26 THE SEATTLE SUNDAY, MAY R, 1900. THE UNITED STATES MUST BUILD MORE MEN-OF-WAR. Proposed Increase Through an Holland Torpedo Boat Purdue Expenditure of 5250.000.000 6y the Government (an Re Is None Too Great to main Under tfie Water Maintain the nation's lor Honrs complete- Place Amons tfie ly InvisioieDuriniS Powers. Attack. ft statement based on the nu- that the Holland ha* beet put. merical strength of ships, the chased by the government and |i T'nlted States navy occupies 11 vessel of I'ncle Sam's navy jn fourth place among the navies of gr>od and regrti'.ar standing, a trwh th« world, and authorities nOWinterest is taken in her hlstnrj- TROMthat If this country Is to maintain its characteristics. standing as a world power Its navy must The Holland is shaped like a sweet po- debate be largely Increased. In the recent tato. is R4 feet 4 inches I n* and 10 fe« j on the naval appropriation bill, Congress- Inches in diameter at the broadest part. man Loudensleger. of New Jersey, point- When erulslnir abott one-eighth of )?,j so ed out that never has thcr*- been great bulk would be above the surface, nnd Hit competition among the nations for for- would draw about eight feet of water, ghn eign commerce a« now, and foreign com- lan be wholly submerged and yet operate mere* rannot be maintained to any con- In a <ie:>th of twelve feet. siderable extent unless a nation is pre- Propulsion Is effected by a screw that pared to protect its interests against en- derives Its power from a gasoline engine argument, croachment. In clinching his when the boat is running at the surface. Congressman Loudenslagrr submitted fig- When she Is submerged the screw lj ures and tables, which are reproduced on WARSHIPS TO BE BUILT BY THE UNITED STATES, ILLUSTRATION SHOWING THE $250,000,000 ADDITION TO THE NAVY. driven by an e>etric motor and storage this page. battery. This tv-ittrry would be prevtouMy topic Fighters Sea," Speed in Speed in Speed in On the "Our of the charged bv the boat's own engines. Onj Iy-slles No. Type. Type. Rldney Graves Koon, In Wee&ly, Name and knots. No. Name and Type. knots. No. Name and knots. charge of the battery ought to enable her demonstrates that the fighting 1 Kearsarge, battleship 17 22 Des Moines, sheathed protected cruiser 17 ?42 Wilkes, torpedo boat 26.5 to run seventy-five miles under water. value of the American ships, due largely 2 Kentucky, battleship 17 23 Chattanooga, sheathed protected cruiser 17 43 Dahlgren, torpedo boat 30 When submerged her spe. 1 would not the adoption of the new high-powered to 3 Georgia, battleship 19 24 Galveston, sheathed protected cruiser 17 44 T. A. M. Craven, torpedo b0at...., 30 exceed four or five knots When cruising guns, is very evident. Not one of the she can travel a little faster. She has new Maine 4 New Jersey, battleship 19 25 Tacoma. sheathed protected cruiser 17 45 Chesapeake, training vessel for naval academy foreign ships approaches the made a speed of seven or eight knots on in this respect, and the N>w Jersey Is 5 Pennsylvania, battleship 19 26 Cleveland, sheathed protected cruiser 17 46 Bainbridge, torpedo boat ilestroyer 29 the surface, European 6 Illinois, battleship gunboat Barry, torpedo destroyer still further removed from 17' 27 Unnamed for lake service 47 boat 29 As originally designed, the Holland had standards. It may be of interest to note 7 Wisconsin, battleship 17 28 Stringham, torpedo boat 30 48 Chauncey, torpedo boat destroyer 29 three weapons. One was an expulsion that the Oregon's fighting power, comput- 8 Alabama, battleship 17 29 Goldsborough, torpedo boat 30 49 Dale, torpedo boat destroyer 28 tube of the same type that the ordinary ed on her condition when she fought at 9 Missouri, battleship 18 30 Bailey, torpedo boat 30 50 Decatur, torpedo boat destroyer 28 torpedo boat carries. This delivers th# Hantlago, may be represented by 21H.