Vitamin and Mineral Nutrition Information System (VMNIS) WHO Global Database on Anaemia The database on Anaemia includes data by country on prevalence of anaemia and mean haemoglobin concentration INDIA Last Updated: 2008-01-30 Haemoglobin (g/L) Notes Age Sample Proportion (%) of population with haemoglobin below: Mean SD Method Reference General Line Level Date Region and sample descriptor Sex (years) size 70 100 110 115 120 130 L 2003P Ranga Reddy District: Adolescent girls F 13.00- 15.99 244 83.2 A 4935 * 1 LU 2002 Delhi: SAC: Total B 6.00- 11.99 3930.5 66.4 A 3828 * Delhi: SAC by sex F 6.00- 11.99 204 70.5 107 13 Delhi: SAC by sex M 6.00- 11.99 189 61.9 109 12 L 2002 Mumbai: PW F NS 1110 31.3 NS 4700 * 2 L 2001 -2002 North Karnataka: Gulbarga: SAC B 6.00- 10.99 7166.6 60.8 D 3786 * DR 2000P Tamil Nadu: Vellore District: Adolescents: Total F 13.00- 19.99 288 A 2834 * 3 Tamil Nadu: Vellore District: Adolescents by age F 13.00- 14.99 86 116 15 4 Tamil Nadu: Vellore District: Adolescents by age F 15.00- 16.99 101 115 14 5 Tamil Nadu: Vellore District: Adolescents by age F 17.00- 19.99 101 115 16 6 S 2000 Orissa, Andra Pradesh: Pre-SAC: Total B 1.00- 4.07 6274.6 71.6 B 284 * 7 Orissa, Andra Pradesh: Pre-SAC by sex F 1.00- 4.07 293 74.7 8 Orissa, Andra Pradesh: Pre-SAC by sex M 1.00- 4.07 334 68.9 9 Orissa, Andra Pradesh: Pre-SAC by age B 1.00- 1.99 207 85.5 10 Orissa, Andra Pradesh: Pre-SAC by age B 2.00- 4.07 411 65.7 11 Pre-SAC by state: Orissa B 1.00- 4.07 3232.5 67.5 103 14 12 Pre-SAC by state: Andra Pradesh B 1.00- 4.07 3046.9 76.0 97 17 13 S 2000 Tripura: Women: Total F 15.00- 49.99 1030 1.4 B 3780a * 14 Tripura: Children: Total B 0.50- 2.99 2054.2 61.8 15 Tripura: Women by physiological status: NPNLW F 15.00- 49.99 751 59.0 Tripura: Women by physiological status: PW F 15.00- 49.99 64 53.6 Tripura: Women by physiological status: LW F 15.00- 49.99 215 60.7 Tripura: Women by age F 15.00- 19.99 73 16 Tripura: Women by age F 20.00- 24.99 168 17 Tripura: Women by age F 25.00- 29.99 208 18 Tripura: Women by age F 30.00- 34.99 198 19 Tripura: Women by age F 35.00- 49.99 382 20 Tripura: Children by sex F 0.50- 2.99 100 64.9 Tripura: Children by sex M 0.50- 2.99 105 58.8 Tripura: Children by age B 0.50- 0.99 37 76.4 21 © WHO Global Database on Anaemia Vitamin and Mineral Nutrition Information System (VMNIS) WHO Global Database on Anaemia The database on Anaemia includes data by country on prevalence of anaemia and mean haemoglobin concentration INDIA Last Updated: 2008-01-30 Haemoglobin (g/L) Notes Age Sample Proportion (%) of population with haemoglobin below: Mean SD Method Reference General Line Level Date Region and sample descriptor Sex (years) size 70 100 110 115 120 130 S 2000 Tripura: Children by age B 1.00- 1.99 78 68.4 B 3780a Tripura: Children by age B 2.00- 2.99 89 49.9 L 2000P Ludhiana: Female college students F 18.00- 23.99 150 62.0 113 A 4838 * 22 L 2000 Kolkata City: NPNLW: Total F 15.00- 42.99 243 89.3 D 5083 * Kolkata City: NPNLW by ethnicity: Munda F 15.00- 42.99 1057.6 100.0 93 23 Kolkata City: NPNLW by ethnicity: Pod F 15.00- 42.99 1382.9 81.2 106 24 DR 1999 -2000 Uttaranchal: Udham Singh Nagar District: adolescen F 12.00- 19.99 1510.0 45.7 B 