Media Mundus 2013 europe joins forces Media Mundus 2013 MEDIA 1 Mundus Media Mundus 2013 europe joins forces Media Mundus 2013 europe joins forces contents 2 Contents 22 03 crossover 5 Foreword 23 asian side of the doc 7 How Media and Media Mundus support the 24 Berlinale Residency audiovisual industry 25 B’esT - Baltic Bridge east by West 40 Media desks and antennae 26 Boost! 27 Cine sin Fronteras 28 distribution 2.0 29 dOX:LaB 9 01 training 30 Primexchange europe – india 10 aCe Co-production Labs 31 Trans atlantic Partners 11 Cartoon Connection 12 interchange: development & 32 04 circulation & distribution Co-production for the arab World 33 europa Cinemas Mundus 13 into the Future 2013 34 europa distribution international 2013 14 s.e.a. 2013-2014 35 eye on Films 15 Puentes – europe/Latin america 36 Festival scope: Telescope Producers Workshop 37 ipeda Mundus 16 Ties That Bind - asia europe 38 Operation Kino Producers Workshop 39 Ventana sur: echanges europe-amérique Latine 17 02 Market access 18 Centeast Warsaw - Moscou 19 Frontières international Co-production Market for Genre Films Projects connecting north america and europe 20 Producers Lab Toronto 2013 21 World documentary exchange (Wde) note: Fees not only vary from one to another, but do not always cover the same elements. exact terms and con ditions vary, But an indication of when travel, lodging and meals are provided is shown by the following symbols has to be presented in abbreviated form in order to provide a publication that can act as a one-stop shop. 2 Media Mundus 2013 ccess a istribution d raining rossoverirculation Full title oF the Project / coordinating coMPany regional or other Focus t Market c c & aRaB WORLd ^ TorinoFilmLab (Museo nazionale del Cinema - Fondazione Maria adriana Prolo) aCe - ateliers du Cinéma européen asia ^ PRiMeHOuse asia ^ Fondo audiovisivo Friuli asia ^ Venezia Giulia asian side of the doc / doc services asia ^ cartoon connection / Cartoon - european association of animation Film asia/nORTH aMeRiCa ^ animation Workshop - Via university College asia/sOuTH aMeRiCa ^ Festival scope: telescope / Moving scope France ausTRaLia / ^ sOuTH aFRiCa MTÜ Be easTeRn euROPe ^ Warsaw Film Foundation / Warszawska Fundacja Filmowa easTeRn euROPe/CHina ^ operation kino / easTeRn/sOuTHeasTeRn euROPe ^ asociatia pentru Promovarea Filmului Romanesc / Romanian Film Promotion Berlin international Film Festival GLOBaL ^ boost! / Hubert Bals Fund (stichting Filmfestival Rotterdam) GLOBaL ^ doX:lab / CPH:dOX international documentary Film Festival GLOBaL ^ into the Future 2013 / Wajda studio/aTC audiovisual Training Coalition GLOBaL ^ GLOBaL ^ international documentary Film Festival amsterdam (idFa) distribution 2.0 / The Match Factory GLOBaL ^ europa Cinemas GLOBaL ^ europa distribution international 2013 / europa distribution GLOBaL ^ Wide GLOBaL ^ cine sin Fronteras / aRCaLT - LaTin aMeRiCa ^ association Rencontres Cinémas d’amérique latine Toulouse LaTin aMeRiCa ^ eaVe – european audiovisual entrepreneurs Marché du Film - Festival de Cannes LaTin aMeRiCa ^ Frontières international / Vision-in-Motion nORTH aMeRiCa ^ trans atlantic Partners / erich Pommer institut nORTH aMeRiCa ^ ipeda Mundus / independent Paneuropean digital association (iPeda) – europe nORTH aMeRiCa ^ Producers lab toronto 2012 / eFP - european Film Promotion nORTH aMeRiCa/ausTRaLasia ^ Media Mundus 2013 3 4 Media Mundus 2013 ForeWord The digital revolution has opened up exciting possibilities for developing and disseminating innovative audiovisual content. This has led to an unprecedented globalisation of the audio- To make the most of these opportunities, the european union launched the Media Mundus programme in October 2009 to support cooperation between audiovisual professionals in europe and the rest of the world. The foundation for Media Mundus had been laid in 2006 when the audiovisual ministers of the european union, together with the european Commis- Running from 2011-2013 with a global budget of euR 15 million, Media Mundus has ben- cultural and commercial ties and creating new business opportunities. Of the 98 projects supported by Media Mundus between 2011 and 2013, 36 have been training activities, fostering exchange of information and networking between professionals from europe and from all over the world. The other 62 supported projects have contributed to the improvement of access to foreign markets, as well as distribution and circulation of Market events which have received support from Media Mundus range from Filmart in Hong Kong to Ventana sur in argentina, not forgetting Hot docs in Toronto or the Film Bazaar in india, while more than 700 cinemas and 2000 screens from all over the world are now part of europa Cinema Mundus