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Let Us Demonstrate MUNTZ TV Homefonile!

LON8 BEACH (CALIF.) PRESS-TELEGRAM B—7 WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1951 "WE FIT THEM ALL" RADIO and TELEVISION PROGRAM LISTINGS KTSL Channel 2 KECA Channel 7 379 More Casualties KNBH Channel 4 EHJ Channel 9 ^SLACKS KTLA Channel 5 KTTV Channel 11 WASHINGTON, Oct. 3. (ffl The ICLAC KFI KMPC KECA KHJ KFWB KNX KFOX KFAC KGER KVOE KLAC Channel 13 Defense Department today identi- For 57? MO 710 79* 930 980 1070 1280 1330 1370 1480 fied 379 more combat casualties TELE-TIPS — TONIGHT in Korea. A new list (No. 411) Men & Women reported 41 hilled, 319 wounded, Individually INFORMATIVE 10-.15-KHJ (9)—Film, "South of seven missing in action and 12 pro«r«n» «r« frei» by «• bremleartorfc O 6:30-HXAC (13)—Clete Roberts Panama" injured in battle zone accidents. CUSTOM World Report VAKIETY DIAL LITES- TONIGHT LOOKING AND LISTENING v 7:15-KTLA (5)—Hollywood Reel 8:30-KHJ (9)—Teen Age Trials S:45-KTTV (11)—Dude Martin TAILORED 9:00-KECA—Mr. President Show WEATHER r DTMMA StOO-KBCA— Mark Tran 9:S<HSS1—Big Story 6:30-KTSL (2)—The Web, "Cus- 9:00-KTSL (2)—Arthur Godfrey FORECAST 9:00-KNX— Mr. Chameleon VARIETY Dizzy Dean Kicks Off TV toms of the Country" and His Friends J— International Airport 7:30-KFI—Meredith Willson's 1C:SO-KNBH (4)—Freddy Martin 1:30-KTLA (5)—Jungle Adven- QUIZ Direct From DRAMA Music Room ture S:WMKFI— Texas Bangers 8:30-KTSIV (2)—Bachelor's Haven U.S. Weather Bureau 7 :30-KECA— Mystery Theater 9:30-KECA—Club Can Do 3:30-KECA (7)—Charlie Wild, 10.-00-KNBH (4)—Break the 11:15-KHJ—Crowell's Nest Show of Series at 9:30 8:30-XNX— Dr. Christian Private Detective Bank -5:25 P. M.- MON. thru FRI. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 3. 1751 By TOM E. DANSON WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 3, If51 e 9:15 P. M. 8 A.N. HOLLYWOOD—With the open- KNBH, channel. 4 and KHJ-TV, 1 P. M. ] 7:15 P. M. 11:15 P. M. "" KGER " S P. M. KFl-Bemnd Headline! KLAC-News, Sports, KMPC-Tin Pan Alley KLAC-JMewa, Stocks ing game of the World Series set channel 9. KTLA (SK'Sarong I KTLA (S)-HoIlywood KTSL (2)-Peter Potter I* A. Todis KHJ-Fulton Lewis KECA-Breaklast Club Girl" ! Reel KTTV (ID-Club 11 XFl-b'eatura wlr* K.UKB-Jtred Mcuesky KJTWB-KMPC-News for tomorrow, here are the facts Local radio outlets will be MBS KNBH (4)-Chef Milani KECA (7)-Fjlm.. (11:20) KMFC-Newa, Business, KECA (7)-Cowboy 7:30 P. M. 