Eighth Series, Vol. XXVIII; No. 45 Wednesday, May 5, 1987 Vaisakha 15. J 909 (Saka} LOK SABHA DEBATES (English Version) Eighth Session (Eighth Lok Sabha) ( Yol. XXVIII eontain.r NoJ. 41 IO 50) LO.K SABHA SECRETARIAT NEW DELHI Prlr� · R.6, 6.00 CONTENTS [Eighth Senes, Vol. XXVIII, Eighth SeSSion, 198711909 (Saka)J No 45, Tuesday, May 5, 19871Valsakha 15, 1909 (Saka) COLUMNS Oral Answers to Questions • Starred Questions Nos 900, 903, 906, 907 910, 911, 913 and 914 1-39 Wntten Answers to Questions Starred Questions Nos 901,902, 904, 905, 908 909,912.915 and 917 to 919 39-47 Un starred Questions Nos 8946 to 9039, 9041 to 9123 and 9125 to 9158 47-290 Papers laid on the Table 295-301 Matters under Rule 377- 301-307 (I) Demand for alcohol-based Industnes In Azamgarh and Balha districts of Uttar Pradesh Shn Raj Kumar Rat 302 (II) Demand for dams on fivers 'Naar' and 'Paar' for making available drinking water to people of Malegaon, Chadwad and Yevla tehslls of Nastk district In Maharashtra Shn S S Shove 302 (III) Demand for halt of Gomtl Express at Tundla Junction and Stoppage of certain express/ superfast trains at Ftrozabad and Shlkohabad railway stations Shn Ganga Ram 303 The Sign + marked above the name of a Member indicates that the question was actually asked on the floor of the House by that Member (I) (ii) COLUMNS (iv) Demand for financial assistance of As. ten lakhs from the Prime Minister's Rehef Fund to persons affected by the fire In Khahlabad district of U.P. and also construction of houses for them under Indira Awas Yojana Dr. Chandra Shekhar Tnpath. 304 (v) Demand for handing over excavated .dols to concerned religious communities, parttcularly Jain Idols excavated In Hansl (Haryana) and Damoh (Madhya Pradesh) to Jain community. Shn Dal Chander Jain 305 (VI) Demand for connection National Highway No. 12 With National Highway No. 43 from Jabalpur to Ralpur vIa Mandla. Shn M.L. Jhlkram 305 (VII) Demand for looking Into the activities of the Railway Employees Cooperative Group Housing Society, Deihl. Shrt AJlt Kumar Saha 306 (viii) Demand for a centre for UPSC examinations at Gangtok In Slkklm Shnmatl 0 K Bhandari 307 Governors (Emoluments, Allowances and Privileges) Amendment BIII- 307-346 Motion to conslder- Shn V,rdhl Chander Jam 308 Shn C. Janga Reddy 310 Shn Sharad Olghe 315 Shn Dmesh Goswaml 320 Shn P. Namgyal 327 Shn BraJamohan Mohanty 328 Shrt Narayan Choubey 333 (iii) COLUMNS Shri Raj Kumar Rai 335 Shri S.- Buta Singh 337 Clauses 2 and 1 345 Motion to pass- 346 S. Buta Singh 346 Jute Packaging Materials (Compulsory Use in Packing Commodities Bill- ... 346-368 Motion to consider, as passed by Rajya Sabha Shri Ram Niwas Mirdha 346 Shri P. Appalanarasimham 349 Shri Shanti Dhariwal 351 Shri Ram Bahadur Singh 353 Shri Manoj Pandey 357 Shri Indrajit Gupta 361 Discussion Re: Indo-U.S. Aelations- 368-412 Shri Saifuddin Chowdhary 368 Shri B.A. Bhagat 381 Shri B. B. Ramaiah 394 Shri G.S. Swell 398 Shri Syed Shahabuddin 409 LOK SABHA DEBATES 2 Lok Sabha dyeing and printing and various other industries are using firewood on a large scale due to non-availability of coal and Tuesday May 5, 1987/Vaisakha 15, gas or their high cost, and 1909 (Saka) (c) whether it is proposed to open coal- yards in Jodhpur and other parts of Rajas- The Lok Sabha met at Eleven than to provide alternative source of of the Clock. energy, if so. the details thereof? [MR SPEAKER in the Chair] [English] THE MINISTER OF ENERGY AND MIN- ORAL ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS ISTER OF STEEL AND MINES (SHRI VASANT SATHE): (a) to (c). A statement is [English] given below. MR. SPEAKER: Mr. Jain. STATEMENT SHRI VIRDHI CHANDER JAIN: Ques- (a) to (c). The small scale industries in tion Number Nine Zero Zero. Balotara, Pali and Jodhpur In Western Rajas- than have been uSing ttrewood traditionally MR. SPEAKER: How come there is dou- on a large scale as the design of their furnaces ble zero? Only one zero is enough. Why has remained unmOdified. by and large, and multiply it? therefore they have not been able to use coal effectively. The matter regarding the promo- tion (\f the use of coal instead of firewood was [ Translation] taken up by Coal India Limited as far back as 1982. Coal India Limited have already opened Opening of coalyards in Rajasthan stockyards at Kota and Bharatpur and are having comfortable stocks of approximately. *900. SHRI VIRDHI CHANDER JAIN: 11,000 tonnes of coal to the needs of various Will the Minister of ENERGY be pleased to customers. The Government of Rajasthan state: have the.r own coal distribution arrange- ments ,n Jodhpur and otner places in the State. Coal 'ndla Limited have also offered (a) whether Union Government are the,r services to the State Government to aware of indiscriminate felling of trees strengthen their existing network of coal going on in border Thar desert areas of depots being operated by the Rajasthan Western Rajasthan due to inadequate Small Industries Corporation. Depending availability of coal and gas there; upon the requirement of the industries and other consumers, Coal India would be wi1ling (b) whether small scale industries in to supply COAl to more outlets for distribution Balotara, Pali and Jodhpur, engaged in of various types of coal to the consumers. 