ST. MARIA GORETTI Catholic Church W E S T F I E L D , I N D I A N A THE MISSION OF ST. MARIA GORETTI CATHOLIC CHURCH IS TO EXTEND THE KINGDOM OF GOD BY SHARING GOD’S LOVE IN THE CHURCH COMMUNITY THROUGH SPIRIT-FILLED LITURGIES, RELIGIOUS EDUCATION, AND SERVICE TO OTHERS. MAY 5, 2019 Third Sunday of Easter PARISH OFFICE PARISH RELIGIOUS Administrative Assistant Athletic Director 17102 Spring Mill Road EDUCATION (PRE) Jen Downing Pat Biddlecombe Westfield, IN 46074 Sunday: 8:30–9:45 AM 317-867-3213, ext. 1221 317-867-3213, ext. 1226 Phone: 317-867-3213 Sunday: 11:30 AM–12:45 PM Fax: 317-867-3263 Director of Adult Maintenance Supervisor Sunday: 6:30–7:45 PM Hours: 8A-noon & 1-5P, M-F Faith Formation Eddie Eberhardt MASS SCHEDULE Connie Anderson PARISH STAFF 317-867-3213, ext. 1208 The Lord’s Day Masses 317-867-3213, ext. 1203 Pastor Saturday: 4:30 PM SCHOOL OFFICE Fr. Kevin J. Haines Coordinator of Children’s Sunday: 8A, 10A & 5:30P 17104 Spring Mill Road 317-867-3213, ext. 1129 Faith Formation Westfield, IN 46074 Weekday Masses (Rectory) 317-867-5694 Sue Maue Monday: 7 AM, 5:30 PM Phone: 317-896-5582 Associate Pastor [email protected] Tuesday: 8 AM, 5:30 PM Fax: 317-867-0783 Fr. Mike McKinley Coordinator of High Wednesday: 8 AM, 5:30 PM 317-867-3213, ext. 1148 School Youth Ministry SCHOOL STAFF Thursday: 5:30 PM Scott Hudson Principal Friday: 7 AM, 8 AM Associate Pastor Saturday: 8 AM Fr. Derek Aaron [email protected] Vince Barnes 317-896-5582, ext. 1201 Holy Days: See bulletin. [email protected] Coordinator of Junior High BAPTISMS Deacon Steve Miller Youth Ministry Director of Admissions Eric Gellenbeck (weekly, except during Lent): 317-574-1705 Michelle Hanlin After 4:30 PM Saturday Mass [email protected] 317-896-5582, ext. 1202 & 10 AM Sunday Mass. Call Director of Ministry and Coordinator of the Parish Office with questions. Operations Administrative Assistant Confirmation Formation Kevin Muller Cheryl Newkirk SACRAMENT OF Leslie Mimms 317-867-3213, ext. 1127 317-896-5582, ext. 1100 RECONCILIATION [email protected] [email protected] Saturday: 8:30-9:30 AM Bookkeeper Director of Music PRESCHOOL Saturday: 3-4 PM Deb Perry Joey Garcia Sue Tetrick in the Church Reconciliation 317-867-3213, ext. 1133 317-867-3213, ext. 1209 317-896-5582, ext. 1101 Chapel WEBSITE: www.smgonline.org TWITTER: @SntMariaGoretti FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com/stmariagoretticatholicwestfield 2 | St. Maria Goretti Catholic Church · Westfield, IN November 25, 2012 Thirty May- Third5, 2019 Sunday Third in Sunday Ordinary of Easter Time A NOTE FROM FATHER KEVIN Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, + Pax et Bonum! Hello! Welcome to St. Maria Goretti on this the Third Sunday of our Easter Season! The Lord is truly risen, Alleluia! Alleluia! These are awesome days. It is time for true Faith, constant Hope, and unconditional Love! We do welcome all of our guests and visitors who join us this weekend for Masses. In particular we welcome family and friends who are in town for First Holy Communion, which was celebrated here at St. Maria Goretti yesterday afternoon. We do pray for all of our First Communicants this weekend and we ask God to give them always a great love for the Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Jesus Christ. We congratulate these children and their families on this happy occasion! We also welcome our brothers and sisters who join us this weekend who are in town for sport’s events at Grand Park. On Friday, May 17th, St. Maria Goretti will send a group of eleven Parishioners on our first-ever International Mission Trip to Guatemala. Months of hard work and preparation are coming together to make this happen. The 10- Day trip will include some construction work for a Catholic parish and school in central Guatemala, some medical services offered at a special clinic at the parish, and some educational and catechetical help offered to the community. This is the same parish and its school that our Catholic School is linked with, so Mr. Barnes and four of our students were just there last month. And last fall, four of their students were here at St. Maria Goretti for several weeks as part of an exchange program. This Guatemalan parish and school needs us. They have very meager resources and are working hard to build the Kingdom of God, just like we are here! We are hoping for a long and mutually beneficial relationship with Fr. Julio and the Parroquia de Santa Apolonia in Chimaltenango. And this is just the beginning! I ask all of us to pray for this effort and for our