Chief Electoral Officer on the Elections of Members to the Council of the Northwest Territories

Chief Electoral Officer on the Elections of Members to the Council of the Northwest Territories

NORTHWEST TERRITORIES REPORT OF THE CHIEF ELECTORAL OFFICER ON THE ELECTIONS OF MEMBERS TO THE COUNCIL OF THE NORTHWEST TERRITORIES I99I PURSUANT TO SECTION 162 OF THE NORTHWEST TERRITORIES ELECTJONS ACT, I988 PUBLISHED BY THE CHIEF ELECTORAL OFFICER OF CANADA TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE PREFACE . ii SUMMARY OF VOTES CAST . iii DETAILS OF THE VOTE BY POLLING DIVISION AND ELECTORAL DISTRICT Aivilik . 1 Amittuq . 2 Baffin Central . 3 Baffin South . 4 Deh Cho . 5 Hay River . 6 High Arctic . 7 Inuvik . 8 lqaluit . 9 Keewatin Central . I 0 Kitikmeot . 11 Kivallivik . 12 Mackenzie Delta . 13 Nahendeh . 14 Natilikmiot . 15 North Slave . 16 Nunakput . 17 Sahtu . 18 Thebacha . 19 Tu Nedhe . 20 Yellowknife Centre . 21 Yellowknife Frame Lake . 22 Yellowknife North . 23 Yellowknife South . 24 ii PREFACE GENERAL ELECTION, 1991 The term of the Legislative Assembly of the Northwest Territories which had been elected in 1987 came to an end on August 29, 1991. Writs ordering a general election were directed to be issued on August 30, 1991, and to be made returnable on November 14, 1991. Nomination day at the general election was Monday, September 16, 1991. Six candidates having been elected by acclamation in the electoral districts of Deh Cho, Hay River, Natilikmiot, Nunakput, Sahtu and Yellowknife South, a poll was held on October 15, 1991 in each of the remaining eighteen electoral districts. The first return was pub­ lished in the Northwest Territories Gazette on October II, 1991 and the last return was published on November 21, 1991. Jean-Pierre Kingsley, Chief Electoral Officer of Canada Ottawa March 30, 1992 iii GENERAL ELECTION, 1991 SUMMARY OF VOTES CAST- BY ELECTORAL DISTRICT Total Votes Total vote as Polling Rejected including Electors percentage of Electoral District ballot on the Stations papers rejected electors on ballot papers list* the list• Aivilik ............................. 5 5 539 629 85.690Jo Amittuq ............................ 9 7 879 1,137 77.310Jo Baffin Central ....................... 6 5 753 1,055 71.370Jo Baffin South ........................ 4 5 626 872 71.790Jo Deh Cho ........................... ACCLAMATION- no poll held Hay River .......................... ACCLAMATION - no poll held High Arctic ......................... 6 1 380 649 58.550Jo Inuvik .............................. 6 5 1,044 1,340 77.91 ilio Iqaluit ............................. 7 15 1,455 1,613 90.200Jo Keewatin Central .................... 4 9 919 994 92.450Jo Kitikmeot ........................... II 8 1,119 1,176 95.150Jo Kivallivik ........................... 6 14 1,085 1,265 85.770Jo Mackenzie Delta ..................... 7 I 734 1,030 71.260Jo Nahendeh .......................... 10 9 975 1,265 77.080Jo Natilikmiot ......................... ACCLAMATION- no poll held North Slave ......................... 8 20 1,035 1,237 83.670Jo Nunakput ............. .. ..... .. ACCLAMATION - no poll held Sahtu ............... ... .. .. .. .. ACCLAMATION - no poll held Thebacha ........................... 6 7 1,160 1,339 86.630Jo Tu Nedhe ........................... 