3 Oral Answers MAY 5,1987 Oral Answers 4 [Translation] ces are required to be modified, they should be compelled to do so. I, therefore, SHRI VIRDHI CHANDER JAIN: Mr. want to know the action being taken to Speaker, Sir, it has been stated in the check indiscriminate ·lse of wood by these reply that arrangements have been made units in the desert areas? for having comfortable stocks of coal in Rajasthan. The question IS that the coal- SHAI VASANT SATHE: Thi~ is an impor- yards opened at Kota and Bharatpur by the tant question. The old furnaces in these Coal India Limited are 1000 miles away printing units can only make use of fire- from Jodhpur. Coal can be used in Bikaner wood. Until the furnaces are modified and diVision as well. It IS a desert area and indis- modernised, coal cannot be used in them. criminate felling of trees is gOing on there. The State Government's should provide May I know the reasons for not opentng a assistance to them for this purpose coalyard at Jodhpur to cater to the through banks. If the furnaces are modi- demand of the people there in spite of the fied, I am prepared to supply coal. I can fact that the Association of Small Scale supply as much coal as you require. So far Industries, which has already applied to as the felli ng of trees is concerned, we alt the Central Government for this purpose, feel like you that every possible effort is prepared to shoulder the responsioility should be made to prevent it. of opening a coalyard there? MA. SPEAKER· Who is sitting there SHAI VASANT SATHE: There are Small resembling Vyasji? Are you yourself there? Scale Industries ASSOCiations in the States (Interruptions) That is why, I had to find duly recognised by the State Govern- out. ments. If they have taken the responsibility of opening a stockyard, I am sure that they SHAI GIRDHARI LAL VYAS: This IS would be able to extend due co-operation. what he was also saying just now whether Prior to this we made efforts to open a the hon. Speaker would be able to recog- coalyard at Jodhpur keeping In view the nise me. I said that it would be good if. I problem being faced by the Association of was not recognised as otherwise my turn (he Small Industries, but the Rajasthan would come. Government informed us that no one was ready to come forward to lift coal and that MA. SPEAKER: I tried my best. ...... ( Inter- is why we could not open a coal yard there. ruptions) For this purpose, a Committee was appointed which submitted its report detailing therein as to what should be done. SHRI GIRDHAAI LAL VYAS: Mr. The hon. Member has stated that some Speaker, Sir, I want to know from the hon. Association of Small Scale Industries is Minister that.. ... ready to shoulder the responsibility of opening a coalyard there. It is good but MR. SPEAKER: Vyasji, Dandavateji there should be a guarantee to the effect wants to ask something. He wants a reply that the small consumers would also be to his question. able to get coal. [English] SHRI VIRDHI CHANDEA JAIN: The PAOF. MADHU DANDAVATE: Why are reply is satisfactory. The small scale indus- you topless today? tries in Balotara, Pali and Jodhpur which are engaged in dyeing and printing are (Interruptions) using firewood on a large scale. Unless the [Translation J design of their furnaces is modified, they will not be able to use coal. I want that they AN HON. MEMBER: He is not topless should make use of coal and if their fuma- but topiless'. 5 Oral Answers VAISAKHA 15,1909 (SAKA) Oral Answers 6 THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MR. SPEAKER: He is after a cap, that is MINISTRY OF FOOD AND CIVIL SUpp- some authority. LIES (SHRI GHULAM NABI AZAD): You people are in the habit of topI uchhalana SHRI V ASANT SATHE: It means a cap is (disgracing in public). required on your head, but it should not happen that.. .... SHRI GIRDHARI LAL VYAS: Mr. Speaker, Sir, there are several industrial SHRI V.
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