and make a valuable contribution to the promotion of cultural diversity. supported by Media Mundus in 2013. sari vartiainen Head of unit unit P8 – Media Programme Media Mundus 2013 5 6 Russia Norway Canada Luxembourg United Belgium Kingdom Netherlands Germany Ukraine France Japan United States Bulgaria South Spain Portugal Turkey Korea Italy China Bosnia and Herzegovina Mexico Hungary Taiwan Czech Republic India Hong Kong United Arab Emirates Malaysia n ote Singapour : This map shows countries in which there are The reach of M Brasil Media edia M Mundus is much wider. Australia undus 2013 Chile Uruguay South Africa Argentina New Zealand how Media and Media Mundus training Media supports the training and the net- - working of professionals from the audiovisual cally to complement an audiovisual project. script and project development and production; access to Finance distribution and exhibition, new media and new technologies, animation and documentaries. - Media also supports the networking of euro- and completion bonds. reinforcing links with industry and to facilitate the mobility of students and trainers. Media Production guarantee Fund This fund facilitates access to private sources of develoPMent Funding Media supports independent european production of their bank loans. The scheme is implemented by companies in the development of animation, cre- the institut pour le Financement du Cinéma et des industries Culturelles in France (www.ifcic.eu) and for european and international TV and theatrical the sociedad de Garantía recíproca para el sector markets. support is provided for single projects or audiovisual in spain (www.audiovisualsgr.com). Media Mundus 2013 7 suPPort For television broadcasting Festivals This funding encourages independent european every year the Media programme supports audiovisual production companies to produce nearly one hundred festivals in europe notable for their particularly rich and varied programme that involves the participation or cooperation of at least three broadcasters – and preferably the general public and their activities involving more – from several Member states. professionals in large numbers. suPPort For distribution Media Mundus Media supports the circulation of european Launched in 2011, the Media Mundus pro- audiovisual works across Media Programme gramme is a broad international cooperation countries. Financial backing is available as programme for the audiovisual industry to automatic or selective support for distributors, strengthen cultural and commercial relations automatic support for sales agents, support for Video on demand and digital Cinema dis- from other countries. The eu is providing euR 5 tribution (VOd-dCd), and support to cinemas million of funding per year from 2011 to 2013 through the europa Cinemas network. for projects submitted by audiovisual profes- sionals from europe in cooperation with their Pilot Projects counterparts from the rest of the world. Pilot projects ensure that the latest developments - on the information and communication technol- ing and market events for professionals and ogy markets are introduced and taken up by the encourages distribution and circulation of euro- players of the european audiovisual sector. Market access Media supports most major markets and co-pro- duction forums in europe in order to foster the greatest possible diversity and quality of projects and works, as well as the mobility of profes- sionals. Media also provides an umbrella stand, creative euroPe advisory and logistic services for european pro- The Commission’s proposal for a Creative europe fessionals at the european Film Market (Berlin), programme for the period 2014-2020 will bring the MiPTV, MiPCOM and the Marché du Film at the current culture and audiovisual programmes under Festival de Cannes (). a single umbrella with distinct identities. The new programme will consist of three strands: one for Media, one for Culture and a cross-sectoral strand. To learn more about the programme, go to: 8 Media Mundus 2013 01 training Media Mundus 2013 9 training aCE - ateliers du Cinéma Européen 8 rue Mayran – 75009 Paris – France T +33 1 5325 0001 [email protected] and in the region visited, to enlarge their [email protected] [email protected] business opportunities. aCe @aCe_RonanGirre The aCL are a series of project-based workshops welcoming groups of selected experienced pro- - hkiFss/haF HOnG KOnG ing with the economic players in the markets unijapan JaPan visited, i.e. China and Japan. Trainers for each ParticiPants 25 producers: eu - 10; Japan - 5; China - 10 workshop are chosen among key industry play- location ers from the eu and from both asian countries March
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