&56 10 Ohio, battleship Bagley, torpedo torpedo destroyer torpedo without any special violence. Tha foot-tons per minute, which 18 31 boat 28 51 Paul Jones, boat 29 has been In- battleship destroyer Whitehead projectile Is an automobile; or creased by the adoption of smokeless 11 Maine, 18 32 Barney, torpedo boat 28 52 Perry, torpedo boat 29 self-propelling affair, Plunger, torpedo it carries a tiny powder and the installation of six-inch 12 submarine boat 8 33 Blakely, torpedo boat 26 53 Preble, torpedo boat destroyer....: 29 screw and automatic sleeting apparatus, rapid-fire guns in place or her six-inch 13 West Virginia, armored cruiser 22 34 Be I.ong, torpedo boat 26 54 Stewart, torpedo boat destroyer 29 and takes care of itself when one* slow-Are guns, to 319.2JW. This Is far be- 14 Nebraska, armored cruiser 22 35 Nicholson, torpedo boat 26 55 Truxton, torpedo boat destroyer 30 launched. The Holland is planned to car- low the figure for any other ship men- 15 California, armored cruiser 22 36 Blddle, torpedo boat 28 56 Whipple, torpedo bo*t destroyer 30 ry three Whiteheads 12 feet long nnd II tioned by Mr. Koon, but it is only fair 16 Arkansas, monitor 12 37 O'Brien, torpedo boat 26 57 Worden, torpedo boat destroyer 30 Inches in diameter. One would be placad to remark that the bulk of the Orion's Connecticut, monitor In the expulsion tube ready for xervlo», 17 12 38 Shubrick, torpedo boat 26 58 Hopkins, torpedo boat destroyer 29 and others would be battery consists of heavy, slow-firing Florida, monitor 12 the arranged along- guns, capable of great penetration and 18 39 Stockton, torpedo boat 26 59 Hull, torpedo boat destroyer 29 side the tube within the boat. The tuba monitor Lawrence, execution, but not showing up To great 19 Wyoming, 12 40 Thornton, torpedo boat. 26 60 torpedo boat destroyer 30 opens out In front. advantage when it comes to a compari- 20 Albany, shoathed protected cruiser 20 41 Tingey, torpedo boat 26 61 Macdonough, torpedo boat destroyer 30 Beside* the ordinary rudder, a vertical son like the above. In all the ships the 21 Denver, sheathed protected cruiser 17 ?From Leslie's Weekly. plane to direct the boat's course to tha heaviest part of the energy may be trac- right or left, the Holland lias a second on*, ed to the six-inch rapid-fire guns, which extending In a horlxontal plane, nnd in- gtve, in the tended to alter the level. from three to five In Pres- times as heavy a discharge per minute Secretary I.cm*. and Incorporated in several parts of ht» body. Cook died In I heard Peterson say: "I'll be d d If The chief virtue of a submarine torpefo as message to congreiM, tfo the monster pieces heading the lists. ident M< Kfnley's NAVAL TONNAGE OF THE GREAT POWERS. an hour. I kneej down. If I've sol to die I'm going boat Is that she can render herself mors mttlenhlpe, but Includes threw dip Our now armored cruisers* will prove to contains no Joseph I*. Cook, private. Compar.y H, to standing up." Just then they be- completely Invisible than a vessel that cruisers, even larger than the \ gan tiring. pain my be the peem of any afloa't. and could at- armored i i *"n!Sßrf ] Ninth Infantry. Home at Hom.'sburg. I felt a great 1n )'?est, always stays on the surface. She could _ I Ercland. i France Russia. States. 'Jet many Italy. Japan. tack, with a high chance California cla*«. three protected cruisers Bunt- I'u. Two penetrating wounds in lit east and fell over. It seemed that somebody certainly deliver an attack by night with- of sufrees, any Columbia, | j , but the *llg"htly larger than the and j | made by Remington bullets'. Holo-wounda had struck me over the breast with a ball out detection, and It 1* even possible that mos-t powdWul battleship If, a» by Is reportfwi. the armor-belt twelve small gunboats, recommended 5M.83S 296, Ml ' 117.210 j (MM lIJ.SS9 1(8,588 31,971) on neck and logs. Died five days later. tnt. Then 1 henrd yelling nnd firing, and she could do so by day. The latter li is to be ten J*\u25a0 ' i i I Admiral Dewey for service In our new In- \u25a0y r 131.600 44 (WO 6V?16 ' 21.713 1T.203 21.560 N'orval. private, Company closet! my eyes when 1 «aw Brown altogether out question isy lncht*4 It will <> I 1 17.41 I I Edward A. n. that of the with thl'k. at once be seen to yet r 61. IV a sular possession* No action ha* been J. 181.185 125.8*8 11.977 .*39 \u25a0 .189 42.112 51.802 Twelfth Infantry. Heme at Gordon 'lty. had been killed nnd mutilated. I woke up other type of torpedo boat. Count, offer far more formidable resistance to n| ir ' 38.510 #1.063 11.397 13.5W 2.279 ! 23.778 Of taken by congress in the matter. In this 'J, " 8.401 Mo. through right groin, left thigh, again to see the colored soldiers about us. such tiny craft navigate inquisitive shell* than the of the n*w 80.080 43.328 41.300 51.884 12.001 None. 10.280 Shot cannot In rough Interesting to note what f ° light leg.
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