Stalin Stages New Frame-up 732 In Teachers Union War Moves Take Anti-War Stand FDR Offers Trotsky Nails Last Surviving NEW YORK.—A referendum Speeded Up on affiliation to the American Meager Sop Fresh Attack Old Bolsheviks league for Peace and Democracy in Teachers Union, Local 5, re­ sulted in victory for affiliation by a vote of 1,955 to 732. The To Jobless On His Asylum Facing Death By Roosevelt vote was preceded by an intens­ ive campaign by the majority group, favoring affiliation, and Bukharin, Rykov, Rakovsky, and Eighteen Others Prepare To Knit Latin by the Independents, who are op­ Hundreds of Thousands Answers Toledano’s Move Tried on New Frame-up Charges of American States In posed. Will Starve As War Known GPU Agent The oppositional vote of 27 To Gag Him As New Treason and Murder War Alliance percent, was the largest ever pol­ Budget Mounts Trial Opens led against the leadership since Goes To Mexico A favorable report by the the present administration took The miserly proportions of the On F ebruary 23, 1938, the C. Fears that definite plans BUKHARIN WAS ALLY OF STALIN House Military Affairs Com­ control of the union. It showed financial provisions made by the T. M. (Mexican trade union are on foot to assassinate mittee on the notorious May Bill,, the considerable growth in in­ Roosevelt administration for re­ federation dominated by a Sta­ Leon Trotsky were heightened revised version of the Sheppard- fluence that the Independent lief of mounting unemployment, BULLETIN linist clique under the leader­ this week with receipt of word H ill Bill, and preparations on the group has enjoyed and also re­ as compared with the inflated ship of Lombardo Toledano and that Georges Fournial, a Nikolai Krestinsky, former first vice-commissar of Foreign floor of the House for speedy flected a growing and increas­ war budgets which Congress is Hernan Laborde, secretary of known agent of Stalin’s G1*U, Affairs, ripped the Stalin frame-up fabric wide open at the openr passage of the huge special ingly intelligent appreciation of being asked to vote, have been the Mexican Communist Party) has arrived in Mexico City, Naval Appropriations, last week the real nature of “collective brought into prominence by the ing session of the Trial of 21 on Mar. 2, by repudiating hid without any previous discus­ ostensibly as delegate of the brought the Roosevelt war pro­ security” — the issue around $250,000,000 deficiency relief ap­ sion adopted a resolution at­ International of Educational "confession" that he had engaged in espionage at the direct gram to new heights. Overwhelm­ which £he referendum campaign propriation recommended by tacking Leon Trotsky and re­ Workers, one of those vague orders of Leon Trotsky. ing endorsement by Congress of was fought. Roosevelt for the remainder of peating all the slanders concoct­ paper organizations which the Naval Appropriations was The Independents waged their the fiscal year ending June 30. To an astounded court, Krestinsky declared: “ I am not guilty!' ed by Stalin against the lead­ serve the Kremlin Borgia as freely predicted for the near fight against affiliation, not on According to an estimate made I nevef was a s p y !” ers of the October Revolution a cover for his international future, with the authorized sum the basis of futile pacifist isola­ by the administration, this de­ NIKOLAI BUKHARIN —slanders which were comp­ plotting s. When .Judge V. V. Ulrich reminded him that he had “con­ in all probability going far be­ tionism but upon a program of ficiency appropriation, if passed, letely exploded and branded as Fournial's arrival at the yond the $800,000,000 originally militant workers’ action against will enable the Wi.P.A. to em­ fessed," Krestinsky repeated: “ I am not guilty!" sheer frame-up by the impart­ place of Trotsky’s asylum fol­ projected. the capitalist war-makers. In the. ploy an additional 2,500,000 ial Commission of Inquiry un­ lowed revelation in last week’s Thousands of telegrams from course of the struggle the Inde­ people between now and the end der the leadership of Dr. John “ Socialist Appeal" that a man With the customary suddenness that characterized all American Legion posts and other pendents also won a remarkable of the fiscal year. GPU TRIES TO Dewey. The following is the named Rossi, alias Rous, the jingo organizations were pouring measure of union democracy from the previous frame-up trials, Moscow announced at the text of Comrade Trotsky’s re­ into Washington demanding an administration that had to “ Revolutionary" Criticism actual murderer of Ignnce end of last week its plans to open up the latest of its ply to this infamous resolution. Reiss in Switzerland last year, passage of the Sheppard-Hill learn that it could not so easily frightful travesties on justice, this time involving the The Stalinist-controlled Nation­ — Ed. had been assigned the job of FRAME CHINESE May Bill. In its present form railroad its policies through. lives of 21 men, headed by such prominent architects of al Executive Committee of the murdering Trotsky. Among this measure provides for uni­ By Leon Trotsky the Russian Revolution as Alexis Rykov, Lenin’s successor Workers Alliance, has taken is­ Rossi’s belongings were found versal conscription (draft) of all as Chairman of the Council of People’s Commissars, Niko­ sue with Aubrey Williams, assist­ COYOACAN, D.F., Feb. 24.