3787 * 25 S 1999 Orissa: Women: Total F 15.00- 49.99 4282 1.6 B 2587 * 26 Orissa: Children: Total B 0.50- 2.99 11322.9 72.3 27 Orissa: Women by physiological status: NPNLW F 15.00- 49.99 28871.8 62.6 Orissa: Women by physiological status: PW F 15.00- 49.99 2970.7 60.5 Orissa: Women by physiological status: LW F 15.00- 49.99 10981.1 64.9 Orissa: Women by age F 15.00- 19.99 291 2.3 28 Orissa: Women by age F 20.00- 24.99 784 1.0 29 Orissa: Women by age F 25.00- 29.99 902 1.4 30 Orissa: Women by age F 30.00- 34.99 795 0.9 31 Orissa: Women by age F 35.00- 49.99 1510 2.2 32 Orissa: Women by area: Urban F 15.00- 49.99 473 1.6 33 Orissa: Women by area: Rural F 15.00- 49.99 3809 1.6 34 Orissa: Children by sex F 0.50- 2.99 5272.7 71.7 Orissa: Children by sex M 0.50- 2.99 6053.0 72.8 Orissa: Children by age B 0.50- 0.99 2532.3 79.6 Orissa: Children by age B 1.00- 1.99 4393.1 73.5 Orissa: Children by age B 2.00- 2.99 4413.0 66.9 Orissa: Children by area: Urban B 0.50- 2.99 1192.4 68.3 Orissa: Children by area: Rural B 0.50- 2.99 10132.9 72.7 S 1999 Delhi: Women: Total F 15.00- 49.99 2197 1.3 B 3772 * 35 Delhi: Children: Total B 0.50- 2.99 5593.9 69.0 36 Delhi: Women by physiological status: NPNLW F 15.00- 49.99 16531.2 38.8 Delhi: Women by physiological status: PW F 15.00- 49.99 1400.7 34.7 Delhi: Women by physiological status: LW F 15.00- 49.99 4052.0 49.1 © WHO Global Database on Anaemia Vitamin and Mineral Nutrition Information System (VMNIS) WHO Global Database on Anaemia The database on Anaemia includes data by country on prevalence of anaemia and mean haemoglobin concentration INDIA Last Updated: 2008-01-30 Haemoglobin (g/L) Notes Age Sample Proportion (%) of population with haemoglobin below: Mean SD Method Reference General Line Level Date Region and sample descriptor Sex (years) size 70 100 110 115 120 130 S 1999 Delhi: Women by age F 15.00- 19.99 53 0.0 B 3772 37 Delhi: Women by age F 20.00- 24.99 342 1.7 38 Delhi: Women by age F 25.00- 29.99 460 1.7 39 Delhi: Women by age F 30.00- 34.99 430 0.9 40 Delhi: Women by age F 35.00- 49.99 912 1.2 41 Delhi: Women by area: Urban F 15.00- 49.99 2024 1.3 42 Delhi: Women by area: Rural F 15.00- 49.99 173 1.1 43 Delhi: Children by sex F 0.50- 2.99 2432.0 67.4 Delhi: Children by sex M 0.50- 2.99 3165.4 70.3 Delhi: Children by age B 0.50- 0.99 1132.8 72.9 Delhi: Children by age B 1.00- 1.99 2235.8 74.1 Delhi: Children by age B 2.00- 2.99 2222.7 62.0 Delhi: Children by area: Urban B 0.50- 2.99 5034.0 69.1 Delhi: Children by area: Rural B 0.50- 2.99 563.6 68.0 S 1999 Assam: Women: Total F 15.00- 49.99 2896 0.9 B 3773 * 44 Assam: Children: Total B 0.50- 2.99 5980.0 63.2 45 Assam: Women by physiological status: NPNLW F 15.00- 49.99 19940.6 70.1 Assam: Women by physiological status: PW F 15.00- 49.99 2173.5 62.3 Assam: Women by physiological status: LW F 15.00- 49.99 6851.0 70.8 Assam: Women by age F 15.00- 19.99 266 0.0 46 Assam: Women by age F 20.00- 24.99 506 2.2 47 Assam: Women by age F 25.00- 29.99 559 0.5 48 Assam: Women by age F 30.00- 34.99 574 1.4 49 Assam: Women by age F 35.00- 49.99 991 0.5 50 Assam: Women by area: Urban F 15.00- 49.99 247 0.8 51 Assam: Women by area: Rural F 15.00- 49.99 2649 0.9 52 Assam: Children by