“LEADERSHIP IN CHAOS: ANGELA MERKEL AND EUROCRISIS" A THESIS SUBMITTED TO THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF SOCIAL SCIENCES OF MIDDLE EAST TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY BY ŞUAY NİLHAN AÇIKALIN IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE IN THE DEPARTMENT OF INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS MAY 2015 I hereby declare that all information in this document has been obtained and presented in accordance with academic rules and ethical conduct. I also declare that, as required by these rules and conduct, I have fully cited and referenced all material and results that are not original to this work. Name, Last name : Şuay Nilhan Açıkalın Signature : İİİ ABSTRACT LEADERSHIP in CHAOS: ANGELA MERKEL AND EUROCRISIS Açıkalın, Şuay Nilhan Msc., Department of International Relations Supervisor : Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Bağcı May 2015, 131 pages Leadership has been a questionable phenomenon for centuries. The Eurocrisis triggered debates over leadership within the European Union. This thesis analyzes the Federal Republic of Germany’s Chancellor Angela Merkel’s leadership profile during the Eurocrisis. Throughout this thesis, the Eurocrisis is discussed by use of chaos theory borrowed from physics and understood as a chaotic system. From this perspective, Chancellor Angela Merkel’s leadership profile is going to be analyzed within three time phases during the Eurocrisis period between 2009 and 2013 with four types of leadership. In terms of structure and theoretical perspective, this thesis makes a unique contribution to the prevailing literature. Keywords: Leadership, Chaos Theory,Chaotic Systems, European Union, Euro, Eurocrisis, Angela Merkel, Quiet Leadership, Transformational Leadership, Visionary Leadership, Quantum Leadership İV ÖZ KAOS ORTAMINDA LİDERLİK: ANGELA MERKEL VE EUROKRİZİ Açıkalın, Şuay Nilhan Uluslararası İlişkiler Bölümü Tez Yöneticisi : Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Bağcı Mayıs 2015, 131 sayfa Hem akademik hem de toplumsal çalışmalar anlamında liderlik sadece günümüzün değil yüzyıllardır araştırılan bir kavram olmuştur. Özellikle Avrupa Birliği içerisinde Eurokrizinden sonra liderlik tartışmaları yeniden alevlenmiştir. Bu çalışmada esas olarak Alman Federal Cumhuriyeti Şansölyesi Angela Merkel’in Avro krizindeki liderliği ele alınmıştır. Eurokrizi fizikteki kaos teorisi ile analiz edilmiş, Eurokrizi bir kaotik sistem olarak ele alınmıştır. Kaotik bir sistem olarak Avro krizinde Şansölye Merkel’in liderliği 2009-2013 yılları arasında süreçlere göre üç ana boyutta dört farklı liderlik tipiyle incelenmiştir. Yapısal ve teorik içerik anlamında tez alanyazında tamamen yeni bir örnektir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Liderlik, Kaos Teorisi, Kaotik Sistemler, Avrupa Birliği, Avro, Avro krizi, Angela Merkel, Sessiz Liderlik, Dönüştürücü Liderlik, Vizyoner Liderlik, Kuantum Liderlik V To My Grandmother Mübeccel Erçetin who untimely passed away And To My Mother Prof. Dr. Şefika Şule Erçetin, my hero forever... Vİ ACKNOWLEDGMENT I would like to express my deepest gratitude to my supervisor Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Bağcı for his guidance and encouragement. Prof. Dr. Hüseyin Bağcı enriched my horizon and vision. Through my thesis, I always felt his faith in me. It has always been an honor to be his student. I would like to thank Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dimitris Tsarouhas who has supported my academic and professional life since my undergraduate years. I am always grateful to his contribution to my thesis. Also, I would like to thank Assoc. Prof.Dr. Zuhal Yeşilyurt Gündüz for her beneficiation as a member of the Examining Committee. There is no doubt, I would like to thank Prof. Josef Janning and Stefan Kornelius for sparing their time and partake in key interviews which made a unique contribution to my thesis. I want to thank my father Prof. Dr. Aytaç Açıkalın who supports me in my education life. I am thankful especially to my mother Prof. Dr. Şefika Şule Erçetin, who grafted a passion for academia in my heart and has always been my inspiration. Also, I would like to express my special thanks to my sister Dr.Nihan Potas, she supported and encouraged me with unfailing patience and endless love. There are no words in any language that can describe their meaning in my life. Vİİ TABLE OF CONTENTS PLAGIARISM...........................................................................................................iii ABSTRACT................................................................................................................iv ÖZ................................................................................................................................v DEDICATION............................................................................................................vi ACKNOWLEDGMENTS..........................................................................................vii TABLE OF CONTENTS..........................................................................................viii LIST OF TABLES.......................................................................................................x LIST OF FIGURES....................................................................................................xi LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS....................................................................................xii CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................1 2. LEADERSHIP.......................................................................................................5 2.1. Definitions of Leadership................................................................................5 2.2. Approaches to Leadership.............................................................................10 2.2.1. Characteristic Approaches.................................................................10 2.2.2. Behavioral Approaches......................................................................12 Ohio State Studies.....................................................................12 Michigan Studies.........................................................................13 2.2.3. Situational Approaches......................................................................15 Fiedler’s Theory...........................................................................15 Conceptual Skill Theory..............................................................17 Path Goal Theory.........................................................................18 2.3. Types of Leadership.......................................................................................19 2.4. Leadership in International Relations............................................................26 3. CHAOS THEORY...............................................................................................33 3.1. Complexity Theory and Complex Adaptive Systems....................................33 3.2. Chaos Theory and Chaotic Systems...............................................................36 3.3. Application of Chaos Theory in International Relations...............................40 Vİİİ 3.4. Eurocrisis as a Chaotic Environment.........................................................44 3.4.1. Roots of Crisis: Sensitivity to Initial Conditions.............................................................................................45 3.4.2. Multi-Actors, Non-Linear Relationship and Interdependency in Eurocrisis..............................................................................................52 4. ANGELA MERKEL.........................................................................................52 4.1. A Physicist Girl from East Germany..........................................................58 4.2. An Eastern German Woman in Politics......................................................61 4.3. Angela Merkel as CDU Leader...................................................................63 4.4. Merkel as Chancellor of Germany..............................................................69 4.4.1. Chancellor Merkel in Domestic Politics.........................................69 4.4.2. Chancellor Merkel in Foreign Policy..............................................71 4.5. Gender as a Factor in Merkel’s Leadership................................................75 5. MULTIDIMENTIONAL LEADERSHIP OF ANGELA MERKEL IN EUROCRISIS.............................................................................................78 5.1. First Phase of Eurocrisis: Introverted Chancellor in Crisis.........................83 5.2. Phase Two in Crisis: Transformational and Visionary Chancellor.............85 5.3. Phase Three: Quantum Leadership in Chaos...............................................90 6. CONCLUSION..................................................................................................94 REFERENCES.........................................................................................................99 APPENDICES A. Tez Fotokopi İzin Formu............................................................................112 B. Turkish Summary.......................................................................................113 İX LIST OF TABLES TABLES Table 2.1: Summary of Stogdill’s Grouping of Leadership Characteristics …….. 11 Table 2.2: Most Commonly Observed Traits among Leaders……………………...11 Table 2.3: Four Functional Types of Leadership Based on the Dimensions of Creating Structure and Showing Understanding ………………………..13 Table 2.4: Several
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