sister parish in Guatemala! Let us pray for those who are traveling to Guatemala in OUR name. And let us pray that this relationship with help all of us, both here in Westfield, and in Chimaltenango, to grow in our Faith, our Hope, and our Love! This weekend we will have a second collection to support this first-ever Mission effort. These funds go directly to buy the supplies and the materials that our team will need to build and repair what we have taken on at St. Apolonia, and medicines for the special Clinic that we will run. It is important to know that those eleven individuals who are going to work in Guatemala, representing all of us and giving up their own time, are all paying their own way. The funds we are collecting today will go directly to our sister parish and their needs. Today, at our 10 AM Mass we will be asking God’s blessings on the entire team who will make up this first effort. In addition, after Mass today, check out the International Mission table set up in our church narthex, where you can buy or donate specific items needed for this year’s trip. This trip is a big deal. We’ve helped parishes and communities in Appalachia and elsewhere in our own country before this. And that has been a beautiful experience for us. We will continue to do all that we can, to help as many as we can. But the poverty and need in countries like Haiti, and Guatemala, and Peru, are most extreme, and different from the poverty in our country. We need to be smart. We need to be frugal. And we need to do as much as we can with our people and our resources during this special opportunity! Stop by the Mission Trip table after Mass and get some more information! This weekend we are also having our first call-out for the 2019 St. Maria Goretti Italian Festival, happening on July 13th right here on our campus. Hundreds of volunteers are needed for this special celebration of the Feast of our Patroness! Mark your calendars now to attend and volunteer to help out at this year’s event. We need you! Everybody needs a job at the Italian Festival! Meet the 2019 Italian Festival co-chairs today after Mass. You’ll be glad that you did! Have a great day and an awesome week! God bless you! In Christ, Fr. Kevin Someday is not a day of the week. Welcome! For more than 23 years now, we have been building the Kingdom of God, not with a few people, but with everyone! Please accept my warmest welcome, and I pray you will come to know St. Maria Goretti as we all do—our Spiritual Home and Loving Community. We are glad you are here and look forward to meeting you! God Bless you. —Father Kevin WELCOME: MICHAEL & LAURA SCHULZ, SAM MANION, BRIAN & TRISHA SZKLAREK, DEREK & JENNIFER THIEKA, CRAIG & LORNA MORINGIELLO, CYNTHIA GONSALVES, PATRICK & VICTORIA HART May 5, 2019 Third Sunday of Easter St. Maria Goretti Catholic Church · Westfield, IN | 3 PARISH ANNOUNCEMENTS PARISH ANNOUNCEMENTS FORMATION SESSIONS FOR EARLY SAINTS MEETING EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS OF HOLY COMMUNION The Early Saints Ministry is a support group for After prayer and discernment, you may be moved to families who have gone through miscarriage, participate in the Mass by choosing to be an Extraordi- ststillbirth, or infant loss. Our next meeting is Tues- nary Minister of Holy Communion. EMHC are lay men day,da May 9, 7 pm, in the Parish Library (across and women who are called to assist the Ordinary Minis- frfrom the PParish Kitchen). We will pray, share, and offer ters of Holy Communion (priests and deacons) in dis- support to one another, as well as honor our early saints tributing the Body and Blood of Jesus to the congregation in special ways. For details, call Stacy Collins, 317-417-3637. at Mass or to the homebound. We need more EMHC at ARS SALAD SUPPER all weekend Masses. EMHC MUST have a regularly The Altar and Rosary Society invites all women scheduled Adoration Hour. For more info, contact Kathy of the parish 18 and older to a Salad Supper, Lengerich, 317-896-5898 or [email protected]. Thursday, May 9, 7 pm, in the Parish Narthex. Current and new EMHC MUST attend one of the following If your last name begins with A-M, please bring a dessert training sessions (all sessions in the main church): to share; N-Z, bring a salad. ARS will provide drinks and Current EMHC paper products. We’ll begin with a Rosary in honor of our Tuesday, May 7, 7-8 pm Blessed Mother, and Kate Svec is our guest speaker. Saturday, May 11, 9-10 am Contact Fran Pawlowski, 317-4079674 or fpawl01@aol.
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