3 0 454 588 77.210Jo Yellowknife Centre .................. 7 6 910 1,747 52.090Jo Yellowknife Frame Lake ............. 8 3 672 1,252 53.670Jo Yellowknife North ................... 12 6 1,329 1,885 70.500Jo Yellowknife South ................... ACCLAMATION - no poll held Totals .............................. 125 126 16,068 21,073 76.250Jo *NOTE A qualified elector may vote even if his or her name is not on the official list of electors, as long as such elector completes an application for registration at the poll. It is therefore possible for the total number of votes cast in any electoral district to exceed the number of names on the official list of electors. Similarly, the column headed "Total vote as percentage of electors on the list" may include eligible electors who were sworn in at the polls; this column should therefore be used only as a rough guide to voter turnout. AIVILIK Returning Officer: Steven Kopak, Repulse Bay, NWT, plant operator Writ dated August 30, 1991 Nomination: September 16, 1991 Election: October 15, 1991 James Arvaluk, Coral Harbour, NWT, unemployed Peter Ernerk, Rankin Inlet, NWT, self-employed Candidates Donat Milortok, Repulse Bay, NWT, unemployed { Tongola Sandy, Rankin Inlet, NWT, unemployed Andre Tautu, Chesterfield Inlet, NWT, fisherman Polling Stations Ballots cast for Total vote Rejected Electors Total as percentage ballot on vote of electors papers list Name No. -"' -"' 0 on list -"' "' ~ ~ ; t:: 0"' c: 0 M-o .,-1: " ~~ -OJ"c: o:-: "' ~ " ;;:l ...,..: 0.."-l" ~ o::E 1-uo"0 ""' ..:?: Repulse Bay I 7 63 81 10 0 0 161 207 77.78"7o Chesterfield Inlet 2 14 21 3 9 93 0 140 165 84.84"/o Coral Harbour 3 159 9 6 37 4 5 220 257 85.60"7o Advance Poll Repulse Bay 0 5 3 I 0 0 9 ... 1.43"7o Advance Poll Coral Harbour 5 2 I l 0 0 9 ... 1.43% Totals 1851 100 94 58 97 5 539 629 85.69"7o Percentage of valid votes 34.64"'• I8.73"'o 17.60"'o !0.861\lo 18.161\lo . 1 ( Peter Ernerk, 85 1 Andre Tautu, 88 Majority for James Arvaluk over j Donat Milortok, 91 { Tongola Sandy, 127 2 AMITTUQ Returning Officer: Solomon Awa, Pond Inlet, NWT, hamlet worker Writ dated August 30, 1991 Nomination: September 16, 1991 Election: October 15, 1991 Titus Allooloo, Pond Inlet, NWT, hunter Candidates Enoki lrqittuq, Hall Beach, NWT, hunter { Lucassi Ivvalu, lgloolik, NWT, land identification director Polling Stations Ballots cast for Total vote Rejected Electors Total as percentage ballot on vote of electors papers list Name No. 0 0 Cf on list ~o ·~ = ·-""~o.-;::"' .,_ .:" =0 c: Cf u "' .... ~ u.l.!:; ...J.:':"" I Pond Inlet ..... ... I 154 12 II 0 177 228 77.63% Pond Inlet 2 106 9 5 0 120 182 65.93"7o lgloolik ............... 3 81 44 60 I 186 246 75.61% lgloolik ... 4a 34 52 73 2 161 202 79.70"7o lgloolik mobile poll .......... 4b 5 3 9 0 17 17 IOO.OO"lo Hall Beach 5 9 95 73 4 181 262 69.08"7o Advance Poll Pond Inlet .......... 19 2 0 0 21 . .. 1.85"7o Advance Poll - lgloolik . ,,,, 2 6 6 0 14 ... 1.23"7o Advance Poll Hall Beach 1 1 0 0 2 ... 0.18"7o Totals 411 224 237 7 879 1,137 77.31"7o Percentage of valid votes 47. 