sex F 0.50- 2.99 2680.0 65.8 Assam: Children by sex M 0.50- 2.99 3290.0 61.1 Assam: Children by age B 0.50- 0.99 1170.0 69.6 Assam: Children by age B 1.00- 1.99 2470.0 59.1 Assam: Children by age B 2.00- 2.99 2330.0 64.2 Assam: Children by area: Urban B 0.50- 2.99 300.0 52.3 Assam: Children by area: Rural B 0.50- 2.99 5670.0 63.8 S 1999 Goa: Women: Total F 15.00- 49.99 1198 1.0 B 3774 * 53 © WHO Global Database on Anaemia Vitamin and Mineral Nutrition Information System (VMNIS) WHO Global Database on Anaemia The database on Anaemia includes data by country on prevalence of anaemia and mean haemoglobin concentration INDIA Last Updated: 2008-01-30 Haemoglobin (g/L) Notes Age Sample Proportion (%) of population with haemoglobin below: Mean SD Method Reference General Line Level Date Region and sample descriptor Sex (years) size 70 100 110 115 120 130 S 1999 Goa: Children: Total B 0.50- 2.99 2522.0 53.4 B 3774 54 Goa: Women by physiological status: NPNLW F 15.00- 49.99 9361.2 37.6 Goa: Women by physiological status: PW F 15.00- 49.99 711.4 35.0 Goa: Women by physiological status: LW F 15.00- 49.99 1920.0 30.9 Goa: Women by age F 20.00- 24.99 104 0.9 55 Goa: Women by age F 25.00- 29.99 227 0.9 56 Goa: Women by age F 30.00- 34.99 231 0.4 57 Goa: Women by age F 35.00- 49.99 616 1.1 58 Goa: Women by area: Urban F 15.00- 49.99 499 0.4 59 Goa: Women by area: Rural F 15.00- 49.99 699 1.4 60 Goa: Children by sex F 0.50- 2.99 1091.8 48.1 Goa: Children by sex M 0.50- 2.99 1432.1 57.4 Goa: Children by age B 0.50- 0.99 510.0 68.0 Goa: Children by age B 1.00- 1.99 1131.7 61.0 Goa: Children by age B 2.00- 2.99 883.5 35.0 Goa: Children by area: Urban B 0.50- 2.99 922.2 50.7 Goa: Children by area: Rural B 0.50- 2.99 1611.9 54.9 S 1999 Himachal Pradesh: Women: Total F 15.00- 49.99 2958 0.7 B 3775 * 61 Himachal Pradesh: Children: Total B 0.50- 2.99 7032.2 69.9 62 Himachal Pradesh: Women by physiological status: F 15.00- 49.99 22580.6 39.5 Himachal Pradesh: Women by physiological status: F 15.00- 49.99 1760.7 31.8 Himachal Pradesh: Women by physiological status: F 15.00- 49.99 5241.0 47.6 Himachal Pradesh: Women by age F 15.00- 19.99 63 0.6 63 Himachal Pradesh: Women by age F 20.00- 24.99 484 0.5 64 Himachal Pradesh: Women by age F 25.00- 29.99 621 0.8 65 Himachal Pradesh: Women by age F 30.00- 34.99 561 0.2 66 Himachal Pradesh: Women by age F 35.00- 49.99 1229 0.9 67 Himachal Pradesh: Women by area: Urban F 15.00- 49.99 268 0.7 68 Himachal Pradesh: Women by area: Rural F 15.00- 49.99 2690 0.7 69 Himachal Pradesh: Children by sex F 0.50- 2.99 3031.5 68.8 Himachal Pradesh: Children by sex M 0.50- 2.99 4012.8 70.8 Himachal Pradesh: Children by age B 0.50- 0.99 1702.6 71.1 Himachal Pradesh: Children by age B 1.00- 1.99 2793.2 71.3 Himachal Pradesh: Children by age B 2.00- 2.99 2541.0 67.7 Himachal Pradesh: Children by area: Urban B 0.50- 2.99 573.5 66.0 © WHO Global Database on Anaemia Vitamin and Mineral Nutrition Information System (VMNIS) WHO Global Database on Anaemia The database on Anaemia includes data by country on prevalence of anaemia and mean haemoglobin concentration INDIA Last Updated: 2008-01-30 Haemoglobin (g/L) Notes
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