— a map of Mexico City and male citizens between thd ages BO LSHEVIK S lai Bukharin, former chairman of the Communist Interna­ a n t W ..P .A . a d m in istra to r, on Mr. Lombardo Toledano and his suburbs, a map of Mexico, a of 21 and 31, a proposal unpre­ this figure and has declared that clique, after lengthy and assidu­ tional who, together with Rykov and Stalin, formed the cedented in American peace-time WPA Rolls Used number of American addresses, the appropriation is sufficient to ous preparation, have made a and, most important of all, a ruling trio in Russia from 1925 to 1929, and Christian h isto ry. Chinese Comrades Spike give employment to an additional malicious attempt to deceive pub­ duplicate of Rossi’s applica­ Rakovsky, first head of the Ukrainian Soviet Republic* M ilitary Dictatorship 2,900,000 people, or 400,000 more lic opinion in this country. The tion for a visa to visit Mexico. Stalinist Charges Henrik Yagoda, until recently the head of the G.P.U. who For Recruiting than the official estimate. “material” on which they based Against Them organized the two big trials against Zinoviev-Kamenev Along with the draft section is By this they intend to convey themselves at the February Con­ in 1936 and ftadek-Pyatakov in 1937, is also included: included blanket authorization the idea that Williams is just vention of the Confederation of and his kind by several heads. Charges Go Back to 1921! for a one hundred percent m ilit­ Into U.S. Army holding out on the unemployed. Trade Unions . of Mexico (C.T. The Commission, point by point, Tying in closely with the in­ ary dictatorship not merely for This is in line with their general M .) does not represent anything refuted all the accusations of Ya- ternational campaign being con­ The accusations against the 21, who have been sen­ the time of the war, but as long policy of directing their “revolu­ new: it is the material of Ya- goda, Yezhov, Vyshinsky, Stalin, ducted by the Stalinists against tenced in advance by the Stalinist machine, exceed by far as the “emergency" might last. Military, Relief Agencies tionary” criticism, not against goda, Yezhov, Vyshinsky. It is and their international lackeys. the revolutionists gathered under anything that has yet been witnessed. The defendants are A legal basis is given for the the capitalist system and its po­ the material of Stalin. On the The twenty-first paragraph of the the banner, of the Fourth Inter­ not only charged with the murder of Kirov, but with hav­ definition on all forms of labor Cooperate To Put litical administration as a whole, basis of this material thousands verdict states: “ We find the Pro­ national, a violent lynch drive, ing assassinated Maxim Gorky, V. Kuibyshev, and V. K., and trade-union activity as treas­ Men In Uniform but against the “ bad" capitalists, of people have been shot. Their secutor fantastically falsified with provocation and slander as Mcnzhinsky, ex-chief of the G.P.U. on. the “ economic royalists,” and the only ,guilt was that they detested Trotsky’s role before, during, and its instruments, is being waged As if this were not sufficiently fantastic, the announce­ The impact of the current "bad" administrators in Wash­ the dictatorship of the Kremlin after the October revolution." It against the Communist League The Roosevelt Administration ment of the trial includes the charge that Leon Trotsky crisis in European affairs served ington. As the twentieth-century clique and felt contempt for its is exactly this "fantastic falsifi­ of China (Bolshevik-Leninists) has been a spy of one foreign power since 1921 and of to bring out the fundamental plans to use relief agencies as a exponents of reformism they out­ lawyer and lackeys. The "ma­ cation" which, lies at the root of according to reports reaching channel for recruiting for the here from our comrades in another one since 1926, and that Bukharin, Trotsky and’ identity of “collective security" do all the reformists of the clas­ terial” which Lombardo Toledano the slanders of Mr. Toledano and others conspired as early as 1918, that is, immediately and “isolation.” Prime Minister next war.
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