'i sports 9:30 P. M- KGKK-lllzpab station KHJ. "Prison Shadows" KEOA-Mark Trail KFOX-Tabernacle Bene- on reception both on radio and Theater KLAC (13)-Tlieater: KHJ-KVOB-BoDoy Benson KFI-BIg Story diction When CBS carried Monday's KHJ . (9)-Movic: "Bashful Bachelor" 11:30 P. M. SEE THE KFWB-Kau Kow« Haacno KMPC-Dance Time KHJ-CecIl Brown television: "Bombs Over Burma" KNBH (4)-Roberta KTLA (5)-t'inal Edition 'XNX-Bd K. Murrow KHJ-KVOB-internationsJ KNX-Ralph Storv Game Thursday: Television- Ebbets Field game to 42 stations KTTV (Il)-Billle Burke Quinlan KfAC-screnadc Airport KFAC-Music KLAC (13J-A1 Jarvis KHJ (9)-Fishing Pals 11:45 P. M. KFOX-Mlssl KECA-Club Can Do Si 30 a. m. (Pst) Dizzy Dean pre- outside New York City, using the KFWB-Halr Raising Tale 8:15 A. M. 4:30 f. M. KTLA (5)-Juns!e Ad- KTTV (ID-Midnight KNX-Beulan view to NBC-TV coast to coast. microwave radio relay system to venture: Martin & Movies: "Manhattan KGEE-Brown Schools KFl-Jonnny Murray KTSL (2)-N. T. G. Johnson Shakedown" 5:15 P. M. KLAC-Baynes Radio and Television — 9:45 the Pacific coast, It was estimat- KNBH (4)-Paul Pierce KMPOi*nesom» Gal KMFC-Markets. Sports KTTV (11)-Matinee. 7:45 P. M. KFOX-Fred Delano, Sports 9:45 P. M. KFWB-Bill Leyden TOMORROW KNX-KHJ-News (Pst). First game from Yankee ed that 7,500,000 persons saw the Jack Rourka KTSL (2)-Bill Byrnes KGBR-World News, KECA-Latln Quarter Or. OCTOBER 4, 1951 Weather (5:25) KMX-Cluo 13 KFOX-Prlson Missionary Stadium, New York, MBS radio game via CBS, another 3,500,000 5 P. M. KNBH (4)-News KECA-VictorBorge (5:25) KFWB-News KVOE-News KHJ (9)-News (7:55) KUAC (13)- KFI-N«W» and NBC-Tv; radio also going to via the New York telecast by KTSL (2)-Ghost Eider KNX-Tom aarroon 10 P. M. 8:30 A. M, KNBH (4)-Kukla, Fran, 8 ». M. 9:00 a. rn.-Joe Graydon Canada and short wave to Latin 11:OU a. m.-Mike Roy KFI-KIne's Row. America and overseas to armed WOR-TV. Ollia KTSL (2)-News. Doug 5:30 t. M. KlAONews, JJUBlc KMl'c-K. Mulhuilar.d KBCA (7)-Foreman Edwards 12:30-A1 Jarvis KFI-Reporter The broadcast, arranged at the 2:UO-Matinee KMPO-Dance Time KHJ-BIble Institute forces radio service, total 750 Phillips KNBH (4)-Kate Smith KHjSi$OE-Clyde Beatty KHJ-i Love Jdysttry KiNX-Gracd Slam stations; television coast to coast last minute, gave CBS a beat on KTLA (5)-Playcra£ters KTLA-Frosty 3:00-Film KMPOStais ui Sons KLAC-KFAC-News KTTV (ID-Classified Frolics 4:30-AI Jarvis KFWB-G. Morman KGER-Chlna's Voice on 56 stations in 52 cities. KFI-Casa Cugat KNX-1U o'ClorH Wire the first coast-to-coast baseball Column KECA (7)-Slop Music KTTV (11)- KKCA-Cnet Huntley KECA-Hank Weaver KFOX-Words of Life Local television outlets will be KHJ (9)-Film: XOBR-Oosptl Friends KFAC-Muslo, cmsBioaas telecast. 5:15 P. M. 2:30-Serenade "Checkmate" 2;40-News KWX-Canoll Alcott KGBR-Day Is Uone 8:45 A. M. And'yesterday, when NBC'won KHJ (9)-Comedy Time KVOE-Dlse 'n' Chat .'