INDEX Abba• the Great. Shah of Persia, 380--1 Africa, South, rat's hair as a charm In, 41; Abbot of Unreason. 768 continence in war in. 279; seclusion of Abchases of the Caucasus, 700 man-slayers in, 282-3; disposal of cut Abduction of souls by demons, 245 bair and nails in, 309-10 ; magic use of Absence and recall of the soul, 237 spittle in, 312-13; personal names tabooed Abstinence. i79-82 in, 325; rites of initiation in, 652; seclusion Abydos, 482; specially associated with of girls at puberty in, 780; dread of Osiris, 484 menstruous women in, 791-2; story of the Abeokuta. the Alake of, 388-9 external soul in, 886-7 Abipones of Paraguay, 335 -, West, magical functions of chiefs In, Abonsam. an evil spirit, 727-8 111-12; reverence for silk-cotton trees in. Abruzzi. the Carnival in the. 399-400 148; kings forced to accept office In, 232; Abscesses, cure for. 707 fetish kings in, 234: traps set for souls in, Abyssinia, rain~making in, 86; rain-makina 247; purification after a journey in. 260; priests on the borders of, 141-2 custom as to blood shed on the ground, Acagchemem tribe of California, 655 302; rain-charms. 309; negroes of, 312; Acaill, Book of, 360 human sacrifices In, 569, 746-7; pro­ Acosta, J. de, 769 Pitiation of dead leopard in, 685-6; the Acts, tabooed, 256--66 external soul in. 895-6: ritual of death and Adam of Bremen, 212 resurrection in, 913 Adon, a Semitic title. 428 Afterbirth, contagious magic of, Sl-3 Adonis, and Aphrodite (Venus), 9-11.431-3; Agar Dinka, the, 355-6 the myth of, 426-31; in Syria, 431-3; Agaric, superstitions as to. 809 In Cyprus, 433-41; ritual of, 441-8; the Agdestis, a man-monster, 460 gardens of. 449-57; in relation to the Age of magic, 71-4 pig, 619 Agni, Indian lire-god, 926 Adonis, the river, 431-2. 442 Agricultural year* expulsion of demons timed Adoption, pretence of birth at, 19-20 to coincide with seasons of the. 753 Adultery of wife thought to spoil the luck of Agrionia, festival at Orchomenus, 384 absent husband, 30-32 Agu, Mount* in Togo, wind-fetish on, 107: Aegira. priestess of Earth at. 124 fetish priest on, 224 Aegis. Athena and the, 627 Ague, cure for, 715-16 Aeneas, and the Golden Bough, 3, 216, 920, Aht or Nootka Indians. 785 925 ; his vision of the glories of Rome, 196 Ainos, 632, 651, 675-9, 693, 694, 697-8; of Aeolus, King of the Winds, 107 Japan, 332, 662-5, 864; of Saghalien, 27, Aesculapius, 6, 146, 397 668-9 Afghanistan, ceremony at the reception of Akikuyu of Britlsh East Africa, 191, 792 strangers in, 259 Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp, Roman Africa, magicians, especially rain-makers. version of, 878 as chiefs and kings in, 111-14; human Alake, the, of Abeokuta, 388-9 gods in, 128-30; rules of life or taboos ob­ Alaska. respect of hunters for dead sables served by kings in. 223-7; reluctance of and bears in, 688; expulsion of evils in, people to tell their own names in, 325; 723; seclusion of girls at puberty in, 78tr1 seclusion of girls at puberty in, 780; Alba Longa, 196; kings of, 196-7 dread and seclusion of menstruous Alban dynasty, 196; hills, 196; lake, 196; women in, 791-2; birth-trees in, 892 mountain, 197-8, 221 Africa, British Central, heart of lion eaten Albania, milk-stones in, 44: mock lamen­ to make eater brave in, 650 tations for locusts and beetles in. 697; --. East, seclusion and purification of expulsion of Kore on Easter Eve in, 734: man-slayers in, 282-3; infanticide in, 386; the Yule log in, 83S propitiation of dead lions in, 685 Albanians of the Caucasus, 331, 748 --. North, charms to render bridegroom Albigenses worshipped each other, 133 impotent in, 318; Midsummer fires in, Alchemy leads up to chemistry, 121 826-7 Aleuts of Alaska, 291 935 936 Index Alexandria, festival of Adonis at, 441 Anhouri, Egyptian god, 349 Alexandrian calendar, 492: year, 491 Animal, killing the divine, 654-79; and man, Alfai, rain-making priest, 141 •ympathetic relation between, 916 Alfoors, of the island of Buru, 329; of Animals, homoeopathlc magic or. 40; Central Celebes, 238, 903 ; of Halmahera, association of Ideas common to the, 71; 719; of Minahassa, 124, 245-6, 632, 646; rain-making by means of, 94; injured ofPoso, 326 through their shadows, 251 ; propitiation Algeria, Midsummer fires In, 827 of the spirits of slain, 286, 290; torn to Algidus, Mount, 198, 216 pieces and devoured in religious rites. Algonquins, 190 514-15; so-called unclean,orlginally sacred, All-healer, name applied to mistletoe, 862-6 619; belief In the descent of men from, All Saints' Day, 830-2 621; resurrection of, 677, 693-4; wild, All Souls, feast