division The club also endorsed Council- on their front lawns or porches. person"—such as an opposing ordinance and planning board man Henry S. Gleim, Wayside rom Boonton to Cape May. neighbor—the right to appeal a amendment will make it easier to businessman, who said he will 'ic The new rate is an amendment to sub-division decision to the mayor complete the town's master plan candidate for re-election. Two he pne filed last August and (wtab- and council within ten days after for future development. A major council scats become available School Bands OE>, a new uniform rate schedule the planning board acts. That objective, he said, is to keep build- this year, Mr. Glcim's and that .hrou^Jiout the company's entire would cause a public hearing to be ers from constructing colonies of held by Clarence E. Untorbcrjj. Mr. .urrltoivy. held, at which council could re- inferior housing that -would become Unterberg, who lias been away on To Play Feb. 18 According to Dale B. Otto, presi- verse the decision. an economic drain in the munici- a trip, sold he Is not yet prepared dent, t£e local company has, in its to say what his political plans will The Red Bank high school band filing, silbmited a rate bass and sub- Councilman Herbert L. Willctt, pality. be tills year. 3d, who had a major role in draft- He and Mr. Willett said that, in will participate in the annual win- stantiating proof for this new rate ing the ordinance, and spent 35 tile past, the planning board has 'Honeymoon' linded? ter band concert to be held In the schedule;-, The company announced minutes reading it, said it follows worked under ioosely-knit and The Republican club indicated River Street school Thursday 18, at It has contracted the mayors of closely recommendations made by variously interpreted rules that at its recent annual meeting that 8 p. m. The band is under tho di- each of v.he 102 municipalities It the state in advising governing were subjected to constant change. there will be no two-parly "honey- rection of John VV, Luckenbill. serves requesting an opportunity to bodies to give broader powers to Actually, they saw little loss of moon" in local politics this year The opening selection will bo go over this new rate schedule with planning boards if these boards control by tho governing body in as there was in 1053. Then there Klohn's "Side by Side" march. them. are considered strong. the new rules. It has been council was no contest in the election of " May Overture" by Clcrisse will Last August, the local company Mr. Willett also explained that practice to follow planning board two Republican and one Demo- follow. Liz Levy, Marilyn Hamlin, wont before the P.U.C. seeking a state law provides that municipal- recommendations, for or against cratic counciimen, by mutual Emily Smith and Ruth Crawford fuel adjustment clause to cover the ities intending to regulate sub- sub-divisions, with tho only real agreement. will comprize a flute quartet which increased cost of gas by the pipe- divisions must have enabling ordi- result being that council meetings Tho evening department of the Red Bank Woman's club will hold its annual Valentine Re-elected were Counciimen will render "Dance of the Reed lines which supply the company nances on their books by July 1 of have been made longer as the plans dance Saturday at the Molly Pitcher hotel for the benefit- of the Monmouth County Retarded Francis P. Little and Mr. Untor- Flutes" from the Nutcracker suite. with gas. Tha company also asked • this year. Otherwise, he said, cx- were discussed. Further it was borg, tho latter to an unexplred Three well-known tunes, "Tenderly," permission to apply this fuel ad- istinc controls, other than those stated that the planning board is Children's fund. Committee members pictured above, seated left to right, are Mn. Harry term, both Republicans, and Co- "Once in a While," and "In the justment clause, and recover a part provided in zoning ordinances, more 'familiar than the council Wild, Mrs. John Sanford and Mrs. Stanley A. S-'/'bert, and standing left to right, Mrs. James letto—•?£. Episs, Democrat, who Mood,"., will..!)!),, included in "Sweet of the $320,283 Increase in cost of with issuos Involved and, thus, in a to Swing," which features Thorncll gas granted to the pipeline would lapse. Hinton, Jr., Mrs. Margaret King and Mrs. LoRoy Phifer, ticket chairman. started new terms last month. better position to make sound de- The big thing now is that the Jones on string bass. A samba, companies. This request was turned Gleim Oppose!) Rules cisions. Republicans, who lost control of "Cachuca," will complete tho first down, by tho commission Sept. 11. Certain provisions of the new or Tho point was stressed that while the borough In 195?, now have a half of this program, t without prejudice, pending further dinance were opposed by Council- the now ordinance lays down Hit on Foot candidato for the mayor's post in The second half of the program information from the company. man Henry S. Gleim, who? said the number of regulations, strengthen- Silvermere Home Oceanport Rate Mr. Thackara. will open with "The Footlifter," fol- "We made the decision," said Mr. new regulations will cause a hard- ing zoning provisions, any of these Settles for $375 Tho local government now Is lowed by Rachmaninoff's famous Otto, "to apply for a unified rate ship for many residents who, like conditions can bo waived if author- headed by Mayor J. Lester Rigby, "Prelude in C-sharp Minor." The structure and to establish a rate himself, have land to sub-divide. ities agree they should be. And, Bought by Huson FREEHOLD—A suit' that Mrs. Takes Slight Drop Democrat, and includes the three theme song to the TV program, base, only after carefully studying That was denied both by Mayor the officials said, public interest is SHREWSBURY —Ray Stillman, Margaret Witkosky tf Maple ave., OCEANPORT — The mayor and Democrats he brsught In with him, Mister Peepers" will then ho the records of the public hearings J. Lester Rigby and Mr. Willett. further protected by the provision local realtor, reports the sale of a Red Bank, instituted in Superior •council Thursday night introduced Counciimen Herbert L. Willett, 3d, played. A collection of current pop held last cummer in an effort to' The mayor explained that the pur- that "aggrieved persons" can in- new ranch home recently completed court against,the H. L. Green com- the 1954 municipal budget showing council president, Arthur A. Erlck- unes, "Ebb Tide," "You, You, You,' determine the will of the people. In pose of the ordinance was to pro- stitute a council review of any ac- son and Mr.
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