{LAC-RacInc out in the battle of networks for 8:15 P. M. 2:45-Come Into Kitchen KFAC-Viennese VarietitB KFI-Days Garroway KTTV (ID-Range Hider 3:4o-Ronni<> & Rennie 10:15 P. M. KFAC-Unity carrying the remainder of the KLAC (13)-HitciV. Post: KTSL (2)-Perry Como 4:00-Billy Burke 5:45 t. U. KECA-Dr. Balles KNX-Rosemary "Clearing the Range" 8:30 P. M. 4:30-Matinee: Jack KFI-Passing Parade KGKR-Eiblc playoff it was estimated that the KMPC—Top Tunes KFWB-News 5:30 P. M. KTSL (S)-Bachelor's Rourko KFOX-Hlsbcastei KHJ-Frank Edwards listening-viewing audience was Haven KHJ (9)- KCT-£taaer ±*etersoa KNX-Alcott-H a rm on 9 A. M. KNBH <4;-Howdy even greater than the opening Doody KECA (7)-Charlie Wild, 8:35-Film: "Making of ,._J4«°ljS?ac5:S5) 10:30 P. M. KLAC-News. Haynes day. KTLA (S)-Cowboy Private Detective a Yankefi" KNX-Frank Ooss KECA-Ted Malone KFI-Co£fee Time Thrills 9:16-World Series, Pre- KHJ-Answer Man NBC was beaten to the wire on 8:45 P. M. view .XLAC-Sam BalUr KSI-Llonel Barrymore KECA-VIc Llndlanr the first coast-to-coast baseball KHJ (9)-TV University JKHJ-LunCBOme Gal KNX-Wendy Warren KTTV (ID-Dude Martin 9:45-WorId Series t P. M. KGER-Muslc KFWB-Xocam Hollow telecast by the Columbia Broad- 6 P. M. 9 P. M. 2:00-News, suspects KFOX-Mews: -rime Out KNX-Phllip Norman KFAC-Music casting System which carried KTSL (2)-Reserve 2:15-Film: "Teaming KIT-Texas Kansers KGER-Lutheran KNBH U>-Komedy KTSL (2)-Godfrey and o£ the Wild" KSGA-Hank Weaver 10:45 P. M. KFOX-Relislous Monday's opener. NBC also came Friends 3:30-Mama Weiss KVOE-Muslc Klub KMPO-W. Wesoltt KECA-Dream Harbor up with a sponsor to foot the bill KHJ (9)-News KNBH (4)-Wrestling 4:00-Filrn: "Caught in KFWB-6 O'clock Edition, KFI-Repeat Performance 9:15 A. M. KECA (7)-Film the Act" SuAU-Mews. ivi Jarvio KNX-This I Believe for the nationwide teelcast of the KTTV (ID-News KTLA (5)-Fllm KNX-Bed, Skelton .(10:55) KECA-Chet Huntley dramatic Dodger-Giant struggle 6:15 P. M. "Blonde for a Day" KNBH (•!;- KFAC-Ktcblnsi* in Buvor KFOX-Home Missionary 9:30-Dizzy Dean KOBB-Soul Clinlo 11 P. M. KHJ-Tello Test at the Polo Grounds for the right KTTV -(H)-Kay Mul- 9:30 P. M. KHJ-KVOB-Gabrtel KNX-Aunt Jenny vey's Open House 9:45-World Series KFl-Hews to meet the New York Yankees KECA (7)-Film: 12:00-Miss Susan ^leatter KLAC-HU51C 9:30 A. M. KLAC (13)-Willie 6:15 P. M. KHJ-News in the World Series starting to< Wonderful "Riders of the Purple 12:30-Bill Goodwin KLAC-Al Jarvis Sage" l:00-Kate Smith KMPC-BoO Kellev KFQX-Red Barn KMFC-Cnel Milani morrow. The network also has KECA-Elmer Davis KMPC-Dance Time 6:25 P. M. KHJ (9)-Teen-Age 2:00-Food for Thought KFWB-G. Gorman KHJ-News 1 TV right to the World Series. Trials Betty Hoyt S'OX-Jimmis Dolan KNX-Newa, Sports Ki'I-LadlM Day KHJ (9)-Fllra: KHJ-KVOB-Kewat«el KECA—Break the Bank. "Blazing Guns" 9:45 P. M. 2:30-Monty Margetts KBCA-Pannell Or, KMX-Helen Trent 3:00-Chef Milani let us 6:30 P. M. KGER-Spl ritual: 6:30 P. M. KTTV (ID-Amateur KFAC-"Crossroaris" KGER-Rellslous Incidentally, most every one Boxing 4:00-Cowbov Theater KFI-Halls ol Ivy KFOX-Gospel Friends on the TV air keeps talking KTSL (2)-The Web: 4:00-Film: "Redhead" XH]-Answer Man 11:15 P.

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