of, 474 propitiation of, 679-97; two forms of the Allan, 1ohn Hay, on the Hays of Errol, 919- worship of, 698; processions with sacred, 20 702 ; transference of evil to, 708-11 ; as Allatu, Babylonian goddess, 429, 431 scapegoats, 708, 740-4, 747, 754; burnt at All-Hallows (All Saints' Day), 228 festivals, 858-9; perhaps deemed em­ Almond, causes virgin to conceive, 457 : bodiments of witches, 860-1; external soul the father of all thi!lllli, 457 In, 894-905 Alpheus, the sacred, 145 Animism, the Buddhist, not a philosophical Alqamar, tribe of nomads, 84 theory, 147; passing Into polytheism, 154 Alsace, May-trees in, 160; the Little May Anjea, mythical being, 52 Rose in, 165; stuffed goat or fox at Anna Kuari, an Oraon goddess, 570 threshing in, 600; cats burnt in Easter Annam, ceremonies observed when a whale bonfires in, 859 is washed ashore In, 294 Altmark. the May Bride at Whitsuntide Anointing stones, in order to avert bullets in the, 178; Easter bonfires In the, 805-6 from absent warriors, 34; in a rain-charm, Alvarado, Pedro de, Spanish general, 899- 99-100 900 Anointment, of weapon which caused wound, Amaxosa Caffres, 685 54 ; of priest at installation, 230 Amazon, Indians at the mouth of the, 761 Anthropomorphism of the SIJirits of nature. Amboyna, rice in bloom treated like a 556 pregnant woman, 151 ; ceremony to Antigonus, King, 127 fertilise clove-trees In, 180 ; fear to lose Antioch, festival of Adonis at, 443, 456 the shadow at noon in, 252 ; sick people Antrim, harvest customs in, 532 sprinkled with pungent spices 1in, 258; Ants, bites of, used in purificatory cere.. superstition regarding hair in, 891 monies, 258, 788; for lethargic patients, America, power of medicine men in North, 651 115; continence in Central, 182; the Anubis, the jackal-headed god, 482-3, 493 Corn Mother In, 542; personification of Anula tribe of Northern Australia, 84, 94, maize in North, 552; first-fruit cere­ 907 monies in, 638-9 Apaches, the, 100, 278 American Indians, 38, 83, 108, 115, 147, 179, Apalal Indians, 258 182, 282, 322, 324, 332, 333, 337, 348, 684- Ape, a Batak totem, 904 5. See also North American Indians Aphrodite, 6; and Adonis, 9, 430, 441; the Amethysts as charms, 44, 112 mourning, of the Lebanon, 433 ; sanctuary Ammon, the god, 187, 627, 656 of, 434 ; and Clnyras and Pygmalion, Amoy, spirits who draw away the souls of 437-8; her blood dyes white roses red, children at, 245 442 Amphictyon, king of Athens, 204 Apls, sacred Egyptian bull, 442,481, 625,657 Amulets, 143, 319, 321, 890 Apollo, prophetess of, 125 ; image of, In Amulius Silvius, 196 sacred cave at Hylae, 125; and Artemis, Anabis, human god at, 127 !58; at Delphi, 349; his musical con­ Anaitis, Persian goddess, 436 test with Marsyas, 466 ; Identified with Anatomle of Abuses, 161 the Celtic Grannus, 801 Ancestor, wooden image of, 889 Apollo Diradiotes, inspired priestess at Ancestors, prayers to, 93; sacrifices to, 9S; temple of, 124 souls of, in trees, 151; names of, bestowed Apologies offered to trees, 149, 151, 153; by on their reincarnations, 337 savages to the animals they kill, 682, 686 Ancus Marcius, Roman king, 209 Apoyaos, head-hunters, 570 Andaman Islanders, 253 Apple-tree, barren women roll under, to Anderida, forest of, 144 obtain offspring, 157; straw man plaoed Andes, the Peruvian, 104 ; the Colombian, on oldest, 613; torches thrown at, 800; 137 as life-Index of boy, 893 Anemone, the scarlet, 442 Arab charms, 41, 319; name for the scarlet Angamis, Eastern, of Manipur, 84 anemone, 442 Angola, the Matiamvo of, 357 Arabia, belief as to shadows In ancient, Angonl, the, 95, 282 251 ; camel as scapegoat In, 709 Angoniland, rain-making In, 83 Arabian Nights, story of the external soul Angoy, king of, 360 In the, 883 Index 937 Ar~~·· or Moab, 42, 497; or North Africa, Athena and the a•gls, 626 Athenian sacrifice of the bou11hotrla, 612 Araucanians of South Am<:"rica, 323 Athenians decree divine honours to Archigallus, high priest or Attis, 459, 465 Demetrius Poliorcetes and his father Arctic regions. ceremonies at the reappear* Antigonus, 127: prayed to Zeus for rain. ance of the sun in the. 723 210; their tribute of youths and maidens Arden, forest of, 144 to Minos, 369; sacrifice to Dionysus for Ardennes. effigies of Carnival in the, 401: the fruits of the land, 5 10 ; their use of exorcising rats, in the, 696; bonfires on the human scapegoats, 758 first Sunday in Lent, 798, 859; Lenten Athens, king and queen at, 12; titular kina fires and customs in the French, 799 at. 140; marriage of Dionysus at.
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