1307o 25.69'1o 27.18'1o ) Lucassi lvvalu, 174 Majority for Titus Allooloo over 1Enoki lrqittuq, 187 3 BAFFIN CENTRAL Returning Officer: Olassie Evic, Pangnirtung, NWT, housewife Writ dated August 30, 199 1 Nomination: September 16, 1991 Election: October 15, 199 1 Peter Iqalukjuak, Clyde River, NWT, businessman lpeelee Kilabuk, Pangnirtung, NWT, hunter Norman Komoartok, Pangnirtung, NWT, carver Myna Maniapik, Pangnirtung, NW T, program officer Rebecca Mike , Pangnirtung, NWT, interpreter/communicator Sam Palituq, Clyde River, NWT, hunter Paul oosie Paniloo, Clyde River, NWT, hunt er Lootie Toomasie , Broughton Island , NWT , mayor Polling Stati ons Ballots cast for T01al \·ore Rejected Electors T01a l as percentage ba ll ot on vore of electors -"' ~ papers li st Name No. u s ~ on list " c :;; ·o. -~ 0 ~ 0" u ~ '"' 0 ~ .:::: " ~ "E ~ ~ 5 ..2 "E t ..2: "".g E c: c: 0 0 0 0 >, "' -" -"' E ~ =·c 0 0 /!. "' z o.o ::;: ::;: ...:f- J: Z - "' ~ ~ en" C.." "-"-"'" Pangnirtung 52 28 23 57 0 17 20 204 301 67.770/o Pangnin ung 35 30 29 69 2 5 15 188 272 69. 120Jo Broughton Isla nd 15 I I 15 15 32 5) 152 219 69 .41"1o Clyde River 14 14 16 49 20 55 10 187 263 71. 10"1o Advance Poll - Pangnirtung 0 0 16 1.52tl7o Advance Poll - Clyde RiYer 0 0 0.570/o Totals 38 10) 88 85 197 29 110 98 753 I ,055 71.37 % Percentage o f va lid voles 5.080/o 13.77111o 11.760'Jo I I .J6"1o 26. 34 "1o 3.88"1o 14 .7 1OJo IJ. IO"'o . Pauloosie Paniloo, 87 lpeelee Kilabuk, 94 Lootie Toomasie, 99 Majority for Rebecca Mike Norman Komoartok, 109 Myna Maniapik, 112 Peter lqalukjuak, 159 Sam Palituq, 168 4 BAFFIN SOUTH Returning Officer: Elisapee Ikkid!uak, Lake Harbour, NWT, homemaker Writ dated August 30, 1991 Nomination: September 16, 1991 Election: October 15, 1991 J. Aragutina, Sanikiluaq, NWT, hamlet employee Joe Arlooktoo, Lake Harbour, NWT, hunter/carver Johnny Cookie, Sanikiluaq, NWT, hamlet foreman Joannie Ikkidluak, Lake Harbour, NWT, carver/hunter Candidates Mikidjuk Kolola, Lake Harbour, NWT, hunter/carver Padluq Melia, Cape Dorset, NWT, carver/hunter Pudloo Mingeriak, Lake Harbour, NWT, mayor Kenoayoak Pudlat, Lake Harbour, NWT, driver Mathew Saveakjuk, Cape Dorset, NWT, hunter/carver Polling Stations Ballots: cast for Total vote as Rejected Electors percentage TO!al ballot pr electors vote Name No. 0 papers !i~t on list .s"' 0 "' ~ .§ ,., 0 ·c; "' cr 5 0 c :;:;""' .2 0 ; :§"' :;:; "' .c "'0 :.;; ~ " " ...; " .g" .g 0 "' < ~ < u = ~ ;,< 0." ~ Cape Dorset 22 84 98 62 279 454 61.450Jn Lake Harbour I 53 3 16 24 21 18 142 !75 81.l411Jo Sanikiluaq 6) 25 80 18 5 2 198 243 8!.48f1Jo Advance Poll - Cape Dorset 0.80tlJo Totals 66 100 84 JJ 24 96 30 119 65 626 872 71.79% Percentage of valid votes / Joe Arlooktoo, 19 . Padluq Melia, 23 Johnny Cookie, 35 Majority for Kenoayoak Pudlat J. Aragutina, 53 over Mathew Saveakjuk, 54 Joannie Ikkidluak, 82 Pudloo Mingeriak, 89 ~ Mikidjuk Kolola, 95 5 DEH CHO Returning Officer: Rosemary Minoza, Fort Providence, ;\1\VT, secretary/treasurer Writ dated August 30, 1991 Nomination: September 16, 1991 ACCLAMATION- Samuel Gargan, Fort Providence, NWT, Director of Program 6 HAY RIVER Returning Officer: Hazel Haight, Hay River, 1\WT, clerk Writ dated August 30, 1991 Nomination: September 16, 1991 ACCLAMATION John D. Pollard, Hay River, NWT, sport fishing lodge operator 7 HIGH ARCTIC Returning Officer: Maureen Doheny, Nanisivik, NWT, adult educator Writ dated August 30, 1991 Nomination: September 16, 1991 Election: October 15, 1991 Larry A.

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